
At the beginning of this journey Yuri Katsuki had been certain that his career as a figure skater was over…and on some level he was right about that. After struggling through the grand prix series and making it to the finals, with the help of his idol Viktor Nikiforov, many things had changed. He had grown as a person, he had discovered strength that he didn't even know he had, and he had developed a new passion.

Pairs skating.

Now he and Viktor are embarking on a new journey, pioneering same sex pairs skating and paving the way for others like them who just want to skate with the person that they care about most. Regardless of gender roles and biases.

"Hey Yuri! Are you ready to go?" Viktor called out, breaking into Yuri's thoughts and bringing him back to the present. "I even booked us in first class this time…the seats are way bigger! It's so comfy!"

That statement caused Yuri to chuckle slightly, shaking his head as he surveyed the luggage that he had packed for this trip. He was pretty sure that he had everything but he wanted to make sure since he wasn't quite sure when he was going to be coming back to Japan.

"I'm coming!" he called back after a moment of silent contemplation, knowing that if he didn't at least acknowledge the words that were spoken to him that Viktor would just continue to ask. He could be just as impatient as a child when he got something into his head and Yuri would rather not indulge that at the moment. With one last check to make sure that he at least had his passport Yuri grabbed his stuff and made his way toward the front door where Viktor was waiting for him.


That was the way that they had arranged it, he had said goodbye to his friends and family at a party the night before so that he wouldn't end up getting all emotional when it was time to leave. Yuri was notoriously emotional and he didn't want to leave all teary eyed so this had been the easiest way to go about this parting.

"Ready to go?" Viktor asked as he wrapped an arm around Yuri's waist, pulling him close and looking into his brown eyes with an intense look in his own blue ones. "You're sure about this?"

A question that he had asked no less than ten times already but he wanted to be sure.

"I couldn't be more certain," Yuri said without even a second of hesitation, his brown eyed gaze remaining locked on Viktor's blue eyes without blinking.

Sure moving to Russia was a big step but he was going to be with the man that he loved, they were going to train together and live together, and he honestly couldn't think of anything better than that. He would stay in contact with his family, he would visit them and they were free to visit him, but he was going to live his life without regrets.

That was the decision that he had made.

"Let's go," he said, picking up his suitcase and starting toward the door, leaving Viktor to follow him for a change.

A/N - Short little prologue for this fic