"Levy of course I want to spend the New Year's Eve with you but-"

"But nothing you are going to the party I'm throwing tomorrow, and your going to fun!" She screamed at me through the phone. Sometimes it was hard to be on the phone with Levy, and now was not a good time I still had to go to work.

"Ok Levy I will try my best to make it to your party, but I still have to work at the restaurant and then do the late night shift at the store."

"So what does that mean?"

"It means that I'm going to be tired and Michelle's birthday is on first, and I just might sleep through the whole day because that's my only day off, but I will try to go to the party." I just sighed because I can't wait until this year is over.

"Oh ok, see you at the party bye" She finally hung up after 20 minutes of fighting on the phone with Levy, and I still can't win. I walk into the restaurant Fairy Tail ready to go work! I see my closest friend from childhood, Erza. Taking orders for a group of people I waved at her before going to the back, and her whole face lit up when she saw me. I loved Erza, she was always the sister to go to when you needed help. That's how I saw her as a sister, and sometimes a mother, but you always wanted her on your side. I finally get to the back to see Juvia just looking at a corner table.

"Hey Juvia, what are you doing?" I asked her, but she didn't answer. I put my apron around my waist. I'm still looking at Juvia.

"Juvia, earth to Juvia"

"Oh it's just Lucy, you scared Juvia. What you need from Juvia?"

" What are you doing?"

"Juvia is just looking at table 7 that's all"

"That's all?" Juvia was the worst lair at all the girls from Fairy Tail

"Alright! Juvia was staring at the handsome guy at table 7. Juvia knows they are destine to become lovers"

"O-KAY, you know that's in my section so how about I check him out for you?"

"Really, you'll do that for Juvia. Unless you want to become Juvia's love rival!"

"No, no, no, and no! Juvia I'm your my friend I wouldn't do that to you." I trying to calm down Juvia because once she thought you were after her guy. She go crazy jealous, and watch your every single move.

"After seeing the guy, I'll give you table 7 and you'll give me table 17. Ok?"

"Juvia is fine with that"

"Alright! Then if you excuse me I'm going to table 7." As I walked out the back, and slowly taking out my pad and pen. Put a smile on face, and get this over with.

"Hi, I'm Lucy. Would you want to start off with something to drink?" I asked the man without looking at him.

"Lucy. Lucy is that you?" I looked down to see one of my oldest friends next to Erza.


"Yeah it's me"

"Oh my god! What you doing here?" I started shout, but he picked up before I finished then put me down.

"It's right near my apartment. I just moved here about few days ago with my roommate."

"Oh yeah! How's the police academy?"

"Pretty good, and how's school for you?"

"Really well actually, even though I had a rough summer I still mange straight A's, but most importantly are you meeting someone here?"

"Yeah, my roommate, but he loves to be late. Are you going to the party Levy throwing?"

"It's Levy, of course I'm going even if she's dragging me there." We both starting laughing so hard, but then I realized I did this for Juvia.

"Ok well, unfortunate I'm not your server, Juvia is. So bye and text me!" I shouted as I went back to push Juvia into his direction. When Mirajane was already ahead of me, and once Mirajane has something in her eye she won't let it go.

"Thanks Mira!" I shouted before going to table 17

"Hi, I'm Lucy. I will be your server, would you want to start with something to drink?"


I walk into this restaurant ready to eat with Gray, and I see him in the corner talking to a blue-haired waitress. I slowly walk over as she was leaving, and sat down.

"Hey man what you order?"

"Hey, just the usual couple of burgers and fries. And I got you this extremely hot burger that makes grown men cry."

"That sounds delicious, anyways the landlord said the keys are there whenever we want to go get them they're there."

"That's great, and could hold on a second"

"Sure" I saw him leave to go talk to this beautiful blonde waitress, and the moment I laid my eyes on her. I knew just knew that I have to know her. Gray comes back with a little piece of paper.

"Hey man, who's that blonde you were just talking to?"

"Her, she's my friend from way back."

"What's in your hand?"

"Her number, I lost it a long time ago. And before you ask no you can not have it."

"Why? She really hot and you have her number right there."

"I said no. Lucy is like my little sister, and I wouldn't just give this number to anyone. You will just have to man up, and get it yourself. You know what, she's going to that party Levy invited us to, so ask her then."

"Alright then, but one thing is for sure I'm going to know her."