
I do not own Attack on Titan / Shingeki no Kyojin.

This story does not follow the original story.



Dear everybody,

I want to say sorry for not updating in forever, like, sweet Jesus, I totally abandoned this story.
Yesterday I received a new review to the story, and I kind of felt guilty for not posting anything recently.

Let's just say that a lot has happened recently, life has been a proper bitch and I just. could. not.
I am struggling, let's be honest for once, and this has not been a priority for me.

But I know it would make me feel happy to write, it's always been a way to calm myself down.
Because I don't remember exactly where I was going with this story, I think I'll shut this one down.
Soon, I'll upload something new.

I really hope some of you will read that, I've already thrown some words down and I think it's going to be good.
Something I truly hope you can help me with is the topic you'd like to read about.

If you have suggestions, if you think you have a nice idea for a story, please tell me all about it.
Don't hesitate to DM me, either. I really want to write something good for you to enjoy.

Writing again will help me feel relaxed, and I truly hope that you sweethearts are interested in a new beginning.

Response to reviews:

Steefwaterbutter - I'd like to thank you for your support. I'm sorry about abandoning this story, I was really happy you liked it but I think something new will make me feel better. Please do visit the new story, I promise to add all the hurt/comfort and animals you need! Do you have any ideas? I'm thinking an AU of sorts? Maybe something about war in modern times? Or the whole Levi is a fashion designer and Erwin is a business man thing? I think that's cool too. Please let me know what you think, you've been a great inspiration so far and I hope to hear from you!

silver skys - Hey there, sorry to disappoint you with this. Perhaps you'd like to give me some ideas for a new story you'd be interested to read? Thank you, though, for your kind words. It made me feel happy, and I am glad you enjoyed what I wrote!

So dear readers, thank you all and hopefully I'll hear from you soon.

