Author's Note: Hello once again my dear readers, as I had stated in my first Supernatural story Wings of the Angels, here is my second one. Starry Eyed Angel is completely my own work this time though; which is the only difference from the first. I have take great proud in creating this piece... though I fear many of you will become angry with me with a few things that I have written for this story's plot. However I do sincerely hope that it will not stop you from enjoying this story.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Supernatural.

Please leave a review after reading to inform me of any errors or simply to leave a compliment... or a suggestion for a sequel if I have not stated about making one at the end of the story. Thank you, please enjoy! :) :)

Chapter One: Dean Winchester

A cacophony of chatter filled the auditorium as students seniors and school staff walked in. Soon the bleachers were all occupied as friends found each other and sat together. Standing at the front stage was a tall, Caucasian man with ocean blue eyes and blonde, windblown hair. This man wearing a cloud white suit and cerulean necktie is Vice Principal Michael Ark. He raised a hand and gently tapped the microphone silencing the talkative crowd at once. Smiling softly the Vice Principal began his speech.

"Welcome back Supernatural seniors to your final year of high school." The students whistled and clapped excitedly with a few stomping their feet.

"Yes, yes congratulations on making it this far! I know I speak for all of us staff members when I say how proud we are to see all the once freshman here today as senior of 2015. To many of you this year is the last to achieve that magical something, that certain goal or complete that special promise… it is our goal to ensure that all of you graduate and begin a new season to the next adventure. However, before this season ends here we plan to make this year one to remember!"

The auditorium erupted with excited hollers from the students and they clapped.

"We all hope to see you all partake in the graduation walk! But before you head to your senior classes please remember that for the first week and a half there will be senior counselor meetings with Mr. Zachariah Fuller. Today we will start with last names beginning with A to E, and so forth tomorrow. Lastly, Principal Mighty sends his deepest apologizes in his absence today… that is all, off to class now."

As Vice Principal Ark stepped off the stage the seniors were cheerfully walking out of the auditorium, and among those students was none other than Dean Winchester. Dean has been the star athlete of Supernatural High since his freshman year, and Mr. Handsome of the year for three years straight. Although he was a strong athlete and very kind to his fellow students, Dean was not known to be as outstanding academically… and thus this last year of high school will prove to be his hardest as his graduation rights hang in the balance.

Meanwhile in the freshman classes a young boy with soft chocolate hair and stormy blue eyes is surrounded by a group of upper class females.

"Winchester, as in Dean Winchester's little brother?" a redheaded girl asked leaning closely into Sam.

"Obviously," Sam replied stiffly, "there aren't many people in this school with that kind of surname."

"Oh my gawd, you're so adorable!" squealed a orange tanned girl with shocking blonde hair.

As the girls continued to crowd Sam while ignoring his snarky remarks, the freshman teacher walked into the class. Lucifer Fallen glared coldly at the obnoxious girls grouped around yet another Winchester, who he had no doubt would be just as pigheaded as Dean Winchester. Mr. Fallen quietly made his way to the front of the class where he then pulled out a chalkboard, and began to write down the class agenda. Once he finished writing the last activity he harshly pressed the chalk against the board and underlined the activity; which created an ear splitting screech that made all the students cringe into silence.

Turning to face the class Lucifer wore a facade of pleasantry as he icily addressed the children, "Now that I've got your attention, those of you not a freshman or teacher's assistant of mine for this period… get out!"

No sooner than a second later all the upperclassmen vacated the room, and Sam slouched in relief.

"Good, that better not become a habit, Mr. Winchester." Lucifer said staring down at the slouched boy.

"With all due respect, sir," Sam replied bitingly, "I am not my brother."

"Hum, the defiance is the same." the tall man commented with a taunting grin, and turned away.

Sam huffed quietly as the teacher began roll call, "Alright, now that roll call has been taken care of, let us move on to the syllabus."

As the freshmen sat through class the senior counselor was busy making a phone call concerning the much talked about, Dean Winchester.


"Good afternoon, this is Senior Counselor Zachariah Fuller," greeted a middle aged man with thinning white hair, "am I speaking with Dean Winchester's parent or legal guardian?"

-"Yes, this is Bobby Singer, Dean's and Sam's guardian."-

"I'm calling you to discuss Dean's grades," Fuller said in a serious tone, "over the years his academic sores have been dwindling down, and has already started to affect his chances of getting into any decent college… much less a university."

-"It can't be from a lack of trying, can it?" Bobby asked voice full of concern, "He and Sammie always come home and sit at the dinner table doing their homework."-

"Well, Mr. Singer, in all honesty Dean is a phenomenal in the social aspect of school as seen in his athlete awards and the school popularity charter; however, even with his great athletic skills and experience the universities he has appealed for won't accept him with such a low GPA…" Fuller answered stressful, as he scrolled through Dean's academic history.

-"But is it from a lack of trying? Because if it is then I'll get right on that…"-

"No, no.. please, sir, don't get me wrong. Dean does turn in all of the assignments, but his homework proves to be almost completely incorrect or, at the least, incomplete." Mr. Fuller grossed as he rubbed at his forehead while reading through all the teacher reports on Dean Winchester.

-"... will Dean still be able to graduate with his year group?"-

"Not at this rate…" the senior counselor said with a sigh.

-"What can be done to ensure that he does?"-

"Well… this year Supernatural High is hosting the Mad Science Fair that has a science competition that is worth all the science points that Dean needs to score a low B. If he could at least score third place he should be able to get an average C for his chemistry class," Fuller said with a slightly hopeful tone, "and all he would have to do to enter is have a partner one year younger or in the same year group as himself."

As Mr. Fuller and Bobby talked some more, Dean himself making a phone call to his ex-girlfriend, Jo Harvelle. Even though Dean and Jo were the happiest couple in Supernatural High, Jo felt that it would be better to remain as friends instead. Jo knew that even though she truly loved Dean Winchester, he did not feel the same kind of love for her as she did for him… for Dean had trouble trusting others with his heart, and she knew that. Was okay with him being that way, because she understood where his mistrust in people came from. However, Jo never did tell him the real reason why she broke up with him… just stated she didn't feel like they had the same kind of bond they shared as friends. But that wasn't true at all…

"Hey, kick-ass." Dean greeted cheerfully.

"Hey, apple pie." Jo replied tiredly.

"... you had another episode." he stated with worry laced in every word.

"Nothing I can't handle," she said, "don't worry so much… or you'll grow warts."

"I… I want to come visit you," Dean pleaded, "please, let me see you today?"

"I don't know, Dean, I really don't want you to see me like… this." Jo whispered.

"Joey, no matter how dull your hair is or pale you face looks, I always see you as the kick-ass girl you are." Dean said sincerely.

There was silence on the other line until a soft voice said, "You're a real flirt, you know that?"

Dean smiled as he knew that she would let him see her today. They bid each other goodbye after confirming that after school was a good time to visit. Then he hurriedly put his phone away, and rounded the corner of the school's abandoned chemistry lab. As he was turning someone ran into him, and they both stumbled back. After gaining his balance Dean looks down to find a blushing, honey haired boy staring up at him. The fallen boy had bright blue eye shadow and long, fake eyelashes. Roughly smudged off red lipstick stained his lips. Though shocked at the sight, Dean held out a hand to the other when suddenly a fellow senior came calling out. A sadistic grin marring his usual good looks.

"Here pretty junior, come here pretty boy," he called tauntingly, "we aren't done dolling you up yet!"

Frowning angrily, Dean quickly scooped up the fearful boy and ran inside the backdoor of the chem lab. As the bully turned the corner Dean locked the door, and quickly pulled the boy to the wall with him; who he then laid on top of in order to hide the boy. Soon they hear the door handle jiggling, and then a shadow appearing in the window above them. The boy tensed and gripped on Dean's leather jacket as he ducked his head lower.

"Try to stay quiet, I'm sure he'll leave soon." the older boy whispered softly into his ear.

The boy nodded, his face glowing red under the heavy foundation.

Soon the shadow backed away from the window and left. Dean held a finger to his lips in the universal sign for quiet. Once the boy under him nodded he slowly lifted himself up, and peaked through the window for the bully. Nobody was by the window, so Dean went to the door. Unlocked it and looked outside to see that the bully was truly gone. Locking the door once again, he turned to find that the boy had pulled down all the blinds.

"Well," Dean said unknowingly startling the boy, "I think this is the part where we introduce each other?"

The boy lowered his head.

"I'll go first… Dean Winchester, Supernatural Senior and star athlete."

Suddenly a hand appeared the boy's line of sight, and he looked up to see gentle, hazel eyes staring at him. Meekly he placed his small hand into Dean's larger and calloused one.

"Cas… Castiel Thursdays, S-supernatural Junior and… science geek." he said shyly.

"Nice to meet you, Cas," Dean said smiling kindly at his underclassman, "I'm glad that your eyes have stopped leaking."

Castiel blinked slowly before lifting a hand to touch his now dry cheek. His dry cheek that was still caked with foundation. He frowned as he mixed the makeup on his finger.

"Let's get that off you, yeah?" Dean offered gently.

Together the boys went to the lab tables where Dean had Castiel sit down by the sink while he went to look for the first aid kit, and towels to use for the makeup. As the senior searched the room, Cas busied himself with removing as much of the make up he could with the rough paper towels and cold water from the sink.

"Hey, you're going to hurt yourself like that…" Dean said returning with a first aid kit and soft, clean towels. As he said that, the senior gently grabbed Castiel's wrist to pull his hand away from cleaning the makeup off. Dean threw away the soggy paper towels, and sat beside Cas. They faced each other as Dean began to carefully remove the fake lashes.

Author's Note: That Lucifer is such a butt, isn't he? I hope that I've caught your attention with this chapter! :)