here we are dear readers. this is the lasr chapter. i already have the epilogue written down that is ready to post, but this is the last real chapter of the story. plenty of warnings to look out including violence, language, and non con so reader be warned. this chapter is dark. it might be the darkest chapter in this entire story, and i spent most of my weekend doing this so i hope you enjoy

"No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet, death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it, and that is how it should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of life. It's life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new."

– Steve Jobs

Everything was happening so fast. J.J. couldn't seem to keep up. She closed her eyes, and tried to get control of her breathing. For just one moment, while her eyes were shut, everything was okay. She could imagine her house with her big bed and with her soft pillow. Oh, that pillow would do wonders to soothe her aching head. She could sleep away the rest of that rainy afternoon, and by the time she woke up, her headache would be gone. When she was out of bed, she would take a steamy hot bath before dinner. Everything was alright. Nick would be the furthest thing from her mind because bad memories couldn't enter her perfect little vision. She could almost feel the pillow against her head and smell the chicken cooking from the kitchen. It was so close, but at the same time, it was so far away. She opened her eyes back up, and the dream was over. Reality hit her like a ton of bricks and she felt like screaming again.

Nick's second attack with the hammer wasn't aimed at her. All of the hatred that Nick had towards them was always directed at Spence. The hammer hit the boy genius right on his nose, and J.J. heard something crack as his nose was broken. Blood immediately started falling down Reid's face, and the bridge of his nose was a deep shade of scarlet. Reid was gasping for deep breaths as the dark blood ran past his mouth. Tears fell out of his eyes, and his hands were struggling to bring relief to the pain, but he was still tied up.

"Stop this!" J.J. screamed. The dark bruise on Reid's chest seemed so distant with the amount of blood that was just pouring from his broken nose. "Please stop!" Why was Nick always attacking Reid? Why did he insist on leaving her as a witness?

Reid was roughly unhooked from his restraints like before, and was thrown across the floor. Reid collided with a few boxes not far from the window and fell on his knees. He screamed when the broken skin was scraped across the wooden floor. Nick walked over to where Reid was trying desperately to hide, and picked up the younger man easily by his hair. He spit on Reid's face, and threw him once again across the room with such ease that it surprised J.J. She had to remind herself that the poor boy genius had been without food and water for days. It wasn't a fair fight to begin with. Reid screamed as he hit the boxes near the wall, and they collapsed under his weight. Reid was coughing as he lifted his head back up. His hair was all over his face, almost sticking to his skin from all of the blood, and J.J. could just see red smears on the boxes where he fell, but all she could focus on were his big eyes staring at her. He was begging her for help, but there wasn't a damn thing she could do.

"Unhook me!" J.J. shouted as loud as she could, praying to God that somebody else would hear them. "Make this a fair fight you asshole! Are you scared of women? Is that your problem?"

He didn't seem to hear her at all. His attention never left Spence. When Nick strolled back over to Reid, the boy genius was more ready for him. Reid, despite his grievous knee injuries, kicked Nick in the stomach. Nick, who wasn't prepared for any kind of attack, doubled over from the pain. Reid used his other leg to kick the boxes in Nick's direction giving him a few precious seconds to get further away from the attacker, but it didn't do much good. Nick didn't need that long to recover from the attack, and he easily caught up to Reid who didn't get much further away than a few feet. He grabbed the boy genius once again by the hair, and slammed Reid's face onto the floor. J.J. couldn't tell from her position if Reid's nose took the brunt of the attack or not, but Reid screamed all the same.

"Please stop," Reid choked out. "I'm sorry about the match. Just let her go. Let J.J. go."

Reid was forced onto his stomach, and J.J. watched in horror as Nick pulled down his pants. Reid didn't say anything, but it was clear that he knew what was coming. He buried his face in his hair, and didn't try to fight again as Nick spread his legs. The only sound he made was when Nick chose to forget Reid's knee and purposely scraped it across the floor. Reid bit his lip, but refused to look at J.J.

"Nick, please," J.J. begged. Why wasn't anyone else hearing their cries? Was she not being loud enough? Didn't anyone else care? She didn't know how close any of the neighbors were, but she felt like her screams were enough to wake the dead. She guessed she was wrong. She looked out the window again. Oh, how she just wanted to grab the stupid hammer of his and smash that window into a million little pieces. She hated it and how it mocked her of the freedom that was just behind its glass. She could barely see out of it now. Thick drops of rain were blocking the only view she had of outside. She loved the rain. It always calmed her down when she was having a bad day, and she refused to let the hell that was going on in that attic ruin the immense joy that rain always brought her.

She looked back at the scene unfolding in front of her. Somehow, Nick had gotten Reid on his knees. Blood was flowing freely beneath them, and Reid's body was trembling all over. Nick got a firm hold of Reid's waist, and pushed himself inside the unwilling body under him. Reid immediately tried scooting away from the agony that Nick was causing him, but Nick had a firm hold on the boy's waist.

"You are so tight!" Nick mumbled in between his violent thrusts. He bent over and grabbed a handful of Reid's hair as he pushed even deeper into the boy's body. "I could do this all day. You know that? I think you're the best fuck I've ever had. Might just have to take you downstairs tonight. We could have a shower together. I'll be able to see even more of you without judging eyes watching us."

Reid didn't say anything. His eyes were closed, but his body was still shaking. There wasn't a damn thing J.J. could do to help him. She closed her own eyes and willed this to be over. It wasn't going to last forever. Nick would be tired after the brutal assault, and leave them alone for a few hours. If they were lucky, he would leave Reid unchained. Either way, nothing was going to happen until Nick was done with the rape. All she could do was wait, and pray that Reid was strong enough to get through this. He needed to remember that he wasn't alone. J.J. was with him, and she wasn't going to leave him.

Something tickled across her leg bringing her back into the reality of the attic. If it was a spider crawling across her, she might have screamed, but it wasn't. It was really the only friend they made during their time away from the team. The colorful cat that took a liking to Reid was looking up at J.J. with her big green eyes. She wished she could tell that cat everything that was going on, and how the cat needed to find someone to help them, but she didn't need to. The cat looked over at Nick and Reid. J.J. wasn't sure how much the cat actually understood, but it apparently knew that it wasn't any good. She bobbed her head up and down, and slunk away from J.J. She easily got on top of one of the boxes, and watched with great interest as her owner pushed his sex deeper and deeper into Reid. Nick didn't see the cat at all. J.J. held her breath as the cat examined the situation. It became obvious to J.J. that even the cat knew that was Nick was doing was wrong, and the cat leaped on Nick's back. Her claws easily pierced through Nick's shirt, and she hissed as loud as she could.

Nick fell out of Reid as he tried to get the cat off his back. The angry cat wasn't letting go easily, and was growling at him as he swatted his hands at the animal. J.J. would have been cheering at the cat if her voice wasn't already raw from screaming. Reid turned himself over, and he was bewildered to see his rapist getting attacked by a friendly feline. He looked at J.J., and she offered him a weak smile. Reid scooted over to the closest wall without any use from his legs, and he tried hiding behind one of the boxes as Nick finally got the cat off of him. He threw the cat as hard as he could, and J.J. watched as the cat hit the stair railing. After the poor thing's body hit the ground, she stopped moving. Nick had long red streaks down his back. There would be no saving that shirt or the cat. J.J. was already mourning the loss of their furry companion. Nick turned around to face the agents again after he caught his breath.

J.J. was about to challenge him again, to divert his attention away from Reid when something caught her eye. She looked back over at the staircase, and saw another woman standing on the top stairs. Her vibrant red hair fell around her shoulders, and was wearing a soft blue dress that could have made men's heads turn when she went out with it. J.J. breathed out a sigh of relief. They were finally meeting Nick's wife. This was over. This was all over. She felt like crying. Reid saw her too, and lifted himself higher against the wall so she could see him.

"Please…Help." Reid whispered to her.

Nick turned around to greet his wife with his pant legs wrapped around his ankles. The red head looked around the attic room slowly, taking in the chaos around her. What was going on in her mind? J.J. could only imagine, but the lady's jaw fell open and all color left her face.

"Help us ma'am," J.J. pleaded suddenly finding her voice again. "Please!"

"Nick?" the woman asked after an eternity.

Nick, for what seemed like the first time, was at a loss for words. "Please ma'am! My friend needs to go to the hospital!" J.J. heard herself saying.

The woman could either side with her husband or believe what her eyes were showing her. She didn't wait for Nick to answer her, and J.J. felt like leaping for joy when the woman suddenly turned to run back down the stairs. J.J. listened as her footsteps got lighter and lighter. She was going to bring back help. A warm tear ran down J.J.'s face. They would be home before nightfall. Nick pulled up his pants, and bolted out of the attic chasing his wife. J.J. was hoping the brave woman was already on the phone with the police or was locked safely in a room. She wouldn't be able to outrun Nick.

Abby left in such a hurry that she didn't really plan out neatly like she wanted. Just an hour after arriving at her sister's house did she remember that she left behind her gradebooks. All of them. She wasn't going to ask Nick to bring them to her, and since he was probably still at work, she could just go home and grab them. Amy volunteered to go back with her just in case she ran into any problems, but Abby didn't think it would be that big of a deal. Abby promised to call her if she was getting trouble from Nick, but she didn't feel uneasy until she pulled up in front of the house and saw that Nick was home. It wasn't a big deal she kept telling herself. She just needed to in, grab the books, and leave. Nick was probably already locked in his office if he still wasn't at school so he wouldn't even know she was home. She left her purse and keys in the car as she walked inside. The only thing she needed was her cell phone and she kept that by her side. She took a deep breath and walked inside the place that she used to refer to as her home not knowing she would never be able to leave it again.

She took soft steps against the carpet, but she didn't hear anything as she climbed the winding staircase to their bedroom. She looked around the corner, but the coast was clear. She didn't see Nick anywhere so she cautiously went into their bedroom. It was exactly like she left it. She pulled another bag out of the closet, and threw in her phone charger along with the gradebooks. She was scanning the room to make sure she grabbed anything else of value when she heard a strange noise coming from directly above her head. She looked up, almost expecting to see a rat climbing up the walls, but she was alone. She ignored the noise and tried telling herself it was just rodents climbing through the insides of the house until she heard it again. She didn't know what it was, but it wasn't a mouse. She stepped out of the bedroom, and followed the noises until she reached Nick's private rooms. By that time, she knew it wasn't an animal making those noises. It was a human, and they were screaming.

Abby's phone vibrated in her pocket, and but she could only glance at the message her sister sent her. What was going on up there? The closer she got to Nick's office, the louder the screaming and fighting became. Nick was obviously in the attic, but he wasn't alone. When Abby got to his office, she already knew it was empty. The screaming was coming from the little room next to his office that had been left open. Abby pushed the door open a little wider, and was shocked when she saw the door leading to the attic wide open. She looked back at her phone. Should she text her sister? And say what? I hear noises coming from the attic? With her luck, she would just stumble upon Nick having a threesome with a few select beauties from his class and she would look like a fool. It was better to find out what was going on before she called for backup. She walked up slowly, just taking one step at a time, until she heard the cat growling. She flew up the remaining stairs, but wasn't ready at all for what she saw.

Blood all over the floor. Critter lying limp by the railing. An almost naked woman chained to the pipes on the wall. A naked young man hiding behind the boxes, and her husband was standing in front of the odd pair with his pants pulled all the way down. It didn't take a genius to figure out that Nick had been raping the terrified boy in the corner. She looked back at the woman, and saw the fear in her eyes. This wasn't a threesome, and these two strangers in the attic weren't students. The news broadcast went through her head, and the pictures shown in the program clicked. These two were the missing agents that everyone was looking for.

"Please, help," the young man begged her. He looked about the same age as her sister, but it was hard to say with all of the hair in his face. His nose was swollen and bloody, and he had an awful bruise on his chest. She restrained herself from going over to him. She wanted to tell him that everything was going to be alright. She was going to get him help, but Nick was standing right there. What were her options?

"Help us ma'am! Please!" the woman shouted as her. The woman was in better shape than her partner, but the desperation was coming through in her voice. Abby needed to call the police and get the agents to the hospital, but did her husband really do all of this?

"Nick?" she heard herself asking. The man she married turned around to face her, and she saw the hatred in his eyes. His erection was probably smaller after the cat attacked him, but it was still bigger than she ever saw it during their marriage. He never loved her. He never even liked her. Abby would have no problems if he admitted to her early on that he was attracted to men, but he kept it hidden inside until it boiled over. Boiled over to what? Kidnapping federal agents and keeping them as sex slaves? This was something different than his sexual preference though. This was attempted murder. Abby wrapped her fingers around her cell phone and ran down the stairs as fast as she could. She needed to call the police. She needed to get somewhere safe and call the police. She slammed the attic door behind her and the guest bedroom, but where could she go that he wouldn't follow?

"Abby!" Nick shouted. He sounded like was directly behind her. She didn't turn around to see. She abandoned the idea of locking herself in a room. She needed to get out that house. She picked up her feet and ran even faster. She thought twice about taking the elevator. She pictured Nick meeting her downstairs with a gun or something so she took the winding staircase back down. Her heart was pounding so hard she was convinced it would pop out of her chest. She was on the last couple steps when Nick pounced on her from behind. She fell down the rest of the stairs and dropped her phone in the process.

"We need to talk honey!" Nick said laughing.

Abby wanted her phone that she dropped during the struggle, but she wasn't going to turn around to get it. She found her footing, and was racing towards the front door when Nick grabbed one of her legs. She fell back on the carpet, and tried kicking him. She missed his face, but he managed to pull her shoe off. He was on his feet before she was, and she found him to be blocking the front door. She didn't have a choice but to change directions so she ran into the kitchen. It was in near pristine condition since they rarely ate there, but she did see the coffee cup that she was drinking from earlier. Why was this happening to her? She felt like she was being punished, but why? The man that swore to protect her was trying to kill her. Teas were streaming down her face. All she wanted was her mother. She lunged for the back door, but he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back.

"Why are you running my beloved?" Nick whispered in her ear. "Didn't you hear me calling you? I called several times honey."

"Please Nick. Just tie me up somewhere. I'll be quiet." She wanted to live. She wanted to go be with her sister. She wanted her mother to tell her that she was safe.

"Tell death do us part," Nick said smiling. He raised up one of the silver knives they got from relatives last Christmas for her to see. He must have grabbed it when she wasn't looking. Her father got them those set of knives. She remembered how happy Nick was when he opened them. He kept telling everyone that they needed new silverware. She tried pulling away, but he gripped her hair and pushed the blade deep into her back. She took a sharp intake of breath as the knife pierced through muscles and tendons. He pulled it out as quickly as it had entered just to stab her again near the original spot.

"Oh honey," he said kissing her cheek. He pulled the knife out of her, and pushed it back into her a third time. She was losing balance on her legs, and Nick released the handful of hair. He cradled her in his arms as her legs finally buckled. He pulled the blade out and pushed it right back in going through one of her lungs. She cried out when Nick decided to wiggle the knife through her damaged flesh. Nick lowered himself to the floor, still holding onto her. "You really do look good in blue." He pulled her dress up, revealing the matching panties she chose for the day, and he rubbed his bloody hand against her sex. "Yeah, sorry. This still isn't doing shit for me."

He stood up, and watched her roll onto her stomach. The pain was unbearable. "Rot in hell bitch." Nick said. He kicked her in her side and walked away, leaving her to die alone. She prayed that death would come soon just so the pain would stop. She listened to the clock ticking above the sink and waited for the angel of death to take her away.

Hotch watched the rain pour outside. He had been willing his phone to ring all afternoon with news, any kind of news at this point, but his phone stayed silent. Where were Reid and J.J.? He was ready to blame himself if anything happened to them. Hell, he knew something bad happened to them by now. They weren't sitting somewhere having tea underneath a big shady tree. He was convinced they weren't dead though. They were still alive, but where?

"They just broadcasted the sketch again," Morgan said. Morgan sat down in one chairs in the conference room. Morgan rarely left Hotch's side. "Sheriff is trying to narrow down all the calls they are getting. They sure are getting a lot of nothing calls."

"All we need is one good one," Hotch said. Somebody had to recognize the bastard. Hotch didn't think he could have gotten a more detail sketch even if he saw the guy. It was almost like looking at a photograph of their unsub.

"Sheriff said that too," Morgan said. "That's why he's having the operators write down every bit of information even if it sounds fishy. We are going to find that son of a bitch."

Garcia was keeping herself busy on the computer typing away. Hotch theorized she was working so hard so she didn't have to think about what J.J. and Reid were going through. He had never seen her work so hard in her entire life. He was pretty sure that when she finally took a break, she would break down crying. If she did, he would be right there for her. This was hard on everybody. "I just finished emailing all of the schools," she told them. "Every single college in this state has a copy of that sketch."

"We are bringing them home today," Morgan said with a confidence that Hotch was starting to lack. He didn't like the babies of the team being missing for so long. What had been done to them already? Hotch couldn't keep thinking about that or he would go crazy. He needed to do more than just sit in that room waiting for something to happen. He was so grateful when his phone finally started ringing. He answered it and put the phone on speaker when he saw it was Rossi calling. He didn't think they would be done at the college so soon.


"We just met one very interesting teacher," Rossi said. "We are heading back. We didn't get to talk to him too long."

"And I don't think he will be there when we get back," Prentiss added. It sounded like they were in the car.

"Why are you coming back? Who is the teacher?" Hotch took the phone over to where Garcia was sitting. She was ready to start researching whatever name they gave her.

"It was strange," Rossi said. "We were going around talking to teachers and showing them the sketch. We get to this guy's room, and the sketch goes missing. Right out of my jacket. It wasn't on the ground or anything, and it wasn't likely the wind blew it out of my jacket."

"So you think he took it?" Hotch asked.

"Did he look like the guy in the sketch?" Morgan asked.

"It's hard to say because we didn't have the drawing right in front of us, but I think it's a fair guess to say he looked like the guy in the picture," Rossi said.

"He was a really strange person," Prentiss said. "I'm sure you would love to talk to him."

"We are coming back to get another copy of the sketch," Rossi said. "Then we are going back to the college. He said that he would still be there, but that was probably a little fib he gave us to get us out of the room."

"What's his name?" Hotch asked calmly.

"Nick Harrison," Rossi said. "Married to a woman named Abby. She is also a teacher at the school, but they work different hours. She wasn't on campus or we would have talked to her too."

Garcia was already typing in his name before Hotch told her to. His image popped right up on the screen, and Hotch leaned in to get a closer look. Was this the same man from the sketch? Nick didn't have any distinguishable characteristics. Dark hair. Smaller eyes. Lighter eyebrows, but no scars or birthmarks to help him stand out. He was just a normal looking guy that Hotch wouldn't look twice at on the street. It would be easy for him to blend in with big crowds which is what they were looking for. The unsub that had Reid and J.J. wanted to remain invisible.

"We have him up on the screen now," Morgan told them. "No criminal history. No kids."

Garcia pulled up a photo of Nick's wife, and Hotch took a step back. He recognized that woman. "That's the woman that dropped off that book!" Morgan exclaimed. "She said she was the Blackwell boy's teacher or something. She was just here a few days ago."

What were the odds of having a serial killer student and a serial killer husband at the same time? Hotch guessed the odds weren't very high. It was possible that Nick wasn't the man they were looking for, but Hotch wanted to meet him all the same. If Hotch or the others got any bad dojo from Nick, Hotch would go out of his way to get Mrs. Harrison to a safe house. They assumed the unsub was a married man and that the wife would become an eventual target. Hotch didn't like jumping to conclusions, but the more he stared at Nick's photo, the stronger his urge became to speak with the professor.

"These people sure live in a huge house," Garcia commented.

That was an understatement. They lived in a mini mansion with gates surrounding the property. How could they afford that on a teacher's salary? They didn't have any children so Hotch couldn't figure out why they wanted such a big house.

"Maybe they have a lot of pets?" Garcia asked.

It would be so easy to hide kidnapped victims in that house. The wife wouldn't have any idea because there were so many rooms. It would be perfect to hide their screams behind so many different rooms and levels of the house. They didn't even have a good suspect to interview until now, and Hotch was more than ready.

"Turn around and go back to the college," Hotch told them. "We'll just send you a photo of the sketch to your phones. If Nick is still there, don't let him leave. I'm going to his house with Morgan. If you sense that anything is wrong, we need to get his wife out of the picture."

"If he is still at the college, what do you want us to do with him?" Rossi asked.

"Take him to the station," Hotch said. "If he's there, call me. I would like to talk to him."

"We'll call you," Rossi promised before hanging up the phone. Hotch put his cell in his pocket and waited for Morgan to gather his belongings to go outside.

"Send me anymore information you can find on this man," Hotch told Garcia.

"Please bring them back home," Garcia told them.

Hotch led the way outside, and the two men were drenched by the time they reached the car. Hotch was happy to finally be doing something. He just hoped this would lead them to rescuing J.J. and Reid. He typed the address given to him by Garcia and the two were on their way to have a nice little chat with Nick Harrison.

Maddie knew something was going on with Prof Nick. She just knew it, and when she watched him speed away after the FBI agents left, she decided to follow him. She kept a steady distance behind his car, and was probably lucky that he never noticed her behind him. When he pulled into his driveway, she parked her car across the street. She probably would have just turned around if the gate was closed, but Nick left tit open open giving her all the access she needed. If she was caught, she would just tell the couple that she came to check in on Mrs. Harrison. That seemed like a good enough excuse, and in all fairness, Mrs. Harrison was one of her favorite teachers. She pulled out her cell phone and texted one of her friends, just in case something went wrong. Mel thought it was crazy that Maddie wanted to go to one of her teacher's homes, but something was up with him and she was determined to find out what that something was.

When she got to the front of the house, she was overwhelmed. There were just so many freaking rooms. Where was she supposed to start? If her teacher really was some crazy ass killer, where would he be hiding in victims? It needed to be somewhere apart from the rest of the house so no one would hear them, but where? If she was a killer, she would totally be hiding the people she kidnapped in the basement. Or the attic. She took a step back and looked to the lonely window near the top of the house. If she squinted her eyes, she could have sworn that she saw movement coming from up there. She put her phone back in her pocket, and slowly pushed the front door open. Everything seemed to just hit her at once.

A woman was screaming, and there was a struggle going on in one of the rooms directly to her left. Maddie bit her lip as she peaked around the corner, but she couldn't see anything. She didn't have any weapons with her so what was her plan? Scare the creep attacker into letting her and the other lady go? He would just kill both of them. Maddie turned around, and saw a thin blood trail leading back up the stairs. If she could rescue the people that were being held captive, all of this would be over so Maddie took a deep breath and started climbing up the stairs. The bloody trail wasn't thick and direct like it was in so many scary movies. It was splotchy, and sometimes there wasn't a path at all. Maddie couldn't tell if the person who shed the blood was actually bleeding or if it was just falling off them from another struggle, but Maddie followed the trail to the best of her ability. Who was being attacked downstairs? Was it one of the agents? Or was it Prof Nick's wife? Maddie tried not to think about it as she climbed further into the house.

When she came to the last hallway where the droplets of blood were even more pronounced, she knew she found the secret hideout. She slipped through a random bedroom door, and came into a smaller room that looked like it was reserved for unwanted guests. The bed was still made up, and there weren't any signs of life, but there was another door leading up into the attic. Maddie kept her hand glued to her pocket just to feel her cell phone there. It was almost like a security blanket that gave her comfort. She wasn't alone as long as she had her cell phone, but she needed to hurry. She didn't know how long the fight downstairs would last, but she was pretty sure Nick would be headed back upstairs when it was over.

The attic stairwell and room were a lot darker than the rest of the house. Nobody bothered to turn the lights on so it took a moment for her eyes to get adjusted well enough to see. At first, she couldn't see anything but boxes. There were a lot of boxes up there, and a terrible stench that she couldn't quite place made her want to barf. She pulled out her cell phone for light, and sneezed as she stepped fully into the attic. The scene hit her at once. A woman chained up to some pipe by a wall. Pretty blonde hair that needed washing. Fair skin. In her underwear. Maddie found the second agent hiding behind some boxes, and he was in awful condition. He was as naked as the day he was born with a swollen bloody nose and a scary bruise forming on his chest. Both looked startled to see her.

"Are you guys…Are you guys the agents?" Maddie asked with a shaky voice. Why was she scared? They weren't going to hurt her, but she found it hard to approach them.

"Where did Nick go?" the woman asked her.

"He's downstairs," Maddie said quickly. She found her bravery and stepped further into the attic room. There was blood all over the place. This was a crime scene and Maddie felt like she was walking into some nightmare. "Oh my God you guys. Oh my God."

Maddie stepped over the blood stains, and cautiously walked towards them. She needed to get them out of there. She felt like she was running out of time. "Who are you?" the young man asked her.

"My name is Maddie," she said. How the hell was she supposed to get them out of there? The closer she got to the man, the more she was convinced he couldn't walk. "I'm in one of his classes. I don't have time to explain. We need to get out of here."

"Take J.J. first," the man told her. "The keys are over there."

Maddie saw a pair of keys among the blood splatter all over the floor. She didn't want to ask how they got there, but she picked them up. She went over to the young woman, and worked quickly to get her arms down. Her small wrists fell right out of the handcuffs, and she cried out when her arms fell after being held up for God knows how long. Maddie wanted to get both of them out of there, but she was still at a loss of how get to rescue the other agent. She couldn't carry him down all those stairs. Maybe she could find some old sled or something, but by then, the fight going on downstairs would be long over. She didn't know what to do.

"Can you stand?" Maddie asked the blonde lady.

"My name is J.J.," she told Maddie. She put her hands flat by her sides, and used them to push herself to her feet. She stumbled, but Maddie made sure she didn't fall over.

"We can't stay up here," Maddie said.

J.J. took baby steps over to her partner, still partially hidden behind the boxes. Maddie stayed where she was. If they needed a moment alone, she would give them that.

"I'm going to call for help," J.J. promised him. "Just try to stay hidden."

"I know," he said. Maddie didn't know if he believed her or not. If Nick took one more swing at the young agent, he would die. It wouldn't take much more than that to end his life. They had to hurry if they wanted to save him. J.J. kissed the top of his head, and pulled some of the messy hair away from his big eyes.

J.J. looked like she wanted to say something else, but she turned around and followed Maddie back down the stairs. Maddie walked slowly, not only to the sake of J.J. but also to make sure there wasn't a crazy dude hiding behind some corner.

"We need to keep quiet," Maddie whispered. "I don't know where Nick is. We can talk once we're outside." J.J. nodded, and the duo continued their descent out of the house.

Maddie considered taking the elevator for the sake of time, but decided against it. The stairs would have to do. She felt sorry for J.J. It had to be hard being locked up for so long and then immediately running a triathlon the day she is rescued, but J.J. never complained. When they got to the last staircase, Maddie held her breath. She didn't tell J.J. that was where she knew Nick was last. Nobody was screaming though. The fight was over. She didn't see another lady running around so that meant Nick had won.

She nearly tripped going down the last few steps, and broke into a run when she saw the front door waiting for them. She swung it open fully, and helped J.J. out onto the porch. They were out, but Maddie wouldn't think they were fully safe until they were off the property. Maddie took off the jacket she was wearing, and handed it to J.J. It didn't cover her up much, but it did keep the cold rain off of her. She broke into a slow jog, and was surprised when she saw J.J. was running right alongside her. Maddie led them out of the yard, and across the street to where she parked. Maddie didn't unlock her car. She wasn't planning of leaving the scene until she had the other agent with her.

Maddie ran across the yard of the closest neighbor, and rang the doorbell until the elderly owner answered the door. She looked like she was about to faint when she saw the strange looking pair on her porch. J.J. was starting to lean to one side. She needed to sit down or she would faint faster than the old lady would.

"Come in," the old woman said. She opened her door wider for the girls, and Maddie took J.J. to the closest chair. She eased J.J. down into the chair. "What's going on?"

"This is one of the missing FBI agents," Maddie told her. "You need to call the police."

"Water," J.J. whispered. She wasn't looking at either one of the women next her. J.J. was staring at the floor breathing deeply.

The old woman rushed into the other room to get water for J.J. Maddie got on her knees in front of the agent so J.J. could see her. "I'm going back to get your friend."


"Yes, Spence," Maddie said glad to learn his name. "I won't be gone long. This nice lady is getting you some water, and the police are on their way. We can't leave Spence over there alone though. I need to get him out."

J.J. nodded. Maddie didn't know if she fully understood or not, but Maddie ran back outside to the Harrison's house. The rain was still falling at a steady pace, and Maddie slipped twice on the wet grass in their front yard. She just got back up and kept running. Spence needed help. She stopped running when she reached the front door. She still didn't know where Nick was. He wouldn't be thrilled when he found out of the agents was already gone.

Maddie pushed open the door, and looked around. Everything looked exactly the same. She didn't hear any noises coming from the other room where the fight happened, and she didn't see any new bloody spots on the stairs. She stepped quietly over to the staircase, and took one last look towards the kitchen. She didn't see anything out of the ordinary. She put her hands on the railing to balance herself and made her way up. When she reached the top of the staircase, she paused again to listen for any movement. It was still quiet.

She never saw Nick coming. He was behind one of the open doors, and made his move when Maddie turned towards the second set of stairs. He grabbed her by her hair, just like he did with his wife, and ran the same blade across Maddie's throat. Maddie felt somebody grab her hair, and she felt something warm run down her neck after the blade left her skin. He didn't hold her after she was cut like he did his wife. He let Maddie collapse on the carpet, and after she got a good look at her attacker's face, he kicked her down the stairs. She was dead before she reached the last step.

Johnny got in the Harrison's house even before Maddie did. He had a skill at sneaking around without ever being seen, but unlike Maddie, he stayed hidden to watch the scene in front of him unfold. He couldn't exactly see what was going on in the kitchen from the closet where he hid, but he saw the tall man leave the room covered in blood. The lady trying to run away from him must have died. He hoped that she died fast. He watched the pretty college girl escape from the house with a blonde lady. She probably had the same idea that he did, and if she only rescued one of the agents, he could rescue the other. After she left with the agent, Johnny decided to make his move. He bolted up the stairs, and was able to follow the same path that the college girl did. He stopped short though when he saw the dark scary stairwell leading up to the attic. He didn't like the dark, but he was brave. What if it was Timmy locked away up there? The agent was a grown man, but he still had a mother who needed him home. The other agents really missed him too. Johnny couldn't save Timmy, but he could save the last agent.

When he got upstairs, he nearly screamed when he saw the poor cat lying against the railing in a lump. What happened to the little thing? Johnny circled around the stairs, and picked up the precious kitty. He couldn't tell if she was still alive or not, but he wasn't going to just leave her. He held her against his chest while he scanned the attic. He saw the chains still attached to some old pipe, and he saw loads of boxes. Where was the other agent? The college girl only rescued one of them, but where was the second?

"Hello?" Johnny called out. "Mister Agent?"

Johnny took a step forward, and saw movement out of the corner of his eye. He looked over, and saw a skinny man just visible behind a bunch of boxes. Johnny set the cat down gently on top of a sturdy box, and ran over to the agent. Johnny had never seen so much blood in his entire life. He resisted the urge to puke. The agent was butt naked, his nose was broken, and Johnny didn't even know what to think about his knees. Knees weren't supposed to look like that. Johnny sat down next to him, and took off his backpack.

"Who are you?" the agent asked.

"My name is Johnny," he told the agent. He unzipped his backpack and pulled out a few band aides and a second jacket. He put the jacket over the agent's waist, and looked at his little bandages. Where was he supposed to put them? He only had three of them, and none of them looked big enough to cover up all of the blood on the agent. "What's your name?"

"Spencer," the agent said. His voice sounded awful. Johnny didn't want to know what the bad guy did to him. He unwrapped one of the bandages, and held it up so Spencer could see.

"Where does it hurt the worst?" Johnny asked. He wasn't stupid. He knew the band aide couldn't take away the pain or make it all better like some miracle, but it would keep dirt from getting inside the wound and this attic was covered in dirt.

"My nose," Spencer said.

Johnny nodded, and put the first band aide on the bridge of Spencer's nose. He put it on firmly, and when he was confident it would stay on, he got his second band aide.

"Did you come with the girl that was just here?"

Johnny shook his head as he carefully put the second band aide across one of his knees. "I don't her, but the bad guy that lives here killed my little brother."

A light of recognition flashed across Spencer's eyes. "Blackwell. You're one of the Blackwell boys?"

Johnny smiled, and found a little spot on Spencer's other knee for the last band aide. "My sister went to the college today, and I remembered what the guy looked like that was talking to my brother that one day. He's an asshole." Johnny almost blushed when he said that word. It was one of the 'bad words' that his mother didn't like him saying, but they were all over the internet. Lightening didn't strike him dead after he said his first curse word so he didn't see anything wrong with it.

"You can't stay here," Spencer said. "It's not safe."

"Duh," Johnny said. He scanned his backpack one more time for anything that could help the poor agent feel a little bit better. If he knew that he would be rescuing an agent earlier, he would have packed better, but he didn't know. The backpack was empty. He jumped to his feet, and ran back over to where he left the cat. He carefully put the kitty in his backpack. He wasn't going to leave her there in that creepy ass place. "Okay. Um. We need to get you down the stairs. Can you um, walk?"

Johnny already knew the answer to that. He told himself that earlier. Knees were not supposed to look like that. "Maybe we can like, bend one of the boxes. Make it flat. And you can lean on it like a slide. And we can push that down the stairs. Well, not push. Like I'll go first, and I'll pull you after me. If I push you down, you would run into a wall and it might be a fun until you get hurt some more. So let me see."

He went over to a box that looked mostly empty, and started tearing it down. He didn't know how this would work, but it was better than sitting up there and doing nothing. "Your mother will be worried sick."

"So is yours," Johnny said back. "Try not to like bend your knees or anything." Johnny bent down the box, and was trying to find a way to make it stay flat when he heard a door directly underneath slam shut. Johnny stopped what he was doing and looked at Spencer. All of the color was gone from his face in an instant. Johnny ran back over to where Spencer was sitting. "We need to move you to another wall. The bad guy knows you were over here, right?"

Johnny didn't wait for an answer. He bent over and put his arms underneath the agent's arms. He got a strong hold there, and tried dragging Spencer to a far wall. It would have been impossible if Spencer didn't bend his knees to use his feet to help with the short journey. The extra push helped Johnny, and he left the agent by the opposite wall where Johnny found him. Johnny started piling random boxes in front of Spencer until the skinny agent was surrounded by the old memories of the bad guy's house. Johnny got on his knees and crawled behind the boxes to sit next to his new friend. "You need to get out of here," Spencer whispered.

"No way," Johnny said. "I'm going to sit on the other side though. "I only piled the boxes enough to hide one of us. Be quiet though!"

Johnny didn't wait for Spence to reply. Johnny crawled to the staircase railing, and hid behind one of the boxes over there. He got his knees up to his chest so he took up less space, but he nearly wet his pants when he heard loud footsteps making their way up to the attic. Johnny was so close to the murderer that he could hear him breathing. They were going to get out of there just fine. He kept telling himself that. Everything was okay. He wasn't a baby anymore, and he wasn't scared of some asshole that killed little kids. He just needed to stay quiet. He had a sling shot in his backpack, but that wouldn't do much if the murderer had a gun. He looked through the spaces in between the boxes, and watched the murderer inspect the empty chains on the wall. He looked pissed. Johnny almost started laughing. Big dumbass is what he was, and the big dumbass was about to go to jail. He was sure the pretty college girl and the agent called the cops by now. Cops were gonna surround the place and have the dude in jail before dinner time.

Nick's back was stinging and sweat was dripping down his forehead. What was going on? Why was all of this shit going on? Everything was so perfect. His wife was gone. He home all alone with the agents on a rainy day, and then everything went downhill. Bitch wife came back. It took him longer than he liked to admit to get rid of her, and then when he thought it was all done, that idiot kid from his class came strolling in. He didn't feel bad after he killed his wife or that bitch student of his. They needed to die. He kicked Maddie down the stairs after he slit her throat, and followed her body down to make sure she was dead. Her neck was twisted in an unnatural position at the bottom of the staircase, and her eyes were fixed at the ceiling. She was deader than dead, and she deserved it.

He was heading back up the stairs when he heard a strange noise coming from the kitchen. He was supposed to be the only one downstairs. He turned around, and watched Abby, alive against all odds, crawling towards one of the wall phones. There was a certain fire about that woman, and that is what drew him to her the first place. She didn't give up without a fight. That was for sure, but this was a fight she couldn't win. She dragged her bleeding body across the kitchen floor, and was trying to lift herself up so she could reach the phone. If he kept watching her, she would get to that phone and call the cops. He stretched his arms over his head, and rolled his neck. His muscles were getting stiff. Women always made things harder than they needed to be.

"Abby, honey? Where are you going?" he asked her announcing his presence. She never turned around. She tried even harder to pull herself up on one of the chairs. He casually kicked the chair away from her, and watched her fall back down.

"Please." Abby whispered. She covered her face in her arms and curled into a ball on the tile.

"It didn't have to be like this," Nick told her. "You just wanted to make things more difficult for both us. Didn't you? Why Abby?"

She didn't look up. He sighed, and he sat down next to the woman he married. He grabbed a handful of her red hair and pulled her so she was forced to look at him. He planted a rough kiss on her lips. Their last kiss. "Wasn't that nice?"

Abby had hatred in her eyes, and spat at him. The salvia hit the corner of his mouth, and he wiped it off in disgust. "Go to hell!" she shouted with surprising strength. He bent her head further back to expose her neck, and ran the blade across her throat. Blood squirted out, littering his face with red dots, and her mouth gaped open to take another breath. She struggled to breathe, trying to will air into her lungs, but it wasn't happening. Crimson blood was draining the life out of her, and she died in his arms a few seconds after the fatal cut. Bitch.

He tossed her lifeless body off of him, and wiped her blood on his pants. His back was stinging badly, but he needed to get upstairs. Reid was waiting for him. He stopped his room to find Agent Reid's gun that he hid in his desk, and stuck it in his back pocket. He had a bad feeling that he was going to need it. He went up, taking two steps at a time, but he didn't feel tired by the time he reached the attic. He was ready for another go at the young agent waiting for him. His breath caught in his throat when he saw the empty spot where J.J. was once sitting. Reid wasn't hiding by the boxes where Nick left him either. Hell, the cat was missing too. Everyone was gone. Did that bitch student take them somewhere?

He went over to examine the empty restraints. He found the keys next to the handcuffs. He could see J.J. walking down the stairs. She could still walk, but how the hell did they get Reid down all those stairs? It was possible, but how did Nick not see them? He turned around and looked around the attic. If Maddie got both agents out of the attic, why did she come back? She didn't get both agents. She came back for the second one. Reid. Reid was still up there.

"Why are you hiding Reid? I thought we were friends," Nick called out. He went over to the boxes underneath the window and kicked them out of the way. Reid wasn't in that spot, but he was definitely hiding somewhere. "You're just making things harder for us. I was thinking we should get out of this damned attic. My bed has been waiting a long time for us." He kicked another group of boxes, but didn't find Reid hiding there either. There was only one more large stack of boxes. He felt himself growing hard in his pants. His boy was waiting for him. "I know you liked it as much as I did. Maybe this time, I could do a little more touching? I do have a nice shower downstairs. We could wash the blood off you and get to know each other better." He knocked the top half of the boxes off the pile, and found Reid's little hiding spot.

The agent looked scared to death, but something was on his beautiful face. What was that? A band aide? Where the hell did he get a band aide? Did Reid get lucky and find one in the boxes or something? Did Maddie give that to him before she left with J.J.? Maddie had to have put that on him. Reid's arms were still secured behind his back.

He bent down to claim his prize when something hit the back of his head. He was having the worst luck today, but whatever hit him really hurt like hell. He turned around, and saw a little boy pointing a sling shot at him. The kid had a second rock positioned in the weapon, and was ready to fire a second time. "Don't you touch him mister."

Nick smiled at him, and lifted up his hands to show surrender. He didn't let the kid see the gun hidden in his pocket. The little boy had dark hair that looked like he was growing out, and his skin was as pale as Reid's was. Who was this kid? He allowed the child to cross in front of him, still pointing the sling shot at Nick, and he stood in front of Reid. The kid was brave. He would give that much credit.

"Might I ask your name?" Nick asked.

"No, asshole, you can't," the kid shot back. "You killed my brother. You don't get to know anything else about me except that I'm really good with my sling shot. Betcha gonna get a bruise from where the rock hit you."

Nick was done playing games. It felt like he had been playing games all damn afternoon. At this rate, Reid would be sleeping by the time Nick got him downstairs. Nick pulled out the gun, and smiled when the boy took a step back. He wasn't expecting a gun. Nick smiled gently at the kid, but he wasn't messing around anymore. "Step away from the agent and nobody will get hurt."

"No," the boy said.

Nick couldn't believe the kid's arrogance. "I'm not going to ask you again."

"And I'm not going to answer again," the kid said. "But I'm not going to let you hurt Spencer anymore. He's going to the hospital and you're going to prison. If you're lucky, they might give you the needle. Seems kinda fair since you murdered a little boy, and it would sure save you years of getting beat up from the other prisoners. Heard they don't like child killers in prisons much. I've done a lot of reading on it."

Nick aimed the gun at the kid. "If you're lucky, you might run into your little brother's ghost on your way to the afterlife. Say hey to my wife for me."

He expected the kid to get out of the way at the last minute, dodge the hit and let Reid take the bullet. But he didn't. The idiot kid didn't move away. He stood there, shielding Reid. Nick shrugged. What was one more murder? He aimed at the boy's chest and fired. The bullet hit the child directly in his chest. The boy let out a jagged cough as the bullet traveled through his body, and he fell on the floor.

"No!" Reid screamed. Reid crawled over to the kid, and Nick stared at the bloody hole left in his shirt. He died a lot faster than his brother did. Nick could just see some fur sticking out of the boy's backpack. He found his missing cat. Was the brat trying to kidnap his dead cat? He didn't care. He was glad that Critter was dead. That was only less thing he needed to worry about. He would leave it there to rot with the kid. He stuck his gun back in his pocket and made sure the matches were safely in his other pocket.

"Time to leave," Nick commanded. He easily pulled Reid to his feet, and let Reid's body lean against his. The jacket covering up Reid's member fell beside the boy that gave it to him. Nick had a wave of dizziness as he took the first step. It passed quickly. He needed to ignore it and so he did. It wouldn't be easy getting him downstairs, but they didn't have a choice. J.J. wasn't with Maddie on the return trip. That meant J.J. was somewhere safe, most likely with a phone. Nick wouldn't be able to take his shower with Reid yet. He would get Reid into his car, and he would rent a hotel room somewhere. Pay with cash. He wasn't going to give up his prize easily.

"Just leave me here," Reid begged him.

Nick ignored him, and held Reid in front of him. "Going down now buddy. You ready?" He didn't wait for answer. He held Reid by his bony shoulders, and guided the younger man down the dark staircase. Reid nearly toppled down with every unsteady step, but Nick wouldn't let him fall. Nick wanted Reid. He helped the agent down into the guest bedroom and pushed him out in the hallway, allowing Reid to fall down on his knees for the first time. Reid screamed.

The house was still empty, except for all the dead bodies, but he heard sirens in the distance. He needed to get out of there and fast. He grabbed Reid, and they took the elevator to the first level. It would be way too hard trying to get the agent down another set of stairs. He let Reid fall for a second time in the elevator, and as the machine made it's steady pace to the ground, Nick bent down to get some more alone time with Reid. He didn't have time to do much, but he had at least a minute to do some touching. Reid tried to push him away, but his hands were still cuffed together so he couldn't stop Nick even if he wanted. Nick pushed his legs apart, and Nick pressed his hips against Reid to let the boy genius feel the growing erection in his pants.

"You are so beautiful," Nick said. He wrapped his fingers around Reid's sex, and the boy tried even harder to get away, but there was nowhere for him to run. He was trapped in an elevator. Nick wondered if he did have enough time for a quickie. He could barely contain himself, and the more he rubbed his fingers around the boy, the harder the boy got. He was turning Reid on. He couldn't believe it. It was a dream come true. "Cum for me," Nick whispered. "It's okay."

Reid involuntary bucked his hips towards Nick as the elevator came to a stop. Nick chose to ignore that and he found a constant pace guiding his fingers around Reid's member. He licked his lips and then stopped. He took his hands away from Reid's hardened member and waited. Reid's head was pulled back and the kid was sweating terribly. He bucked his hips again, but Nick refused to touch him. "Do you need something? Doctor?"

"Please!" Reid screamed.

"Please what?" Nick asked. "Do you need my assistance with something?"

Reid's hips shot forward again, and Nick did feel a little guilty watching Reid struggle to release himself. The young man was close to crying. "Please Nick!"

Nick wanted to keep on teasing him, but he couldn't hold back any longer. Nick took Reid's sex in his mouth, and ran his tongue over Reid's member until Reid's seed exploded in his mouth. Nick swallowed all of it. Reid was panting, and it took everything inside Nick to not take Reid right then and there. They didn't have time. Nick took Reid's member out of his mouth, and they left the elevator with Reid around his arms. Reid was getting weaker by the minute, and Nick wasn't going to be slowed down because his companion couldn't walk. The sirens were getting even closer. He wanted to take them in his car, but it didn't seem possible now unless he wanted every cop in the state chasing his ass. He led Reid over to the back door in the kitchen, the one Abby was trying to leave from, and he left without any problems. He would have to get a ride somewhere, but he would be able to hide safely until the cops were gone. He could wait all night.

They were almost to Nick's house when Hotch's phone started buzzing. Morgan answered it for him since Hotch was focused on driving. When he saw it was the sheriff calling, he knew the call couldn't wait until they parked. Morgan put the phone on speaker and answered.

"Hey," Morgan said.

"Where were you ahead again?" Sheriff Williams asked them.

"Harrison house," Hotch told him. "My agents met with him and they thought it would be a good idea to pay this guy a visit."

"One of your agents just called," he said. Hotch nearly slammed on the break. "It was the lady, Agent Jareau. She's okay. I have an ambulance headed to her location now."

"Where is she?" Morgan asked. "Where is Agent Reid?"

"You're agents were smart to call you. The name she gave us Nick Harrison. She told me that he still has your other agent. I have five police squads coming to meet you there, and I'm leaving right now. I wouldn't miss meeting this Nick guy either. I have quite a few questions to ask him. How far are you two from his house?"

"About a minute," Hotch said. "We are in the neighborhood now. I suggest to your officers to turn their sirens off. I'm starting to hear them, and it's a better idea if we don't announce our arrival. This man is armed and dangerous, and he has one of my agents. We can't make any mistakes. It would be easier to get Nick outside by himself. His wife lives in the house too, and she will be another victim if she gets in his way."

Morgan pulled out his own phone, and texted Rossi since he knew Prentiss was driving. He sent them the address and told Rossi to skip going to the college.

"Alright, I'll tell that to the officers."

"How did J.J. get away?" Morgan asked.

Hotch pulled up behind a little black car, and Morgan took in the view of the massive house. He was about to tell Hotch to just pull in the driveway, but they needed to be quiet too. One wrong move could get Reid and Mrs. Harrison killed.

"She said a girl rescued her," the sheriff said. "The girl isn't with her anymore. She ran back out to get your second agent."

Great. Three potential hostages. Morgan got out of the car and looked at the property. There were too many places for Nick to hide. Why did he want such a big house? At least the weather was on their side. The rain finally stopped.

"Guys," a soft voice said. Morgan turned around and saw J.J. standing behind them next to an elderly lady. She looked sick. Morgan forgot everything he was doing and ran over to her. He hugged her as tight as he could, and she rested her head against his chest. "Spence is still over there. The girl never came back."

J.J. broke the hug when Hotch came up to them, and she greeted Hotch with the same hug. She was crying. J.J. was wrapped in a big blanket, but Morgan noted she wasn't wearing her pants anymore. She didn't even have on her shoes. He could only speculate if she had on anything at all underneath that blanket. He wasn't going to ask. "Was Nick's wife home?" Morgan asked.

J.J. nodded. "We saw her. Once. I don't know if she got out of there or not."

"We've got to go get Reid," Morgan told her. "The sheriff has an ambulance on the way."

"Honey, you need to sit down," the old woman said speaking up. "You're swaying on your feet. You're going to fall over if you keep on standing."

Morgan noticed she wasn't steady on her feet too. Morgan pulled up one of the chairs from the patio and brought it for her to sit on. J.J. didn't argue when he helped her down. "The bastard kept injecting me with something," she mumbled. She pulled up the blanket to show Morgan and Hotch the injection site. It was swollen and red, and J.J. was bending over with pain.

He looked over at Hotch who was just as bewildered as Morgan was. What had Nick done to her? "Just go get Spence!" she shouted at them. She started coughing, and it looked like she was about to throw up. She leaned over, but she couldn't puke. Something was badly wrong with her, and Morgan was willing to wait with her until the ambulance came, but she was right. They couldn't just leave Reid over there.

Hotch didn't look like he was willing to leave her either until the sirens from the ambulance got louder. There wasn't anything they could for J.J. at this point. Hotch pulled out his gun, and Morgan knew his place. He wasn't supposed to even be there, but Hotch wasn't going to tell him to wait in the car. Rossi and Prentiss weren't there yet, and even though the police cars weren't far off, they weren't going to have hot chocolate and discuss the weather. They needed to get Nick away from the victims. They ran across Nick's front lawn, staying off to one side in case the murderer was watching from windows. "What's the plan?" Morgan asked when the front door was in sight. The door was swinging on its hinges, blowing from the force of the wind.

"I'm going to ring the doorbell," Hotch said as calmly as he could. "Nick or his wife should answer the door. We need to get Nick alone."

"If he knows J.J. is gone, he knows we are coming," Morgan pointed out. If the door was wide open, Nick knew that something was up.

"We still need to try the doorbell first," Hotch argued.

Hotch straightened out his jacket, and approached the front door. He kept his hand on his gun, and Morgan kept an eye out for any movement, but it was quiet outside. Hotch rang the doorbell, and Morgan stood next to him. They didn't hear anyone coming to greet them so Morgan looked past the front door. It looked like a hurricane swept past through there. He was about to tell Hotch about the huge mess when he saw the figure lying on the floor. He didn't think. Morgan ran past the door and over to the woman lying on the floor.

Morgan dropped on the floor next to the woman, and turned her over to check her pulse. He didn't need to though. Her neck was broken. Hotch was standing over him with his gun drawn. The girl with the broken neck wasn't Nick's wife. She was much younger. This had to be the girl that saved J.J. He turned her over to get a good look at her face, and was greeted with the deep slash in her throat. She was nearly decapitated.

"Nick Harrison!" Hotch yelled out. "FBI!" They didn't hear anyone coming out to reveal their position so Morgan got up and followed the disaster trail into the kitchen where they were greeted with a second body. There was more blood in the kitchen than in the entry way. The woman in the blue dress looked like she had been stabbed multiple times, but Morgan still went over to check her pulse. He lifted up her wrist when he noticed her throat. She suffered the same fate as the college student. He looked up and shook his head at Hotch.

"Both of them had their throats cut open," Morgan said. "I think this one is his wife. She looks like the woman in the photo.

"And she fought back," Hotch said pointing out the bloody trail leading to where her body ended up. He turned around with his gun still raised. "It's over Nick! FBI!"

They still heard nothing. The house was huge though. Nick could be upstairs and wouldn't be able to hear a single thing. Morgan thought about splitting up. They could gather more grounds that way, but it wouldn't be safe. Morgan wasn't armed.

"We're going upstairs," Hotch said. "It looked like the college girl was trying to get back upstairs so I have a feeling that's where he was keeping them." Morgan agreed, and stayed a few steps behind Hotch. When they reached the top of the staircase, they didn't know which way to turn until Morgan pointed out the spots of blood. Hotch banged on all of the doors while they followed the trail, but the house seemed empty.

Morgan's phone buzzed in his pocket, and he pulled out to see Prentiss was texting. He told them they were already inside the house and Prentiss told him they were on their way in with a few police officers.

"Tell them to circle around back too," Hotch said when he saw Morgan texting. "If he's hiding downstairs, we don't need him leaving through some back door."

Morgan passed along the message when they heard a footstep. Hotch froze in his spot, and Morgan positioned himself in one of the doorways. "FBI!" Hotch shouted again. Morgan could see another staircase a few feet in front of them, and a smaller figure sitting on one of the lower steps. It wasn't Nick. It wasn't big enough to be Nick. Morgan came out from his safe position.

"It's not Nick," Morgan whispered. Hotch lowered his gun as they both stepped closer to understand what they were seeing. It was a little boy wearing a backpack. That was the same kid he met at the Blackwell house. Morgan ran forward, ignoring Hotch's commands, and got to those stairs as fast as he could. The kid never looked up.

"Hey kid," Morgan said quietly. He forgot the boy's name. How the hell did the kid end up over here? He didn't live anywhere close to Nick. Morgan sat down next to him and put his hand on the boy's shoulder. The boy still didn't respond, but the weight of Morgan's hand sent the kid leaning to one side. Morgan bent over to see the boy's face, but a small red circle caught his attention. It started out as a small circle, but it was growing by the second. With blood. Somebody had shot this boy.

The kid dropped his head even further, and he would have fallen down the stairs if Morgan didn't grab him. He lifted up the child. "Somebody shot this kid!" Hotch ran over to meet him, and took in the bloody wound on the boy's chest.

"Get him over to that ambulance," Hotch said. "Now."

Morgan didn't want to leave Hotch alone in the house, but he could hear Rossi talking as he went down the first staircase. Rossi saw what Morgan was holding, and one of the officers called the paramedics over on his walkie. Morgan barely heard what they were saying. The little boy was still breathing, but the breathing was shallow. Morgan made his way outside, and found the paramedics hurrying towards him with a bed.

"Shot in the chest," Morgan said gently lowering the child down onto the bed. One of the paramedics handed Morgan the backpack the boy was wearing, and took off the kid's shirt and jacket to better see the wound. It looked bad. One of the paramedics placed an oxygen mask over his face, and Morgan watched them run back to their vehicle. Who in the world could attack a child? The rain started to fall again as Morgan turned back towards the house. The backpack was heavier than he expected, and when he looked down at it, he was surprised to see a bundle of fur.

The animal was starting to move around so Morgan set down the backpack, and a multi colored cat slinked out. The cat was injured. She was walking with virtually no weight on one of her back legs, but she was alive. The kid was trying to save the cat. He would be thrilled to find out that she was okay. Morgan just hoped he could tell the kid that. Johnny. His name was Johnny.

"Is he alright?" Hotch asked. Hotch stood out on the porch next to him to watch Johnny get loaded into the ambulance.

"He was still breathing," Morgan said.

"Nick was keeping them in the attic," Hotch said after a brief pause. "But I did a quick search of it. It's empty. The officers are doing a thorough search of the rooms, but I don't think he is here. I don't know where he took Reid."

"The yard is huge though," Prentiss said stepping out to the porch with them.

"If they aren't inside, they have to be out here," Rossi added. "That car is his, and his wife's car is over there. Seeing as they can't fly, they are on foot and I didn't see any strange looking hitchhikers on the way over here. If the officers are searching inside, why don't we look around out here? The rain isn't that bad."

Morgan would have argued about the rain, but they needed to find Reid. Rossi and Prentiss put their hoods on while Morgan and Hotch chose to venture out without anything to cover up their heads. The front yard looked clear, and they broke into pairs as they wandered over to the backyard. Morgan stayed with Hotch. The backyard looked even bigger that the front yard did, and Morgan wondered how popular that gated pool was during the summer. It was too cold for any pool now so Morgan's eyes scanned over the endless fields of green grass not expecting to see much, but he was wrong.

Several feet away from the house, he could see two figures just sitting in the grass, completely ignoring the rain coming down around them. Hotch saw them too, and motioned over to Rossi and Prentiss who were getting closer to the two figures. One of them was Nick. He looked exactly like he did in the pictures Morgan saw online. He had long streaks of blood going down his back, but he was oblivious to everything around him. The other figure was Reid. Morgan's heart sank. Reid could barely keep his eyes open, and the young man was shivering in the cold rain storm.

"Professor Nick?" Prentiss called out. "When is that one paper due? Is it tomorrow?"

Nick turned around sharply, and when he saw the agents approaching him, he shot to his feet. "I didn't have anything assigned tomorrow. How did you find my house?"

Morgan glanced over at Hotch. The man was delirious. He had no idea they were FBI agents even though Prentiss and Rossi were wearing their bullet proof vests. Was the cold rain making him sick? Nick wasn't wearing a jacket either.

"We came for the party," Morgan added. "You said you were having one tonight. Right?"

The professor looked bewildered. He shook his head like he was trying to gather his thoughts, and he bent over to pick up Reid. The boy genius saw his friends, and relief was written all over his face. His team was there for him.

"Want me to get him back upstairs?" Prentiss asked taking a step forward. "I could just leave him in your bed if you wanted."

Nick looked at Reid and then up at Prentiss, and by some miracle, he nodded. Prentiss had her gun out of sight and held out her arms for Reid. Nick gave her their youngest agent to her without so much as a struggle, and the boy genius collapsed in her arms. She was having a hard time keeping him standing. Reid was safe. All they had left to deal with was Nick Harrison.

"Wait," he said rubbing the back of his head. He grabbed the gun he had hidden in his pocket and aimed it at Prentiss and Reid. "Give him back right now you bitch! I'll shoot. I swear I will!"

"It's over now," Hotch said getting closer to Nick. "Put the gun down."

"Give him back!" Nick shouted again. Morgan circled over closer to Prentiss and Reid, preparing to take a bullet if Nick shot.

"You know we can't do that," Rossi said gently.

Nick saw he was being closed in by Rossi and Hotch, and he made his decision in an instant. Morgan couldn't have stopped him if he tried. Having the gun carefully still aimed at Prentiss and Reid, he fired. Morgan jumped to stop the bullet, but he missed. Prentiss and Reid were both thrown to the ground from the force of the shot. Morgan got up to tackle Nick down and remove the gun, but it was already too late. Nick pointed the gun at his temple and fired. His body crumpled to its side and Morgan had to close his eyes to prevent blood splatter from getting in them. When he opened them again, Nick was just a bloody mess in the grass.

"Prentiss? Are you okay?" Rossi asked running over to them.

Prentiss looked shocked, but she looked alright. She sat up, and looked down at Reid. His neck was bleeding profusely and he had lost consciousness. Prentiss acted quickly, removing her jacket and placing it over his shoulders while she searched her pockets for a tissue to stop the bleeding. Morgan was the first one to notice that she was bleeding too, just underneath her left shoulder. He was sure that she felt it so he didn't mention it.

"Let's get him up," Morgan said. Morgan stood up, and as carefully as he could, he lifted Reid away from Prentiss. Prentiss lifted the hood up on her jacket to keep the rain out of Reid's face, and Rossi offered up his coat to cover up Reid's nudity. Morgan didn't get to see the horrific damage done to Reid's knees until they were closer to the house. The black rain clouds made the sun completely disappear, and it wasn't until the lights coming from the porch did the team see the brutality done to their youngest team member. Reid's knees were swollen and thick with blood and puss. His nose was torn up in several different places, although an awkwardly placed band aide was helping at keeping that wound closed, and Reid had a dark red bruise on his chest.

Morgan carried him over to the paramedics, and almost didn't want to surrender the kid to the waiting bed. He just got Reid back. He didn't want to let him go all over again, but Reid was going to die if he didn't get to the hospital. Morgan volunteered to ride with Reid to the hospital, but Reid never woke up during the ride over. He was barely breathing.

hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, but sorry to leave you guys with a cliffhanger. please review and let me know what you guys think. until next time friends xoxoxoxo