Author's Note:

'Ello, everyone! SuperDuperFandomGirl here!

Gram: You again.

Spelly: Gram, hush! I love Iggy~!

England: Did someone say my name?

Guys, I am trying to do an intro here...

Spelly: Oh, right, sorry!

Ignore them (England: Rude!). Anyway, this is my first fanfiction - and my first crossover - so I hope you enjoy it! I plan to make this fanfiction part of a series that will stretch over multiple fandoms! For now, though, you will only have to know the general concept of "Doctor Who" (no spoilers will be included, as far as I have written. I will let you know if that changes.) and the "Percy Jackson" and "Heroes of Olympus" series (there WILL be spoilers for them. Sorry, it was necessary for the plot!).

Disclaimer: Yup, I definitely own both of these awesome series! That's why I am writing fanfiction for them...wait...

I'm just kidding, I do not own either "Doctor Who", the Percy Jackson universe, or the cover image used (I give you credit, unknown person who made it)! The only thing I own is my computer and the plot for this crossover fanfiction! Oh, and the title, which was actually what gave me the idea for this crossover in the first place (get it? "Doctor HOO?", like "Doctor Who" but with "HoO" instead, as that is an acronym for "Heroes of Olympus". Yeah, my titles are weird...xD)!

Also, flames and trolls will be used as fuel for the fire that I will use to destroy the Earth, so be careful! Muahahaha! :D

Updates will hopefully be regular, since I have the first few chapters written, but it will depend on when I have the chance to upload! ;)

Now, onto the story! Ve~ Vamos!

Percy Jackson walked through the streets of New Rome, Annabeth by his side, admiring the scenery. Stretching before him was a quiet, peaceful street with no monsters, earth mothers, or any other life-threatening things. Percy was, for once, truly happy. He finally had a chance at a normal life here in New Rome. Annabeth looked happy, too, her golden hair cascading loosely down her shoulder, her grey eyes bright with the light from the sun.

He liked the world this way, all non-deadly and everything.

Then, the peace and calm shattered like a mirror hit by one of Rachel's hairbrushes. This hairbrush came in the form of one Frank Zhang, running up to them with a panicked look on his face.

"Guys!" exclaimed Frank as he made a beeline in their direction, waving his arms in a beckoning gesture at them frantically, "You better come see this!"

Percy gave Annabeth the "here we go again" look, before dashing off after Frank as he turned back towards the way he had come and leading them to whatever was so desperately important that it couldn't wait even five minutes. Annabeth was right behind him as they zipped through the streets of New Rome, winding through parks and fountains (and the occasional cafe, which was very awkward).

Finally, they arrived at what seemed to be their destination - at least, it was a place Frank had stopped at. A crowded restaurant? What was so bad about that? Percy wondered, confused and slightly annoyed. The place was just as nice and sunny as the rest of New Rome; not a monster in sight. The only thing that seemed slightly amiss was a golden robot in the middle of the square, garbling and turning in circles. Must be one of Leo's little toys. Maybe he left it here by accident on his last visit? Yet, everyone was giving the robot fearful glances; some were even hiding under tables or behind pillars. Percy didn't get it; what was so scary about a golden hunk of metal, after all?

He studied the thing more carefully. It was covered with button-like bumps, which lined its "body". Attached to the main part was what looked to be a whisk and toilet plunger, as if the creator had grabbed some things from around the house and glued them on it (that was definitely a very Leo thing to do). The Thing (as Percy had come to refer to it) was also very dented and squashed-looking, as if it had fallen from the sky. Honestly, with how much luck Percy had, it probably had. Because that was just what Percy needed: robots with whisks raining down from above. Couldn't he ever catch a break?

Above the "kitchen section", was the Thing's...head? It was hard to tell, but it resembled what a head might look like on a regular robot. Anyway, from either side of its "head" were bulbs that blinked whenever the Thing talked. Sticking out of the front, was what Percy guessed was the Thing's "eye"; a stalk with a blue light emitting from it. Suddenly, the thing's garbling stopped (with the effect of even apprehensive stares the crowd) and became a single, chilling word, repeated over and over in a loud, robotic voice.


Author's Note: Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! As I said before, the next one will be posted soon (hopefully)! If you find any grammar/spelling problems, please let me know! Also, let me know what you think of this story! :D

Thank you and hasta luego ("see you soon" in Spanish)~!


P.S. Whoops, this was supposed to get published two days ago (as that was the day I got my account a year ago! (I then proceeded to forget about this account until I had the bright idea of actually posting something on this website)), but I couldn't get it out in time! Darn. Ah, well, better late than never, eh? ;)