Year 4: Are You My Dad?

It was just another regular day, well regular by Beach City standards. But what made it less regular that it was more quiet than usual. Like as if there weren't much people inhabiting the place...

[Episode begins outside the Temple. Amethyst and I were playing cards while Garnet and Pearl were building a sandcastle]

Me: Ha! I win! [Grabs the cooler] Come to mama!

Amethyst: Dude, were playing go fish.

Me: Shut up and give me money.

[Steven runs towards his mailbox.]

Steven: Hey Mister Postman, bring me a post! Bring me the post that I love the most. [Steven opens the mailbox] Dagnabbit!

Amethyst: Yo, no package yet?

Steven: No package, yet. I definitely ordered a pair of khakis from "The Distinguished Boy". They should have arrived by now. I'm a distinguished boy, Amethyst. Don't I deserve some distinguished khakis?

Me: Yes, but I don't think it'll be your size. [Amethyst and I laugh]

Steven: Very funny.

Amethyst: Aw, come on. We were just joshin'. [Offers Steven a can of beans] Want one of these instead?

Steven: No, thanks. Any second now. [Steven jumps around the edge of the mountain to see if Jamie has arrived] Hey Mister Postman, bring me a post! [There was still nothing in the mailbox and walks back dissapointed] Consarn it! Still no Jamie, I don't understand. He's usually so punctual.

Me: Hey, don't sweat it. A lot of mailmen can be very late sometimes. They'll send a note saying that they missed you.

Amethyst: You shouldn't have to waste your whole day for some thing in the mail. Take some of these magic beans to town and trade it for a donut.

Steven: You've been drinking... Beans?

Amethyst: They're good for the heart.

Steven: Unfortunately, I know from experience that the Big Donut does not accept beans as currency. [I grab the can of beans]

Me: Worth a try. [Walks away] I'm gonna go get me 5 delicous mega donut specials. You guys want anything?

Amethyst: Bring me back a bear claw!

And so Steven and I went over to the Big Donut and that's when we both noticed that something odd was going down.

[Sour Cream is seen holding some fliers]

Me: Another rave, S.C? Why wasn't I informed?

Sour Cream: It's not a rave. It's Onion. He's been missing for a couple of days now. My Mom and Yellow Dad are starting to get worried. You haven't seen him around lately, have you?

Steven: No. Have you checked his favorite hiding spot in the woods?

Sour Cream: Sure did.

Me: How about Funland? Was the rollercoaster recently on fire?

Sour Cream: Nope.

Steven: What about that top secret room inside your house?

Sour Cream: You mean his office? Of course.

Steven: Hmmm..

Sour Cream: Meh. I'm sure he's fine. If he's anything like me when I was a kid, he's probably... I dunno.. raving in a friend's backyard. Anyway, I better hang the rest of these up. Can you make sure Lars and Sadie get one of these? I wanted to hang one on the Big Donut but it's closed.

Me: Closed!? [I ran to the Big Donut and looked at the windows and see that everything is dark] No! Open up! I need to trade you some beans!

Steven: I don't understand! Why aren't they here? It's always open!

Me: [Bangs on the door] OPEN UP! OPEN UP! I NEED DONUTS!

Steven: Maybe they're watching scary movies in the breakroom. [I dash to the back of the Donut and bang on the door]

Me: Come on!

(The door is suddenly opened by Barbara from the inside.)

Barbara: Hey, you trying to break in or something?

Me: [Holding my axe then pull it back] No...

Steven: We were just looking for Lars and Sadie. Uh, how did you get in?

Barbara: Well, what kind of mother would I be if I didn't make a copy of all my daughter's keys?!

Me: A sane, non-stalker mother?

(We enter the dark break room of the Big Donut.)

Barbara: I only came over to drop off Sadie's lunch. She wasn't home last night so I figured I'd bring it here. But the place was completely empty. Maybe its some baker's holiday. Certainly not a federal one.

Steven: Sadie never came home last night?

Barbara: Ehhh She's an adult. Probably just snuck off for another island adventure with her boyfriend.

[I open the door to the resturant and grabbed a couple of donuts]

Me: [Holding a pile of donuts] Well, if you see her. Tell her, I'm taking these rotting donuts to the dump...

[I continued outside with the fresh donuts in hand. As I ate the handful of donuts I heard someone speaking to me]

?: Are you "My Dad"?

[I stopped and looked through my donuts and saw a strange blue colored kid]

Me: Excuse me?

?: I'm looking for "My Dad".

Me: Well, maybe I can help. What does he look like?

?: I don't know.

Me: You don't know? Well, how can I find him? [The blue child stood silent] Well, my guess is that he looks kinda like you. [I pick the kid up and then I notice a teardrop gem on her cheek] Oh. You're a gem. [puts her down]

Teardrop Gem: Are you, "My Dad"? I need to find "My Dad."

Me: No, I'm not your dad.

(The teardrop Gem groans and flies away.)

Me: Okay, see you later I guess...

Steven: Marble, what happened.

Me: Well, you're not gonna believe this but I think I saw a gem fly by here.

Steven: WHAT!?

One shocking exposition later, Steven and I were at temple explaining the whole story to the team.

Me: The gem was a small teardrop shaped under her eye. And her wings were clear and watery, kinda like Lapis only smaller and cuter.

(The Gems and Connie finish their illustrations and they all show them to Steven. Connie's illustration is anime-esque, of a bust of the teardrop Gem.)

Connie: I think I made one eye bigger than the other.

(Amethyst's illustration is free-form, appearing to be a winged horse.)

Amethyst: I was going for a feeling.

(Pearl's illustration is extremely detailed, looking almost like Lapis Lazuli.)

Pearl: Honestly, I can't even draw a circle. *chuckles sheepishly*

(Garnet's illustration is simple, looking like...)

Steven: Okay Garnet, you just drew yourself.

Garnet: Uh, I like me.

Me: Thus far no one is right. [I grab a canvas and take a pencil] Allow me to correctly describe what I saw. I have a photographic memory. [I start to scribble on the canvas] She was blue, eyes big with curiosity, blank expression... Voila! [My picture was a sad little kid with big eyes and a teardrop gem]

Connie: I think you made her eyes too big.

Me: Art critic.

Pearl This was a waste of time. *crumples her illustration in her hand* We should be preparing for a fight. *Looks at my illustration* Whoever this is, she's from Homeworld. She's gotta be here for us.

Me: No, she told me she was looking for her dad.

The Gems: What?

Pearl: Her Dad?

Me: I know right? It's weird because gems don't have dads.

Pearl This doesn't make any sense.

Connie: Steven's a Gem, and Steven has a Dad.

Me: HALF gem. The other half is human. But still, gems having parents is a curious concept. I wonder what my parents would be like... *I imagine my parents to be strong athletic gems*

Imaginary Dad: We're so proud of you, Marble. What do you say to game of catch? *Holds a giant rock and throws it to me*

Me: Back at you dad! *I throw it right back at him*

Imaginary Dad: Nice one, daughter!

[Just then my imaginary mom jumps in holding a plate donuts]

Imaginary Mom: Marble honey! Would you like to try my homemade chocolate donuts? *I grab one and eat it*

Me: You're the best mom. *She kisses me on the cheek*

Imaginary Parents: No, you're the best Marble. Marble. Marble. Marble...

[Back in reality]

Pearl: MARBLE!

Me: *snaps out of it* Huh? What are we talking about?

Steven: A lot of people have been missing all over town. There's a good chance that her dad's gone too.

Garnet: We got to get to the bottom of this. We should split up, and investigate.

Steven: *gasps* Ruby and Sapphire!

Garnet: Uh, no. I meant split into teams.

Steven: Ooohh... right. Garnet with yourself, Pearl with Amethyst, Marble and Connie, you're with me. Let's go!

And so Steven, Connie and I were on the trail of the missing people. All the while I could'nt help but continue to think about the idea of having parents.

Me: ...And then my mom would take days off during the weekends and teach me how to bake. And then she would let me lick the spoon. *giggles* And then my dad would... [As I contunued Connie caught up to Steven]

Connie: Boy, Marble's really got into this parent thing huh?

Steven: Yeah... And I'm just as curious. Could there really be another gem like me?

Connie: Well... You know more about Gems than I do, but it couldn't be impossible. You exist.

Steven: Hmm.. She didn't look half human though. She was blue and... had wings.

Connie: Well, what if she's adopted? What if, she crash-landed in the big city and she was taken in by a lonely millionaire with a heart of gold?

Steven: And a house of gold.

Connie: But one day, he went on a business trip to Beach City, and he never came home.

Steven: I... guess I'd watch movie of that.

Connie: Or read the book. Or neither, 'cause it could be reality, Steven.

Steven: You really think so?

Connie: Hey, the only way to know is find out.

Steven: Yeah! You in Marble?

Me: *Still talking* ...My dad would teach me how to drive and then I would drive and how to shave my... *Keeps talking*

Connie: Yeah, she's long gone...

(We enter the forest towards Onion's hiding spot. Connie picks up a fallen leaf, crumples it in her hand and holds it up in the air, letting the wind blow it off her hand.)

Connie: Yup, there's wind.

Steven: Man... I just feel like I was here with Onion and all his friends. Where is he? Poor Sour Cream missing his brother, and Barb missing her daughter, and her mailman. And this new Gem missing her dad! I know what it's like to have your dad taken away. She must be so scared.

Me: *Puts hand on Steven's shoulder* I know you're sad, little man. But we can do this. Because no gem should be seperated from their family. I know that feeling.

Steven: But you don't have a family.

Me: Not ever since I lost them so many years ago... *sniffs*

[Steven rolls his eyes]

Steven: Oh, boy...

The three of us continued through the forest looking for the lost people and the gem's lost parents. Oh, thinking about that kid alone with no one to love and care for just breaks my heart... Sorry, I'm really getting in to this family thing.

(As we continued searching, The teardrop Gem from before then appears on a tree beside Connie.)

Connie: Steven! It's the Gem!

Steven: *pops out of the fallen log* What?

Connie: She looks just like my drawing. Come on! You don't have to be afraid, we'll help you. Jump down into my arms, my body will break your fall.

Teardrop Gem: Are you "My Dad"?

Connie: What? Uh- no, I'm not your dad, but we can help you find your dad.

Teardrop Gem: I'm not looking for "Your Dad", I'm looking for "My Dad." I need to find "My Dad."

Me: That's what we're trying to do! Help you find your dad!

Connie: Yeah we'll... help you.

Steven: Connie! *struggles to get out of the fallen log* Connie, wait! Be careful.

Teardrop Gem: Connie. Are you Connie?

Connie: Yes, I'm Connie. Me Connie, Connie friend.

Teardrop Gem: *chuckles and flies off* Topaz! I found one! I found one! I found a Connie!

Me: Uh, I'm glad you're happy but how is that supposed to help find your dad?

(The ground begins to tremble. Connie draws her sword and I summon my axe as a large yellow Gem approaches, with the missing humans merged and struggling inside them.)

Connie: Another Gem! She... She has everyone.

Me: What have you done with this poor gem's dad?

(Steven continue to struggle, trying to get out of the fallen log)

Steven: Let them go!

(The yellow gem unfuses, separating into two smaller gems, while still holding onto the missing humans. The Topazes charge towards Connie and hold hands. Before Connie can even do anything, the gems fuse back together with Connie in between, merging her in their body as well.)

Steven: Connie!

(I break Steven out of the log and we both run towards the giant gem fusion)

Me: Don't worry, little gem. We'll protect you from this brute!

Teardrop Gem: *perches on top of the fusion* Stupid Marble, this brute's with me.

Me: I... don't understand.

Steven: Give me back my friends! *summons his shield*

Teardrop Gem: Don't bother listening to that "Steven", he's not "My Dad".

(The teardrop Gem takes off her hair bow, turning it into a small wand. She fires a tractor beam at Steven and hurls him into a tree.)

Me: Steven! *I run up to him as he loses conciousness*

Teardrop Gem: Now, all we need is "My Dad" and we're out of here!

Me: What's wrong with you! Are you so desperate to find you're dad that you've sent this gem to catch him?

Teardrop Gem: You don't understand do you? I'm searching for "My Dad" not my dad! Hmph. You Marbles are more brawn than brain.

Me: So you were just looking for someone named "My Dad"? You don't really have a dad?

Teardrop Gem: Of course not! We don't have dads, you moron! We were made not born!

I was crestfallen as knew the hard truth. I should've known! I was a gem! I was made like all the other quartz soldiers. I was foolish to ever think that I actually have parents or a family... But before I had a chance to sulk...

Teardrop Gem: Topaz, attack!

[The Topaz unused and charged at me but luckily I jumped into the trees with Steven in my arms. I was out of sight for the Topaz as she looked around]

Teardrop Gem: Forget her! We got what we need. Can't believe they wasted an Aquamarine on a job like this. It's so easy you could've done it yourself, Topaz. (She flew onto Topaz's shoulder and they walked out of sight)

There was only one question to all that just happened: what do we do now?