Bandora came into the throne room where Lord Zedd stood. Goldar and Scorpina were also nearby, anxiously awaiting orders to go take out the rangers. Goldar didn't like the idea of getting Bandora involved like this. He didn't mind the spells but he would rather fight the rangers head on to defeat them.

"I am ready," Bandora said. "The rangers won't stand a chance."

"Do it," Zedd ordered. Bandora began to chant the spell's cadence. She closed her eyes and could see each ranger in front of her. In her mind's eye, she grabbed each one and pulled them toward her.

Ishimaru sat in her make shift office of her garage. The rangers were overdue now that school had let out. She didn't pick up any monster activity. She lifted her wrist communicator to her mouth.

"Rangers, come in," she said. No answer. "Rangers? Trini? Will? Ryan? Riley? Evan? Tessie? Christen? Anyone, come in." Only static came through. "Shit."

Will held his head while he stumbled around. He had no idea where he was but judging by the trees that surrounded him, he surmised he was in one of the southern states. There were no giant buildings around from what he could see and the road was made of dirt so he figured he was in the south, far from any type of civilization. He huffed at the idea of dealing with racist people. He just wanted to get home.

"I swear to God that if some Wrong Turn hucklebuck approaches me or some Klansmen then I'll seriously fuck them up, morphed or unmorphed." he said to himself. He could see a clearing up ahead and two story house just past the trees. It looked colonial and in great condition. It looked well preserved. He jogged to the tree line and looked for anyone around. He stepped onto the grass and began towards the house.

"THAT'S FAR ENOUGH!" a voice shouted. Will stopped and took a slightly defensive stance. Two guys with rifles came into view. "What do you want, Boy?"

"Boy?" Will asked. "I'm lost and I need to figure out where I am and contact someone who can help me."

"You're lost? You're not a runaway are ya?" one asked.

"A runaway what? You mean a slave? Hell no, I'm not a slave."

"Well let's see your papers then," the other said. "If you're free then you have to have papers."

"I don't have papers either. I don't know what you're talking about," Will said.

"A nigger with no papers," one said. Will didn't expect to be called that and usually didn't let that bother him too much but he was just looking for help and these guys want to drop that word and make a big deal about it.

"That must mean he's a runaway," the other said. "We can get ourselves a…"

Will didn't let him finish that sentence. He pushed the rifles away, punching one guy and kicking the other. Both fell and dropped their rifles. Will grabbed a rifle and pointed it at the two guys.

"All I wanted was some help and you could have easily said no and I would have left," Will said.

"But it's against the law for a nigger to not have papers if he ain't a slave," one said.

"I'm not a god damn slave," Will said.

"You are now, Boy," another voice said. Will saw a group of men with other rifles pointed at him. If he could morph then he'd have no problem with these guys but with those rifles trained on him, it was more likely he'd be shot before he could morph. He sighed as he dropped the rifle.

The two men got to their feet, still holding the wounds on their faces. The man he had punched was worse for wear more so than the one he kicked. He was sure he had broken the man's nose. The other men approached, encircling him. One came closer and examined him.

"You've got a bit of an attitude on ya, Boy," he said.

"The name's Will, not Boy."

"You seem to not know your place in the world. But you soon will."

Suddenly, Will felt a sharp blow to the back of his head and his world went black.

Evan crept through the streets, keeping an eye out for anyone. When someone was near, he'd hide or go another way. He had regained consciousness in an alleyway and seemed to have been left alone because he still had his belongings, importantly his power morpher. He was somewhere in Europe, judging by some of the buildings he had seen so far but nothing to determine which country as of yet. He peered around a corner and caught a man in a uniform running in his direction. Evan could see the look of terror on his face as he was running from something. A group of about six or seven people were after him, shouting at him.

The man stumbled and ultimately lost his balance, sending him crashing to the ground. The crowd caught up to him and started to pummel the man with the clubs in their hands. Evan couldn't stand by and just let someone get beaten by a mob. He ran out from the alleyway and into the fray. He pulled people away to help the man but one guy turned and punched him across the face. He stumbled backwards.

"Well, if you want to get that way with me then don't cry when I kick your ass," Evan said. He charged in again, this time not holding back. He punched and kicked his way through and it caught members of the mob off guard. One burly guy grabbed him from behind by wrapping his arms around him. He used him as leverage as he leapt upward and grabbed another guy by the head with his feet. He brought that man to the ground and then shoved his head backward into the face of the man holding her. He let go and held onto his face. Evan could see blood dripping from the attacker's face.

The mob seemed less enthusiastic about attacking the man. They backed away as Evan stood between them and their target. They shouted at him angrily. He couldn't understand them.

"I will seriously fuck you up if you attack," he said. He stood in a battle-ready stance and it seemed like it was enough to make the mob think twice. They backed away further and eventually turned and walked away.

The man stood up and looked very grateful for Evan's help. He spoke to him but he couldn't understand what he was saying.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I don't know what you're saying. I'm assuming you're thanking me."

He seemed a little surprised but then looked away as he was thinking before returning his gaze to Evan.

"Thank you," he said.

"You can speak English?" Evan asked.

"I know some," he said. "I learned some English from some Americans during Russia's war against Japan since they mediated our peace talks."

Russia's war with Japan?

Evan wondered if he just misheard him. Regardless, Evan was relieved that he could communicate with someone. He did not know any Russian. "What is your name?"

"I am Evgeny Botkin. I am the court physician to Tsar Nicholas the second and Tsarina Alexandra."

Now Evan was even more confused. "The Tsar? Where am I?"

The man looked a bit confused by the question, finding it odd. "You're in Petrograd."

"Petrograd?" Evan asked. "I'm not familiar with Petrograd."

"Russia," the man said. "You're in Russia."

Trini's eyes shot open when she heard an explosion nearby that rocked the ground. She was a bit disoriented as she looked around to get her bearings. She shivered from the cold. There were bodies lying around, some were whole and others were missing various parts. Nothing about the area looked modern or American. If she had to guess she would surmise she was in Asia, specifically China. She stood up took in her surroundings. There were not very many buildings still intact or untouched. Fires burned in various areas and debris littered the ground.

She saw a group of soldiers nearby as they took off their uniforms, stripped the civilians of their clothing and then put them on themselves. Trini crept away to avoid detection. She wasn't sure of the situation she was in but assumed it was hostile. She turned another corner to see another group of soldiers running in her direction but not for her. They looked like they were retreating.

Several shots rang out and the soldiers fell to the ground. More soldiers approached the fallen soldiers, inspecting them. Trini saw that the soldiers on the ground wore the same uniform as the soldiers who shot them. They had been executed by their own men. Trini decided to go another way hoping she could figure out what was going on. She could see an area that looked like a park but had seen better days as artillery shelling had reshaped the ground.

She continued further away from the soldiers while keeping an eye out for anyone else. She had to keep a low profile. She didn't want to try her communicator just yet in fear of being discovered. She popped out onto a main road and heard the rhythmic sound of footsteps. She turned to her right to see a large group of people walking through the gate. She jumped back into the alleyway and hid while keeping a viewpoint on the street. The soldiers marched by her without looking her way. She recognized those uniforms from her history books. She understood the words shouted by the ones in charge. It was the Japanese Imperial Army.

Trini realized when and where she was. She was in Nanking, China and the year was 1937.

Christen awoke with a slight gasp and lurched forward. A nurse came over to check her vitals. Christen noticed an odd look about the room that didn't seem right. The room appeared outdated and she saw no trace of any type of electronics at all. Even the nurse looked old fashioned. The nurse said something to her she didn't understand because it was in another language. Christen felt a little embarrassed because she didn't know how to respond. She guessed the language to be eastern European but couldn't figure out which one. The nurse switched to another language. Christen knew it was German and she could respond to that.

"My name is Christen," she said. "Where am I?"

The nurse seemed relieved now. "You are in Saint John Grande hospital."

"How did I get here?"

"An officer found you and brought you in."

"Is he still here? I'd like to thank him."

"Yes, he is. I'll go get him." The nurse disappeared around the curtain. While she had some time to herself, Christen tried to think of what happened that led her here. She sat up in bed and realized she was wearing a hospital gown. Her clothes were on the table next to the bed and her morpher belt was on top of her clothes. She let out a sigh of relief. She heard footsteps approaching. A man poked his head around the curtain and Christen instantly smiled. He was a handsome guy and she was immediately attracted to him. She was glad she was saved by someone like him.

A girl saved by a handsome guy. Sounds like a fairy tale, she thought to herself.
"You're finally awake," he said.

"Yeah. I would like to thank you for helping me. I'm not sure what happened exactly. You can sit down on the stool and not hide behind the curtain."

"I was just trying to be polite," he said. "When I saw you lying on a pile of debris near the ghetto I feared the worst but you were still breathing and I was able to bring you here. I'm glad you were not seriously hurt."
"I greatly appreciate your kindness. There are some who would just continue walking or even rob a person in that situation."

The man came out from behind the curtain and Christen's smile instantly disappeared. The man who saved her wore an SS Nazi uniform.

A girl saved by a handsome guy in a Nazi uniform. Sounds like a fucked up fairy tale.

Ryan sprinted through the streets of the unknown city, trying to evade capture. Soldiers were not far behind him and he was waiting for them to open fire. However, with so many civilians, he doubted they'd risk killing their own. This area looked like an old Japanese city. There was no evidence of anything modern. Judging by their uniforms he based the time period to be anywhere between the 1920s and 1945.

He ducked and dodged around people that gave him odd looks and some jumped away, clearly frightened that an American was near. He darted behind a building and could catch his breath for a few moments. There was a river nearby and he wondered if he could jump in and travel with the current unnoticed. Then he figured that the people would have ratted him out and the soldiers would be onto him. He was going to have to continue running between the buildings. He did notice that the area on the other side of the river seemed denser and possibly easier to lose the soldiers, there was also a bridge nearby. He continued forward through a group of trees and in between more buildings. He looked back to see if the soldiers were any closer but he didn't immediately see any. He looked upward and saw a small dome sticking up past the roof of the building had just been leaning against. He didn't give the building a second thought as he took off again.
He peered around the corner of a building, keeping an eye out for more troops while gauging the difficulty of sprinting across the bridge. Aside from the pedestrians and the trolley, it was open. After waiting a few more moments to catch his breath and looking around for more soldiers he sprinted across the bridge. He heard some people yell out in surprise and fear. The screams had caught the attention of three soldiers that he hadn't previously noticed. They pulled their side arms and pointed them at Ryan.

Ryan stopped and raised his hands. They shouted orders at him to lay on the ground. He had no intention on listening to them. He knew that he would have to be careful with his next moves so not to injure any pedestrians that were watching. Without warning, Ryan grabbed the arm of one soldier and pointed it into the air while he kicked another in the face. He then tossed the soldier in his grasp into the third soldier. The soldier he kicked had recovered and came in to attack. Ryan grabbed him and tossed him over the side of the bridge. The other two were back on their feet and attacked him at the same time. Ryan jumped in the air and kicked both in the face before tossing them both over the side and into the water.

"How are you a super power?" he asked arrogantly. He smirked before realizing he needed to get away before more soldiers arrived. He turned to run but soldiers were blocking his path on one side of the bridge. He turned around to go back the way he came but he was cut off there too. He then got a clear view of the domed building he hid behind earlier. It was the infamous A-Bomb dome and he was in Hiroshima before the bomb dropped.


Riley coughed violently and threw up a bit of water as she rolled onto her side. She got onto her hands and knees, still spitting out water. Her eyes were tightly closed and she hadn't opened them. It was as though her senses had suddenly kicked back on. She didn't remember much prior to a few seconds ago. She could hear waves crashing and men talking to one another in Japanese as well as sirens in the distance. She looked up to see herself surrounded by Asian men that ranged from the mid-twenties to late-sixties. She sat up and saw she was on a beach. She didn't recognize the area.

"Are you okay?" one man asked. Riley could understand Japanese and nodded.

"Where am I?" she asked.

"You're in Ishinomaki. You washed ashore," the man said. "How did you end up in the ocean like that?" Riley wasn't sure herself.

"I'm not sure exactly," she said.

"Do you not remember?" he asked. Before she could answer, another man spoke up.

"I bet her ship was attacked by the North Koreans," he said.

"What? Why would the North Koreans attack a ship on this side of Japan?"

"Why not?" the other asked. "They've attacked other places before."

"Japan?" Riley asked. "I'm in Japan?"

The men nodded. Riley looked past them and saw some paramedics rushing over to her. They placed a blanket over her shoulders and asked her the standard questions about her well-being and how she felt now. She answered them without revealing too much. She wasn't sure how they would react if she said she was a power ranger and ended up here after a battle.

She stepped up into the ambulance along with two other paramedics. She lied down on the stretcher and their questions continued. She figured it was so they could judge if she suffered any head injury.

"Can you tell me the date?"

"November seventh, two thousand sixteen," she said without much hesitation. She noticed the two paramedics shared a look. That look worried her. "What? What is it?"

"Can you tell me that again?" he asked.

"November seventh, two thousand sixteen," she said again.

"It would appear there is some trauma," the guy said. "All other questions seem to be fine. The date is September nineteenth, two thousand ten."

"Two thousand ten?" Riley asked. She started to think to herself. "Where in Japan am I?"

"You're in Ishinomaki of Miyagi Prefecture."

Riley suddenly realized how much danger she was in. While it wasn't immediate, a deadly disaster will occur.

Oh shit, in less than a year, this place will be wiped out by a tsunami.

"Are you okay?" a voice asked. Tessie awoke startled. A woman sat at the bedside, a woman that Tessie had never seen before. English was obviously not her first language. She had a thick Russian accent but spoke English pretty well.

"Yeah, I think so," Tessie said.

"What happened to you? Were you attacked?"

"I'm not sure," Tessie said. "My memory is hazy. I just remember a pair of hands grabbing me."

"Are you on a school trip?"

"What makes you say that?"

"You're an American."

"Where am I?"

"You're in a town called Beslan?"

"I don't know where that is," Tessie said. "Judging by your accent I'm in Russia."

"Kinda," the woman said. "You're in North Osentia-Alania. It used to be part of the Soviet Union and Russian is one of our official languages."

"How the hell did I end up here?" Tessie asked aloud. "I think I was kidnapped."

"By who?"

"I don't know," Tessie said. "I was at my car then suddenly a pair of hands grabbed me and everything went black."

"I don't know who would just kidnap you and leave you here," the woman said. "Maybe Chechens but their hatred for us isn't a secret. They want Russian troops out of Chechnya."

"I thought that was over," Tessie said. "I thought they ended that back in two thousand nine."

"Two thousand nine?" the woman said. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, why?" Tessie asked.

"Because it's two thousand four."

To be continued