Disclaimer : All the characters and situations of the Harry Potter Universe belong to JKR. I do not intend to make any profit from this.

A/N : Rated M for language and mature situations

The missing day

Chapter 1

"Hey Granger," a familiar quirky voice called her from the door.

Hermione, who was engrossed in the documents in front of her, didn't bother to lift her head to greet him. "Go away, Theo. Not in the mood."

"Your loss, Granger. Right now I am holding something in my hands, that you will be very sorry if you missed."

"Not interested in your games Theo. Last time, I had to scourgify my brain quite a few times, to get your naked picture out of my brain." Hermione replied stretching her hand far to reach for another stack of papers at the other end of the table.

"Is that supposed to be a joke? Let me tell you then, I am rolling on the floor now. But tough luck darling." He entered her cabin in long strides, depositing himself in the opposite chair. "This may not be as tempting as my pictures, but it could definitely catch your interest."

She looked at him with a fake smile and offered sarcastically. "Thank goodness, you have made yourself comfortable. What may I offer you? Some tea, coffee or a drop of draught of living death?"

"Calm down Granger. Wipe that grimace out of your face. Got some good news," and dropped a parchment in front of her.

"Theo, if this is one of your games, you will be in serious trouble. I am in the middle of something very important."

"Take a look will you," Theo said exasperatedly shoving the parchment into her face.

Hermione huffed and yanked the parchment out of his hands. She threw him one last glare and stared at the small writing on the parchment.

Theodore Nott sat back to enjoy the litany of expressions on her face as she started reading. Her face morphed from annoyance to interest and finally transforming into an expression of joy.

"You're welcome," Theo said with a smirk as she reached the end of the parchment.

Hermione looked at him with shock filled eyes. "I can't believe it. We did it. It wouldn't have possible without your help, Theo". Hermione said.

"Ofcourse, Granger. I am not going to let you steal all the limelight for this." That got a laugh out of her. "Come on let's go. We'll get some dinner." Theo said pulling her out of the cabin.

"No theo, not now. I am in the middle of another proposition. May be some other time," Hermione gently declined.

"For now I am going away. But tomorrow we are going to party. You have been working your pretty little arse off, lately. You need a break and the occasion calls for a party." Theo said dangerously wagging her finger. "No, Granger. I am not going to take a no for an answer this time. I am picking you up at 6 tomorrow". Theo walked out without looking back at her with a skip in his gait.

Hermione laughed at his antics and went back to her work. She took the proposition she was currently working on into her hands but her eyes darted to the parchment, Theo brought in. She took it into her hands skimmed her eyes over the statement that was the fruition of her past one year effort.

"I hear congratulations are in order."

"Harry! Nothing gets past you." Hermione said eyes sparkling in glee at the sight of her best friend.

"Being the boy-who-lived has its own perks. I am coming directly from a meeting with Kingsley and Percy" Harry came in taking the place Theodore Nott had just vacated. "You're sure about this." His concern was clear in his eyes.

"Harry, we talked about this. They need this justice." Hermione said going back to her reprimand mode.

"I am not arguing with you Hermione. I totally support what you are doing?" Harry said sheepishly when Hermione glared at him. "Alright. I am a little worried."

"What the ministry did with the death eaters was brutal Harry. Most of them didn't receive even a trial. Thanks for your direct interference, Malfoys got a chance, but most of them are rotting there without a hope."

Harry moved uncomfortably in his chair. "Hermione you know, I am not saying that."

"Well, you are not exactly saying the opposite either. Do you know Stan Shunpike is still in Azkaban?"

"I know Hermione. I understand why you are doing this." Harry said with resignation. "I will try to support you however I can."

"That means a lot to me Harry. Finally I got an approval to reopen all the cases against them. And I may disturb you from time to time." Hermione said throwing a wink at him.

"You are welcome to do more than that", Harry said glancing adoringly at the picture frame adorning her table of all three of them. It was taken right after her graduation. Both Harry and Ron were in Auror trainee robes while she was in hogwarts' robes. He had the same one at his desk. "So you and Nott huh? Date tomorrow?"

"He's just a friend Harry. Besides his heart is set on somebody else." Hermione looked up from her parchments. "Without his help this wouldn't have been possible. He helped me appeal to the wizenagamot with a different perspective. He's got a real talent in magical law." She looked up at her friend and offered an invitation. "You are welcome to join us. Get to know him a bit."

"No thank you. I will take your word for it." Harry said getting up from the chair. "Come by Burrow the day after, for Sunday brunch. All of them complain that they hardly get to see you these days."

"Its awkward Harry. You understand don't you? Ron and Susan would be there."

"Come on Hermione. It's been six months. And you had what I call the most amicable break up ever. You both get on fine when ever you had to share the same work space." He scooted closer on the table and whispered. "Besides, Molly would happily kick Ron out, if she came to know that felt this way."

"No, that won't be necessary. I'll come," she said laughing and got up from her chair. She reached out to ruffle his hair messing up his already unkempt hair.

"Hermione! It's taken a while to get my hair to behave and now you got it all messed up."

"Aw! Harry. You know nothing but this messy hair will suit you. I'm sure Ginny would love this. Where are you meeting her?" She teased a red Harry until he was out of the door.

"I am going down to her practice and don't forget Sunday. We will wait for you." He paused and glanced over he shoulder. "Get a move on. It's Friday evening for heaven's sake."

But Harry knew very well that she wouldn't be leaving the office for atleast few more hours. By the time Hermione reached home it was almost midnight.

"Come on old boy", Hermione cooed looking at crookshanks who was curled up warmly on her armchair. He gave her what could have been an incredulous look on his squashed face and turned his face away.

"Oh! You poor thing." Hermione continued with her talk, preparing the cat his meal. She took the bowl and placed it in front of crookshanks and encouraged him. "Eat up you little brute." The cat without sparing another glance at her, lunged into the food.

She moved to the kitchen and took out some leftovers for herself and warmed them up for her dinner. She sat calmly at her kitchen table, slurping the soup and slowly mulled over the events of that day. She finally got the appeal she had been working so far. Now she had lots to do.

The next day dawned to a bright sunny morning. She got her day planned out. She would be visiting her parents for lunch and she had her weekly grocery shopping. Apart from that nothing was important. That was her usual Saturday routine. She was home by afternoon after successfully finishing those things. Hermione slowly took out all the material needed for the case and flopped down on her table.

She had an inclination that she might be forgetting something important, but nothing came to mind. She was in the middle of her list when the door buzzed bringing her back to the world.

She went out to the door thinking about who would be coming at this hour. She opened the door to see a casually dressed Theo waiting for her.

"Oh my Granger! You definitely know how to impress a man." He offered a sarcastic quip and strolled into her flat.

"Oh! We were supposed to go out," Hermione mumbled trying to recollect their conversation from yesterday. "You look great Theo, but see I forgot. And now there is no point in waiting for me. Why don't you go ahead and enjoy your evening."

"There is no way I am leaving you today. We've been over this from a long time. Come on, he dragged her to her bedroom and pushed her. Don't make me come in there and dress you." He threatened in a mock glare.

Hermione gave up and went to her closet to pick a most comfortable outfit for the night. She didn't have a pathetic wardrobe. Even though she preferred to dress in comfortable wear, she owned some very pretty dresses. She chose a simple black wrap dress and light makeup to go with it. With a pair of nude pumps she was ready in less than usual time. But before she ventured out to the living room her eyes fell on her favorite grey scarf. It was a gift given by Ginny and it was one of those accessories that matched with most of her dresses. She affectionately pulled it from the stand and nuzzled into the softness of the material. Hermione wrapped it around her neck and leisurely walked out.

But by the time she came to the living room, Theo was nowhere. But crookshanks was in the armchair where Theo was supposed to be sitting. She heard a loud clank from the kitchen and she rushed there.

"Theo, what are you doing with salt?" Hermione asked looking at the tin in his hands.

"This is salt?" Theo grimaced pushing the tin away.

"Honestly, Theo. You have been here enough times to know which is salt and which is sugar."

He poured the entire cup of tea into the sink. "Another waste. I thought that was the sugar."

"Come on, Theo. Let me whip you one," Hermione said taking another cup from the stand.

"No time Hermione. You need to be out there. We are going to have a night you will never forget." Theo said taking the cup from her hand and putting it back into the stand. "The night awaits us." He said flourishing his hands guiding her outside.

"I admit, it's good", Hermione said slowly sipping her drink at the table in the newly opened pub in the diagon alley, Dragon's eye. They have directly apparated to this place from her flat. She knew Theo had a versatile knowledge of all kinds of hangout places.

"Look at you, Hermione. Reaping the benefits of my intelligence," Theo beamed at her gulping his drink.

She rolled her eyes at him and mumbled pointing to the drink in her hand, "Right so what's this thing called?"

"That my dear is my own concoction. A lighter variant of firewhisky for lightweights like you."

"Wow, you basically got me here to nitpick."

"Yes, ofcourse. It's fun you know." He looked around at the dance floor and it started to slowly fill up with the couples for the evening. "Say, Hermione. How are your dancing skills?"

"Is that how you ask a girl to dance? I am terribly disappointed." Hermione said placing her hand on her chest. But she couldn't stop the smiling.

"I don't want to embarrass myself there, you know. I have got a reputation to maintain." Theo said adjusting the collar of his shirt.

"Well you work on maintaining your reputation, while I go get another refill." Hermione said pointing to her now empty glass.

"You hurt me Hermione, what kind of gentleman do you think I am." Theo said pushing her back into her seat. He winked at her taking a bow and walked straight to the bar. Hermione rolled her eyes at his antics and moved her eyes to the dance floor.

The light number had just changed to an upbeat one as new people flooded onto the dance floor. Hermione's legs automatically started tapping to the new tune as her body hummed to the vibrations in the air. She had never been a forward dancer, but she did enjoy a nice occasional rhythm. May be she could consider Theo's earlier dance proposal. She chuckled herself at the thought and looked to the bar, thinking what delayed Theo in getting her drink. She saw him engaged in a conversation and when she careened her neck she saw whom was he talking to. He was quite distinguishable even in the sea of people with his blond hair and impeccable dressing. Hermione had to bear his presence from time to time whenever he dropped at their workplace to meet Theo. After all they were friends. As if on cue, both of them turned and started towards her. Hermione shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"Here it is Hermione," Theo said offering her drink.

"Granger," Draco Malfoy greeted her with a nod. He had been adequately courteous during their untimely meetings. Even though Theo and she worked together, her interactions with Draco Malfoy never advanced further than a polite greeting.

"Malfoy", she returned his greeting.

"Congratulations to both of you. I got the news from Theo. It definitely is a noble thing for you to take up. You are reaching out to people who are living beyond hope. I extend any kind of assistance I may be able to offer to."

Hermione was looking at him with a baffled look. Surely, she must have been drunk, if she was hearing such kind of words from Draco Malfoy. Before she could recover and respond Theo answered. "We will keep that in mind, mate. Now, don't let us hold you back, your date must be waiting."

"Granger," Malfoy gave another nod to Hermione and patted his friend on his shoulder disappearing into the sea of people.

"He is something isn't he?" Theo asked Hermione who was still staring in the direction Draco Malfoy vanished into.

"I wouldn't know," Hermione muttered taking her drink. "I know nothing about him. This must be the only conversation I have had with Draco Malfoy if you didn't consider the physical and magical confrontations."

"I remember his whining about, you breaking his nose."

Hermione let out a loud laughter at Theo's words gathering the attention of few tables around them. "He was such a spoilt boy then." She paused for a second and spoke again in the same high voice suddenly realizing something. "I am loud", and burst into peals of laughter.

"You are a lightweight" Theo said shocked at her outburst.

"Or the concoction you gave me is rather questionable." She said raising an eyebrow at him.

"I don't need to drug somebody to get what I want. I have other charms." He answered in a smug way.

Hermione didn't keep count as she downed a drink after drink. She definitely was feeling a lot more relaxed than before.

"Are you alright, Hermione," Theo asked when she got a dopey look on her face.

"Oh! I am great. I am better than great. I am greater," she squealed. "Come on, Theo lets dance." She didn't wait for his answer as she dragged him onto the dance floor.

Hermione's head was swirling but she felt ecstatic. Her intention was to start her dance with simple elegant moves but her body seemed to be following a different set of directions. But she didn't care; she was having the best time of her life. "Theo, you are such a doll. Thanks for doing this," she spoke to him trying to convey her message over the high noise levels.

"Anytime Hermione. I am glad you liked it. That's why I have been asking you to come out, have some fun. It's good for you."

"No Theo, its not good. Its greater," She let out another squeal of joy and immersed herself into the music. She didn't realize how long she stayed on the dance floor or with how many she danced until Theo was dragging her back to the table. "Why are you bringing me back? I was having so much funnnn".

"Hermione, you were just about to offer fucking Mclaggen to come back to your place. I don't think you would be too happy about that tomorrow".

"What's wrong with that? He is so nice."

"Yeah very nice. He was having face-to-face conversation with your breasts for the past 15 minutes." Theo said with annoyance.

Hermione giggled at his words. "Oh! Theo. You are such a nice person. Maybe I should invite you to my place."

Theo groaned and caught his head. "Hermione, you are no condition to stay here anymore. It's not safe".

She nodded and hugged him. "Thank you so much Theo. Today was amazing."

"All my pleasure Hermione. Now come on, lets get you home." Theo said guiding her to the gates.

"Stop right there! Theo. I know how to get back. I will go on my own."

"Hermione, you are in no condition to apparate. You might splinch yourself. I will drop you home."

Before he finished his words Hermione took her wand out and disappaarted, only to apparate just a few feet away. "See, I didn't splinch. Trust me I am fine Theo. But you wouldn't offer your grateful service if you saw who just walked in." She said wagging her eyebrows tilting her head towards the door.

Theo knew who exactly had walked in without even looking in that direction with that expression on Hermione's face. His eyes darted to the door and he awkwardly met the ethereal blue eyes of Luna Lovegood.

"Hi Hermione," Luna came closer giving a quizzical look at her friend. "You look radiant today. I see you have finally given up hoarding wrackspurts. Your head seems less fuzzy today." She turned towards Theo and gave a smile. "Hi, how are you?"

"It's good to see you, Lovegood." Theo said his smirk attitude taking a backseat as a pink blush crept up his cheeks.

"I can see that you felt more than good to see me, Theodore. I hope you don't mind me calling you that." Luna said moving her eyes to a giggling Hermione.

"Luna, great to see you too." Hermione greeted her friend through her giggles. But her eyes were teasing a blushing Theo until he glared his eyes at her.

"You don't need to tease Theodore, Hermione. I am well aware of his intentions and I've already decided to take a drink with him." She said offering her hand to him. "Whenever you are ready."

Theo smiled at her and nodded his head in uncertainty. But Hermione winked at him and encouraged him to go on. He obliged as he fell in step after the blonde witch, toward the tables. Hermione gave a contented sigh looking at the retreating pair. She lifted her wand into the air to disapparate. But her eyes fell on the people on the dance floor and her steps inadvertently headed towards there. It definitely was going to be an unforgettable night, Hermione thought as her body swayed to the music.