Hi guys!

I just wanted to let you all know I've moved over to Wattpad under the name KillerAddiction20.

I apologise for not updating my stories – there's been a lot going on and I've had major writers block for these old stories so I'm not sure if I will continue with them – no guarantees!

I still have lots of ideas on where to go so please be patient with me!

I'm very grateful that you guys are still reading my fanfictions and want me to continue – I'll do my best to try and carry on with them.

In the meantime if you have Wattpad and would like to see some of the other stuff I'm doing please go look me up as I'm putting most of my focus on that site now.

Again, thank you everyone for the reviews and favourites and I hope soon I will be able to continue with the stories!

- - Lei xoxo