"Disgusting." Erina answered.

"But..." Soma tried defending his meal but was silenced by the princess who already turned her back to him and was about to walk away.

"If it's really disgusting why did you have to take three bites to come to the conclusion?" Soma yelled after the blonde chef.

"Because... I don't need to explain myself to you." Erina answered hiding her liking to his meal as she walked away.

Soma pulled out a notebook and crossed out something in it with a curious looking grin.

"Soma-kun, what's that notebook for?" Megumi asked the redhead.

"Ahh, nothing, just some experiment." Soma answered with a now devilish grin before turning back to his ingredients.

He experiment for the next few hours, asking the other Polar Star dormitory residents for opinions every once in a while.

This went on for a few days until he was finally finished with his formula, he smiled at his creation and called for the blonde princess to attend his cooking.

"Why did you call me here? I already told you that your cooking is disgusting four times this month." Erina told Soma from the door.

"Mistakes and losses exist so we can improve by learning from them." Soma replied with a smile.

"Yea, that's what losers say." Erina retorted with an annoyed face.

Soma started making his new meal, unfazed by Erina's rude comment, not like that was anything he wasn't used to.

Half an hour later he opened the oven releasing an incredibly powerful smell, as much as Erina refused to admit it, that smell was just beautiful.

She could get used to this if it was coming from a meal that belonged to someone else, but there's no way that would be the case with this redhead in front of her.

Soma served her his new meal, coated in multiple juices. The tender looking meat called to the blonde, aching for her.

The smell was driving her crazy, her look focused on the meal in front of her. Drool almost escaping her mouth due to this mind blowing product that her arch-nemesis created.

First bite she took was like heaven, she imagined herself on a cloud, floating above the flower field, the angelic atmosphere surrounded her as the cute cupids flew around her.

Another bite quickly followed, the food melting under her tongue releasing the flavors unknown to men, the flavors only Gods enjoyed.

The juice spreading through her mouth like a flood, feeling of fulfilment running through her body.

One bite after the other, Erina indulged herself in this beautiful meal, her mind filled with passion, the redheaded cook infused the meal with.

She felt as if she was going to lose her mind due to all these flavors that simultaneously attack her tongue.

She moaned as her hand held onto the kitchen counter, the beautiful meal clouding her mind completely.

"Is this what heaven feels like?" She moaned as she enjoyed the meal Yukihira Soma made for her.

She completely forgot who made it, not caring anymore, she was lost in ecstasy.

Her feet gave out under the immense pleasure, feeling lightheaded she collapsed.

Luckily the redheaded chef prevented her impact with the floor as he caught her in his arms.

Her hands reached for his shirt as he held her, she pulled him to her as she turned her body towards his.

Erina's face buried in his shirt, as she felt the pleasure overcome her. Plate now stood on the counter completely empty.

Coming to her senses Erina opened one of her eyes and noticed a black shirt, a hand under her knee, another hand supporting her neck.

It reminded her of the times she would fall asleep on the couch while reading manga and her grandfather would carry her to her bedroom.

This feeling quickly vanished as she looked up and noticed the grinning idiot who always teased her.

Why was he carrying her? What happened? Questions appeared in her mind.

"Oh, you're awake." Soma whispered with a genuine smile.

'What's he being so happy about? What happened?' Erina thought to herself as her memory slowly came back to her.

'Is this what heaven feels like? Did I really say that?' She blushed as the thought crossed her mind.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Soma whispered as he carried her up the stairs.

'Well, I might've enjoyed it a bit, but it wasn't delicious or anything, average at best.' She thought as she pouted at the redheaded chef.

"I always knew that you were cute when you pouted, but your face when you're sleeping is just breathtaking." Soma said with a smile, noticing her pout after his last comment.

Her cheeks now flashed in bright red like Christmas decorations, 'Cute?' she questioned her hearing mentally, 'If he thinks that I'm cute, why does he always tease me?'

Soma carried for another few minutes in silence while the blonde blushed at both his words and her pwn thoughts.

"You're surprisingly silent, by now I'd get all sorts of insults for these comments if I said them any other time. I guess this is one of those one of a kind moments." Soma smiled and opened the door to Erina's room.

Her flushed cheeks almost illuminated the dark room, luckily Soma turned the lights on in time, otherwise he's notice how red she was, Erina thought to herself clueless about the eyes that peeked every once in a while at her face.

Right when he was about to lower her on her bed, her hands gripped onto his shirt tightly like they were clinging onto life itself. She tugged at his shirt, wanting to remain in his arms for a bit longer at least.

Not letting go of the beautiful moment they shared, he sat down on the bed while still holding the blonde princess in his arms. He smiled at her just as he raised her head after noticing his actions.

'He realized, he wants it to last more.' Erina thought to herself as she buried her face in his shirt once more. 'He really is an idiot, going through so much trouble for me.'

"To think that the same mean girl who failed me at the entrance exam would be in arms now... Truly unbelievable." Soma whispered as he gently patted her head with his other hand that was under knees moments ago.

"And on top of that, she's the cutest thing I've ever seen." Soma added with a smile as the blonde tugged on his shirt once more.

'Idiot, stop talking!' she cursed mentally as she blushed under his touch. "Why do you always tease me like this? If you want something, be more straight-forward." Erina whispered to the redhead still buried in his chest like a kitten.

"Straight-forward?" Soma teasingly said as he lifted her chin with his left hand, her fingers touching her chin, her face facing his. Inches away from his lips, her cheeks lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Straight-forward." She whispered with a moan as she saw his lips closing their distance to hers.

Soma smiled before connecting his lips with Erina's. Her body numb completely as their lips connected, her lips finally felt his, every worry vanished, everything around them vanished.

It was only the two of them, in their own world. His right hand on her flushed cheek and his left hand under her neck, supporting their kiss. Erina's right hand tightly gripping his black shirt while her left arm wrapped itself around his neck.

Her arms holding onto him, as if preventing him from leaving her. It was just like in those shameful mangas. The princess held onto her knight as she relaxed in his embrace.

It was like a dream, it was perfect. 'This damn idiot, how is he so romantic.' Erina thought to herself as she enjoyed his display of affection. Their lips pressed against each other, not letting go of the company the other one provided.

Minutes passed like nothing, each of them wanting the moment to last forever, moaning under each other as their lips pressed together. She parted from his lips for a second, "Just what did you put in my meal?" she whispered through moans.

"Love." Soma replied with a smile as he panted from their long kiss. "Idiot" Erina quickly retorted before hiding her blush in his shirt once again leaving the redheaded chef smiling at her cuteness.

"Can I get another kiss?" Soma whispered as he stroked her hair gently. "No!" The blonde turned her blushing face towards him once more.

Ignoring her reply he kissed her again, capturing the opportunity she provided. Her lips captured by Soma once again, but no, she didn't protest. She relaxed in under his touch once more.

"I hate you..." Erina muttered when their lips parted minutes later.

"I love you too." Soma replied before leaving a peck on her cute nose.