This is the second story I've written now (woo hoo!) I remember reading a one-shot AU called New Year's Eve party by hollowfreak where Usami is the CEO of a major company and Misaki is is secretary. I really loved it and wished it was a multi chapter fic because it was so good I felt like I wanted to read it in more detail but I couldn't find another fic like this one.

So I want to write a fic with this idea in mind but making the plot a little different and a little longer. I just cant help but feel like I'm taking the writers idea though (because I procrastinate) so if you haven't read it I seriously recommend it. Like...SERIOUSLY!

Your critique is highly welcome so I can improve my writing a lot more but I don't do well with negativity (I'm really sensitive.)

Lemons will be in later chapters. Sorry for anyone who clicked on this fic expecting one right off the bat XD.

Usami POV

Distrustful. I've been called this so many times that I now use this word, and this word alone to describe myself. Distrustful.

I do not describe myself as this due to the culpability of others, but because this distasteful word describes me in the most perfect way… I'm to blame for describing my own self so negatively.

But is it my fault I have no trust in others? No.

Born and raised from a wealthy family and being the CEO of one of the biggest publishing companies in Japan brings unwanted attention from the wrong types of people. No one would blame me for not wanting to let people in, knowing all they wanted was money. It was clear that if it wasn't for my wealth, they wouldn't give me a second glance.

For this reason alone, the only way anyone would know a thing about me would be through pages and pages of fiction, filled with thoughts of my loneliness and heartbreak. Some say its poetic. Others say it's 'beautifully upsetting'. However my books are not poetic nor beautiful… they're a cry for help. I've become so depressed and distrusting that I push people away and, as a result, a burning sense of longing lingers through my very being. The longing for someone to trust. The longing for someone to love. The longing, for just that one person, that I can confidently open up to and allow them to witness my inner demons.

Looking out of the floor to ceiling window, I see a thin blanket of snow form on top of the streets of Tokyo with people rushing around in the early hours of the morning to get to places. with a content sigh. I turn around to get back to signing reports and letting my inner thoughts get lost in my work.

To say that I have never put my trust and faith in anybody would be wrong. There was one I trusted and let in a long time ago. I fell in love with him the more I was with him. He understood me and stayed by my side for me, not my money. I loved him so much that I confessed to him out of the blue one day, only to have it thrown in my face. He told me I disgusted him. That the thought of a man loving another man was wrong. He never spoke a word to me ever since. That was two years ago.

This was the start of my downfall. After finally finding someone I trusted only for them to suddenly turn on me made me become a horrible being. I wanted nothing more but to lock myself away from everyone and push away anyone who came close at a moments notice. But after all this time having no one to trust tore me apart inside. I tried letting people in, but it all failed after I knew the kind of person they were. Those full of greed and selfishness only wanted one thing. Money.

So, here I am. Sitting alone in my office. Usually, a CEO would have a secretary with them or an assistant and I did take someone on board from time to time. Sadly, I didn't trust them enough to stay beside me for long. I couldn't even trust those in my own company. So after all this lack of distrust, after all the lies, all the greed and all the betrayal. I treated people with disrespect and made sure they knew that I didn't want them near me.

What riled me up even more was knowing that the company, MY company, went behind my back and hired a new secretary before I let my empire fall. I knew that not having an organised itinerary and keeping track of my own tasks and meetings would become a hindrance but I did NOT want to be betrayed by another person again. Being so close to my breaking point, I don't think I could take any more betrayal than I already have.

What I plan to do is, when this new employee comes along, I will make sure they hate their job so much that they will never want to work another day in their lives let alone as my secretary. The only time I heard about this new arrival to the company was 20 minutes ago. Their application and resume left on my desk, along with the reasons for the acceptance of their application from Human Resources. The only thing I looked at was the job title. Not bothering to look at the rest, I shoved it in the back of the filing cabinet, knowing I wouldn't be needing it after they quit.

After finishing the reports left on my desk, I look at the clock to see that it was nearing 11. I knew I had a meeting scheduled for 12 so I just spun my office chair around to look out the window again. The snow stopped.

After getting lost in my thoughts once more, I heard a knock on the door. I sighed disapprovingly and told the unwanted visitor to come in, not bothering to turn around and look at them. I recognised the voice as one of the receptionists who actually had the courage to even speak to me through the intercom, however she had not once stepped into my office to speak to me directly.

"Usami-sama," she spoke in a quiet voice. "I w-would like to introduce you to your new secretary."

Shit. Now I have this person to deal with. I turned around in my chair unenthusiastically only to widen my eyes and gaze at this beautiful, young male in front of me. Most people around me would, as you would say "dress to impress" but this boy was quite the opposite. Unlike other secretaries who wore a neatly pressed suit and tie, he wore a pair of black skinny jeans and a light green hoodie. He had messy, wild chestnut hair and had the most beautiful emerald eyes I had ever seen.

With an adorable blush on his face, he bowed and spoke in a voice that almost made me harden at the mere sound of it.

"Please to meet you sir. I am Takahashi Misaki."

Okay, I tried to drag that on as much as I can to make it longer but its still a little short.

I would love to know what your thoughts are and if there is anything you want me to write about in the story at some point please tell me. I would really appreciate it :)

Thank you for reading xx