so hello and welcome! This is just a set of unordered one shots based on daddyhawk, Clint Barton and Wanda Maximoff as father and daughter. It will most likely be updated when I have an idea and requests are appreciated loads! So are review, it really helps:) so that's enough rambling from me and thanks for reading! This first one is set directly after age of ultron

Chapter one: I thought I lost you both

Clint entered the hellicarrier and crashed into a chair. He had just made it to the bridge and heard watched as Natasha tried to get the hulk, Bruce banner, to come back to he ship but he closed the call.

"Everyone accounted for?" He asked the director as he played with a pen, trying not to think of the quick kid that was killed, he made a note to check up on Wanda in a little while, he never wanted the first round to go through this, he couldn't get the image of the sacred girl in the building out of his mind.

"Everyone apart of the android and miss maximoff." Fury said. Clint got up and headed to the window, seeing the city falling below him, it could be, he couldn't have lost them both in one night. He sunk into the floor with a sigh, not his girl.

"We have incoming." An agent said as Clint headed over quickly to see what it was, or rather who. He noticed the android land with a girl in his arms. Clint ran to find the door. He opened it and sprinted over despite the lack of air. He helped vision with Wanda and got her inside, gently taking her to a room to rest, he sat down on the chair and looked over with a weak smile.

"Peitro." Wanda whispered with a crook in her voice. Clint put his hand on her shoulder as she leaned in and wiped the tears from her face. Her brother, her twin was gone and it hurt, a lot.

"I know, I know." The archer replied as he held the girl "you scared me kid, I thought I had lost you," Clint said, hiding the pain my his voice so it was hardly noticeable. The two avengers sat in silence, deep in thought, re running the day. The attacks, the deaths, one most of all. A twin, A kid.

"He was all I had." Wanda whispered as tears fall from her eyes like waterfalls. She was failing at being strong, had no clue anymore, how to carry on, survive. Her whole world had fallen to pieces. Clint hugged her slightly tighter.

"I know, you have us now, especially me." Clint replied calmly, sportively. He could barely bare to see his girl in this state, the youngest of them all had just possibly lost more than all of them, except Steve.

"I need to go to the debrief, you don't have to come." Clint said as he sat back slightly and got ready to leave, he would rather stay but couldn't miss it, as much as he wanted to. Wanda got up to leave as well

"Please can I come?" She asked looking up slightly "I want to get out and look around and go." She spoke as she got up and left with Clint following behind. He smiled slightly at the girls strength.

"Okay egar beaver, I'll see what I can do" he said as he went in front to show the way, before talking to Steve and Fury as they came to the front of the room. Soon the four of them entered as Wanda sat next to Clint and Steve.

Through out the whole debrief Wanda sat in silence, looking and listening, brave. Dispite everything she'd been through that day. All Clint could do was watch her protectively. All he could think was 'I nearly lost you too'