Overall Notes: Words/sentences on the center that were italized would serve as the linebreak and had its own purpose.

Special mention to Pure Red Crane for also giving this story a title (and the story summary even though I didn't use it as it was a spoiler) and to Crucifix-Hime for helping me came up with this story's idea.

A/N: Despite this story looking as if I was merely retelling, it was anything but that. The story's intended plot will come sooner and the meaning behind this stories way of 'retelling' and dialogue will be the hint. Hopefully, you would get the gist and the reason for everything despite it being tad bit confusing. And oh, let's just say I would be covering the anime/manga major arc on every chapter.

December 22, 2016: Betaed by the wonderful Pure Red Crane

Disclaimer: I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Any lines or similar lines were inspired by the manga/anime so no suing!

Chapter One

"Ciaossu!" a sudden squeaky voice rang loudly through the hallway. Tsuna slowly lifted his head to see where the voice was coming from. He saw an infant wearing black shoes, pants, suit, and a red dress shirt with a blue neck tie. There was a yellow pacifier around the infant's neck and a black fedora with an orange strip on the black haired baby's head. Upon seeing an infant wearing something so professional, Tsuna gaped. Questions immediately appeared in his mind, like why was there an infant in his home wearing such un-baby like clothes.

"So you're Tsuna?" Tsuna immediately knew that it wasn't a question because the baby was looking at him as if he merely made it a question for formality sake. There was some emotion behind that gaze that the brunet couldn't identify. That observation made him immediately sit up from lying on the floor. He gulped down nervously, averting his gaze from the infant, "Y-Yeah I'm Tsuna."

"Oh, where did you come from, little boy?" The voice of Tsuna's mother brought him back and he slowly looked in the infant's direction.

"I'm the home tutor, Reborn." the infant said, his right hand holding out a business card with the Home Tutor, Reborn written on it.

There was silence after that and before Tsuna knew it, he was laughing with his mother. 'I was getting uncomfortable over nothing! He's just a baby playing a game.' With that laughter, all his worries about the infant vanished and he started looking at the infant in front of him with hilarity in his eyes. The laughter died when Tsuna suddenly felt an impact on his head before his face was planted to the floor.

"Ow…my face." Tsuna muttered. The suffering brunet heard his mother ask if he was alright and reminded him that he was going to be late if he didn't hurry up. Tsuna immediately shot up with panic in his eyes.

"I'm going to be late!"

With that sentence, Tsuna conveniently forgot the existence of the infant with the yellow pacifier. He only remembered when he was walking on his way to school. The brunet felt a weight on his shoulder. He shrieked loudly when that happened and the infant, Reborn, landed on the pavement. Tsuna pointed accusingly at the infant.

"When did you-?"

Tsuna was interrupted when he heard a yowling on his left. The brunet shifted his attention to it and saw that he had stepped on the Chihuahua's tail. He stared dumbly and shrieked when he noticed that the Chihuahua wasn't leashed. His savior came to his rescue in the form of the black-clad fedora wearer. Reborn walked in front of the Chihuahua and petted the little hellion on the head until it stopped yowling and growling, the sounds replaced by delightful barking. Tsuna could only marvel at how an infant managed to make the Chihuahua adore him.

"You're a loser who panics easily in crisis." Reborn turned to him after petting the Chihuahua's head. Tsuna stared at the infant with a minor hint of annoyance from those words. "Looks like I'll have to beat that habit out of you." Reborn added in afterthought.

Tsuna blinked rather dumbly. 'He's weird.' he concluded on his mind, then averted his gaze when he saw someone walking towards them.

"How cute!" Sasagawa Kyoko, the school idol of Namimori Middle School, gushed at the infant.

Tsuna watched the exchange with slight disinterest, his attention solely focused on his crush. He could feel his cheeks heating up a bit at the mere sight of the smile on Kyoko's face as she talked delightfully with the infant. But someone interrupted his daydreaming when another person walked in.

"Is he your younger brother?" Tsuna immediately waved his hand in denial.

"No. He's not."

"Why are you wearing a suit?" Kyoko asked. Tsuna gazed back at Reborn, wanting to hear the answer as well.

"Because I'm in the Mafia." Tsuna didn't expect that answer and it showed on his face, mouth open and an incredulous expression on his face. Reborn must be lying. Kyoko clapped her hand in delight with a completely enamored look on her face.

"Wow. That's so cool!" It seemed that Kyoko was merely indulging Reborn, but it didn't stop the brunet from shooting a jealous look at Reborn's head.

Kyoko and the other girl waved their goodbyes, Reborn returning the gesture. Meanwhile, Tsuna watched as Kyoko walked away. It would have been nice if he could talk with his crush, but he didn't even have any guts to start a conversation with her. The brunet didn't even try to talk to her with Reborn. He was too busy looking at her with love-struck eyes. Just how was he supposed to initiate a conversation with her when he couldn't even look at her without blushing?

"You have a crush on that girl, don't you?" Reborn suddenly asked, interrupting Tsuna's thoughts. The brunet blushed in embarrassment for being caught ogling on his crush, but then he looked at Reborn with an indignant look on his face. The infant called Kyoko that girl like she was some kind of random girl among the crowd. Reborn didn't know who Kyoko really was and he felt compelled to explain it on the unknowing infant.

"That girl is Sasagawa Kyoko, she's the idol of my middle school, and my feelings towards her shouldn't concern you!"

"As your home tutor I should know about all of your relationships with other people." Reborn said with a…fond smile on his face, but Tsuna could feel a deadpanned quality to it. It made the brunet think that Reborn was belittling his feelings.

"Whatever. Just leave me alone already." Tsuna said with an indignant look and voice, crouching down to Reborn's level. He saw Reborn reach for his fist.

"I won't." Reborn said with a promising smile on his face. Tsuna stared at the infant's hand incomprehensibly. The next thing he knew, Reborn had twisted his arm on his back.

"Ow, that hurts!" Tsuna yelled in distress. Reborn was on his back, still not letting go of his arm.

"Let go already!" the brunet yelled, but it remained unheard. The brunet could feel the pain burning on his arm.

"Ow! Let go, please!" Tsuna pleaded in distress for the third time, and just like the saying, third times the charm. The evil baby let go of his deadly grip and Tsuna immediately sagged in relief.

"That's not normal strength for a baby…" he concluded after cradling his most likely bruised arm.

"As I told you before, I'm a hitman." Reborn said. The brunet turned to face the kid with an angry huff on his face.

"You didn't say you are a hitman." Tsuna said with a confused voice, but he added the more pressing matter after another huff and to negate Reborn's statement. "Please don't joke around! There is no way you're a hitman. You're an infant! That's impossible."

"Have you confessed to Sasagawa Kyoko yet?" Reborn asked. With that sudden question, their previous conversation was buried at the back of Tsuna's mind. Tsuna's eyes widened in embarrassment and a blush formed on his cheeks.

"D-Don't talk stupid…"

"Why?" Reborn asked curiously. Tsuna immediately looked away. There was just no way could he talk about his crush without blushing, unable to look anyone in the eye.

"I told you already, Kyoko-chan is the school's idol. There's no way she would even consider me." he said in a rather sullen voice.

"You're average test score is 17.5. You can't even spin on the horizontal bar. You always trip, even on empty air. You don't have any friends. Your mother calls you dame. In fact, everyone does because you're a useless, Dame-Tsuna."

Tsuna nodded in agreement. The last two accounts was a direct assault on his heart, but he reluctantly nodded. It was the painful truth. Then a frown formed on his face. How did this baby know those last two things about him?

"Why do you know so much about me!?" Tsuna asked in a raised voice.

"Your eyes tell me everything." Reborn answered normally, holding onto a magnifying glass, peering at Tsuna with it.

"That makes no sense!" the brunet said in annoyance. He stood up.

"Anyway, just leave me alone. Well…if I could go out with such a cute girl, I could die happy." He looked down, staring at nothing. "I already know that even if I do confess, it's just a waste of time."

"That's a strong loser complex."

"I told you to stop already."

"Looks like it's this time already." Reborn said suddenly, making Tsuna shoot a confused look towards him. That was a weird sentence. It didn't make any sense, not like what Reborn said usually made any sense anyway. The brunet shot an incredulous look when suddenly the magnifying glass in Reborn's hand glowed and turned into...a chameleon.

"…What?" Tsuna stared at the green chameleon with wide panicked eyes.

"Die now." Reborn said. At the same time, the chameleon glowed once again, turning into…a green gun? Tsuna stared at the transformed gun with his mouth hanging agape. The brunet took a startled step back.


"You'll understand if you die." Reborn pointed the green gun towards Tsuna, encouraging the brunet to take another step back.

"W-What are y-?!" Before Tsuna could complete that sentence and run away, there was a bang and he felt pain on his forehead. Slowly, but surely, the brunet felt his heavy body fall to the pavement with a thud. Tsuna idly wondered if there was blood on his forehead, but he didn't know. But his regret started to surface in his mind…

'What a waste…I could have confessed to Kyoko-chan if I had the dying will.'

The next thing Tsuna knew, he had jumped onto his feet and yelled in a loud voice, "Reborn! I'm going to confess to Sasagawa Kyoko with my dying will!"

"Where's Sasagawa Kyoko!?" And with that, the brunet roared loudly and began running to find Kyoko with the single thought of confessing, not caring about anything else at the moment.

When Tsuna came back to his normal self, he was lying on the pavement near the school gate wearing only his boxer. He didn't register the latter because he was filled with thoughts of what he had done in his sudden bout of insanity.

"Oh no," Tsuna slowly sat up from the pavement where he had landed after being hit by Mochida. With a hand on his hair, the brunet gripped at it while feeling the slowly burning humiliation of what he had just did. "I just confessed in front of everyone…" He then saw that he was wearing his blue shorts and panicked. He closed his eyes shut as he gripped his hair tightly. "I totally look like some kind of pervert."

"What happened to me?" Tsuna murmured in distress and confusion.

"It's thanks to the Dying Will Bullet."

Right then and there, Tsuna learned that what he had done was because he was shot by Reborn with the Dying Will Bullet. And because of Reborn, the brunet would be forced to face the humiliation of confessing to Kyoko with only his shorts.

Right now, all Tsuna could do was blame all of his humiliation on Reborn, that evil baby.


"So you're Tsuna?"

"Starting today I'll be looking after you."

"Don't worry, Dame-Tsuna."

"Gathering information is a basic skill, Tsuna."

"I'm the home tutor, Reborn."

"You're a loser who panics easily in crisis. You're the sole middle-schooler on this Earth who's afraid of Chihuahuas."

"I'm a hitman."

"Because I'm in the Mafia."

"Tsuna, you have a crush on that girl, don't you?"

"As your home tutor, I should know of your relationships with other people."

"It won't go that easily."

"As I told you before, I'm a hitman."

"Have you confessed to Sasagawa Kyoko yet?"


"You're average test score is 17.5. You can only go up to the third level on the vaulting horse. You can't even spin on the horizontal bar. Is it because you're Dame-Tsuna?"

"Your eyes tell me everything."

"That's a strong loser complex."

"Looks like it's finally time. Die now. You'll understand if you die."

"I'm the Vongola Family's tenth generation boss?!" Tsuna said in panic. He was currently sitting cross-legged on his bedroom floor, a foldable table in front of him, with Reborn on the other side. Reborn looked at him with a smile on his face. The brunet was slowly getting used to the fact that when Reborn smiled, it was anything but pleasant for him.

"Me!?" Tsuna yelled for clarification. There was just no way he, Dame-Tsuna, could be a Mafia boss. There was just no way. Reborn was pulling a fast one on him and it was working. Before Tsuna could even utter more denial, Reborn explained.

"I came here because I was requested by the current Vongola Family boss, the ninth, to train you to become an admirable Mafia boss."

"I don't get it!" Tsuna yelled back in panic. "What are you even talking about?!" The brunet was about to huff, but a piece of paper was presented near his face. He looked at it with confusion then curiosity.

The yellowish paper had Vongola Family written at the near top. Everything was written in English and it looked like some kind of hierarchy chart.

"The Vongola Family's first boss retired and crossed Japan. He's your great, great, great grandfather. In other words, you inherited the Vongola blood and you are the only legitimate candidate to become the next boss."

Tsuna listened to Reborn's explanation while looking over the paper in deep concentration, or tried to. He could see English words and names, but they didn't mean anything to him. When Reborn was finished with his explanation, the brunet peered at the hitman. "I've never heard about this…"

Reborn said with a smile on his face. That didn't bode well for the brunet. "Don't worry, Tsuna. I'll train you and you'll become a great Mafia boss."

With that statement, Tsuna's shoulders sagged, not with relief, but with fear. He caught a silent promise in Reborn's eyes and he couldn't help but think that his normal life was over.

"Why are you deciding everything by yourself?" Tsuna muttered in annoyance and walked towards Reborn, who had decided to lie on his bed. "And don't sleep on my bed!" he yelled but Reborn, the evil baby, didn't listen to what he said.

"It's sleepy time. See you tomorrow." Reborn declared. Tsuna reached for Reborn, planning to shake him away from his bed. However, a sudden bubble coming from Reborn's nose appeared, followed by the baby's snores, made him stop. The brunet stared with wide bewildered eyes as Reborn slept with eyes wide opened…

"He's sleeping with his eyes open!"

'That's creepy!' he cried out in his mind. "And it's still so early! Do you only sleep at baby time!?" Of course, there was no answer. Tsuna sulked in the corner. Today was so weird, and all because of the arrival of an evil infant.

"I came here because I was requested by the current Vongola boss, the ninth, to train you to become an admirable Mafia boss."

"The Vongola family's first boss retired and crossed to Japan. He's your great, great, great grandfather. In other words, since you inherited the Vongola blood, you are a legitimate candidate to become the next boss."

"Don't worry. I'll train you to become a great Mafia boss."

"It's sleepy time. See you tomorrow."

"I forgot to tell you, if you try to disturb my sleep, those booby traps will blow up."

"If some trash like you becomes the tenth, the Vongola family is done for." Gokudera Hayato said in a serious voice. He was still glaring at Tsuna. The brunet started to wonder why the silver haired boy seemed to hate him. He didn't do anything wrong to the other.

"W-Why do you know about the family?" Tsuna exclaimed with a worried frown on his face. Tsuna was nervous. Ever since Gokudera transferred into his class this morning, all the silver haired boy did was glare at him. It was unnerving.

"You're annoying." Gokudera said with a scowl on his face. Suddenly, there was…dynamite in the silverete's hands.

"This is your end." Tsuna stared at the dynamite. He could feel the panic sinking on his bones.

"That was faster than I'd expected." a familiar squeaky voice said. Tsuna was about to turn to find where the voice was coming from when he felt that Reborn hop onto his head, so he didn't.

"Gokudera Hayato, you're early." Reborn spoke with familiarity. Tsuna was shocked. How did Reborn know his new classmate?

"Y-You know him?" he asked.

"Yup. He's a family member that I called over from Italy." Reborn answered simply.

"You're in the Mafia, Gokudera-kun!?" Tsuna shot a bewildered look to Gokudera's direction. But the silver haired boy ignored him and stared at Reborn with a serious look on his face. "So you're the hitman that the ninth has the most trust in, Reborn. I've heard rumors about you."

Tsuna stared at Gokudera, processing the new information about Reborn. He idly wondered if what Gokudera said was true. How could a baby like Reborn manage to achieve such trust?

"It better be true that I'll become the tenth if I get rid of this guy." Gokudera started, making Tsuna's eyes widen at the obvious lie.

"W-What are you sa-?" Tsuna was about to ask for clarification, not quite believing what he was hearing, but Reborn interrupted him.

"It's true."

Tsuna immediately looked up at Reborn. He couldn't believe that Reborn lied to him, but if it was really true, then that meant…Gokudera could be the Mafia boss?

"Can you even do that? Was it a lie that I'm going to be the tenth?" Tsuna asked, a little hint of hope in his voice. There might be chance that he wouldn't need to be a Mafia boss.

"Then fight." Reborn said. It wasn't even an answer to Tsuna's question, but the thought of fighting…Tsuna looked startled by it. The brunet didn't know how to fight. There was no way Dame-Tsuna could fight someone.

"F-Fight? Y-You're kidding. I-I can't fight against a Mafia guy!" Tsuna shot an uncomfortable and frightened look in Gokudera's direction. Before Tsuna could even dash away, Reborn grabbed a fistful of his hair. The brunet immediately cried out in pain, stopping in his tracks. "Ow, ow, ow!"

How Reborn knew that he would run was lost to him, but it didn't matter when Reborn uttered in a low dangerous voice.

"Fight like your life depends on it, Tsuna."

That voice made Tsuna protest jam on his throat. He gave a frightened look towards the hitman atop his head. Surprisingly, Reborn was still smiling, but it was a dangerous smile that made him realize that, baby or not, this must be why Reborn is a hitman. Tsuna gulped down nervously. He could feel Reborn untangling his hand from his hair, yet despite being free, he didn't run away.

"Reborn…" The brunet murmured with a little hint of fear. And just like that, Reborn's dangerous smile disappeared. The hitman patted his hair before he jumped away from his student's head. Despite that small, somewhat reassuring, gesture, he couldn't help but remember that Reborn was dangerous. Slowly, yet surely, he started to feel fear of Reborn.

Tsuna immediately shook his head to get rid of his thoughts to no avail. He stared at Gokudera who was still holding onto his dynamites and cigarettes on his mouth.

When Gokudera lit his dynamite and threw at the brunet, Tsuna shrieked and dashed away. He didn't want to be hit by the explosives. Where did those things come from anyway? The brunet continued dashing away as Gokudera kept throwing dynamites after him. All Tsuna could do was ran away like a little coward and shriek along the way.

Gokudera kept throwing dynamites, until he could no longer see clearly from all the dust clouds he made.

"Somebody save me!" Tsuna yelled in panic, his hands over his head for cover. The terrified brunet continued dashing without any direction, just so long as it was away from Gokudera's dynamites. He continued running like his life depended on it.

("Fight like your life depends on it, Tsuna.")

That sudden flashback made Tsuna abruptly stop without conscious thought. Dynamite was thrown in front of him. When he caught sight of it, with eyes wide with panic, Tsuna turned on his heels towards Gokudera's direction, running towards the other. Gokudera would surely stop throwing dynamite at him if he got too close, Tsuna concluded.

By the next second, Tsuna saw many dynamites thrown above him. He stared at the explosives in panic and with a wild beating heart. The brunet darted around, trying to get away and find any escape. What he saw when he turned in the direction of a tree was Reborn holding onto his green gun.

Tsuna saw it in a slow motion, staring as Reborn lifted his gun and something he could never identify flashed in Reborn's beady black and bottomless eyes. Then the brunet heard a loud explosion that shook him to his very core in a tight painful hold.

Finally, darkness claimed him.

"That was faster than I'd expected, Gokudera Hayato."

"Yup, he's a family member that I called over from Italy."

"It's our first time meeting though."

"Yup, it's true."

"If you don't want to lose, fight."

A/N: Please leave a review *insert pleading puppy look here*

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as well!