A/N: Ok, this one took a bit, and is a bit shorter- There were literally a TON of different ways I could take it from here, but I really wanted to be true to character, and make a believable deviation from the original plot. I also tried to address that there is still the baggage from the original go around, without playing 100% fix-it like I really really want to do. haha... Hopefully I accomplished that all within 951 words. We'll see- again- Thank you so so so very much from all the awesome reviews, and I love all the feedback, both encouraging and constructive.

He turned away from the screen, his body moving before his mind did. One turn, one step up, and Cassian found himself in the oversized chair K2 frequented. A sudden quick memory of when the droid first sat in the chair, followed up by some calculation on whether he would be deactivated or destroyed in service of the captain. If he remembered correctly, it was a very high number. His body turned to face Jyn, his elbows on his knees and his chin resting against his peaked fingers. He waited for her to acknowledge his presence, but she kept her eyes locked on the unattainable horizon. There was an unmistakable glisten to her eyes, but no tears had slipped to fall down her face. It was only then that he realized her crystal was being rolled between her fingers, and was giving a soft blue glow.

"What next? Do you know?" He kept his voice low, despite the fact that the small nearby crew on the ship had begun to disperse. There was no need for others to be aware of Jyn and Cassian's current state of repetition.

The only response from the young woman was a shake of the head.

"I should contact the Alliance with an update. A whole city was just destroyed."

"Yeah, I saw," Jyn snapped at him. A slight regret stung her, and she shook her head, hoping it was enough to dispel the sharpness of her statement.

"I should contact them," Cassian continued, doggedly, "the question lies in what information I should pass on, and when it should be passed along."

"What do you remember from last time?" Jyn queried.

It took a moment for the captain to follow her jump in discussion. For a span of time, Cassian wondered if he had some leftover damage from his brush with Bor Gullet. He tried to focus on the woman, and see if he could figure out what she was asking, and where she was going with her line of questions.

"What do you mean? Last thing I recall from Bor Gullet? Or from the time before?"

"From when we were on Eadu."

Ah, there it is. He was pretty certain that he understood where she was going.

"I remember crashing on Eadu. Losing communication with Yavin. Having Bodhi take me to the mountain ridge across from your father. Lining him up. Seeing his response to his people being threatened. Making a decision not to kill him, and seeing his reaction to his fellow engineers being killed. Seeing you on the platform with him. K2 contacting me telling me that Alliance forces were inbound, and trying to stop them. Watching them strafe the landing platform." He stopped waiting to see if she wanted him to continue. Worry had colored his response. Cassian was still uncertain where he stood with Jyn. At the end of his life, both times, he had found he wanted nothing but to be beside her. Was it because he had found a kindred spirit in the feisty, stubborn and loyal woman? Or more? It couldn't be less, he knew. But how did she feel? It was better not to address it now, he had decided. There was a real possibility he would die at her side many more times to come, and that when they both died at the end of this all, he would be content with knowing there was an 'almost', rather than a 'never'.

She nodded once.

"Ok, so we both remember pretty much the same order of events, even if from different perspectives. Why were the Alliance forces sent?"

"If we don't report within a designated time, they assume we have been killed or compromised, and use other methods to finish the job."

"When does that counter start?"

"The moment I call in about NiJedha."

Jyn paused to gather her thoughts before diving into her plan.

"Cassian, I'm going to be blunt and straightforward, because I feel like you deserve nothing less than that. I'm going to save my father."

"I know." His eyes met hers, dark and steady. The young woman's eyebrows furrowed in surprise.

"How did you know?"

"Because if I received a message changing my father from a traitor to a martyr, I would do everything in my power to keep him alive." Even as he spoke, memories of his father's new Imperial uniform flashed before his eyes. He swallowed hard, hoping to take the betrayal associated with the memory. Bor Gullet must have left some damage. It had been many years since he had allowed those memories to come unbidden to his mind. It wasn't important to the immediate future, so he quickly dismissed them.

He continued, "The real questions are how we explain why he is alive, and how do we keep him that way."

"Why we keep him alive is simple. He will be able to easily identify the flaw he placed into the system. No one else can. His speed at deciphering the scar may mean the difference between success and failure. How- that's a whole different issue."

The rebel captain leaned back in his chair. "I may have an idea about that."

Jyn nodded, "Good. In the meantime, Captain, I ask you to wait as long as you can before contacting the Alliance. We need as much time as we can get."

"That makes sense. I'll wait till the last possible moment. I'm pretty certain that there's no way we're going to escape a crash landing on Eadu. You?"

"I can't see how we can. Bodhi is who we will have to depend on, and he will have no memory of doing this before."


"Alright, so whats the plan?"

A/N 2: Ok, the new adventure begins next chapter...