So I had an idea and wrote it and it might turn out to be nothing. Intentions to make this a SQ drabble thing, I don't even know myself right now. Updates will be whenever I remember, not planning anything ahead of time, will be a write then post thing. Will be based as a diary for a while I guess, not always Emma to Regina though. Can't write anything that's not AU I guess so.

January 1st 2017


So today marks the start of the New Year. I just finished work. I tried to be there with Henry to celebrate but there was an emergency over at the Rabbit Hole, Robin was drunk and handsy... again. I don't know what you ever saw in that guy, except his hair I guess. So it seems brunettes are your type huh?

Anyway, I'm sorry I disappointed him and you, I honestly wanted to take him to the fireworks down by the docks. I know, I know, he's 15, he probably would rather watch the fireworks with his friends than his ma. Well then I guess it's good that I wasn't there and so he could, if that's what made him happy.

I can see you rolling your eyes G, of course I'm rambling. This is what you do to me. I can't focus when I'm around you. Or near you. Or thinking of you. I know how much you hate babbling. 'You really need to learn to be more eloquent Miss Swan'. How is it you always manage to get in my head all the time?

I just want to tell you Regina, this year will be the year I prove to you…
