Here we are for another Naruto Belserion update. Sorry for the delay as I've been busy with University work and a lot of stuff. Tune in for the latest episode of Naruto Belserion episode…

Chapter 10: Witness

"Upon in Konoha in which the light reigned supreme, a demon has descended. It's as if the malevolence of the dark has been made manifest. But the one who will be laughing when all is said and done is I, the Ruthless Yellow Angel", Naruto said as he walked with the Sand Siblings.

"How long is he going to say those things?", Temari thought.

Side by side, the blonde and the red head walked. Gaara was amused by Naruto's antics of repeating the same speech all over again.

"Hn… You do speak metaphorically and aristocratically", Gaara broke the silence after several minutes.

"So you like it", Naruto said smiling with his usual smiles.

Gaara didn't answer but smirked inwardly.

Then, Baki appeared and had his eyes widened in surprise as he saw the infamous Ruthless Yellow.

"Wh-Why is he here?", he asked.

Kankuro was about to speak when Naruto interrupted first.

"I love to be with my child", he said.

"Child?", Baki asked confused.

"Enough calling me that", Gaara said.

"My, my, Gaara. Your appearance and personality reminds me much of my beloved children, to which Konoha took away".

"You have children?".

Naruto then wept as he smiled insanely reminiscing the moments he had with his subordinates.

"They accompanied me wherever I went. They killed people for my fun. They ended missions swiftly while I just sit there being lazy. The twin manifestations of the light and the dark, Solar and Lunar. The one Konoha killed… That's why I turned him into a pile of rotting meat", Naruto's eyes then dilated similar to the grins of Irene.

Baki looked scared into this and the rest of the Sand Siblings with the exception of Gaara. Then, a shinobi from the Land of Sound came.

"No way…", Kankuro muttered.

Baki looked towards Naruto and then Sound nin. Then the insane blonde grinned, "The Land of Sound, where Otogakure dwells and Orochimaru rules in absolute iron fist like in hell".

"You…", the Sound nin said. "The Ruthless Yellow!"

"The fact that you came here proves that Suna and Oto have an alliance to overthrow Konoha. You filthy wretches!",. Naruto shouted then turned the poor Oto nin into a rat. Baki and the Sand Siblings witnessed the whole ordeal unbelievably.

"This is… impossible", Kankuro said.

Naruto then picked up the squealing rat and turned a nearby stone into a bottle full of purple acid. He then submerged the rat into it and it screamed into shrieks of pain. They witnessed Naruto's insanity as he just grinned insanely.

"You want me to turn you back? Turn back on your own".

Naruto enchanted the 5 minutes into what seemingly 5 hours for the rat then he returned the rat to its original form. When returned, the face was deformed, lots of burns and scalds and molds of rotting flesh.

The Oto ninja cried in pain and was barely to walk. He can still speak but his words were in mumbles.

"This is the proof of my power. Tell Orochimaru that once he messes with my fun, not only he will get that. He will also have his entire dream of immortality destroyed", Naruto then grinned insanely.

Before the Oto nin could do anything, Naruto used a limited scope of Universe One to transport the man into Orochimaru's lair.

He then looked towards the Sand Shinobi.

"Upon in Konoha in which the light reigned supreme, a demon has descended. It's as if the malevolence of the dark has been made manifest. But the one who will be laughing when all is said and done is I, the Ruthless Yellow Angel. Suna and Konoha, alliances but now one has betrayed the other. Now tell me, if two superpowers were two fight, who will emerge victorious?"

"Gaara of the Sand Waterfall, why obey them? You can just kill them. My goal is to kill my mother, who has left me in this decrepit village and my twin sister in a fetid village. You could've just claimed the seat of the throne from your horrendous father", he said.

The jinchuuriki looked towards him with an unexplainable expression.

"This village is horrendous, as everyone hates me. The past me was just a brat knowing nothing of the real world. But upon meeting my mother after abandoning me all these years, I was hurled. Hurled into her love and care that's why I want to inherit her title of being the Ruthless Yellow Despair. But not now, as I haven't ended her yet. My sister is also strong and she doesn't know that she has a twin brother. When knowing it, she shall marvel in the vastness of my power", Naruto then smiled insanely.

They just looked at him with unease except for the read head, assessing the situation on what the blonde will do.

The blonde then raised his staff and did an atmospheric enchantment, directing it towards Otogakure.


Orochimaru looked on towards the writhing and unimaginable horror of one of his ninjas beneath him.

"He did this to me, Lord Orochimaru. Forgive me. The Ruthless Yellow is far much stronger and his presence is beyond terrifying", the ninja said.

"Hmmm, it seems he's testing me. I haven't even heard his name despite him being famous. Who is he?"

"Naruto Belserion, Lord Orochimaru", a voice was heard.


"Lord Orochimaru, from the intel that I've gathered in Konoha, the man was previously Uzumaki Naruto. He failed in the Academy graduation and he left Konoha for three months. When he came back, he looked different".

He then showed the picture the previous picture of the past Naruto and the current one, Naruto Belserion.

Orochimaru knew deep inside him that the blonde is the child of the Fourth Hokage. But what is strange is that when the blonde came back into the village, he looked different. Became older in appearance and became ferocious when it comes to dealing with his enemies.

"Kabuto-kun, make sure you do not face the man", Orochimaru said.


"The ninja beneath us told me that the Kyuubi jinchuuriki turned him into a rat, soaked him inside a boiling acid he made from a rock then what seems 5 minutes turned into 5 hours to him. I wonder what kind of abilities he had. I want his body".

"I also heard that what he did towards in the Land of Waves is beyond impossible". Kabuto then went on to explain how the blonde made the entirety of the Land of Waves bizarre in appearance.

"I do not know the true capabilities of his technique and what its true purpose is. All I knew that it has helped finish their mission quickly", Kabuto explained.

Soon, a tornado came into the village and a voice was heard.

"Upon in Konoha in which the light reigned supreme, a demon has descended. It's as if the malevolence of the dark has been made manifest. But the one who will be laughing when all is said and done is I, the Ruthless Yellow Angel. No matter where you hide, I can still find you. The land, the sea, the skies, all are into my domains. They respond to my will absolutely. Now tell me, do you want this body?"

Orochimaru was surprised but kept his calm composition and replied, "You do interest me, Naruto Belserion. Your power is beyond terrifying I must admit. You even found me. True enough, I would like your body and be powerful in my own right".

"Take it…If you can…".

The body of the poor Oto nin that Naruto enchanted earlier glowed and the man screamed. The man's body jerked repeatedly until his own entirety turned into a pile of rotting meat.

They widened their eyes in witness to the event.

"This is what the Ruthless Yellow capable of. Turning opponents into flesh that falls off. No one defies an invitation from me. And when they do, it will scar horribly".

There opened an eye with a cross mark, very large in front of the two ninja.

"Let's have fun in Konoha, Orochimaru-sama", then the eye disappeared and all of the tornadoes in the area.

"Kabuto-kun, this is going to be much more interesting", Orochimaru said while chuckling darkly.

"He received my message.", Naruto said while grinning.

"What did you do?", Temari asked.

"I'll leave that to your imagination", the blonde replied then a strong wind gust enveloped the area. The blonde flew and chuckled to himself.

All the meanwhile, the boys were looking at Temari, before she even realized it, that all her clothes were stripped, leaving a flawless view of the teen's body.

Done guys. Sorry for any typos or mistakes. See you in the next chapter. Bye!