A/n: Hello yes hi friendly reminder that I'm probably much younger than all of you imagine and went to a school that didn't teach writing or grammar or spelling. I'm sorry for all the mistakes. This story is so I can improve my writing and grammar skills so thank you all for the feedback on them and if you've noticed a few things then feel free to tell me.

Lafayette knocked on the door to Peggy's house. The birthday girl herself answered the door with a huge smile on her face.

"Laf!" She squealed happily when she saw her friend outside. "C'mon in! Maria's already here." Instead of having a birthday party Peggy, Lafayette, and Maria were moving into Peggy and Lafayette's new apartment.

Peggy led Lafayette to her room where Maria already sat.

"Hey Frenchie!" Maria grinned. It was the first time that Lafayette had been into Peggy's room and he had to admit, the girl had enough style to make it up for the both of them.

As if Maria had read Lafayette's mind, like all good friends can do, she said: "If you decorated this room yourself, then maybe you could make your apartment look nice. After all, you'll be living in it longer than Lafayette anyways." Peggy laughed.

Lafayette picked up the first box. There weren't that many but she insisted on bringing kitchen items, like they weren't going to order takeout every night!

"Don't forget were going over to the Laurens's for my stuff." He struggled to carry the box. "Mon dieu Peggy! What did you put in this?"


"Are your clothes made of brick?" He wobbled as he walked out of the room. Peggy and Maria giggled.

About an hour later, they had loaded all the boxes into Maria's car. (And maybe stopped to have some cake, but who could blame them?)

"Sweetie come give your family a hug goodbye!" Called Mr Schuyler from the entrance to the house. It had taken a while to explain to him that she wasn't moving in with Lafayette because they were dating but he'd eventually agreed and even helped her fill out the forms and look for jobs online.

Peggy gave him a big hug. Her father wiped his eyes.

"My two little girls are growing up so fast! Soon Angelica will be gone and I'll be all alone…"

"Don't worry, Dad. I'll visit every chance I get." Peggy promised as she let go of her father and tried to keep her own tears at bay. She wondered if this is what Lafayette felt when he had to say goodbye to his own family.

"You better or else I'll come to you! Now say goodbye to your sisters." Peggy knew her father was oblivious to her troubles with the other Schuyler sisters but she still wish he hadn't said that.

Angelica looked angry and gave her a stiff hug. She said nothing but look at Peggy though slitted eyes. Eliza however, was a different story. Her sister looked like she'd been crying and smiled as she embraced Peggy warmly. When Peggy moved to pull away Eliza held on.

"I'll miss you." Whispered Eliza into Peggy's ear in a voice so quiet Peggy strained to hear. "I'm sorry for everything I've done." Then she released Peggy and looked away, refusing to meet Peggy's confused stare.

"Peg! You comin' or what?" Called Maria from the car. Peggy could hear Lafayette tell her to give Peggy time but she gave a final wave and ran over to her friends before she could get emotional.

"This is it!" Lafayette unlocked the door to the new apartment.

"Could you go any slower? I'm dying over here!" Snapped Maria from under a pile of cardboard boxes. Lafayette grinned and opened the door as slowly as possible,

"Lafayette if I drop this damn box the plates in here won't be the only thing that's gonna break!"

"Fine! Fine!" Chuckled the man as moved out of the way for Maria. She half dropped the box onto a table.

"Ahhhhh…" Maria stretched out her arms. "That feels nice."

"Don't get to used to it. We're going down for more stuff." Peggy was cut off by Lafayette's phone ringing.

"Pardon. It's Alex and he gets angry if I don't pick up." He walked out of the room. Maria relaxed into the couch and gave a sigh of contentment.

"How's about we just stay here until Frenchie gets back? Just between you and me." Peggy laughed and said: "Fine. I've been dying for a break anyways. Who knew Laf had so much stuff?" The girls relaxed and talked for ten more minutes before Lafayette walked back into the room, his face white.

"Do you know someone name George Fredrick?" Maria and Peggy nodded.

"He's a teacher." Peggy explained, "Everyone calls him 'King George' because he's so controlling all the time."

"Usually a british accent gets me all hot and flustered but his just makes me want to puke." Maria mimed retching.

"Ew Maria. To much information. Anyways, why do you ask?"

"He's trying to stop the protest from happening."

"WHAT?" Maria and Peggy yelled unison, standing up. Lafayette looked pale.

"He says it's irrelevant and shouldn't happen at a college. He seems to think it'll distract students from finals."

"But finals will be over by then." Peggy cried. Maria turned away, swearing violently.

"Exactly. We have Mr Washington on our side and he's trying to change Mr George's mind. Fortunately, Mr Washington has the headmistress's favor but we might lose protesters." Lafayette looked stressed and ran his hands though his curly hair.

"Laf." Peggy placed a reassuring hand on Lafayette's shoulder. "It'll be okay. I don't know know Alex very well but I have a feeling that he's not gonna go down at the hands of some old, pasty, racist, man." Lafayette smiled.

"Thanks, Peg."

"Now how about we go get the last of our stuff and actually move in? It'll take our mind off of things." Peggy gave a final grin and skipped out the door. Lafayette watched her go.

"So what was that about not have a crush?" Snickered Maria.

"Shut up."