A/N: And here, by (semi)popular demand, is more.

Lily watched as Merope slept, her stringy chestnut hair spread like a halo about her head, the tiny, dark-haired baby cradled at her breast. She'd lost weight during Lily's two-week absence, the bones of her face jutting out sharply. One of her hands rested near the baby's head, while the other stretched out across the pillow. Lily gently massaged it, and Merope smiled softly.

Despite everything, Lily thought to herself somewhat ruefully, she couldn't let Merope die. No matter what terrible, desperate things she'd done, she deserved to live. She didn't give Lily the love potion out of spite; rather she had done it because she doubted anyone would love her without one.

The matron of the orphanage offered them this small bedroom "for a couple days, until she's strong enough to leave and the baby's all right to go outside." Lily accepted graciously, despite the disgusted looks directed at them after the kiss. They needed the room, and it wasn't as if women who acted upon homosexual urges were prosecutable under the law (misogyny, in this case, was a blessing). So, well, she had little to fear, and they didn't want an unnecessary death on their consciences. That was something, at least.

The room was clean, though shabby. The thin drapes obscured the snow-filled window, through which a slight draft blew. A pile of blankets had been set up as a makeshift second bed, though Lily had yet to test it, having sat vigil next to Merope for several hours. She knew she needed to sleep—the itching in her eyes and the ache in her feet confirmed that—yet her mind would not rest. What if Merope died in the night, still too weak to pull through? And the memory of jumping from the cab to race up the orphanage's steps, throwing open the front door without ringing the bell, terrified she was too late... wouldn't let her rest.

The tightly swaddled baby gave a faint whimper, rolling away from Merope. Lily's eyes were drawn to it irresistibly. It looked so innocent now, with its tiny, cherubic face and chubby hands and sweetly scrunched-up nose. But looking at it, Lily couldn't help but remember… remember the crimson eyes glaring in rage as the Killing Curse flew… the sound of his cold voice, taunting her…

No. No, this was a newborn, who wanted nothing more than to be warm and to nurse and to be cooed at. Sighing, she gently eased it—him—back toward Merope. There was no resemblance between this baby and… him. To her chagrin, he looked far more like Harry had when he was born than anything else, especially Lord Voldemort. (Except Harry hadn't been so small''')

Oh, she was exhausted. Knowing she'd regret everything if she fell asleep in the hard wooden chair on which she sat, Lily dragged herself across the room and flopped onto the blankets, falling instantly into deep, dreamless slumber.

New Year's Day dawned dreary, the only sign of morning a morose gray glow through the snow-laden window. Lily stirred, her back stiff. Merope was sitting up in bed, propped up with pillows, Tom nursing peacefully.

"Good morning," she said, as Lily raised her head. Her words were hesitant, as though she feared Lily would bolt.

"Morning," Lily replied promptly. "You look much better today."

"I feel… better," Merope allowed. "You're here, and Tommy's alive, and I'm alive. I couldn't ask for more."

Her declaration was simplicity itself. Lily looked away.

"Have you met properly yet?" Merope asked after a few moments, nodding down at Tom, still content.

Yes. I briefly contemplated fleeing because of him, out of debilitating fear. But she didn't voice this thought. Instead, she said, "No. Will you introduce me?"

Merope patted the narrow space on the bed beside her, and Lily joined her. She passed Tom to Lily, who cradled him uncertainly, his head resting comfortably in the crook of her arm. "This is Tom Riddle, my darling babe." Merope's smile was radiant. "Tommy, this is Lily, your… just Lily, I suppose."

Lily nodded gravely. "He's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you," Merope said huskily, leaning over to plant a kiss on the corner of her mouth. Lily did not stiffen, as she at first wished. Instead, she returned the kiss, pushing misgivings aside. Those could be dealt with in time. But for now, she wanted this.

"Where did you go after you left?" Merope asked, ending the kiss and reclaiming Tom as he began to fuss.

"To the woman who threw you out on Halloween."

"Enid?" Merope said sadly. "Did she know who you were, or anything about us?"

"Not particularly, though she advised me against coming to find you last night."

"Then why did you?" Merope queried. "After what I did to you, why would you come back?"

"If you'd died and I could have done something, I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself," Lily admitted.

"Because you need to save your future," Merope said bitterly. "It has nothing to do with me."

"Wrong," Lily said firmly. "You have a life ahead of you, and he needs you." Tommy sighed, as if in agreement. "And I… I have nowhere to go here, except back to you."

"But why—?"

"Hush," Lily hissed. "I'm not able to say that I love you, but I want to, one day. Please, give me that chance."

"I don't deserve it," Merope whispered. "I don't deserve you."

"Hardly anyone deserves the good they receive," Lily said fervently.

Oh, how Lily wished it were Harry laying here, Harry flying about on that horrible toy broom, Harry hissing his first Parseltongue words, Harry— And James, of course. She missed him too, obviously. But mostly Harry…

But Harry's future was ensured, now. He could be whatever he wished, not bound by some fool's prophecy. So, all of this—Merope, the love potion, baby Voldemort—was worth it. It had to be.

:I love you,: Merope hissed. :I love you, I love you.: Lily threw her arm across Merope's shoulders, drawing her close. Merope's head fell heavily onto her shoulder, and Lily lightly kissed her surprisingly pleasant-scented hair.

:I cherish you,: she hissed close to Merope's ear. "Is that enough?"

:You are enough,: Merope replied. "Yes," she added with a slight sob. :I need you.:

"I won't leave. I'll always be here," Lily promised.

But in the end, Lily thought sadly, she would live to save her son, while Merope would live for her.

A/N: Um, so about that future one-shot I mentioned... If it's ever written, it will be on a whim, like this was.