

Road: I apologize for the long wait and for the short chapter, but I will try to write more quickly in the future, so until the next update, I hope you enjoy this Chapter.

Chapter 2

G.´s Perspective

I looked out of the window the whole time. The lesson didn´t interest me at all. I hoped to find him quickly, then I could leave this hellhole. But there was something that got my attention. More precisely someone. He will regret calling me by that insult. My hair is red. R.E.D! The cheekiness of some people. I sighed.

The lesson was soon finished, thankfully. Right now, we had break.

"Finally, I could smoke a cigarette, but at first I have to teach Blondie a lesson." But as I searched for him at the front, I noticed that his desk was empty. That meant he was already gone. I quickly stood up and went to search for him.

"Does the Idiot think he can escape from me?!" I thought annoyed.

Alaude´s Perspective

My patience was dangerous close to snap. The whole day I got questioned by some weaklings, that thought they could make friends with me. Pathetic in my eyes. I wasn´t here to socialize. I hated crowds.

I breathed in the fresh air on the roof. I managed to scare the weaklings off, so they won´t get in my way anymore. It was better this way. I don´t need anybody.

The door to the roof opened and made me curious. The weaklings claimed, that nobody went to the roof during breaks. It seemed like I would have to punish some people for giving out false information.

I felt my annoyance come back, but shoved it into the back of my mind. It could wait. First, I wanted to see who would be brave enough to come up here to disturb me. The first thing I noticed, that caught my attention, was that the boy who walked through the door had Orange eyes. How rare could that be?

My curiousity vanished into thin air as I analysed him. It was another weakling. He seemed weak and fragile to my eyes.

"Short too." I thought with a hint of disappointment. I finally thought there was something interesting in this school.

To my shock the boy flinched and turned around to look at me.

"Waoh…" I thought in fascination. How could he have noticed me that fast? I didn´t make a single noise. Maybe he wasn´t as boring as I thought.

I waited for the question that surely would come any second now. My peace was over now until I managed to make him shut up.

The short weakling looked at me uninterested and sat down on the ground. He took out a Bento and began to eat.

„…he ignored me?" The thought annoyed me. There was nobody untill now in this school that wasn´t afraid of me. I made sure they would spread around how dangerous I could be. So, this was a surprise to me.

"Looks like I found a new toy." I yawned and leaned back to rest against the wall. I haven´t gotten any sleep last night. Now, if my new play toy was quiet, I would take advantage of it. It was better now that I could enjoy my peace and quiet.

Giotto´s Perspective

I walked upstairs. Just before I opened the door, I paused.

"There´s somebody on the roof…" It was just a feeling, but that feeling had never disappointed me before. I grabbed the doorknob. Shortly after stepping onto the roof I let my gaze fall onto him. The person, I had suspected to be on the roof had short platin blonde hair and grey-blue eyes. Almost silver.

His eyes revealed that he seemed interested to me, but it quickly went away. I gave him a glance and turned away.

It doesn´t matter to me. I just want to eat now." I opened my bento and began to eat. Normally I would have inquired what he wanted here on the roof. But something told me he wouldn´t appreciate the questions, so I kept silent.

I felt his stare burn holes into the back of my head, which wasn´t the nicest feeling when eating, but I couldn´t do anything about it, so I tried to ignore it.

What I couldn´t ignore was the feeling that something strange is going to happen today.