Hi everyone! If you're reading this, that means you decided to give my story a look. I'll be honest, I've never really written anything like this before, nor had the idea to. But after reading other stories like this, I started thinking about my own version. After that, ideas just kept pouring in and I decided to try typing it out. Now this chapter is more of an introduction for my OC, we'll start seeing some of the main cast in the next one. That said, I hope you guys like what I came up with. My OC cards will be listed at the bottom of the chapter with their full stats and effects.

I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V or any related titles. I only own my OCs and any and all OC cards I create for this story.



In a small town out in the country, known as Shizukawa, there lies a small school building surrounded by trees, with playsets all around. A large sign in front says "Shizukawa Elementary", and on a normal day, this building would be the perfect place for peaceful education.


Today however, the majority of the children were gathered near tree and worried about the black and white cat looking about from one of the higher branches.

"Come down Hina!" "Please be okay!" "Someone help" Some of the teachers were already there, trying to find a way up, while the rest had gone to see if there was anyone in town who could help. It was tricky, seeing as how the tree Shiro was in just so happened to be the hardest one to climb out of all the trees at the school.

Seeing how everyone was paying attention to the tree that Shiro was in, no one seemed to notice the blue-haired kid who was climbing the tree next to it, which was considerably easier to climb. As the kid kept getting higher, he kept checking the tree next to him, before going up more. After he had climbed about 15ft and he believed himself to be in the right spot, he moved onto the thickest branch for what he was about to do, and took a few deep breathes…

Then jumped to the next tree.

Everyone, who at this point was just worrying about the cat, was immediately shocked at seeing one of the kids come flying into the tree and grabbing onto of the branches near the cat.


The boy didn't even acknowledge that he heard his teacher, and instead worked on pulling himself on top of the branch, and navigating to the one Hina was on. After a minute of maneuvering and everyone down below yelling at him to be careful, he made it to the one with Hina and was slowly getting closer to her and started talking to her gently.

"Hey Hina. It's okay, I've got you. Let's go down together, okay?" At this point, he was a foot away and had his hand held out to the cat, who seemed nervous at how high up they were. As Takumi kept up his smile and peaceful demeanor, it seemed to put the cat at ease somewhat, as it moved towards him enough for him to pick her up in both his arms.

He then looked around and positioned himself so that he was sitting on the branch with both legs on one side. "Okay then… Now this part. Ready Hina?" The cat just looked at him. "Okay, thought so. Here goes nothing." After one more deep breath, he slid off of the branch.

This action terrified the people below. "TAKUMIII!" But just as he started falling, they saw that his feet were landing on and kicking off of other branches that were below him, slowing his fall and letting him control where he went! When he got to the lowest branch, he kicked off away from the tree and landed in a roll. He stopped in a sitting position with Hina in his lap, himself completely silent.

He then looked at Hina, who was looking back at him. "You okay?" His answer was the cat rubbing her head against him while purring. "Haha, heyyy, your whiskers tickle, hahaha!"

"Takumi!" "Hm?" Takumi looked back at the audience he had drawn, seeing joy on the kids and relief on the adults, the kids already starting to crowd him. "You saved Hina!" "That was so cool!" "How'd you do that!?"

"Oh, I just climbed the tree next to it, then jumped. It's easier to climb." He said matter-of-factly.

Takumi's teacher then approached. "Takumi, you shouldn't have done that. You could have gotten yourself hurt. Do you have any idea how worried we were?"

Takumi just looked back at him. "Sorry Sensei, but Hina was in trouble."

"I understand that, but we had help coming. You should have waited."

"But what if something happened to Hina? I saw the tree next to it was easier to climb, and that the branches in between them were thick enough to hold me. I couldn't wait. Besides," Takumi then put on a mischievous grin "I love climbing trees!"

That got the rest of the kids to start laughing and his teacher to sigh in exasperation.


Takumi was watching a show about Duel Monsters at the Shizukawa orphanage with some of the other kids. Takumi had been raised there his entire life, no one even knowing who left him there. There was a time when he wanted to find out who his parents were, but he decided already that he wouldn't worry about the past, and instead look to the future. He may not have parents like everyone else does, but Mrs. Hasegawa, the director of the orphanage, has been like a mother to him.

"Takumi! Could you come in here?"

"Coming!" Takumi then went into the kitchen, where Mrs. Hasegawa was sitting at the table. She wore a light blue dress, and had greying brown hair that reached below her shoulders. "What is it."

She looked at him with a knowing smile. "Oh, I just got word of something interesting that happened at school earlier. You wouldn't happen to know what I'm talking about, now would you?"

Takumi then paled a little. Mrs. Hasegawa is the one person that can make him feel nervous, and she knows it. The look on his face got her laughing.

"Hahaha. Oh don't look so scared. I know you're fine, but do you really need to rush off and do these kinds of things? Just last week when one of the kids got their ball stuck on the roof of the orphanage, you went and climbed the gutter to get it back!"

"Hehehe…" Takumi rubbed the back of his head at that. "I know, but if I can do something to help, why shouldn't I?"

Mrs. Hasegawa looked fondly at him and sighed. "I suppose you have a point there. But what am I to do if something happens while you're trying to help. That impossible dexterity you have could give he a heart attack. I worry you know."

Takumi looked down at that. "Sorry Mrs. Hasegawa…"

Mrs. Hasegawa reached for his chin and gently lifted his head up. "Now don't be like that. So long as you promise to be careful and not do anything too extreme, I'll forgive you. Deal?"

Takumi then gave a bright smile. "Deal!"

"Good. Now, I was going to wait a little longer, but I suppose it's time I gave you something." She then got up and moved to the cupboard, and pulled out a pair of boxes. "Here, open them."

Takumi started with the smaller one, and pulled out a pendant. I was a long, upside-down, silver tetrahedron, with the three tips on the *base* being red, yellow, and blue crystal, and the bottom tip being clear. From the three sides there appeared to be wings stretching out to reach above the base and meet at the tips, where the pendant was able to hang from the chain. "Wooowwwww."

Mrs. Hasegawa grinned at the look on his face. "I see you like it. Some months ago, there was a merchant who came through town selling jewelry and this caught my eye. When I asked about it, he told me that it was an item of good fortune." She started pointing out the different parts of the pendant. "The ruby tip symbolizes radiant hope, that spreads to all around you. The topaz tip symbolizes relentless courage, to protect all you hold dear. The sapphire tip is for an unwavering will, to rise above even the most difficult obstacles. The clear tip is the unknown future, with infinite potential. And the wings, to carry you to the dream you hold dear. Once he told me of this, I thought that it had to be made for you." She gently picked it up, and placed it around his neck. "I had meant to give this to you for your birthday next month, but I think you already deserve to where this."

Takumi was speechless. This was the most incredible thing he has ever received. He quickly gave Mrs. Hasegawa the biggest hug he could. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!"

"Hahaha! I'm glad you like it so much. Now, you have one more present to open."

Takumi let go and moved to the second box. When he opened it, his smile got even bigger (if that was possible). "Woah! These are Dual Monster cards! Awesome!" He quickly started going through the cards that were in there.

"The town may not have as much focus on these as the big cities do, but we still get cards. I thought it was about time I got you some. I'm pretty sure some of your classmates already have cards of their own."

"Yeah! I've been wanting to join them but I didn't want to ask you for the cards just because of that! Thanks so much!"

"I'm glad you're happy. I hope you don't mind, but I already setup a deck for you to try." As she said this she pointed to one of the stacks of cards

Takumi pulled it out and started looking through them. "The monsters… they're all birds."

"What better for a free-spirited boy than free-spirited monsters?" She said this with a grin.

"Haha! Thanks! I can't wait to try it out!"

-5 years later-

"Ice Beast Zerofyne! Attack directly!"



Winner: Takumi

Today, a tournament was being held in the town for everyone to enjoy, and Takumi had just made it into the Finals.

He now had short, sky blue windswept hair, and wore a white T-shirt with a silver bird design on the back, blue trousers that had a white stripe running along the sides, and a silver deck box on his hip. He wore grey shoes, a silver duel disk with a blue blade, and his pendant around his neck.

After he got his deck from Mrs. Hasegawa, he quickly took to the game. Even though he tried playing other types of decks, he always went back to using Winged Beasts as his preference. None of the other types he tried gave him the same feeling of freedom that this one did. In fact, it was thanks to these cards that he quickly became one of the better duelists in town. He even figured out Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz summoning with these cards and some help from some of the more experienced duelists.

Which was why he was participating in the tournament now. To see how far he'd come since then.

"And we're down to our last two competitors! Once again, Takumi has won with his flock of bird monsters! He will now take on Once-Pro duelist, Akihiro Shirokawa!"

Across from him now stood a tall man with greying black hair, wearing a white kimono with blue accents, a blue duel disk on his arm, and a smirk on his face. "Good to see you make it to this point Takumi. You've done well. Hope you can keep up with me!"

Takumi just smirked back. He knew all about how great a duelist he used to be before he retired, and was looking forward to the challenge. "Only one way to find out now, isn't there?"

"Right you are! Shall we get to it then!?" At this, he activated his disk, revealing a white blade.

"You bet!"


Takumi: 4000

Akihiro: 4000

"You take the first move kid. Show me what you got."

"Thanks. I'll start by playing Shield Wing in Defense Mode." The green bird then appeared on his field, wings held up defensively. "Next, I activate the effect of the Spirit Wing in my hand, and equip it to Shield Wing." Just then, a white version of Shield wing appeared, before turning into light and covering Shield Wing. "I end my turn with a face-down."

Akihiro looked on. "Hmm. Not much to start, but your defense isn't bad. Shield wing can avoid being destroyed in battle up to twice per turn. Still. If you think That's enough to stop me, your mistaken. I draw." He drew a card then pulled another from his hand. "I activate Summoner's Art! I can now add a level 5 or higher normal monster from my deck to my hand." He then pulls out a card from his deck and reveals it. "I choose Blue-eyes White Dragon!"

'It's already here!' Takumi had an excited look on his face at seeing that card.

"Now by revealing it, I can summon Blue-eyes Alternative Dragon to the field!" At that moment, his dragon appeared on the field and gave a mighty roar, blowing wind at all of the excited spectators. "Then, I activate Ancient Rules, which lets me summon my Blues-eyes White Dragon!" Takumi was just grinning stupidly at the two dragons that he now had to deal with.

"Your Shield Wing may be able to survive the attacks from my dragons, but how about this? I activate the effect of Blue-eyes Alternative Dragon! Once per turn, instead of attacking, it can destroy 1 monster on the field! Say goodbye to your Shield Wing!" His dragon then let out a roar, releasing a white beam of energy straight at Shield Wing, causing an explosion.

Akihiro smirked at Takumi, until the smoke cleared and Shield Wing was unharmed! "What?"

"Haha, sorry, but my bird is sticking around! Thanks to Spirit Wing, any monster equipped with him is unaffected by my opponent's card effects."

Akihiro blinked at that. "Hmmm. Not bad. It forces me to rely on attacking 3 times to get rid of your monster."

"4, actually."


Takumi just kept smirking. "You see, Spirit Wing is a Union Monster, so if Shield Wing would be destroyed, I can destroy it instead."

"Haha! I see. Not bad. Well then, I guess I'll end with a pair of face-downs."

"Thanks! I draw." He took his card and looked at it. "I active Pot of Greed and draw 2 cards." As he saw his new cards, he smiled even more. "Yes! I summon Mist Valley Falcon!" Out came a tribal looking man with wings on their back, wielding a sword and shield, as well as 2000 ATK points!

"Hmm, not bad for a level 4 monster. But it's still not strong enough to take down my dragons."

"Maybe not yet, but what if I play this card? Riryoku! This spell halves the ATK of one monster you control and gives the difference to a monster I control. So I'll be taking half of Alternative's points now, if you please." As the spell appeared, dark energy flowed to Alternative Dragon, weakening it, before moving to Falcon.

3000 - 1500

2000 - 3500

"Next, I play Merciless Hunter! Until the End Phase, if a monster I control destroys a monster in battle, and you control a monster with the same type but less ATK point than the destroyed monster, I can attack again!"

Akihiro was impressed at this display. The kid had set things up so that his monster got a major power boost and a chance to clear his field of monsters, while dealing a major blow to his life points.

"Alright! Thanks to Mist Valley Falcon's effect, I have to return a card on my field to my hand in order to attack. I target Spirit Wing." As he took the card back into his hand, Falcon began to ready its sword. "Now go! Attack his Blue-eyes White Dragon!" Falcon went up to Blue-eyes and sliced clean through, destroying Blue-eyes.

4000 - 3500

"Now I return Shield Wing to my hand so Falcon can follow up and take down Blue-eyes Alternative Dragon!" Falcon then repeated its attack, this time at Alternative Dragon.

3500 - 1500

"…" Akihiro just stood there, unfazed by the attacks. "…Hmm…he…heheHAHAHA! That's the spirit! You may have what it takes after all!"

"Thanks! Now that I'm done attacking, I once again use the effect of my Spirit Wing, this time to equip him to Falcon!" Once again his bird appeared and turned into light, this time surrounding Falcon. "I end my turn."

"Very well. I draw! I activate Cards of Consonance and discard my White Stone of Legend to draw 2 cards. And since the White Stone of Legend was just sent to my graveyard, I can add another Blue-eyes to my hand." He looked at the 3 cards now sitting in his hand, then flashed a grin at Takumi. "Hope you're ready for this boy. I activate Double Summon. Now I can normal summon twice this turn. I summon Kaiser Seahorse! Then I immediately tribute it as 2 monsters to summon my 2nd Blue-eyes!"

His second dragon took its place and let out a roar. "Next, I activate the Birthright trap card. This lets me bring back the Blue-eyes in my Graveyard." His first dragon came back, just as fierce as before. "Next I activate my second face-down, Mystical Space Typhoon, and destroy your Spirit Wing!" A strong wind came out of the card and destroyed Spirit Wing, leaving Falcon vulnerable.

"Now the tables have turned. Blue-eyes White Dragon! Attack his Falcon with White Lightning!" His first dragon opened up its mouth and unleashed a powerful beam of energy that obliterated Falcon!


4000 - 3000

"Hehe. Hope you have something for this. Now my second dragon attacks you directly!" As his second dragon unleashed its own beam, it caused an explosion of smoke around Takumi, obscuring him from view. As the crowd waited with baited breath, the smoke cleared to reveal...

Shield Wing with its wings around him, and his life points untouched! "Yeah, I did have something for that. The card I set on my first turn, Swooping In! This card allows me to negate damage of any kind, and then summon a level 4 or lower Winged Beast in my hand!" Shield Wing then took position in front of him in Defense mode.

"Hahaha! Very good! I end my turn. I would love to see what you do next!"

"As you wish. I draw! I play Scattered Feathers. I now banish 1 winged beast from my grave, then draw a card from my deck for every 2 levels it possessed. I banish Falcon to draw 2 cards." He then looked at the 3 cards in his hand, and had a plan.

"Okay. I tribute Shield Wing to tribute summon Raiza the Storm Monarch!" As his regal monster appeared on the field, a great wind started up, centered around Raiza. "When tribute summoned, I can return 1 card on the field to the top of its owner's deck. I choose the Birthright trap card. With it gone, you lose one of your Blue-eyes cards!" The wind picked up even more, blowing away the trap and destroying Blue-eyes before it calmed down. "Next, I play United Flock! Now I can target 1 Winged Beast-type monster on the field, then summon another one from my hand with the same level, so long as it goes back during the End Phase. Raiza is level 6, so it's a good thing I have the level 6 Grand Chieftain of the Trinity in my hand!"

His newest monster appeared as a 6ft humanoid birdman with brown feathers and wings on their back, wearing brown tribal garb and a feather headdress, the feathers starting white, then being red, then yellow, and ending with blue at the ends. In its right talons it held a wooden staff with a loop at the top, possessing three triangular crystals (one ruby, one topaz, one sapphire) within it that touch the loop with 2 of their points and meet in the middle with the 3rd.

Grand Chieftain of the Trinity: Winged Beast-type/Earth/level6

ATK: 2100 DEF: 2100

"Hmm. Not very strong is it?" Akihiro observed the new monster, curious about what Takumi could be planning.

"Doesn't need to be." As Takumi said this, Chieftain spread his wings raised his staff as it glowed. "Once per turn, Chieftain can choose 1 Winged Beast-type in play. The target monster gains 300 ATK for every attribute that is present on the field. I pick Raiza." Energy from Chieftain's staff then flowed into Raiza. "Chieftain is Earth, Raiza is Wind, and Blue-eyes is Light, so Raiza gains 900 ATK!"

2400 - 3300

"What!? But with that…"

"Yup! Raiza, attack Blue-eyes!" Raiza leapt up and started punching Blue-eyes repeatedly, then delivering one last punch to its head, destroying it


1500 - 1200

"Now that there is 1 less attribute on the field, my monster gets a little weaker, but that hardly matters now doesn't it?"

3300 - 3000

"Alright Chief! You ready!?" Chieftain gave a war cry at that and hefted his staff like a weapon. "Just what I wanted to hear! How about you Akihiro?"

Akihiro just looked at Takumi's monster, surprise evident on his face. "… Heh… heheh… HAHAHAAA! Good! Very good! HAHAHAAA!" He then held his arms out invitingly. "Well boy? I have no cards on my field, no cards in my hand, and not enough life points to survive this next attack! So what are you waiting for!? You've earned this!"

Takumi put a massive grin on his face at that. "YES SIR! Grand Chieftain! Attack directly! Universal Force!" Chieftain raised his staff overhead, causing the crystals on it to glow and gather energy, which he then threw at Akihiro, who still had arms held out.

1200 - 0

Winner: Takumi

As the monsters faded away, Akihiro walked over to Takumi with a grin. "Nice work kid. You'll go far." He then held out a hand to him, which Takumi quickly reached for.

"Thanks. It was a lot of fun to be able to duel you."

"Likewise." With that, he walked away with a smile, as the Townsfolk began to surround Takumi.

-later that night-

Takumi was lying in bed, looking at the photo taken of his achievement of winning the tournament. He managed to rope in Mrs. Hasegawa into being in the picture with him. The both of them were smiling like the fools they are.

So why did he feel off?

He just beat the best duelist in town. He should be feeling on top of the world. Not this… this… restlessness? He had no idea what to do now.

"Takumi?" The sound of his name drew his attention to the door, where Mrs. Hasegawa was standing.

"Oh. Hey." 'I don't sound off do I?'

"Takumi… What's on your mind." She walked into the room and sat next to him on the bed. 'Guess I did.'

He sat up and tried to think of what to say. "I'm, not really sure. I just beat the most experienced duelist in town. I should be on top of the world right now. So, why does it feel like I'm missing something?"

But she just put on a knowing smile. "I think I might." Takumi looked at her, eyes pleading for an answer. "You want more."


"Takumi… You just became to best in the village. No one here can give you a challenge anymore. And that is what's missing. The challenge necessary for you to grow and evolve. There is nothing left here to help you do that."

Takumi looked down in thought. "… So, what now?"

"The way I see it you have 2 options before you." She held up 1 finger. "Option number 1; You look for something else to do around town. Though those options are rare and few."

"And the second option?"

She reached an arm around his back to rest her arm on his other shoulder, and spoke softly. "Or option 2; Do what your monsters do better than any other living creature does. Leave the nest, spread your wings, and soar across the world. Go out there, and find people who can give you a challenge."

Takumi was speechless. He never really gave much thought to leaving the orphanage, to leaving Mrs. Hasegawa, and now here she was, telling him that if he needed to... wanted to... he could leave. He had no idea how to respond.

Mrs. Hasegawa seemed to notice his dilemma and moved to hug him. "Oh now, it's alright. You don't need to decide anything now. And even if you did leave, you should know that you will always have a place here."

Takumi just hugged her, not knowing what else to do. All he'd ever known was the town, the orphanage, Mrs. Hasegawa. To just leave it all behind…

"How about I let you sleep on it. Okay? We can talk about it whenever you're ready." She then kissed him on the forehead and spoke softly. "It's getting late now. Goodnight my boy." As Mrs. Hasegawa Left the room, Takumi lay down to try and start sleeping.

But his mind wouldn't let him. He kept going back to her words. Stay and feel restless, or leave behind everything he's ever known? He didn't know what to do.

He then sat up, and using the moonlight through the window to see, reached for the pendant she gave him all those years ago, sitting on his beside nightstand. 'Radiant hope that spreads to all, relentless courage to never waver, unwavering will to rise above, infinite possibilities for the future, and wings to carry me to my dream.' Takumi frowned at the last one. 'What is my dream? What do I want?' With that, he placed the pendant back on the nightstand and went to sleep.

That night, he dreamed of flying through the skies, free from everything. And when he looked below, he saw a world at peace, where everyone was happy. Where everyone had the hope, strength, and determination, to create a world where everyone could smile.

And while he dreamed, he never once noticed the glow that came from his pendant, nor from some of the cards in his deck…

-a few days later-

Takumi was at the main road out of town, bag in hand, saying goodbye to everyone. His dream had helped him decide that it was time he left, in order to see what life is like outside of town, and to spread happiness to everyone he met.

"Really, you don't ALL need to be here. I was expecting a few people, not half the town!?" While it was certainly an exaggeration, it sure seemed like it, since his friends, classmates, teacher, and even people from the same street as the orphanage had come to see him off!

"Hey! You're the best duelist in town now!" "No one has beaten Akihiro since he retired here." "And what kind of sensei would I be if I didn't see off one of my students as they start a new chapter in their life?" Everyone just kept praising him and wishing him luck.

"You guys…" He had on maybe one of the saddest smiles he could remember right now. Mrs. Hasegawa immediately noticed it and moved to hug him.

"Now, now, no crying. This isn't goodbye. After all, I fully expect you to call regularly." This got a genuine laugh from him. "Good. Now, I set up an account with some money in it. It should help you get what you need when you need it. Other than that you have 2 jobs to do." She let go and held up a finger. "Job number 1; Take care of yourself. Don't you get hurt doing something stupid." She held up a second finger. "Job number 2;" She grabbed his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Be the best that you can be."

Takumi grinned at her. "Yes ma'am." This time, he pulled her into a hug. When they let go, he grabbed his bag and looked at everyone. "Well everyone, see you all when I get back!" And with that, he started walking.

"Bye!" "Good luck!" "Stay safe!"

As they were all calling for him to be well, he waved back at them, until he could barely see them. "Alright then. Now, where to go and how do I get there?"

"You never even thought that far ahead? How short is your attention span?"

"WOAH!" The sudden voice caught him off guard, and when Takumi looked, he saw Akihiro leaning on a nearby tree and blinked at him. "What are you doing here?"

"Apparently looking at someone who has no idea what they plan on doing unless it's in dueling."

"Eh-heheheh." Takumi couldn't find an argument. Suddenly, a small box was tossed to him which he was quickly able to catch. "What?"

"Open it." Takumi looked at Akihiro, then back at the box before opening it. Inside, was a small stack of blank cards.

"These are… Blank?"

"For now." Takumi looked at him in confusion. "Those cards are special. They may be blank now, but if used by a duelist, they can become exactly the card they need. So long as you prove yourself to them first." Akihiro walked up to him. "I've been holding on to these ones for a while. The few I've used in the past have done me a great deal of service. And I know that these will do the same for you."

Takumi looked back at the cards in amazement. While looking at them, he could have sworn he saw something moving within the white…

"Maiami." "Huh?"

Takumi just looked at him confused once again. "This road eventually leads into Maiami City, one of the top places in the world to hone one's dueling skills. The schools out there go so far as to teach different styles of dueling. If you plan on leaving your mark on the world, go there. It'll help you find what you're looking for." With that, he got off of the tree and started walking back towards town. But he stopped after a few feet, with his back to Takumi. "Try not to lose too easily. You've beaten me now, so make sure they fight tooth and nail to win." Then he started walking again.

Takumi was speechless for a moment, before he put on a massive grin. "YES SIR!" And with that, he put the blank cards back in the box, put the box in his bag, and took off down the road, never catching the smile on Akihiro's face.

And end! So what do you guys think of my first chapter? Also, quick shout out to HunterHQ for reading the first edition of this chapter and critiquing most of the cards I came up with, as well as offering ideas for more. If you guys like these kinds of stories, then check out his story, "The dimension dragon Lords". Now if this story gets a good response, then I plan to upload more chapters as I type them. That said, I can't promise regular updates. I am open to criticism and ideas on how to improve my writing if you guys think I need it.

As for my cards, I chose to use Winged Beasts because I noticed that they were one of the few types to not get a lot of attention outside of specific Archetypes, with very few cards acting for the type in general. This is the result.

Now that that's over, here are the cards I revealed in the chapter, and thanks again for giving this a shot!

OC cards

Merciless Hunter: Spell/normal

During the turn this card is activated, when a monster you control destroys a monster in battle; If your opponent controls a monster with the same type but less ATK than the destroyed monster, your monster can make another attack this turn. Only one monster you control may attack during the turn you play this card.

Swooping in: Spell/quick-play

If you would take damage; Special summon a Winged Beast-type monster from your hand or face-up in your Extra deck and negate the damage. The summoned monster cannot be destroyed in battle or affected by card effects until the End Phase.

Scattered Feathers: Spell/normal

Activate this card by banishing 1 Winged Beast-type monster in your graveyard. For every 2 levels possessed by the banished card, you may draw 1 card.

United Flock: Spell/normal

Target 1 Winged Beast-type monster you control; Special summon 1 Winged Beast-type monster from your hand with the same level as the target monster. During the End Phase, the summoned monster is returned to the hand.

Spirit Wing: Winged Beast-type/Light/Union/level2

ATK: 500 DEF: 500

Once per turn, you can equip this card in your hand or on your field to a Winged Beast-Type monster you control, OR unequip it to Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. A monster equipped with this card by this effect is unaffected by card effects controlled by your opponent. (A monster may only be equipped with 1 Union monster at a time. If the equipped monster would be destroyed, destroy this card instead.)

Grand Chieftain of the Trinity: Winged Beast-type/Earth/level6

ATK: 2100 DEF: 2100

Once per turn, you can target 1 Winged Beast-type monster on the field; until your next Standby Phase, the target monster gains 300 ATK and DEF for each attribute on the field. Once per turn, you can change the level of 1 Winged Beast-type on the field to any level from 1 to 6.