Title: Magic and Marriage

Summary: Harry and Severus are forced into an arranged marriage to help end the war. Severus struggles with his growing feelings for Harry as he tries to form a relationship with him.

Rated: M

Genre(s): Romance, Drama, Friendship

Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger

Warning(s): Mature scenes

"Harry will never talk to us again," Sirius said one afternoon as he, Remus, Severus, and Albus sat in the Headmaster's office.

"It will be alright, Sirius." Remus put a calming hand on his arm. "It will take time, but Harry will come to recognize that we want what is best for him."

"He seems quite intent on saving the Wizarding World anyways," Severus added, leaning against the Headmaster's desk with his arms folded. "Surely he will listen to us, if this will help in the war."

"We need to agree on who's going to tell him," Sirius pointed out, "so we aren't standing around arguing about it when he gets here."

"Good point," Severus acknowledged. "I may not like you, Black, but Potter needs to see that we can at least agree on this one thing or he will not agree to it."

Albus nodded in agreement as Harry knocked. "Come in, Harry," the Headmaster called, and a nervous-looking Harry Potter stepped through the doorway.

"You wanted to see me, Professor Dumbledore?" Harry looked from Albus, to his godfather, to Remus, and then Severus. "Why is he here?"

He didn't need to clarify. "Harry, I am afraid you might hate me after what we are about to tell you," Albus said. "I know you want to help with the war. I have found a way for you to do so." Silence fell as Harry waited for him to elaborate. Albus continued, "Severus is a powerful wizard. So are you. Together, you and him could very possibly defeat Voldemort. It seems fitting that you are bonded to him, by magic and by marriage."

Harry paled, and looked at Severus in fear. Severus's expression was impassive, as usual, but he didn't look angry. "You can't be serious," he said. "I have a girlfriend. I have a life - what are people going to think?!"

"Harry," Sirius said, standing up and walking over to his godson. "You know I don't like Severus, but even I must agree with this idea. Severus can protect you, and take care of you-"

"Are you kidding?" Harry sputtered. "He hates me! He-"

"Has been saving your life since your first year?" Severus finished for him.

"I..." Harry flushed bright red, then turned and fled the room.

Severus found him on the bridge, clutching his Firebolt and looking out at the water. He approached the young man tentatively, relieved when Harry didn't run from him again. "Potter," Severus said, leaning on the bridge beside Harry.

Harry glared at him. "We're going to be married and you can't even call me by my first name," he snarled, startling Severus.

Severus sighed. "Harry," he said gently, and the younger man looked over at him in surprise. The Potions Master held out a box and their fingers brushed as Harry took it from him.

Harry opened the box and stared down at the two gold rings, intricately designed. "What are these?" he asked, picking one up and tracing the design with his fingers.

"Family heirlooms," Severus informed him. "They were my parents', and now they are yours and mine."

"Just yours," Harry said coolly, handing them back. "I'm not marrying you."

"Harry...I'm sorry for the way I treated you in the past," Severus said. "If I could take it back, I would. But we both have a job, and that is to save the Wizarding World. We can do that together."

"Why do we have to get married?" Harry exclaimed. "Why can't we just join our magic for the war and then go and live our separate lives?"

"It doesn't work that way," Severus said. "In order to defeat Voldemort, we will need to have a bond deeper than magic itself, that there is no going back from."

"And what is that?" Harry asked, his bright green eyes glaring into Severus's.

"Will you have dinner with me on Friday night?" Severus asked, avoiding Harry's question.

"Give me one reason why, besides the arranged marriage crap, and maybe I'll say yes," Harry said icily, stiffening as Severus moved closer to him.

"Because I regret the way I've treated you," Severus said, and Harry's emerald eyes widened in surprise. "Because I never let myself see you as anyone but James Potter's son, or the Boy Who Lived."

"And now?" Harry asked.

"Now I want to know Harry." Severus kept his tone soft, and he saw the emotions in Harry's eyes. Severus thought of his own expressionless mask - he would have to work on that.

Finally, Harry sighed. "Friday night," he agreed. "Dinner. That's it." Severus smirked. "And stop that," Harry said, but the Potions Master caught Harry's smile as the younger man got back on his Firebolt and sped off.

AN: Hope you all liked the first chapter! Updates soon :)