They jumped to the roof Adrien stood on. Alya, Nino and Marinette landed on the roof where they started. Yet again Mari jumped great… How? Only Marinette knew of course, but she was about to tell Alya and Nino….

Adrien stood there with his mouth still open, probably catching flies. He didn't know Marinette did so well but he knows that she wasn't supposed to do what she just did. How? It was the question on his mind. He didn't know how.

"Well if it isn't miss show off. How pathetic are you?" Chloe said.

"Well if it isn't miss negative. How do you do?" Alya sarcastically said.

Chloe huffed and tried to ignore Alya. "Ugh, you know, no one will like you if you're this arrogant."

"Oh? I'm arrogant. Check the reflection Chloe, you'll see who the arrogant one is." Mari said.

"I …. uh … I-I … Ugh, later losers." Chloe walked (actually marched).

"Hello, hey , bro, broooo, BRO!" Nino shouted to Adrien, still mouth agape. Adrien finally understood that his friend was trying to make him respond he said "Yeah?"

"Bro, here I was thinking I needed to get you to a hospital." Nino said sarcastically.

"No, no need. I am fine, fine. Perfectly fine. I am just aallllriiighhhttt." Adrien said fast (like very, very fast).

"Chill, bro. just checking." Nino said.

Marinette watched the ordeal while blushing, she had forgot Adrien watched too. OOOHH NOOO, nonononononono. What if… what if, nonoonooonoonoooooo.

He must think I am a freak! No way that I could have done that. Now I have zero chances with him, he probably doesn't even want to be my friend. Then when he gets home he'll tell his father and I will never have a chance at my dream job at Agreste's company. His farther then goes to the police because I am a freak. The police will come ang get me, arrest me And put me in prison for the rest of my life!

Before I knew it the entire class (except Chloe) was standing around me, waiting for an explanation of what happened. "NO!" I said. "You all won't be getting anything."

"But Mari, Nino and I get an explanation right? You promised." Alya said. The class looked (not Alya and Nino) looked envious, they wanted an explanation too.

Mari just thought that Alya messed it up. Well then, I guess we could make a game out of it.

"Alright, I'll tell you all." Mari said. There were sighs of relief and looks of anticipation.

"But…" Groans were heard. "You need to guess first, after a sleepover."

The class was happy and upset. I mean, sleepover, jeee. And upset that they needed to guess.

"But where is the sleepover?" Alix asked. It was luckily Friday so they had time.

"Maybe.. at school? Marinette is class president, maybe she can plan it and make sure we actually could sleep at school." Mylene said, earning sounds of agreements.

"Ughh, fine I'll see what I can do." Mari said.

After Marinette checked they could sleep over at school she made a list of what everyone needed to bring:

Everything you need to sleep


Snacks of course

Anything extra you want to bring

Everyone was excited when they all stood at the steps of the school at 5 o'clock. Ready to have fun! Marinette took the key she got from the teacher and opened the door.

"Okay guys, we need to decide where to sleep first. That way we can get everything ready for later." Marinette said to the class (everyone was there except Chloe).

"Girls and boys apart?" Alix asked.

"Yes! I am sorry but I am not sleeping with the childish boys!" Alya said.

Nino grunted. "As if I want to be in the same room with you when we sleep. You would probably be snoring so loud that Ladybug and Chat Noir could hear you!"

"Okayyy, let's pick rooms." Adrien said to make sure there wouldn't be a blood bath.

The boys and girls places to sleep were as far away from each other as possible, after Alya and Nino. After about 15 minutes they came together in the middle of the school. They needed to decide what to do first.


"Truth or dare?"

"Hide and seek?"

"Gaming?" (cough Max cough)

"How about something with girl against boys?"

They all agreed to the last one, but it took some convincing for the boys. Because they were with less. But all the girls said "Oh but you are all better than us right?"

They decided they would do ….

AN: Do you have any better ideas for the first game of the sleepover? Review and tell me. And on further note, I am writing more so you'll be reading more of my stories soon! Any other ideas that they need to do? Please tell me..

Write you later,
