Description: Meet Alicia, Luke's girlfriend-to-be. Meet Thomas, an annoyance to Alicia, blinded by his love for her. And meet Connie.

Let's face it. I've always been the "Ladies Man" in the Ross family. I mean, have you seen Ravi? Anyway. I, honestly, wasn't surprised when new girl Alicia started taking a liking to me.

Okay, maybe it was the other way around. But still. She was in my math class. Which is ironic, because she was the girl of my dreams, math was the reason I woke up from my dreams. From the moment she stepped into the classroom, I knew we were a perfect match. No one could resist freckles like these. Or freckles like hers either. And she dances. But I'll talk about that later. Anyway. Apparently, she was a math prodigy. I was having trouble with the math problem, so I raised my hand.

"Miss? I don't understand this problem."

I was working only because Jessie promised me extra T.V. time if I worked harder in school.


My teacher didn't even look up from her papers before calling some student to help me.

How inconsiderate! I thought. Then I saw who the student was.

"Hi, I'm Alicia."

I was a little nervous, actually. No. I was more than nervous. My heart would have probably jumped out of my chest.

I held out my hand tentatively. By the way, I have no idea what that word means but it seems appropriate for this situation.


"Hi, Luke! So, which problem don't you get?"

"Uh... the third one,"


It was lunchtime. I sat at my usual table with my buds and then I saw Alicia.

"Hey, Alicia! Over here!" I called, waving her over. She turned with her lunch tray, then bounded over to our table, her midnight curls bouncing on her shoulders.

"Hey, Luke! What's up?"

"Sit with us!" I said, patting the seat next to me.

"Who's this?" My best buddy, Greg, leaned and whispered to me.

"That's Alicia; she's in my math class." I whispered back to him.

"She's hot, dude,"

"Yeah, I know."

Suddenly I heard Alicia's voice.

"So Luke,"


"What do you like to do?"

"Oh, uh, anything but homework."

Alicia laughed an adorable laugh and looked at me.

"You're funny Luke... I mean, what do you like to do for fun?"

"Oh. I dance."

"You dance? Me too! But not ballet or anything...I'm more modern."

"Me too!"

I smiled at Alicia.

" you live nearby?"

"I guess. I live in that apartment with the penthouse. I'm on the 7th floor."

"Oh, nice! I live in the penthouse!"

"Cool! Can I visit later?"


What was I saying? Jessie would kill me if I brought a girl into the house! Then again, she'd probably forgive me for getting off her back...

You know what I say?


"Jessie, I'm home!"

"Hi, Luke!"

Jessie then turned to Alicia.

"Hi. Are you one of Luke's friends?"

"Yeah. I'm Alicia Anderson."

Jessie looked at me, then smiled at Alicia. "Nice to meet you, Alicia! I'm Jessie Prescott, but please, call me Jessie."

"Nice to meet you Jessie!" Alicia said as she walked into the penthouse. "Wow, your place is nice!"

Jessie grinned. "Yeah, I know it's... well, Morgan and Christina Ross own it, so..."

"Oh, cool!"

"Yeah. So uh, Alicia. Why don't you go mingle around!"

Alicia nodded and bounced off, and I sighed contentedly ( again, no idea what this word means ) as she left. Jessie grabbed my arm and pulled me aside.

"Ow!" I rubbed the side of my arm dramatically.

"So what's up?"

"You like this girl, don't you?"

I stared at Jessie, puzzled, but then a smirk crossed my face.

"Why? Are you... oh, I don't know...jealous?"

"Jealous? Wha-no! I'm just asking! Look, you've had a crush on me since I moved here. I guess...I'm just elated that you've found another girl that you like. That actually likes you back."

"Cool. So... can I have my arm back now?"

Jessie looked to her hand, which still grasped me by the wrist.

"Oh." She chuckled sheepishly. "Sure." She let go of my hand and I went back to Alicia, who was hitting it off with Emma.

"Oh, hi, Luke. Alicia and I were just talking about the importance of proper fashion and all things glitter. Turns out, we both major in fashion."

I snorted. "And I don't? I have a pretty sweet style. I mean, in case you haven't noticed." I turned around slowly to prove my point.

Emma scoffed. "Please. The only thing you major in is the art of stink."

I saw Alicia stiffle a giggle. Then she looked at her watch. "Yeah, well, I've had a great time here, but I gotta go. Can I visit again soon?"

"Of course!" Jessie said.

"Great! Ok, bye guys!"

"Wait!" I called. "Let me take you there. It's fine; we're in the same apartment."

Alicia tilted her head, then grinned at me. "Sure!"

We stepped into the elevator. I got a text from Jessie.

Well, look mr. Gentlman! ;)

I looked at it and imagined Emma and Jessie laughing as they reread the text. I texted them back.

-_- Really?

I could practically hear them bursting into laughter as they read my text. Just then, we reached Alicia's floor.

"Bye Alicia! See you at school tomorrow?"

"Yep! Bye Luke!"

I went back into the elevator, still smiling and waving. As soon as the doors closed, my face turned into a scowl. When the elevator reached the penthouse, I went inside. And chased Emma.

"I am going to KILL YOU!"

Author's Note: This was my first fanfic, so go easy on me! the next chapter, Alicia and Luke dance in the park! I forgot the names of Luke's best friends, so I came up with one on random. Tell me what you think and please be nice! Like, no swear words. But yeah. Have fun reading!