Oliver looked out the plane window, staring at the blanket of white fluffy clouds as the plane coasted smoothly along the top as it flew back towards Starling City. He stretched out his legs, enjoying the space offered on the small privately only jet he had chosen for this particular journey, before looking over at his travelling companions.

Stiles was asleep, his head resting on his father's shoulder, a blanket draped over him, the younger man looking more relaxed than Oliver had ever seen him during their time together on Lian Yu. Tears were still shining in the Sherriff's eyes, residue from the staged reunion between father and son at the American consulate. Oliver had to give the Sherriff due credit for his acting skills. He had been rather convincing in his role as a father who hadn't seen his son in seven years, and had indeed thought that Stiles was dead, when in reality it had been less than a month since they'd last seen each other.

Getting Stiles out of the United States had been surprisingly easy, and the whole time Oliver had been reminded, painfully, of the last time he'd smuggled Stiles onto a mode of transport bound for overseas. Oliver had accompanied Stiles on the trip, on the guise of attending to business in Asia. Stiles had slipped away at the airport, going to lay low for a few weeks, while Oliver attended a few meetings, signed some pieces of paper, and then headed back to the States.

Then, as planned, a few weeks after Oliver's return to Starling City, where Roy, Felicity and Sara had eagerly listened to how well the plan had worked, Stiles had stumbled up to the American consulate and told them who he was. Stiles had spun some story about clinging onto some wreckage and drifting for a few days, before he'd been rescued by some fishermen, who hadn't understood a word of English. Stiles had then gone on to tell the consulate how he'd been kept captive and used as free labour by the fishermen, locked up when they were in port to prevent escape. He'd told them how he'd escaped when one of the fishermen had died, and the others hadn't bothered to keep Stiles locked up during their time in port.

Of course, the consulate had asked questions about the fishermen, but Stiles had played at being too dumb and scared beautifully, blaming language barriers and his own fear for not remembering details that would help identify the fishermen or their boat. The consulate had taken Stiles in, arranging for the appropriate medical and identity checks to be carried out on Stiles.

The Sherriff had been called, and a media buzz had started about rumours of Stiles' survival. Oliver had publicly offered to accompany Stiles' father over to Asia so that a DNA test could be done, and then so Stiles could be brought home. Initially Stiles and his father had been kept separate, until the DNA test confirmed Stiles' identity, and then they were free to reunite.

The 'reunion' between Stiles, his father, and then with Oliver, had all been done privately at the US consulate, but the media, all over the world, were going crazy over the story. Felicity was sending him articles that had been written about Stiles miraculous return, how amazing it was that not only Oliver Queen, but also the young teenager who had accompanied him, had survived the wreckage of the Queen's Gambit.

Now they were heading back to the United States, first to Starling City, where a media storm was waiting for them, clamouring for photos and interviews with Stiles about his miraculous return from the dead. Then, Stiles and his father would return to Beacon Hills, and Stiles would be able to start living his life again, without having to worry about the league following him. He could go to college, or get a job (although Oliver knew that Queen Consolidated were going to give Stiles a massive compensation payout, that would easily support Stiles for the rest of his life without Stiles ever having to work a day), and be free to live out the rest of his life however he wanted to.

Oliver looked down at the laptop screen in front of him. On the screen was the old Beacon Hills high yearbook article about Stiles and Roy, or rather, Jackson, and their victory in the lacrosse championships. He smiled to himself as he leaned back comfortably in his car, looking at the photo of Stiles and Roy together, along with Scott McCall, the now werewolf Alpha in Beacon Hills, all three of them holding onto a trophy, all blissfully aware that in less than a year they would be scattered across the world, with Stiles on Lian Yu, Roy just starting off his life as a street kid in Starling City, and Scott back in Beacon Hills.

Still, now they were safe. Stiles would be with his family in Beacon Hills, and Jackson in Starling City, with Oliver…the brother he'd never known about. It seemed to have all turned out for the best, which was an unusual concept for them all.

Oliver wasn't going to complain about it though, and instead smiled to himself at how everything had turned out, Oliver and Jackson had found their way to one another after all, despite circumstance ripping the two brothers apart when Jackson was born, and that Stiles was safely on his way to being back with his own family, ready to start healing after everything that had happened to him since he'd left Beacon Hills, all those years ago.

It was a hopeful beginning to the next stage of all of their lives.