She didn't plan to be here.

In fact, she'd planned to be with everyone else at Granny's. The annual New Year's Eve party was a tradition of course. It had lasted throughout the curse and beyond. The whole town showed up. The Charmings, Emma, the pirate and even Gold had been due to make a short appearance. So she'd sucked it up and let Henry drag her along for the night. She realized that this was rather an important night for him. It would most likely be the first New Year's where he'd be able to kiss someone other than his mom at midnight. She still felt her heart clench when she thought of how much her little prince had grown up.

When she got there the place had already been crowded, filled with optimistic partygoers ready to wait ring in the New Year. Snow and Charming were there and a small party hat had already been placed on Baby Neal's head. There were streamers, balloons and music in the air. Drinks were plentiful and being passed around. It wasn't ten minutes before one thankfully appeared in her hand. She sat in the booth with Snow and Charming and tried to put on a brave face. She tried to soak in everyone's mood and let it drown her own but it was useless. The closer the clock got to midnight the more her heart hurt. The clock reached 11 and she saw everyone start to pair off. Emma with Hook. Snow and Charming. Even Henry had disappeared from her side to join Violet by the jukebox. She tried not to let it get to her but it did. Everyone had somebody… but her.

Once the minute hand reached eleven thirty she couldn't take it anymore. Whispering in Snow's ear that she was heading to the bathroom, she quietly grabbed her coat and slipped out of the backdoor, thankfully unnoticed. She sucked in a cold breath as the night air hit her, suddenly very aware of how hard it had been to breath inside the diner. She started walking down Main Street, letting the lights and the music and the laughter drift further away as she headed into the lonely darkness.

Her head must've been clouded but her feet had led her right where she was meant to be. She kneeled in front of Robin's grave and let her fingers trace the Lion's crest engraved into the granite. The light of the moon lit up the face of her watch. 11: 55. A sad smile tugged at her lips. Everyone else was with their loved ones. Of course she'd come to hers.

She sat on the ground and let her back rest against the edge of his headstone. Her eyes lifted to the sky, itchy and hot, waiting for the fireworks to appear. Her gut began to twist as she thinks of a whole year spent without him. A year of birthdays and holidays spent without his presence to fill the lonely space in her heart.

She can feel the entire world begin counting down as she sits alone by her true love's grave. The fireworks appear, flashing in the sky and lighting up her barely visible tears.

Her hand falls against the ground, through a soft layer of snow, the closest she'll ever get to touching him again. Sucking in a deep breath she whispers the words she'd buried in her heart since his death.

"I wish we'd had more time."

If only she'd known how powerful a wish could be.

She didn't stay long after. She'd slipped back into Granny's, lied to her family and pretended that they'd just lost track of her in the crowd. Though they all looked at her suspiciously no one said a word. She and Henry arrived home half an hour after midnight, giving each other a quick kiss on the cheek and wishing each other a happy new year's before slipping into bed.

Neither of them felt the magic as they slept. It creeped through the house and headed toward her bedroom, filling it with warmth as it rested over her bed.

When she woke in the morning, she'd felt a familiar weight over her middle and a familiar breath at the back of her neck.

She thought she was still dreaming.

Turning to her side, sleep still in her eyes she felt her heart begin to pound as she saw his sleeping face only inches from her own.
