I planned on waiting till next week to publish this final chapter, but with all the sadness going on I decided to post it. I hope this chapter finds everyone well and safe from danger, but if it does I send my thoughts and positive vibes towards everyone affected by any and all tragedy.

This is by far the longest single continuous chapter I've written, even surpassing my one shot. I almost can't believe part 1 has come to the end. It's been an incredible journey, starting out as my very first story, and becoming something great.

To everyone who started this with me way back in the middle of winter and is still reading I thank you for your continued support.

To all the people who have been constant reviewers and readers I thank you.

To every single person who believed in my writing enough to follow along I thank you.

Disclaimer still stands: I don't own anything.

"Hey try not to pass out on this one." Sarah quipped as they started getting ready for their final shoot in Germany.

Jared gave her a sneer. "Sure thing, whatever her majesty asks for." An eye roll completed the statement. Everyone in the room laughed.

Since the other night things had gone back to mostly normal. It was an unspoken rule that no one talked about anything having to do with the previous shoot, or anything that happened in the 48 hours after it. The most major difference which garnered some whispers was the new lightness in between Jared and Sarah.

Sarah laughed internally. She was going to use this power for all it was worth. He was completely at her command. Even if no one else understood why, and Jared acted like it was just banter, they knew that it was true. Sarah noticed more and more small changes in the few days after that night. Jared's eyes were slightly more wild, his hair was becoming harder to tame, canine teeth becoming slightly more prominent. Sarah dared to believe he had even gotten taller, her imagination wanted to believe some other things had grown as well. She blushed at the thought.

Victoria had grown very quiet over the past few days as well. She was on her phone, and kept mostly to herself. Sarah was made very uncomfortable by this. Even if she enjoyed it, she was so used to the fussiness now that without it her life lacked structure. Sarah also observed Winston and Jared being absent together a lot. Her mind flashed through several scenarios, some of them were much more plausible than others though.

The day passed quickly and smoothly. As soon as they were finished they headed back to the hotel to collect their things in preparation for leaving the next day. Sarah and Jared hadn't spoken nor bickered while in their flat together since the other night either. They went to bed or did whatever it was they needed to do without any speaking. Jared knew he was helpless and at the mercy of Sarah, yet he wouldn't resort to direct begging. Sarah, well she just didn't know what to do. She was coming to terms with everything still, going about in her own little world, letting her mind play through various scenarios and situations. Her mind had started on replay from the very first time she heard about working with Jared when they were in Hollywood and the drama involved, then to the flight over, and their time in Germany. They always told her hindsight is 20/20. She could describe every moment her heart knew something was different about Jared, but the rest of her just couldn't quite put a finger on it. All the chills and goosebumps he gave her, the mental breakdowns, the consulting her friends and the lectures from Victoria. It was all rushing back and was too much for her to handle, especially now since feelings were starting to creep in. Feelings that Sarah couldn't quite handle yet. Everything was blurring past her like a montage in a movie, a timelapse, all counting down to when she would eventually give in and say the word that could change everything. Would change everything.

What would her life be like when she was back in Hollywood in a day or so? Her life would never ever be normal again, and no one would understand why. At least not for now. Sarah's mind jumped to the future now. Would she and Jared… or whatever she should call him… be seeing each other more often? When and how would she tell Danny and Maya about everything. What would she tell her family? And what would Victoria do? It was inevitable that she and 'Jared' would be spending much more time together.

Sarah didn't realize that as all of this was playing out in her head she was blankly staring into the wall, just standing there. Jared had sat down on the couch looking at her with concern. He cleared his throat and waved his hand around in Sarah's direction. "Earth to Sarah? Helloo in there? Anybody home in there? Halloo?"

Sarah turned her head slowly looking at Jared, a tear made a trail down her cheek. She looked straight at Jared, another tear making its way down. She didn't know why she was crying, but she was. It was joy and confusion and happiness and millions of other feelings jumbled together and it was overwhelming. She felt like a train hit her. Jared stood up and was in front of her in three strides. "Sarah?" He looked at her, lifting a hand up to her cheek.

Sarah leaned into it, she broke eye contact and shook her head, laughing. "This is so uncomfortable." She laughed more. Jared was confused, but her laugh was infectious, he too started to laugh.

Jyg popped his head around the wall and looked at the two, standing a bit apart both red-faced and hysterically laughing. He was slightly disturbed by the sight.

The plane took off and Sarah felt normalcy returning every mile they got closer to home. It was a through flight, most of which she slept through. She looked out the plane window nearest to her and watched the scenery change from land, to ocean, and then to land again. When they touched down finally at LAX it was around 5 in the morning. Sarah had reapplied her makeup and changed her clothes, preparing for the barrage of paparazzi. As soon as she stepped off the plane she saw her little greeting committee on the tarmac, the only thing that blocked her from them now was the hoard of photographers and journalists with flashing cameras. She went into defense mode, head down, hand just barely covering her face. It was well learned by now, give the random magazines a picture so they could feed the rumor mill, but still get through the crowd to make a hasty escape. Danny and Maya embraced Sarah as she ran into their arms, happy to be back home. She inhaled the scent of her beloved Los Angeles, the mix of chlorine, smog, and sweat would be disgusting to anyone else, but the air was sweet and fragrant to her. She wondered if this was what it was like for Sir Dydimus and his Bog. Thoughts about the Labyrinth were becoming more and more normal and frequent, they were just like any other plain thought to her now.

Danny and Maya smuggled Sarah out to Danny's waiting car and drove off. Sarah didn't care that nearly all of her clothes were back at the plane, as well as her manager and everyone else. She left them all in the dust because she was finally free! "I love you two so much!" Sarah squealed as Danny accelerated onto the freeway.

"You freaking better! It's early as hell and you have lots of explaining to do sweetie. We're not going home yet because paps are there and I know Vic and whoever else will try to distract you from us as soon as they get the chance. Oh yeah, and welcome home babe, we missed you!" Danny flashed her a smile in the rearview mirror.

"So Danny, where should we begin this interrogation? Should we ask her how the trip was? Maybe ask her something basic like how the shoots were? Or should we dive right in on the important things, like Jared, all of Victoria's posts, and why Sarah gave us the most anxiety like, ever, the other day?" Maya looked at Sarah and raised an eyebrow.

Sarah groaned. "Go easy on me. It's been a long few weeks. I'm sorry I never texted either of you back the other night. I really am, things just got crazy and I lost all track of everything. But it's good now. I'm here now, back in one piece!"

"No, you don't get an excuse. You told me that you'd call me if things went fine. And you didn't. We were half a world away from you, we couldn't get there and we were panicking. Victoria had to be the one to tell us you were all good. And then when we tried to text you after that you never responded." Danny tried his hardest to be angry, but as usual his words held no anger. Sarah was back and that's all that mattered.

Sarah leaned forward in her seat and put her chin on his shoulder. Danny struggled to keep an angry face, but broke down. "Fine! Fine, you win. I forgive you. I'll drop it. But you still owe me."

"Danny I always owe you something." Sarah giggled. "Man I missed you guys. That was one hell of a trip and I'm so happy to be back. Things are just weird and I don't know what to do about everything. Did I ever tell you about that stupid little red book I have? Well, lots of things happened because of that book. And now things have come full circle."

"You mean The Labyrinth book? Yeah, you told me it gave you weird dreams and whatnot." Maya was unconcerned

"Those weren't dreams. Those things that happened were all real. That whole breakdown the other night was because the 'full circle' of things. And that damned Goblin King in the book? Yeah well that's Jared. Well, more like Jared is the name he uses here, in his glamour. Jared is the Goblin King of that book. I know I sound crazy but it's all real. He's real and all the creatures and the magic and the Underground… it's all real…" Sarah looked down at her hands. Danny and Maya looked at each other with concern.

"Sare, I think maybe you're a little bit jet lagged? Are you sure no one slipped you anything on the plane?" Maya questioned her dear friend, who seemed anything but ok.

"No, no one slipped me anything and I'm not crazed. I'm serious! And I need you both to tell me that maybe having a relationship in the future with Jared wouldn't be bad before I can prove to you that I'm serious!" Sarah wanted her friends behind her on this if she were to say the name to break Jared from his hold. "Please, I know you both think I'm crazy but just trust me on this. I would never have told you if I didn't know for certain that this was real. You're my two very best friends ever and I need you. I need you." Sarah remembered saying those words to her mirror to her friends from the Underground.

"I'm pretty sure that's the most logical and sane thing you've said since you landed. Yes girl, if I can't have him then only you can. No offense Maya… I mean you do already have a boyfriend…" Danny receive a slap on the shoulder from Maya.

"Of course we support you Sarah, you two are meant for each other, all of us can see it. And by us I mean basically the whole world, because they approved of it before you even thought of it." Maya laughed. "King and Queen remember?"

"Well, that's good to know. Where are we going Danny?"

"The beach, more accurately our usual Seal Beach spot. Where else Sare?"

All Sarah could think of was how crazy she must sound, and how conflicted her feelings were… and how the hell was she supposed to go about things with Him. She let the conversation drop and leaned against the car window.

Jared went home with Winston after they got off the plane, for no other reason than he really had no where else to go. It had completely passed him, the thought that maybe Sarah would be stubborn and play at his game. How wrong he had been in thinking she'd just say his name and let him go.

"Jare, call her. Text her. Do something. But don't just mope around here waiting. Also because I don't want that goblin getting into my things."

"I will, I just need to give her some space now that were home." Jared glanced at Jyg, who was eyeing the French Bulldog laying in its bed. Jyg looked back at Jared, about as confused as a goblin could get. "Don't you dare touch it." Jared picked Jyg up by the collar of his armor and dropped him on one of the armchairs.

"How much space are you planning to give her?! This may be why you never got her in the first place because all you ever say is 'she needs space'. Jare, you concocted this whole plan nearly two years ago, and it's great seeing you after such a long while, but you seriously need to finish what you started!" Winston waved his hands around, walking to his room to take a shower once he finished scolding Jared.

Jared mocked Winston as soon as he was out of sight. "'You need to finish what you started!' meh meh meh." He found his phone and opened it up to Sarah's number. It took him several tries to get the text he wanted to send out: 'Sarah, can u call me later when u get a chance? We need to talk. Again. Plzzzzz?'

The typing bubble popped up and stayed there for what felt like ages. Finally Sarah sent her text back: 'Dinner. 6 o'clock. Beauty & Essex. Meet out front of my place at 5."

Jared smiled: 'see you then, precious'

The trio walked along the pier ever so slowly. There were few people out at this time, seeing as it was still too early for anyone to be awake. They watched a group of surfers paddling about, the early morning waves were always the best. The cold breeze pushed Sarah's hair back, and the smells of the bay filled her nose.

Sarah's phone buzzed in her pocket, she pulled it out and saw it was Jared. Danny and Maya were quick to figure that out when they saw their friends face was blushing. Sarah started to type, then deleted it. 'Not right now' seemed a little harsh. 'Leave me alone' was also not right. Suddenly Danny grabbed the phone from her hands, prompting Sarah to make a grab for her phone or Danny, whatever she made contact with first.

Maya in turn blocked Sarah from Danny, "Go!" She shooed Danny off, who was typing something into the phone.

Sarah struggled with Maya before breaking free of her but it was already too late. Danny handed her phone back smiling. "What did you do?" Sarah opened the messages and stared at her phone screen. "Oh, now you've done it. Now you've really done it." Sarah read the message 'she' sent to Jared. She just gave the phone back to Danny and walked the rest of the way to the end of the pier. Danny looked at Maya, high fiving. They caught up to her finally "Hey Sare, looks like you've got yourself a date!" Maya elbowed her friend. Danny put an arm around Sarah and made puppy eyes at her "I owe you now don't I?" Sarah looked at Danny "Damn right you do." Sarah tried to be mad, but she couldn't hide the blush on her face. She would never admit it but she was actually happy about dinner reservations with Jared; it would be in a semi-public setting so nothing could happen unnoticed, they would have to be somewhat quiet, hopefully no one would be around listening, but if they were then so be it. And most importantly, food was always a great neutralizer.

Sarah stood against the rail of the pier between Danny and Maya, watching the waves roll in. Even if her friends were pains in the ass they were the greatest people she could have ever asked to be friends with. In contented silence they watched as the sky grew bright and the noise of the city port grew louder as the surrounding city came to life.

"Well, since you decided I'm going on a date tonight, what are you going to dress me in? Since this is all your idea you know."

"You mean you're letting me raid your closet to choose for you?" Danny was so excited. He quite enjoyed snooping in Sarah's incredibly stocked closet.

"I'll volunteer myself to help reign him in, it's a dangerous game you play when giving D free license to your closet!" Maya suggested

"I think that sounds like a good idea, Beauty & Essex is pretty upscale, so you will both have fun getting to glam me up a bit." Sarah could feel Danny's excitement radiating off him.

"But first I we need food." "Let's go find something to eat." Danny and Maya said almost simultaneously, as if their brains were on the same exact wavelength. They all laughed and started back down the pier.

Jared pulled out all the dress slacks he had, actually worried for once about what he was supposed to be wearing. "Gods what to I put together." It was like all concept of style went out the door as his nerves kicked in. "why am I worrying so much, it's just Sarah… it's just dinner… GAHH!"

Winston heard his friend mumbling and making horrid noises, curious he decided to see what was up. "Jare, you sound like your dying." He said from the door of the guest room where his Jared would be holed up until he was released from the hold.

"Navy and pink plaid? Grey and orange? Black and beige? Arhgg!" Jared shook the clothes in his hands toward Winston.

"Why?" Winston laughed at Jared.

"Because I have a date with that wicked woman tonight!" He went back to looking through his clothes.

"Is that so? Where?"

"Beauty & Essex, she chose. I told her we needed to talk, and she told me we would be having dinner. I was excited at first, I still am, but what do I wear? It needs to look good, I have got to impress her. She is the embodiment of all grace and beauty, I have to at least try!"

Winston laughed more, "I've always known you to be stylish and good looking, but you've never been so flustered… well except for that one time… but we won't go there..." He and Jared both grew uncomfortable, several long seconds of silence and tension. Winston fingered the hem of his sweater, regretting bringing up the past he and the man several feet away from him had shared.

"Sometimes I'm quite glad you chose to come Above and stay. Especially right now, because I need you to tell me what to wear." Jared broke first, then looked at his clothes and shook his head.

"Grey slacks and the burgundy shirt" Winston walked over and picked the two pieces up from the pile of clothes Jared had tossed on the bed.

"Perfect! Thanks" Jared took the pieces handed to him "Could I possibly use your clothes steamer? These need to be perfect."

"Of course, It's In the closet. What time is your date?"

"six, but I think I'm meeting her in front of her apartment at five."

"Good plan. Now you better get the girl to say your name, because I'm kicking you out sooner than later if you don't. I have some errands to run, I don't know if I'll be back before you go, so I'll say it now; don't screw this up." And at that Winston walked out, nearly stepping on Jyg in the process. "Damned Goblins!"

Jared laughed heartily and went about scooping the rest of his clothes into a neater pile so he could get to work steaming his attire for the evening.

"it's getting to be kind of late, do you think we could go back so I can get a shower while you two raid my closet?" Sarah suggested. They had been sitting on the patio of a café for some time, just chatting about life and listening to Sarah's stories about her time in Germany.

"Good idea Sare, it'll be about one by the time we get back anyways." Danny lead the way back to his car. They made their way back to the apartment, singing to the radio and being happy to enjoy one another's company.

"I can't believe this is actually happening." Sarah laughed from the back seat.

"You better believe it baby, it's happening." Danny smirked at Sarah. "So, you've never lied to either Maya or I as far as I know, and I really want to believe you about this whole 'the book thing and the weird dreams are real and not just dreams' thing, but Sare, I'm really having my doubts."

"I said I'll prove it to you. It's really real. I swear on my grave it's real. I must sound like I bumped my head while away, or like I was on something, but I'm not. I know you want to believe it too, but everything you've ever known is telling you otherwise. Honestly, I'm just really worried about you guys not thinking I need to go to the psychiatrist about this."

"Sare, chill! You and your magic man will go on a date, and then you'll prove it to us. I'll worry about your mental state after we get you through the date, which is basically the most important thing in the world right now. So let's just pretend that all this 'it's real' stuff hasn't happened yet. K?"

"Deal. So what are you two planning to dress me in?"

"Well, we haven't seen your closet quite yet, but definitely something sexy, and I know you have plenty of that."

"I'm thinking either a bodycon dress, or maybe one of those fancy jumpsuits you have? And then we'll go from there, accessories and makeup will be done around your outfit. It's going to be perfect."

It was 4 o'clock now and Jared was fiddling with the buttons on his shirt, undoing the top two, three? Buttoning them back up, no.. He sighed and left the top two unbuttoned. He then turned his attention to his hair, which was just long enough in this form to be unruly, but sexy all the same. He swept it back and to the side, but it slowly fell back into its usual side swept do. He rolled his eyes.

He made sure to grab his wallet out of his jeans, which seemed to be light in change, just then he saw Jyg's little guilty face hide behind the large ceramic vase in the corner. "I don't care Jyg, here, there's two more, if you're good while I'm gone I'll take what you've found and get you a candy with it."

"Deal" is all Jared heard from behind the pot, bribery never ceased to work on goblins.

Jared strode out the door looking mighty fine if he did say so himself, toward Sarah's apartment. It didn't matter what form he was in, his vanity never left him.

Sarah sat, being the perfect muse for her two friends, who were nearly done making her up. Maya painted Sarah's lips red to finish off her makeup. They had chosen an extremely deep necked black jumpsuit, which came to a point just above her navel. Sarah felt invincible now, as glamourous as she could possibly be without dressing up for the Met Gala. The patent black Christian Louboutin stilettos with their red bottoms finished her look.

Danny and Maya left the room so she could put the ensemble on, she walked out of the room shortly after giving herself a pep talk in the mirror.

"Damnnnnnn" Danny stood and looked Sarah up and down. "What a queen!"

"We did a good job Danny, if I do say so myself" Maya said from the kitchen. "Alright Sarah, knock 'em dead. You better go get your car, it's almost five"

Sarah grabbed the black crystal covered clutch she chose for the night and made sure her lipstick was still perfect in the hall mirror. Before bidding her two friends goodnight and walking put the door.

Jared came around the corner just as Sarah's car was pulled around to the front by the valet, Sarah thanked the kid and tipped him. Poor kid looked positively shook, Jared gave him the 'shes mine' look, before greeting Sarah.

"Wow, I must say Sarah, you may just look better than I do, I never knew that was possible for anyone." Jared smirked. "But really Sarah, you're absolutely stunning, poor fellow hadn't a clue what to do."

Sarah rolled her eyes, "Sorry to outshine you your highness" she remarked.

"Please, call me Jare…"

"Not so fast." Sarah cut him off, pulling out and heading off toward the restaurant. "We'll get there after, but for now, we're going on a date between two normal people"

"Oh but Sarah, you know just as well as I do that we're anything but 'normal'"

"Well, then we'll just have to pretend extra hard wont we."

Jared sighed and rolled his eyes. "Is the whole night going to be unpleasant banter?"

"Of course not, we have plenty to talk about, such as how thing are in the underground, how we'll go forward from here, what we are as two people who seem to be interested in each other… and about what happens when I inevitably say your name." Sarah focused on driving, she held the steering wheel in a white-knuckled grip.

"Sarah, relax" Jared laughed "I promise nothing bad will happen to you, I would never let anything happen to you. And I can't lie, even if I am trapped in this form Above until you release me, I still can not lie, I'm still fae."

"So that's what you're called, well that's one question answered." Sarah pulled into the parking lot, they got out and walked to the restaurant entrance where the hostess greeted them and led them to a secluded table in the back.

"It's beautiful here.." Jared was in awe, he hadn't been to many upscale places in his times above, he had no idea the above could create such beautiful places.

"Well that is part of the name 'Beauty and Essex'" Sarah quipped, she thanked the hostess as they sat. Because they couldn't go anywhere without being recognized the lady had already mentioned to the manager and chef that they would be coming in as soon as they made the reservation. Shortly after the chef came out to them and offered them a chefs picks menu for their evening, Sarah took the lead and accepted Chef Santos' offer.

Jared was unsure of what to do, he thought about all the things happening, and how truly helpless he was.

"So, Jared, the Underground. How have things been? How are my friends?" Sarah started off the conversation.

"Uhm, good, things are good. The goblins are under the control of my mother and sister currently, which is a frightening thought. I hope I am able to go back soon and get things under control again." Jared looked pointedly at Sarah.

"I didn't know you had a sister! How lovely, tell me about her." She smiled and skipped right over his last remark.

"She's lovely, her name is Araceli, I would compare her to your age, since we age much differently underground. We age fairly quickly at first, fae do, and then slow down until it seems like we are no longer aging. We're practically immortal, but we can choose to modify things about our lifespan and looks, though most never do. She's a brat sometimes, but wonderful all the same, she thinks you are one of the most amazing beings above and underground. You two can never meet though or I may not survive." Jared laughed.

Sarah was curious about how his sister knew about her, but then again she figured most everyone knew about her. "Wow, so if you don't mind me asking, how old are you? In Underground years that is."

"I'm somewhere around fifteen hundred years old, give or take a few. It's hard to keep track exactly after so long. Ari would be around fourteen hundred."

Sarah nodded, interested and not the slightest bit perturbed by that number. Somehow this whole thing seemed completely normal, just regular conversation. "Interesting, so how are my friends? And the goblins?"

"Hogwart is his usual grumpy self, you know, I sent him on several missions while I was underground. Not quite a spy per say, but he was the one who delivered you those flowers for me."

"I knew it! There've been far too many times where I've felt like I was being watched." Sarah glared at him across the table.

"Well, if it's any comfort Hoggle never stepped foot inside your home except for just one time, which created a portal. Some goblins may have passed through a few times, but they've since been bogged and I fired Hoggle from his spy job."

"That's not comforting at all!"

"Well, only Jyg has been able to come above now, and since I passed out it sealed any portal to or from for myself and the citizens of my kingdom he has been stuck here along with myself. The Labyrinth did however allow my mother passage, I guess they've been talking, which is again why all of those blocks on your memory were suddenly taken away. Damned Labyrinth." Jared took a sip of his Manhattan, the perfectly clear purified ice ball in the center taunting him as it looked just like one of his crystals.

"I see, well soon he should be able to run home. Poor thing, look at the mess you got him into." Sarah smiled at Jared over the top of her Manhattan before taking a sip herself.

"I hope so."

"I'm guessing then that you don't need to know how I've been doing, since it seems you already know that?"

Jared pursed his lips and looked back at the crystal.

"Let's see, what else did I want to ask. Oh! So here's the big question, where do we go from here?" Sarah asked as the Chef came back out with several small desserts all displayed on one beautifully decorated plate, he described each just as he had with the other dishes. Jared and Sarah both thanked him.

As soon as the chef left Jared took a deep breath "You ask such complex questions Sarah." He looked at her for a while. He looked more like the goblin king Sarah remembered now, as if the further their conversation went the more the Labyrinth loosened its hold on him.

"But it is a question that needs to be answered."

"Fair enough. Well, assuming that you say my name soon, I will go back to the Underground. I will also be able to freely visit you without trying to find loopholes to do so as it has been since you said those wretched words all those years ago."

"I'm still not sorry, you should have expected it from me. I mean I was what, fourteen? Fifteen maybe? I couldn't possibly have just fallen for you and been whisked away. You kind of gave me an ultimatum. I won't deny that you've been the man of my dreams both before my run, or after. I just thought it was all fiction though, or at least I wanted to deny to myself that it was true." Sarah savored the dark chocolate dessert thoughtfully.

"You had fallen for me though?" Jared hadn't ever expected her to say that, he nearly dropped his spoon, just looking at her.

Sarah shrugged "Yeah, I mean, I guess. I always found myself comparing every male I ever met to what I remembered of you or at least what I thought of the character in that book as looking like. I guess this is leading into the other question I had…" Sarah was unnerved by how nonchalantly she was saying these things, as if they were just no big deal at all.

"uhhm.." Jared blinked a few times. "What are we? That's a great question. What do you want us to be?"

The sexual tension was extreme. Sarah blushed "Well I think I've made that clear now haven't I…" She laughed at herself.

"Not outright. I know that you're interested, but that could mean many things." Jared argued.

"What do you want us to be Jared? You haven't said anything about it yet"

"Sarah I think that's very obvious, I've wanted nothing more than to be with you for a very long time. Much longer than you could ever know. Especially because of how time works in the underground."

Sarah felt her stomach flutter, she wasn't much of a romantic and was struggling with the uncomfortable feelings. "I guess that's one thing we can agree on then." Sarah couldn't even look at him. She was eternally grateful the manager came over just then with the bill and bid thanked them for dinning there that evening. Sarah and Jared both reached toward the bill, their hands finding each other instead. Jared laced his fingers in hers and Sarah felt like she could run screaming out of the restaurant. Romance was most deffinately not her thing.

"Well, do you want to head back now, maybe finish the conversation at my place?" Sarah Suggested 'What the hell Sarah? You just invited him over to your place now? Gee-gads,' she thought to herself. All of the little people inside her brain were running around frantically as if it was on fire and there was no escape.

"Sure, or if I may suggest, maybe a walk on a pier?"

"Even better, great idea!" Sarah gave in and let Jared pay, against her will of course.

They walked silently out to her car, careful to see if there were any cameras around. Luckily there weren't and they made their escape toward the beach. It was a bit of a drive, but traffic was light. Once there they strolled a bit, Sarah as happy for the cold air hitting her skin, she felt like she was on fire.

"Sarah, I hope this isn't too overwhelming. But I must add that you are the one who brought up the conversation."

"It's very overwhelming as a matter of fact. I'm so sorry. I should have just let things happen in time but of course I couldn't just do that. That would be too easy right?" She laughed

"I wouldn't expect anything so simple, you're the Champion of the Labyrinth, and you never take the easy way." Jared smirked again.

"Touche" They found an empty bench on the pier and sat, watching the moonlit waves roll in. Sarah crossed her arms, feeling the chill. Jared put an arm around her, but expected Sarah to pull away. instead she leaned into him, she fit perfectly into his side. It made her wonder just how perfectly they would fit in other ways. She stiffened at the thought, 'get your mind out of the gutter Sarah'

"So when I say the magic word what happens? Do you just poof into the underground? Will you suddenly lose your glamour?" Sarah asked, situating her head against him. He wrapped his arm a little tighter around her and took a deep breath.

"Nothing will happen unless I want it to. You saying my name it just like unlocking the door, the door won't open or change just because you've unlocked it, but unlocking it allows it to be opened now. I won't suddenly become the terrifying Goblin King either. It will just allow me to if I choose so."

"I see…" Sarah sighed, she was finally calming down. "We should head back soon"

"I agree, if I'm not back soon enough Winston may lock me out." He laughed.

They stood up and Sarah wobbled on the gap in the boards on the pier. Jared caught her before she fell. Sarah laughed at, cursing the space that almost ate the heal of her shoe. Jared reached for her again after she steadied herself, stepping closer to her and letting his hands trail over her sides. They were both taken aback by what was happening, but both leaned in excruciatingly slowly in a gentle kiss. Sarah'shands found their way to his chest and then his hair, she intertwined one in his wild locks and pulled him back down, into a more aggressive kiss this time. Pulling apart Jared looked at her in disbelief, "Sarah…" he whispered

Sarah was empowered by it and couldn't help herself from steeling another, she smiled into the kiss. "Jareth"

So what are your thoughts on the whole Jareth and Winston thing? I always wonder how things are interpreted, which is one reason I do love comments/reviews so much, because sometimes we interpret things very differently. I'll leave this up to your interpretation for now, but plan to go further into some characters in Part 2, especially Winston because until these last two chapters I hadn' really intended for him to be anything more than a background player. But that has changed.

Well, that's all for part 1. Please let me know if you've been here from the start of this nearly a year ago (before I was MIA for nearly 5 months), not that you'll get anything for it, but only because I will be eternally grateful for your patience and willingness to take a chance on something new.

Please follow me to stay updated on Part 2 of A Model Queen!

With all my love,

A Life In Color