Ai stood silently, watching from the corner as Kazuma slept. Just for a while, she wasn't one to linger around long, just a mere stop as she passed through the area. As his chest rose and fell steadily she heard him utter, "Ai..Enma.." He seemed to be nice by heart.

Though, she had reminded herself that soon, eventually she'd have to consign him to hell in a few days.

Kazuma suddenly awoke, be it from dream or nightmare, but in the moment he had awoke, she was clear gone, and he was left looking around an empty room. "Call it odd, but I could swear there was someone in here with me...and even stranger, I thought it was her," he said to himself. Nah, that would be impossible and is a delusion of ridiculous proportion. He returned to peaceful slumber.

The next morning, on his way to school, Kazuma made his own breakfast, as his mother was already out to work. He lived alone with his mother after his father and left years ago. His mother was essentially never around. His daily routine involved staying out long passed nine at night, so she was gone by the time he woke up for school, and asleep by the time he returned home. In essence they lived on two different worlds and over the years had accepted the terms. They were inseparable on the weekends when school and work allowed a break in the line.

"I'm off!" Kazuma called as he put his shoes on.

He was taken aback at the sight of the door. On its coat hangar, hung his blazer he had lent Ai yesterday. How did it return? Was Enma-san indeed here last night? He shakily took his jacket and put it on before heading out the door.

The school day was over as fast as it had begun for Kazuma. Almost as early as it had begun, it seemed like only half an hour and the day was done. In the blink of an eye he had taken four exams, scuttling one: Literature. Well, can't win them all.

On his way about the city he stopped at a local seaside park. It was quiet, except the few young children running around and playing their cooperative friendly games amongst their friends. Kazuma, however, was the only one who seemed to take notice of a certain long haired school girl perched atop the jungle gym.

"Enma-san!" he called.

Ai had already noticed him and was keeping him in the corner of her eye twice the moment he arrived. She was about to jump down to meet him, but he had already clambered up and sat beside her.

"Good afternoon Enma-san," he greeted.

"Good afternoon, Kazuma Yoshida," she replied.

"Really really, Yoshida-kun or just Kazuma is fine, Enma-san."

"I see, Yoshida-san." Ai restated.

"So, what are you doing here?" Kazuma asked.

"I sometimes like to sit at places and just observe what occurs around me. People are...interesting. Kids are especially peculiar and fun to watch."

Watching the kids run about playing games of tag and the like, Ai was reminded of her childhood, her life, with Sentaro once again. The memory of Sentaro sparked the thought once again. Love.

"Yoshida-san, have you been in love?" Ai asked straightforwardly.

Kazuma's face shot red. "Huh? Where is this coming from?"

"A memory just hit me..." Ai muttered.

"Well," Kazuma began, "Once, around seven years ago. It was with my childhood friend. Her name was Ayako Izumi. After a long time of getting real close to each other, helping each other with each other's problems, it gave rise to the idea of being intimate.."

Ai raised in eyebrow, now captivated in the narration.

"We were only seven years old so what better did we know? We didn't know anything of those sorts, just two kids with a wild imagination. It's pretty ridiculous now that I look back on it, however I did have a major crush on her. So for the next two years we were reasonably close for kids of that age. However I began to realize that it was too suddenly started and not exactly solid, eventually one of us, or both, would end up getting hurt by it. To top that, I was also moving house and schools to the opposite side of the city. So I initiated the break. She took it hard and was heartbroken, but I was certain it was for the best. Since then I have yet to see her, and truly hope she is doing much better now."

"Ayako Izumi," Ai remarked, "yeah I hope so too..."

"You've seen her?" Kazuma asked intently.

Ai lied.

"Yes, she is dealing much better now..."

"Ah, that's good," Kazuma sighed, "I've been hoping she eventually feel better, recover, and set her life in good term."

"I see."

Ai jumped off the jungle gym and began to walk.

"Hey wait up," Kazuma followed, "Where you headed?"

Ai simply pointed down the street to an undefined destination.

Confusedly, Kazuma responded,"I'll walk with you."

The streets in the day were definitely much more crowded than they were passed midnight. The masses of people flooded the streets like a flowing river.

To Kazuma, Ai seemed to go unnoticed to everyone else. People bumped into and shoved aside Enma-san like a doll. She seemed very indifferent to the fact that people were just tossing and bumping her about. Could they not see or notice her?! Kazuma decided to take this matter into his own hands. He took Ai's hand in his and took point, guiding her through the crowd in a more direct path. The crowds only thinned after they crossed the third street, and all the way up til then, Kazuma held Ai's hand firmly in his. He could distinguish her skin, which was cool to the touch.

Ai was taken aback from the situation. No one had ever held her hand before. Sentaro rarely did in their moments centuries ago. She had forgotten what it was like. Kazuma's hand was warm to the touch and really warmed Ai to the core. For such the embodiment of indifference, Ai noticed a slight feeling from within. A warm, jumpy feeling. She barely noticed squeezing back Kazuma's hand ever so slightly.

Standing opposite the street observing the two was Hone Onna and Wanyuudo.

"Should we intervene?" Hone asked, "Isn't the miss getting too involved?"

"Mmm, I don't think the miss would appreciate that. Besides, this is notably the happiest I've seen her. The kid is already marked, it wouldn't matter how she interacts."

"Perhaps you're right."

"Let's leave her to her own devices," Wanyuudo suggested while walking away.

Hone Onna followed.

Kazuma stared no the red eyes of Ai awkwardly without much words available to say. He shakily let go his grip on her hand. "G-Gomenasai! Enma-chan. Just had to get us through the crowd."

Ai looked at her right hand before returning to Kazuma.

"Yoshida-kun...may I hold your hand?"