Disclaimer: Of course, I do not own these characters or the world in which I'm writing them.

A/N: Epilogue time!

Taking a time out before I finally let go of this fic. (I'm not getting emotional about it, you are!... Okay, I am...)

This is the longest story I have ever written, not even just fic. I know this is my first one of this account, but I've written on a past account as well as original work and this is by far the longest. Adding on to that, this is the first story that I have FINISHED! (Aside from one-shots) I am really proud that I've made these milestones here :) And all of it is because of all of you!

To the followers that have been with me since the beginning: you helped me get in the groove to really get started

To those who joined along the way: you helped keep me motivated to continue

to those who joined near the end: you helped me push to make it to the finish line.

To all my reviewers, especially those in my multi-review club: You are THE BEST! Truly kept me going when I didn't feel like writing. Love to everyone and I hope you've enjoyed so far, and enjoy this last scene!

Flash forward


Hermione sat on the couch in her flat, her swollen feet propped up on a plush stool. Her fingers were so swollen that her wedding rings couldn't fit past her knuckle and instead hung on a chain around her neck. Everything was swollen, not the least of which was her belly. She clenched her jaw as another wave of pressure squeezed in her abdomen.

"You alright?" Draco asked as he came in the front door, noticing her expression.

Hermione stayed braced for a moment longer then released. "Yes. It's passed now. How was your day?" Her husband crossed the room and rubbed her protruding stomach.

"Fine. Lots of research with no progress today. How was yours?" He asked, then he lowered his head and placed a kiss on her belly. "The both of you?"

"Oh we've done just fine," she moaned. "Except that it took me ten whole minutes to get out of bed this morning. You'll probably have to levitate me back to bed tonight."

He chuckled at her. "If it's such trouble, I'll carry you, love."

"I'm bigger than a hippogriff, Draco. Your strength has bounds." The discomfort was starting to get to her in the last week of her pregnancy and she couldn't help the argumentative tone that crept into her voice.

"Not since I found the real Sylbering gloves." He winked. Hermione laughed despite herself. Draco left the couch and padded over to the kitchen.

"I did some research myself today." She called out after him. "I've been working on a list of baby names. What do you think of Imogen?"

Draco made a face behind her back and paused what he was doing. "Where'd you find that name?"

"It's a character in a work of Shakespeare, just like my name." Hermione snapped back. "And stop making that face, I can hear it from over here."

"You can't hear the expression I'm making." He rolled his eyes.

"Can too. Same way I just heard your eyes roll."

He shook his head and turned back to the two glasses he'd just filled with water. "Alright dear. But veto to Imogen." He brought the glasses back with him to the couch and handed her one.

"Thank you. What about Rose? That's a classic. It's beautiful."

Draco considered it. It wasn't bad, but still not quite right. "Any child of mine needs to be named after something celestial, not mundane like a flower."

"Oh but Draco, what's in a name?" she teased, quoting Romeo and Juliet, the play he'd once quoted to her before they got together.

He stuck his tongue out childishly. "I happen to like tradition. It doesn't have to be a star, it could be a moon or a comet maybe."

Hermione crossed her arms under her bust. "Why does it have to be your family's tradition? Using Shakespeare comes from my family." He didn't answer. "Anyway, your mum's name is a flower."

Draco scowled, realizing he'd just lost a point there. "Well... why are all your options girls names? What if it's a boy?"

"It's not a boy."

"How do you know?" he snorted. "I know you didn't see it in our tea leaves."

It was her turn to stick her tongue out. "Mother's intuition. But if you're turning down all of my suggestions, let's hear what you've got to offer."

He thought silently for a minute, swirling the water in circles around his glass. "Scorpius. It's strong and fearsome."

"I don't want any son of mine to be feared thank you very much." Hermione grimaced with her eyes closed and rubbed her belly again. She took a moment to even out her breathing again.

Draco watched her with concern until it passed again. When she came back around he suggested, "What about Hyperion, then? That sounds regal without being threatening."

Hermione tilted her head to the side in concession. "That's not bad. It's going to be a girl, though."

"Hmmm," he stalled and scratched his chin while he thought deeper. "Do you think it's possible that there are Shakespeare characters that share names with stars? Or other celestial bodies?"

Hermione's eyes widened. "There are actually! Most of the moons of Uranus come to mind. At least twenty-five of them are named after characters in Shakespeare's works!" She scribbled a quick list and handed Draco the parchment.

"Desdemona sounds pretty..."

She crinkled her nose. "You never got around to reading Othello, did you?"

He shook his head no.

"Okay, how about... Portia Malfoy?" He pointed about halfway down the list.

Hermione turned to him quickly and her face was sharp. "Granger-Malfoy."

"Absolutely not," he huffed. "I'm not saddling my child with a hyphenated name."

"Fine," she sniffed in return, "just Granger then."

"She'll be a Malfoy." He set his jaw firmly.

"That hardly seems fair that you get the sole decision on the last name and I don't get the same for the first." Her eyes looked dangerous. Somehow the conversation had turned from playful disagreement to a true dispute.

"That's different. The surname is already decided."

"Says you."

"Says society."

Hermione pinched her lips tightly together and stared daggers. Draco didn't budge. Eventually she started to wiggle back and forth on her seat, grunting for a minute before she gained enough momentum to propel herself off the couch. She started to stomp away.

"Wait, Mrs. Granger-Malfoy." He caught her wrist. She stopped instantly and sucked in a loud deep breath.

"Draco," she said through her teeth.

"Yes, love.?" He said in his best placating voice. "I'm sorry. Come back, we can talk about the hyphenation."

"No, Draco..." Her hand was on her belly again.

"It's cute on you, really."


"What?" He jumped, surprised by her sudden volume and urgency.

"We have to go!"


"St. Mungo's. Now!"


"Would you like to hold her?" Hermione asked. Sleep seemed to be finally claiming her as her eyes drooped low. The moon was high in the sky and the delivery room had finally been cleared of all the healers when they finished checking his wife and his daughter.

Draco nodded. His pulse started racing faster again. He'd never held something so small and precious before. She shouldn't trust him with this, he thought, even as he reached out to take the bundle. He cradled her head carefully as he'd seen Hermione do and gazed unblinking at the beauty he'd helped create.

Her skin was blotchy and pink still, but underneath he could tell it would be light like cream. He couldn't see her eyes yet, the babe hadn't opened them much yet, but she had his slim nose and a mess of blonde hair on top of her head. Draco recognized Hermione's lips in miniature and traced them lightly. His daughter opened her mouth and sucked, expecting to be fed.

"Hello, Portia Rose Granger-Malfoy," he whispered. In his peripheral vision, he saw Hermione smile.