"Where are you Christmas?"

Disclaimer: I do not own or make any money off of this!

December 25

Magic. That's what it had to be as Toshinori thought as he walked over to his friends standing at the side of the tree. Everything seemed….perfect from the way the stars glittered in the sky to the chill in the air to the warmth he felt in his soul. Everything seemed just right. Even as he was glomped by Hizashi all he could do was laugh.

"So some has started to have fun already." Smelling only a hint of liquor.

"It wasn't that much. But I do have a bit to share." He pulled out a flask from his jacket shoving it into the large hands.

"No thanks."

"Oooo. You're no fun!"

Looking around, another happy sigh left him seeing many of his co-workers. Midnight and Blood King trying their best not start a snowball fight, even though Blood King was already with a snowball. But his smile left him as there was no sign of Shouta.

"He's running late." Had he been that obvious? "He called and said he was on his way. Had to finish wrapping his secret Santa gift. When Shouta gets here, we can trade gifts." Hizashi taking another swing from his flask.

Even though he his disappoint showed, Toshinori tried to hang on to the feeling of Izuku's arms wrapped around him. The boy really was magic. Everything he did brought out the best in him.

"What are you smiling about?"

Crap. He really needed a better poker face like Shouta. "Just thinking about Izuku."

"Yeah. That kid really loves you. Saw that hug."

"I know. It's weird. Every time he does that, it feels like my heart grown three sizes."

"Let that not be true." The pair turned to see a very bundled up Shouta walking towards them, hands stuffed in his pockets. "You can not afford to have any more health issues. And an enlarged heart is nothing to laugh at." The slight twinkle in his eye showed otherwise.

Had it really been 3 days since he last saw the man? It felt so much longer. But perhaps after their last bout at the restaurant, Shouta needed a little break. "Shouta, my friend, where have you been?"


"You know him!" Blood King wrapping an arm around each of them. "The colder it gets, the less likely he is to leave his sleeping bag! Honestly, I'm surprised its not with you!"

"Shut up you, morons! They are about to light the tree!" Midnight growled not wanting the boys to ruin this magical moment.

"Don't know what she's getting all upset over. Our voices aren't going to affect the tree being lit." A snow ball to the head did shut him up.

As the power clicked on, electricity shot throw the wires illuminating every blub on the tree bringing it to a wondrous glow. Little bubbles of light shown through out the tree making it seem like was enchanted. Unlike many of the other trees in the area that were adorned with the new LED blubs, this tree had the old fashioned looking ones.

"It really is magical, isn't it?" Hizashi closed his eyes as a tradition he created when he was little. At ever tree lighting, you make a wish hoping that the magic of this moment would make it come true. Opening them for a brief moment he eyed Shouta, whose were closed as well.

"Well! Let's get this started!" Leave it to Blood King to ruin the moment.

It was the moment of truth. Shuota calmed his breath as he fingered the small rectangular box in his coat pocket. No this is foolish. Completely and utterly foolish. Did he really want Toshinori to laugh at him? The others would laugh. Or at least Blood King. Hizashi and Midnight might swoon. Toshnori on the other hand…would probably take the gift say thank you and be done with it. He wouldn't laugh at him. It's not in his nature to be cruel. Shouta couldn't. Not here.

"Give me! Give me!" Shouta tried to keep his mind blank and just let the events wash over him as he and Toshinori handed Hizashi his gifts. In the end he a new belt for him while Toshinori picked a tasteful winter scarf decorated with music notes.

After the over dramatic thank you s, Shouta, getting Toshinori's attention, motioned discreetly to the trees in the distances.

Thankfully, the others were far too busy with their own gift unwrapping to notice their exit. Or so they thought.

Hizashi was all smiles as he watched them try to sneak away. "Ok, Hizashi, spill it." Midnight crept up behind him. "What was the principal reaming you out about this time? I know it had to do with the secret Santa."

"Oh. It was nothing."

"Nothing my ass. What did you do?"

"I only made it so certain people picked certain people."

"You rigged the Secret Santa?! What? Were all the names yours?"

"Oh, no. Nothing like that. It's just some times fate needs a little helping hand."

"Wha-" Then she noticed who was missing. "I can't believe you. If this doesn't work-"

"Oh! It will work. Trust me."

Wow…Seeing the tree all lit up always filled Izuku with warmth no matter how cold it was. He could stand there and look at that tree forever. This time of year was his favorite. Even the worst of enemies seemed to respect the season and harassing ebbed to almost nothingness. It was a time to be thankful and hope for the best in the upcoming year. Even as he aged, Izuku did his best not to let the joy fade away. Every other month people walked around not hearing the laughter or the music but he was going to be dammed if people wouldn't hear it today.

"Izuku! Over here!" Iida waved him over to his group.

Must have been standing there longer than I thought. "Sorry I'm late."

"Well, you can't be early every time." Kirishima lifted the guy up with a huge hug. "Sorry about what happened it the mall." He whispered.

For the past week, Izuku did his best not to think about the moment. "It's not a big deal. Don't worry about it." The last thing he wanted was for his friends to become melancholy over a little misunderstanding. It wasn't like Kacchan would ever find out.

Speaking of Kacchan…There he was bundled up in a black winter coat, heavy snow boots, wearing his normal antagonistic and disgruntled expression. The cheery wrapped gift under his arm completely contrasting with the whole picture.

"Hi-" His words died in his mouth as red eye narrowed. He had made it all of five minutes before, he somehow, managed to piss Kacchan off. Think positive. It's Christmas after all. At least Kacchan hadn't called him names yet.

"Let's get this party started! The tree is lit, it's past 12, it's Christmas! It came all the same. Regardless of some people and their terrible attitudes. Come here, Izuku!" Kirishima placed as funny looking red and white stripped headband with a long candy cane looking stick coming from the middle with something hanging from the end.

His green eyes widened spotting the bunch of green leaves with clusters of tiny white berries. "Thanks, Kirishima but-" To late. He was in his grasp and a nice wet kiss placed on his check.

"See, not so bad. Ok, so who's next?" An explosion boomed right where the hat used to be. Little ashes fell like snow as the poor mistletoe hat was no more.

The appropriate response to an extremely irate Katsuki would be to run or at the very least be in fear for you life. That's logical. Kirishima is anything but logical. Maybe it was his quirk or maybe his lack of brains but he just smiled the whole time Katsuki raged on. "If you wanted the hat, you could have said something." Grinning the whole time.

"I think veins are popping out of his neck."

Not good! Not good! "Hey guys, it's Christmas. Let's not fight." Izuku thinking fast. Handed Iida his gift. "I wanted to make something practical." He said as he watched Iida open the gift. "It's made of neoprene so it should last longer and it floats so you're good if they ever fall off in the water."

"What a thoughtful present. Thank you." Iida's tall form eclipsed Izuku in a hug. Hugs were nice. Especially when they were filled with love.

Katsuki's outburst forgotten, everyone else exchanged their gifts. The delighted sound of children was like music in the night air. Everyone laughing, hugging and Kirishima, who may or may not have found some liquor, was even singing.

This is the best Christmas ever. Even though Izuku did not receive any gift. He never needed one. Everything had been perfect. The dinner and cake he shared with his mother and his hero, the beautiful tree, to his friends' joyful revelry.

A gloved hand grasped his pulling him away from his friend. A moment of fear gripped him before he turned to gaze at Kacchan. Perhaps then his fear should have increased. But even though Kacchan still looked as disgruntled as always, the murderous aura had dissipated.

He knew better than to ask where they were going. It wasn't like he was going to get an answer anyway. A dark part of his mind tried to warn him of the possible danger of being dragged into the woods by someone who was usually less than kind to him. But still, he felt no danger. For all of Kacchan's faults, he was still a good person deep down.

"This is far enough." Red eyes glared puzzled by the lack of reaction. "You didn't even ask where we were going. Why?"

It had to be the time of year. That was the only explanation. Any other time, he would have asked. "I trust you. You are not a bad person, Kacchan. I don't think, even after all you have done, that you are."

"Maybe I should have gotten you an appointment with a shrink. If you haven't figured it out, I picked your name."

Izuku could always blame it on the cold later as his cheeks turned red. "You didn't need to get me anything. Even if you did get my name."

"You really like this time of year, don't you?"

"Did you know that people used to celebrate the winter solstice even before Christmas? It's the shortest day of the year. They would have feasts, give presents and have fun because they knew soon the days would start to get longer again."

"I don't see what this has to do with anything."

"Even though everything looks dead, it's not. It's just waiting to start over. It was like the winter solstice was the end and the beginning of something new. It gives the world a chance to change. Now that Christmas falls at this time of year, I think it's been amplified." It was nerdy, he knew but it was the truth. Every winter his life was rearranged and his world changed.

"You've changed."


Taking a deep breath, Kacchan started. "You've changed. Not in a bad way but you've changed. Not sure if it's age or what. Or maybe I changed and I didn't notice it until now."


Wordlessly, a small rectangular box, about the size of a book, was extended to him. Not shoved or forced like he might have expected but carefully left in the air, waiting to be received. Gingerly, taking care as if it was the most precious thing on the earth, Izuku took the box and began to unwrap in.

From the corner of his eye, Izuku watched Kacchan's expression. Complete peace and perhaps a bit of uncertainty filled his face. Maybe since they were alone, he could let his mask slip.

Inside, laid a metal picture a three oval slots. The first oval contained a picture from their youth. The two of them, no older than 5, hugging and smiling. Underneath it inscribed "Past". The second oval held a snapshot from the Sports Festival, even bandaged Izuku's smile was contagious. Beneath it said "Present". The third, however, was empty. "Future" pressed into the metal.

A lump caught in his throat, Izuku couldn't speak for a moment. He had never thought of Kacchan capable of such a sincere gesture. A tear leaked out overwhelmed by the emotions. "Kacchan, thank you."

"In five years, I want to a picture there of us." Snow crunched under his boots as Kacchan walked up to Izuku pushing him against a tree. "I do not know what the future holds but it is for us to write." Pulling out a sprig of mistletoe from his pocket, he held the green foliage over their heads. "I think this means I get a kiss."

Before Kacchan out lean in, Izuku's arms were around him, pulling him close. Their lips smashing together. Picture frame and mistletoe like were forgotten as each took the other in their arms.

Reluctantly, they were forced to pull away, the white fog of their breath coating each other's face. "I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me"

"You will try, at least, Kacchan. I don't expect this to be everyday."

"Yeah. I'm not the jolly type. More like Bah, humbug."

Izuku didn't even dignify it with a responds as he pulled Kacchan back to him.

Unbeknownst to the pair in the woods, many eyes were feasting upon them.

"Man, look at them go!"

"Should we stop them before they like get frostbite in their junk?"

"I'm stopping them if Katsuki touches him in a no-no spot!"

"A no-no spot? How old are you?"

"Does anyone else feel bad about spying on them?"

"If I felt bad, I wouldn't have my phone out."

"Ok, I'm cold and those two at least have each other keep them warm. Let's head back."

The groups silently retreated without the couple being the wiser.

This is stupid. Shouta thought as he led his friend deeper into the woods. It's never going to work. He will laugh.

"So where exactly are we going? Toshinori asked looking around at the dense winter foliage of the evergreen trees.

His friend might be the trusting type but even he had some suspicions. "There is no true destination. I just wanted to get away from everyone else."

"So why exactly do we need to be away from them?"

"Gift-giving is not something I like to do in public."

Toshinori could understand that. Shouta had always been the secretive type. Gift-giving was no exception in his mind. "So I take it you were my secret Santa? Is that why you've been following me around all month?" The thought that Shouta was only around to know about a good gift was like a knife in his chest. This past month had been one of the happiest he could remember. Each day he looked forward to seeing his friend.

"At the start of this I asked if I could give a gift card. But that was not the point of this. Part of the whole experience he said was to get to know each other. As you know I've spent most of my life avoiding people. Very few have been able to break through my walls. Only two in recent memory. Hizashi is one of them."

"And the other?"

Shouta just stared at Toshinori. No words were spoken but still the look in his eyes made the blood rush to Toshinori's face. Swallowing a bit of blood that came up he tried to speak but he could not break the spell he was now under.

"I'm not good at giving gifts. Too much effort but this time, I thought it was worth it." Bringing out the small rectangular box from his coat pocket he handed it over to Toshinori.

He eyed the box. It was small, no bigger than a credit card. Wrapped in shiny green and red wrapping paper, he brought the box to his ear and shook it. A light jingle echoed in his ear.

"The point of a gift is to open it."

His heart raced as he pulled back the pretty paper revealing a plain-looking box. The type of cheap box on gets at the dollar store. Whatever was inside, while not expensive, took a lot of thought. Taking a deep breath, he lifted the lid. Looking inside he was more puzzled than when he started to unwrap. Inside lying at the bottom of the box was a key. A normal sized key. Not the type used for small padlocks but for a door to a house.

Picking up the silver key, he looked it over once more. "I don't understand." His blue eyes trying to find anything unusual about it.

"What does it look like to you?"

"It looks like a regular key. So what's it to?"

"We live very lonely lives. You and I. We each must face the world but we do not have to do it alone. This key is to my place. You may use it whenever you feel like it or don't use it at all"

"Why? Why this? You could have gotten me anything."

"I didn't know what to get you. But there was always something about you that fascinated me. At first I thought it was your overblown personality, that you thought you were better than others. But that was only my delusion and loneliness. Over the past month I found you to be more human then I could have ever imagined. Hizashi joked about how much I thought of you and everyday when I would go out with you, he'd ask how my date went. I didn't understand it. Not until a few days ago when you asked about him and I. And when I asked about you and Inko. Thought of you with her…."

Toshnori was speechless. Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined those feelings. Don't' let the magic slip away. That's what she said. That's what this was. The feeling of complete wonder and disbelief. Your heart racing as the world becomes bright and new. Keep it in your heart. "So what are we now?" He didn't want to break the spell but he knew come morning it might. The holidays always seemed to do that to people. One minute they love you, the next it's the cold shoulder.

"I'm not sure what you'd call it. So whatever the word is, I'd like to give it a try. I understand if this is too sudden or if you are not interested."

"I just never thought-no-I'd like to give it a try."

Suddenly a bunch of snow splattered on Shouta's head. The white fluff mixing with his dark hair. Shimmying deeper into his scarves, he scolded Toshinori. "It's not funny!" He shivered.

Trying to hold in his laughter, he brushed the snow off of his head. He couldn't understand why it was so funny. But as close as they were, their breath mingling, they leaned in a little closer. The cold, chapped lips meeting for the briefest of moments.

"I think that was our first kiss." Toshinori looked away, face flush from the cold and embarrassment. He needed to look anywhere but at Shouta. It was then he noticed dangling from the branch the deposited the snow was a sprig of mistletoe.

"Hoe did that get there?" Pointing to the out of place plant. "I'm sure it wasn't there when we arrived."

The hair's on the back of Shouta neck bristled and not from the cold. People always said he was like a cat. Could pick a rat out a mile away and always had this creepy habit of being able to sneak up on people. Of course, most were alluding to is aloof nature but in that farce, he was able to discern little hints of mischief.


"Huh? Are you alright?"

Dark eyes pin pointed as they pored over the forest for anything that might be him. A bit of blond hair, that annoying jacket, the smell of liquor, anything! Steadying his breath, he expanded his senses, taking in all the forest had to offer. Rejecting the presence next to him proved more difficult than at first anticipated. His heart was not completely in the hunt. Half wanted back to the man standing next to him. That little part rememinding him that as annoying as Hizashi was, he was harmless. But no! This man must be found. He dared to encroach on this magical moment.

THERE! Flinging his straps, he trapped a receding ankle pulling it into the clearing. "Hey? What's the big idea?" Hizashi had the gall to be offended. How could he be offended? He was the one intruding!

"Hizashi." Toshinori needed to stay quiet but of course the man would not. "What are you doing here?"

Hizashi was never known for this poker face. "Oh you know. I thought it would be a good time to go for a walk. It's lovely weather after all."

"Hizashi…" Blood shot eyes widened as he caught sight of the small device in his hand. "You were recoding us." Between Toshinori's bewildered expression and the splatter of blood projected from the mouth, an almost primal instinct took over Shouta. Whatever, one may call what they were now, Toshinori was his to protect from harm and ridicule. "You…"

"Oh, come on guys! No harm done. It's not like we were going to splash it across the news or anything!" Hizashi's hand flew to this mouth as he backed away.

"We?" Toshinori's tan skin paled to match the surrounding snow.

"Who did you send those pictures to?" Back hunched ready to attack.

"Just Midnight and Blood King! Now comes on guys! Relax!" Feet turned ready to make a run for his life. "Wait! Don't you want your gift? I got you Shouta." Quickly he handed over the present.

Eyeing it like it might be a bomb, he briefly thought of throwing it back in Hizashi's face. Maybe if Toshinori wasn't there, he might. But he needed to look like a civilized person in front of him. "What the fuck is this!?" He screamed regarding the contents of the box.

"Let me see." More blood shot out of his mouth upon seeing the box filled with condoms and lube.

"Oh, come on! Don't give me that look. Now they will be put to good use! Hey maybe next time I can get you guys some bondage gear or maybe a swing!" At some point in his life, Hizashi should have learned when to shout up. Sadly, it was too late for that regret.

"I knew you should have gotten him a gag!"

"A gag? How about some rope? Tying him to a tree till morning sounds like a good idea to me."

"Belts and scarves will work just fine!"

Hizashi's mad dash for his life and dignity did nothing to stop his persistent pursuers. Even his screams for help did not garner any sort of attention as the only other occupants of the forest were too busy enjoying each other's company and the prospect of a bright new future.

This was such a rush job! Here's what happened! I'm sitting at the holiday breakfast on Friday and "Where are you Christmas" starts to play. Instantly, I picture Shouta and Toshinori talking/confessing in the snow. Came home and started to write this! I am not adding the lyrics to this song because just reading them will not to it any justice. I highly recommend you listening to those three songs. They are the best and truly capture the feeling of the season.

Izuku, I hope you enjoyed this fic because Power Play will be updated this week and you will not be smiling at all!

I do plan on redoing this fic next December and if there is anything you think I should add or whatnot please review to tell me. But flames will keep me warm through the winter.

To everyone around the world. I hope love, peace and happiness find you not only at this time of year but all year round.

Till next time. Write on and live the write life!