Christmas special

A sequel to my valentines special with the same characters.

Touma Kamijou ran through the streets.

He was going to be late. His girlfriend was going to be pissed. And all because of his roommate.

Now, he wouldn't blame Index too much. She did help him during bad situations and was a smart girl. She knew a lot about magic...but sometimes!

Tonight he told her that he didn't have time and yet she needed something so bad that she...

"There you are!"

Touma stopped in his tracks. He held his right hand out to stop an electric beam from hitting him. People all looked in confusion as the electricity stopped.

Right under a big christmas tree, a tree so high that he wondered how the citizens build that thing, there was a certain electrifying girl. She was holding her hands on her hips and looking annoyed at him. Her brownish hair was barely reaching her shoulders as she wiped it back with a 'hmpf'.

Touma calmly walked towards her.

"Biri-biri, I was just ten minutes late...and it isn't even my fault!" He told her.

Mikoto Misaka, the railgun, looked annoyed with him. "You're still late! On christmas eve! On our special date! What the hell?!"

"Sorry, sorry...but hey, I bought you a present!" Said Touma.

He pulled a small purple box from his pocket and handed it over. Mikoto looked at him with confusion. She stared at the box in her hands for a few minutes.

"Open it." Whispered Touma.

Mikoto gently opened it up. She gasped. It was a small bracelet with little gekota heads. A pink one, red one, green one...even a golden one.

"Whoa..." Mikoto put it onto her wrist. She held her arm up and looked at it with a smile. "It looks good, huh?"

"Y-yeah." Touma looked away. Damn. He spend a big part of his money on that present. "I hope you have a present for me..."

"A present?" Mikoto smiled from ear to ear. "I do have one..." She grabbed something from her pocket. It was a small black box which looked very expensive.

Touma took it, opened it up and his mouth fell open.

A watch, no, a rolex! He carefully put it around his wrist.

"I-I didn't knew what you would like..." Stuttered Mikoto with a red head. "So I just bought something that men like...I think. I mean, do they like watches? I can't buy something explicit, then my mom would be worried if she saw that on my card. And we just started dating since last years valentines, so I-"

He suddenly put his hands onto her shoulders and pulled her in for a kiss.

The purple box that Mikoto held fell onto the ground. She could feel her heart skip a beat when their lips met. Touma wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her even deeper into the kiss.

After a few minutes he parted away from her with a smile. Mikoto blushed too. She could feel a smile onto her face though, and covered it up with one hand while looking away to the side.

"It is nice." Said Touma. "But the only thing I want for christmas is you..."

Mikoto looked back at him. She pulled her hand away and started to giggle a little. Touma's eyes widened and he blushed at her cute face.

"Geez, that was very cheesy! Too cheesy, even for you, Touma!"

"H-hey! I tried to be romantic!" Said Touma.

"Yeah, yeah, you and romance..." Mikoto took a deep sigh. She looked very happy. "Anyway, let's go! I have a whole route planned for tonight! And because we're late we already missed the first event!"


"But the next event is at the karaoke-bar!" Said Mikoto happily. She grabbed his arm tightly and giggled a little again.

"Karaoke? But I can't sing!" Said Touma.

"Too bad!"

Touma sighed in defeat. He started to walk with Mikoto grasping his arm. Some old people looked at them with awe. Touma ignored their gazes and looked down at Mikoto.

He was really lucky for once.
