[hi there, this is my first story on fanfic :) and Mr Grey and Ana related, I hope you like it* please look past any mistakes... I was rushing to publish this chapter, I'll try to update as frequently as I can I'm a senior in High school this year so I don't know how busy I'll be but I'll try. enjoy and please let me know what you think* P.s. I'm sorry if the first chapter is boring...]

Chapter one

'He's going to have my head on a silver platter!' is all my subconscious yells at me as I push through the ocean of dancing people. I'm having a hard time concentrating on the brunette who's walking in front of me, making her way towards the bar, which feels like the trillionth time tonight. The stress she's causing me is giving me an ulcer. But, the cherry on top… she had me trade in my comfortable loafers with mile-high stilettos. If after tonight Mr Grey isn't going to fire me, I really think I should hand in my notice. For my health's sake. The three months I've worked here has been great, and I've grown fond of miss grey, but I've had enough. I'm an honest person and sneaking off with miss grey and keeping secrets from my boss is nerve wrecking.
"Ana!" Mia yells, making me stop in my track. My heart falls into the pit of my stomach.
"What's wrong Mia?" I yell back. I push through the last people in my way receiving glares from miss legs and her friend who she's pushing up against.
"Nothing silly!" Mia giggles when I reach her. I become hyper aware of the headache that's creeping up on me. I imagine myself grabbing onto her short bob haircut and drag her out of the club. I slowly count to ten and unclench my fists.
"Here, have a drink!" her chirpy voice breaks my daydream. A drink? I bite down on my tongue and force a smile.
"Sure, but this is the last one then we go," I say, having a tough time keeping my voice calm.
"Mm, deal," she says handing me a pink drink. I take it and shove it the contents into my mouth and swallow it down, I put the cocktail glass down on the bar top with a force. The alcohol burns my throat and stomach.
"Let's go," I say grabbing her arm,
"No, I want to finish my drink!" she slurs. I give her a stern look.
"You're drunk," I say more to myself. She looks back at me as if I'm mad. I grab her drink and down it and put the empty glass next to the other glass.
"You're a party pooper." She huffs. I pull her arm. "Oh, I love this song! Ana! Let's dance!" she screams into my ear as black Beatles start playing. I ignore her dragging her to the exit. She's fighting my hold which causes people to look at us. When we make it out of the club she starts yelling at me.
"YOU'RE SUCH A LAME ASS! YOU WORK FOR ME SO YOU SHOULD DO AS I SAY!" that's it, I clench my hands into fists.
"First of all, I work for your brother, secondly I obey orders strictly from Mr Grey and lastly you're drunk and you took my cell phone, which means that my boss, your brother, couldn't get in touch with me so he's probably going to fire me and he's worrying his ass off. So Miss Grey I suggest you get in the fricking car so I can get you home." I say through gritted teeth. She looks at me, turn on her heels, throwing her hands in the air and screams out in frustration (you know the way a spoiled brat would). She climbs into the back seat of the car and throw the door shut behind her. I sigh and climb into the driver's seat of the black SUV. "I only wanted to dance," she says and I ignore her, rolling my eyes. I start the car and pull out of the parking space.

My mind is racing as I make my way to Bellevue, it's quite a drive since we're on the outskirts of Seattle and we're more than half an hour away from her parents' home. I'm thinking of what to say to Taylor when he asks me why I want to quit, that's to say if Mr. Grey didn't fire me already. I stop in front of Grey manner and find that all the lights are off, which means that no one knows that she "snuck out". I get out of the car and make my way to Mia's door when I open it I find her sleeping soundly.
"Mia," I say shoving her. She's out cold. I sigh and unbuckle her. I bend down and take off the ridiculous shoe's she made me wear and put it next to her on the seat. I lean over her and take her hand and put it over my shoulder. I pull her out of the car so I don't hit her head against the doorframe which I want to do so dearly. I pull her over my shoulder, thanking my stars that I went to the military because old lil' Annie wouldn't have been able to do this. When I get her thoroughly out of the car and her dead weight on my shoulder I kick the back door shut and walk up the path to the door, and for my obstacle course, I have to climb six steps to the front door. I put my hand on the door knob and turn it, it's locked. I walk back down the stairs and around the house where I lay Mia down on a sun lounger and take her purse I look through it and take out her keys and my cell phone. I walk up to the back door and unlock them then move back to Mia, once we're inside the house I walk stealthily to her bedroom where I through her down on the bed. The petite girl looks peaceful. I pull off her shoes and take off her jacket and put it on the lounge chair in front of her bed. I pull the cover over her and walk out of the room. I press my back against the closed door and take a deep breath.
"With you Mia, I'm going to have grey hair sooner than I should. Or worse, I'm going to end up bald." I mutter rubbing my face. I push away from the door and make my way down stairs to the kitchen where I grab a glass and pour some water into the glass. I'm halfway through the glass when someone clears their throat making me jump. I put the glass in the sink and turn around. Grey eyes are burning into mine. I swallow the bile in my throat and say "I can explain."

[sorry for the short chapter, and the cliffhanger, so what do you think is going to happen? will Ana quit? or will Mr Grey fire her? I'll make the next chapter longer, I promise. love A.]