DISCLAIMER: Fortunately Shuumatsu no Izetta doesn't belong to me. So all rights are reserved to Ajia-do Animation Works.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: It's been probably two years nearly since I last wrote anything of substance. Most of this was because I was stuck at how to proceed. I didn't know how to keep moving forward in this story. And I was and still am depressed. That being said I think that credit is due where it is due.

I've such named this chapter to give thanks to the band U2 and the thus named the chapter after the song that broke me out of my fugue as it were. I can't promise that the chapters will come with a regular pace but at least the deadlock has been broken.

Stuck in a Moment you can't get out of

Weeks had gone by since the confrontation between Finé and Izetta. Finé for her part threw herself into her statesmanship attempting to if for a short time forget the wounds left upon her by Izetta. Of course these were not wounds one could see but wounds of the soul.

Life around the palace reflected the disposition of it's ruler. Communications were tense and quick if still cordial. Orders were passed though secondary agents. The atmosphere around Finé was of whispers and conjecture by those that served her. Within the first two weeks everyone who worked under the crown's employ knew of the row between Finé and Izetta. It was as open a secret as Izetta's existence after the war. Luckily or if perhaps by design the inner drama of the Dutchy didn't bleed though to general gossip.

Bianca had held to order that Finé had given that day. She passed information to Finé though her staff or by memo. Of course there were times when the two passed in the hall but neither made eye contact. The frost on Finé's perceived demeanor was inches thick by Bianca's perception. Still an order was an order and Bianca followed it even though she had her doubts.

Perhaps the one who felt the greatest constraint or even imprisonment was Finé herself. Statecraft could only provide her so much distraction and her mind drifted to Izetta everyday even hours at a time. Love made it's bonds tight and hard to breathe. Finé made no attempt to end her bondage and remained as she was though it was unbearable.

Finé's current circumstances being largely by her own choice left little room for anyone else to attempt to correct it. As it was the only one who could break clean these jagged barbs was Izetta herself. Having not heard from Izetta only further enforced Finé's perceptions. Nobody was making any perceivable attempt to fix anything and things remained stuck in the balance.

That was until fate decided that things had gone on long enough.

(Landsbrück: Palace: Finé's office)

"Thank you for settling the matter at this stage minister. It would have been unfortunate if it were allowed to continue." Finé stated as she reclined in her chair. "Yes I will remember this. Thank you for calling." Finé finished the conversation as she hung the receiver on the cradle. Finé took a deep breath and then closed her eyes and attempted to remember happier times. Though this practice was particularly disastrous as of late. Because Finé's thoughts were of two things. Work or that she tried to ignore.

Finé sighed as her eyebrows tensed. Thoughts of the last encounter stung and her pride forbid her from seeking the obvious solution. But there had to be some sort of reprieve somewhere and some sort of compromise. Finé's momentary weakness led her to pick up the phone and begin to dial Izetta's number. But then the receiver crashed back onto the cradle as Finé doubled down on her pride. And as her eyes misted over for the umpteenth time this day she sighed once again and hung her head.

"You stupid fool. You stupid, stupid, stupid fool." Finé said to herself as she choked back the tears. It would seem that it would be another day of anguish and another night of loneliness. Laying her head on her desk, Finé began to openly sob into the quietness.

However it was still light enough that she heard someone walk up to her door, slide something under the door and then walk away. Finé lifted her head and saw the note laying on the floor. Finé was perplexed. If it were a note why not knock on the door and just hand it to her? Or even more modern, call her? The sender apparently wanted to be anonymous or perhaps they were just a proxy. In any case Finé rose from her chair, walked over and bent down picking up the piece of paper.

The folded over message read "My Dearest Finé" on it's front. Anticipation filled Finé's heart as skepticism rallied in her mind. 'This must be some sort of joke. Heads will roll when I find out who did this.' Finé thought as the stinging also returned. 'But nobody else knows what happened. Well except Bianca and Lotte and I've banished Bianca to written correspondence. I haven't spoken to Lotte since it happened. Maybe, no not likely. She's too proud now. She wouldn't, would she?' Finé thought some more as doubt and need filed in right behind all the others.

"I'll just open it and get it over with. How can I not?" Finé asked herself as she flipped the page open and braced herself for the contents.

My Dearest Finé,

I've thought about this a lot and maybe I was wrong. I just wanted so badly for you to see that I was better. That someday I'd be able to walk again. That was all I thought about and I was selfish. I find it harder to get though the days knowing and feeling how we left things. As the love pains me I come to understand that this is silly and that I should call you back to me. Please come back to me in time. Find it in your heart to forgive me as I have forgiven myself.

Your Beloved,


The paper fluttered to the floor as Finé stood dumbfounded. It was exactly as she thought it should be. There was something off, something wrong. There had to be. Things like this never ended this easily. Or was Izetta really repentant? Finé's heart wouldn't let her mind win. But she also wouldn't go running back to Izetta. At least not yet.

"There's more to this. Or maybe I'm just thinking too much." Finé said to herself as now the pain and anguish began to subside and she was able to breathe freely for at least this moment.

"First things first. I have to figure out how to proceed." Fine stated as she sat back down and felt hopeful for the first time in months.