"This is so stupid." Nick thought for the millionth time. He stood there, waiting to be called onstage for a bunch of lonely, desperate women to bid on him, hoping one date would change their lives.

He also cursed Hank, Wu and the rest of the guys from his precinct for signing him up for this ridiculous bachelor auction.

They said that he needed to do something to cheer himself up after Juliette dumped him.

She had said their was to big of a chasm between them. Too many secrets he was keeping from her. They did not have the level of trust a couple needs for a strong and healthy relationship.

So his coworkers thought this was the best solution to Nick's dating woes.

It was killing two birds with one stone.

Pushing Nick back into the dating pool.

And helping to earn money for the children's hospital.

Which was the only reason Nick had not backed out. He loved kids, would do any and everything to protect them.

Everyone knew that about him. And that was why they were so certain he would go through with the whole thing.

Nick cursed them again as he was called onstage and the bidding started.

Several women bidded. A few hundred dollars here, a few more hundred dollars added by someone else.

As the bids got higher, less and less women were offering. Obviously maxing out on what they could or would be willing to pay for a date.

That's when he saw her. Adalind Schade was hard to miss as she gracefully entered where the hall the auction was being held.

By this point the number had reached fifteen hundred. Called by a redhead, who was dressed to show she came from money and knew she could buy anything she wanted.

The look in her eyes said she wanted the Portland detective currently on stage.

Adalind gave the woman an assessing look. Clearly not impressed, the blonde called, "Two thousand."

Nick stared at her in disbelief. Was she really bidding on him?

The hexenbiest returned his look with a smirk. Holding eye contact, she said "Four thousand" when the redhead upped her bid to three grand.

They were the only two woman bidding by this point. Everyone was watching, near on baited breath, waiting to see how high each woman would be willing to bid to get a date with the man on stage.

"Five thousand." The woman said, looking at Adalind with a smug smirk on her face.

All eyes turned to Adalind. Who rolled her eyes, looking bored, and said as cool and calmly as if she were commenting on the wheather, "Six thousand."

At this point, everyone's jaws were wide open. Including Nick"s.

"Seven thousand" The redhead screeched out. Turning completely red.


Nick could not help the smile that appeared on his face. Nor the rise of pride he started to feel for the woman. He had to hand it to her. She knew what she wanted and went after it, no matter what it was. And she was certainly not backing down from an obvious trust fund brat, who had never worked a day in her life.

Adalind smiled back at him, a genuine smile.

"Ten thousand dollars." The woman screamed. Everyone who was standing around her backed away from her. Clearly worried for her sanity and their safety.

The auctioneer looked at Adalind. "Do you want to bid eleven?"

"Make it twelve"

There was a chorus of "Whoa" heard in the hall. Everyone both surprised and impressed about how high the bids had gone.

That's when the redhead snapped. Clearly not used to competition or to losing, she actually lunged at Adalind.

Multiple people stopped the woman before she could get close to the blonde, including several police officers.

The lawyer simple stood there. Eyebrows raised the only indication she was registering the woman's presence.

It only caused her to become more angry, and continue to try to reach the woman who had out bid her.

She had to be escorted out of the hall, and threatened with being arrested for attempted assault, before she would calm down.

Adalind was declared the winner, and there was a round of congratulatory applause.

"If you are planning on killing me, you might want to reconsider. Pretty sure everyone is going to remember the pretty blonde who just paid twelve thousand to spend a day with a detective."

"Relax, Nick. I have no interest in killing you. In fact, if I have any say in the matter, you won't die until you are very old and surrounded by kids, grandkids, and maybe some great grandkids.

"You tried to kill my aunt who was dying of cancer. Why suddenly are you so interested in me growing old?"

Nick heard Adalind curse "Bastard" under her breath.

"What I did, I regret. I was under the mis information that your aunt was a major threat. I didn't know she had cancer. I was told she was a heartless grimm who slaughtered innocent wesen and was going to teach you to be that same kind of grimm. Recently, I have discovered that I had placed my faith in the wrong people. And I think we can help each other not commit the sins of our ancestors."

"So you were willing to pay twelve thousand dollars for us to have a fresh start?" Nick tilted his head and smirked at her.

Adalind shook her head, smiling herself at the grimms teasing and said, "First of all, it's for a good cause. Second, I only came here to out bid that spoiled brat."

"You know her."

"Her name is Bridget Reed. I represented her father in a merger. Everytime she was around, she treated everyone at the firm as if we were her personal slaves. Rude, disrespectful and entitled. I overheard her say she was attending a bachelor auction. There was a poster of all the men participating, and she showed a lot of interest in you. I really did not like the way she talked about you. Liked she could buy you and get whatever she wanted. Call this my way of trying to be a better person. Giving Bridget just what she deserves, saving you from having to spend a day with her."

She then looked up at him and said softly, almost shyly, "I was hoping we could spend the day together and really get to know one another. I could answer any questions you have and maybe you would answer mine?"
Nick may have been a grimm, but he was still just a man. And when a beautiful woman asks for forgiveness and tries to make up for past wrongs by donating to charity and saving him from a crazy woman…. Well, he was willing to give her a chance.

And maybe, the bachelor auction was not such a bad idea after all.