There was a commotion outside the tent which made Legolas look up. He prayed to the Valar that he was wrong in his suspicions. The angry voice which shouted threats outside was one he never hoped to hear, not here, not now. Yet it seemed that the powers hated him, for whatever reason. He was the Prince of the Greenwood, one of the Nine Walkers who had saved Middle Earth. What had he done do deserve this?

The tent flap was thrown open, and an Elven lady marched in, soldiers trying to stop her advance, begging her to calm down. But she would not listen. She strode in, ignoring all else in the tent, angry brown eyes locked onto Legolas' fearful blue ones. A nervous laugh bubbled from his throat. He was Thranduillion, and by Elbereth he was not supposed to be this scared. Not even a Nazgul instilled as much fear as the elleth striding in did.

In the few seconds in took for her to reach him, Legolas had stood up from the ground, trying to meet her proudly. She paused in her steps when he was within her arms' reach, and to his credit, Legolas managed to not squirm under her fiery gaze.

Suddenly she turned to Aragorn who had been sitting next to him, who now looked at her with wide, uncomprehending eyes. "He is unhurt?" she demanded. When Aragorn only gaped at her, her voice turned dangerous. "Is he unhurt?"

"Y-yes, my Lady. He is unhurt," Aragorn managed to stammer out.

As soon as those words were out, SLAP! Her hand swung out, leaving an angry, red handprint on Legolas' smooth skin. He flinched, his hand rubbing the stinging flesh when her other hand swung to hit his other cheek.

"HOW DARE YOU?" she yelled at him. Then with a venomous whisper, "do that again, you idiot, and you will pay for it with your life. I will strangle you with my bare hands and enjoy every second of it."

He knew that she was not lying, and it made him want to run for his life. It left Legolas to wonder how he, the mighty Prince of his people, could end up cowering before this Elven woman.

Ah, yes, there was a story behind that, one he would never change, even if he could.