Last chapter, now go and look up 'Daughter of Fire and Tiger' if you want to keep reading the continuation of 'Heart of Fire' series! XD it goes into 'New Prophecy arc' so go and take a read! XD also review!


Light paws padded through lush grass as a silver-gray-and-black tabby she-cat expertly made her way to a specific destination in mind. Her tail stood stood proudly behind her and bright blue eyes blinked kindly to anyone who passed by. But it was mostly silent as she moved away from her family, for she had somewhere in mind to be.

She wasn't at all surprised however as she saw the back of a black-and-white warrior, his back turned to her as he gazed intensely into a pool of water that mist out around the edges. She silently approached, and the young warrior didn't even stir as she took a seat next to him.

"She still blames herself," the cat meowed, not bothering with introductions. The she-cat looked sorrowful at him, but she did not give her comfort, knowing he would never accept her kindness or pity.

"With time she will heal," she said instead, glancing down at who he was looking at. The dark ginger ThunderClan apprentice sat alone outside the ThunderClan apprentices den, her amber eyes peeking over folded paws that her head currently rested upon. She looked miserable.

"It's been half a moon already!" the warrior said through a frustrated hiss. "Why can't she get it through her head that it wasn't her fault!"

"Swifttail, we all blame ourselves for things that we think we can prevent. Some take longer than others, she is young, and inexperienced for this matter. She'll come around."

"With time." Swifttail mocked, tail lashing behind him. The silver tabby wanted to cuff the younger over the ears but was distracted by a long-haired gray tom, who padded up to speak to the apprentice. The silver tabby instantly softened towards him.

"At least she has friends and kin to rely on." she murmured, blinking down upon the scene. The dark ginger she-cat raised her head towards the gray tom, who bent down to talk quietly to her, before she nodded her head and pulled herself up. Following after him as they disappeared in the direction of the gorse tunnel.

"But for how long?" Swifttail meowed, his amber eyes turning towards the silver tabby. " You know what's going to happen. I know what's going to happen. She doesn't, and I fear she won't be able to handle it."

"Have more faith in your former apprentice." She hissed back, her blue eyes narrowing on Swifttail.

"I know, but still...I wish I could be down there with her instead of being stuck up here." Swifttail admitted quietly, and the silver tabby could not hold onto her anger anymore.

"I wish the same thing, but it wasn't in my destiny. But I am proud to have given life to those important to me before I joined the ranks of StarClan...even if it takes their entire life in order to meet me." she added on wishfully.

"You'll see Stormpaw and Featherpaw again someday, just like I'll see Spottedpaw," Swifttail assured gruffly, showing a sliver of kindness towards her.

"But not yet," she meowed. "I have something else I must do before I can ever meet my kits. I have to fulfill a promise and debit towards someone who has done for me then I can possibly repay."

"I know, Silverstream," Swifttail meowed, his eyes turning towards her own. "I know all too well."

Both cats relapse into silence. Both having a duty to fulfil before they could ever rest peacefully in StarClan.


Daughter of Fire and Tiger is out! And how did you like the epilog? What in StarClan name's was this entire chapter about? Wait and see in the next series!