Okay so first off, yes they bone, and by they I mean Merlin and Mordred. Also, yes Mordred is jerking it while he thinks about Merlin. So yeah sex happens. Moving one!

This took a lot to get started mostly because I kept making the story way more complex than it had to be. Even then there still more to it then there needs to be. It starts out kinda canon but everything after 5.5 changes so just a heads up. At this point I would like to put in the obligatory:

Disclaimer: This is fan-fiction, I own nothing, I make no money off of this

That said! Lets move on to the feature presentation, enjoy 3

The first time it happened was four days after Mordred was knighted. I had been fast asleep when an almost annoyingly familiar voice woke me sometime nearing moon rise.

"Merlin. . . ." The druid's voice was soft, barely whispering in my mind.

I ignored him.

"Merlin," I was fully awake now and had no intention of speaking to the druid. So I ignored him.


Grinding my teeth I refused to answer.

"Merlin," It was then that I noticed the almost breathy tone of Mordred's words.

Then it hit me.


Mordred wasn't actually trying to talk to me! The boy after all had always had a gift for speaking mind-to-mind. Besides, Mordred wouldn't waste a chance to call me Emrys, no matter how often I asked to be called 'Merlin' he refused to do so in private so why start now?

I could only come up with one reason.

"Merlin," Came the half moaned voice of Arthur's future killer.

Even alone, and innocently laying in bed, not doing anything I felt my face flush with embarrassment. Cursing the druid boy I rolled over and thought about stuffing my head under my pillow. Not that a pillow would actually help, so I didn't. I just did my best to fall back asleep, ignore Mordred as he continued to call my name, and try even harder to ignore the twitching feeling in my lower half.

This could become a bit of a mess.

The next day -while I was five minutes away from needing a stick with which to beat away my own embarrassment- Mordred acted as if nothing had happened. He acted as if he hadn't spent at least 30 minutes repeating my name until I almost wished he go back to calling me Emrys.

That was a disturbing thought.

Still Mordred smiled innocently, laughed politely, and just generally went about his day as normally as ever.

We only spoke once, down by the training field. The day was warm, the sun high in a cloudless sky as knights in full chainmail stomped about in the dirt beating each other senseless with blunted training swords. During a break Mordred came up to me making pointless small talk. It was only because I watched him so closely that I noticed his already flushed cheeks darken a few shades redder. Even as I tried to argue all the possible reasons why only one made sense.

"At this rate you'll be the best swordsman in Camelot within a fortnight," I told Mordred trying to sound like I wasn't waiting for him to betray Arthur.

From the slight reddening of Mordred cheeks I must have gotten the tone right.

"HEY!" We both ignored Gwaine who was pulling a face of mock hurt.

The druid looked away, "You are too kind," He was almost mumbling and it was almost cute. You know, if the boy hadn't been destined to kill Arthur.

"I'll have you both know that I'm the best swordsman in Camelot," Gwaine cut in, he'd been leaning on the fence a few feet from us.

"I'll believe that Gwaine, when I actually see you sword fight over something other than ale." I said giving Gwaine a brilliant smile.

The other man just laughed and took another drink from his water skin and started joking about 'This one time', it was always a story with Gwaine. He told good stories too. This one was cut short though when Arthur came to drag his knight back to training.

That night Mordred was calling my name again. Sounding quite happy actually and I caught myself thinking of what I could do tomorrow to hear this voice again.

I had to stuff my head under the pillow then.

It was a very strange moment, going over every warning and vision I'd ever been given about Mordred, while the druid was mentally moaning my name. Confusing would be an understatement.

As I have a few thousand words started on this I'm hoping to keep up a steady post for a while, I don't quite know how long this will be yet but knowing my style, longer than I wanted to be.

Anyways, favorite, comment, review, follow, I don't know but if you liked it let me know because I survive off of attention.