So I swore to myself I was going to avoid multi-chapter fics, but I'm apparently a giant liar. But this one is short-ish, so I'm considering it a compromise. Will be six chapters when it's all done (which should be soon, but again, liar, so proceed with caution).

Some poor soul agreed to beta for me, so you can thank her for all the correct comma placement, and exemplary contraction usage.

Comments and feedback are always welcome.

Chapter 1

"Yeah Ma, I know. I will. Yes. Uh huh. I know. Ma, I know! Okay. Yes. Love you too. Tell Dad I love him too. Okay. Bye. Ma, I said I would! Yes. Bye. Uh huh. Ma. Bye. I really have to….Bye."

Maggie finally disconnected the call with a guilty sense of relief and flopped back on the couch. She felt almost as exhausted as if she had just had to run the department's yearly physical fitness test. She loved her mother, she really did, but sometimes talking to the woman could be extraordinarily taxing.

It didn't help that every time that Maggie got off the phone, she felt like the worst daughter in the world. She didn't call enough. Why didn't she visit more? Her aunts and uncles had been asking about her, why couldn't she make an effort to stay in touch? When was she finally going to settle down? She was too obsessed with her job, which of course, was far too dangerous, and wouldn't she consider something a bit safer? The litany of deficiencies was endless, and each one just added to the weight of inadequacy.

She wasn't proud of it, but to avoid the well-meaning lecture she knew she was bound to receive, she would often get "too busy" and "forget" to call home on a regular basis. Mothers had a way of tracking you down though. And while she could rationalize not calling her mother, there was no way she would survive the guilt if she ignored her mom's call.

So when she saw her mom's face flash across her screen, she had groaned to herself, but answered it she had. It had been over three weeks since the last call, and she had expected a lecture, which she had received. Usually her mother would hop from topic to topic, eager to fill Maggie in on all that had happened since their last call. This time though, her mother had had a singular focus.

You have been dating that nice girl for almost a year, don't you think it's time that your father and I finally meet her?

It wasn't that she didn't want her parents to meet Alex. At least, not exactly. It was just that for once, things were going so well that she didn't want to do anything to fuck it up. She had no real reason to suspect that her parents wouldn't get along with Alex. Alex was amazing, smart, funny, caring, excellent at her job, and she put up with Maggie. What was there not to love? Besides, her mom loved everyone, and her dad was more likely to stay quiet, regardless of how he felt.

So really there was no logical reason not to introduce them. Things were going well with Alex, and had been, for almost 10 months. Sure, they had had their bumps along the way, but they had always managed to smooth them out. It would have been a miracle if two career-obsessed women, used to answering to no one but themselves, hadn't run into a few snags. The hiccups had been minor though, missed dates, forgotten phone calls, arguments over whose turn it was to take care of dinner. Typical domestic squabbles.

Except, they were anything but typical for Maggie. Most of her relationships imploded long before arguments over who was supposed to grab eggs from the store so they could have pancakes for breakfast on their one day off, were ever even a glimmer on the horizon. Most didn't make it much past the last minute calls to cancel plans stage. But Alex got it, she understood, and for once, Maggie really began to think that maybe this time, just maybe, it could finally work.

She wasn't ready to commit to forever. She wasn't sure she thought forever was even possible, especially for her, but Alex made her think….maybe. Maybe she was wrong, and maybe a relationship really could last. Hell, she had already beat her personal record by almost two months, and that had been when she was still in college. Maybe forever was possible after all, and it gave her hope.

Hope was a funny thing. When you had something to hope for, you had something to lose. There was no reason to think that introducing Alex to her parents would change anything. And yet...

They hadn't really talked about the future. They were both so busy with their jobs, they were often lucky just to find the time to enjoy the present. If they were able to manage a few nights a week to spend together, they considered it a success. So when they had a night free, they would more often than not find themselves at one or the other's apartment. Maggie didn't really have friends she hung out with, and neither did Alex, with the exception of her sister and DEO co-workers. Maggie had met Kara of course, but Alex had never even hinted at wanting her to meet Eliza.

Maggie was irrationally afraid that any change to their routine would send the whole thing crashing down around her. While she was, mostly, no longer afraid that Alex was going to leave her at the first sign of greener pastures, Maggie was also aware that Alex had never really had a long-term relationship before. Maggie didn't want to rush her, or put pressure on her if she wasn't ready.

Hell, they had only finally exchanged keys two months ago, and that was only after Maggie had been delayed for over an hour, and inadvertently left Alex cooling her heels in the hallway. Maggie still didn't quite understand why Alex hadn't just left. But she hadn't, and Maggie realized that maybe it was time to exchange keys. It was a first for both of them.

Maggie was desperate not to screw this up. What if Alex thought it was too soon? They hadn't even told each other that they loved each other, though Maggie knew that's exactly how she felt. Alex was still so new to this, that Maggie didn't want to tell her, only to have the other woman feel pressured to reciprocate, or worse, obligated. If Maggie had learned anything about Alex over the last 10 months, it was that she was fiercely loyal, and she had an almost depthless sense of obligation and duty.

They had never even managed a weekend away together, and now Maggie was supposed to suggest their first trip be a weeklong visit to her parents? She was afraid that Alex wasn't ready for it. Shit, she was afraid she wasn't ready for it. She hadn't brought anyone home since college, and look how that had turned out.

Maggie shook her head. This was a bad idea. She knew that she had promised her mom, but she would just have to get over it. It was just too soon. Except, she had promised her mom she would at least ask Alex; her mother hadn't let her off the phone until she had. Her mother was wily that way. She knew that if Maggie promised, she would follow through. Maggie always kept her promises.

Maggie sighed and picked up her phone to check the time. She and Alex had agreed to get together at Maggie's tonight, and she was almost 45 minutes late. One of them was often late, and Maggie had learned to push down the worry that inevitably blossomed. Maggie had developed a new appreciation for the fear her parents must feel every day. She sent Alex a text, partly to confirm they were still on, and partly to make sure everything was okay.

Within a minute she received a succinct "Yes" in reply. She knew from firsthand experience that some people would be offended at such a curt answer, but Maggie knew that if Alex was late, she had a good reason, and yet she had still taken a few precious moments to respond, and alleviate Maggie's worry for her safety. It was a favor that Maggie was happy to return when Alex was in her position. When past girlfriends had sent texts asking where she was, Maggie had always gotten the impression they were more concerned about the cancelled plans, than her. With Alex she knew that wasn't the case.

To kill some time, Maggie rifled through her takeout drawer and grabbed an assortment of menus. She wanted to have them ready when Alex arrived, because she was sure the other woman would be starving. Getting too busy to properly eat was just another hazard of the job. They had learned the hard way that ordering ahead of the other's arrival very rarely worked out as intended. More often than not it resulted in cold takeout.

As she was debating whether organizing the menus by alphabetical, proximity, or food type was the most efficient method, she finally heard a key in the door and the deadbolt clicking over. Sighing in relief, she turned to the door, the menus dropping forgotten onto the counter.

Alex closed the door, all but falling against it, her state of exhaustion easy to see. Hurrying across the living room, Maggie reached out and relieved Alex of her small overnight bag. Tossing it quickly to the side, she placed her hands on Alex's shoulders, and turned her slightly, so that she could help her off with her jacket.

The jacket joined the bag, and Maggie was once again turning the exhausted DEO agent around once again.

"Alex, you look dead on your feet," Maggie scolded, running her hands up and down her arms, concern shining from her eyes.

"I feel it," Alex mumbled, all but sagging into Maggie's embrace. Maggie accepted Alex's weight, and wrapped one arm securely around her waist to make sure she didn't lose her grip. Knowing that Maggie had her, Alex went almost boneless and nestled her face into the crook of Maggie's neck.

Maggie ran her free hand in soft circles across Alex's back, just letting the other woman rest. "Why didn't you just call to cancel? You should have gone home to rest, you didn't have to drive across town."

Alex's breath, which was starting to slow into the deep rhythm that indicated imminent sleep, washed warmly across Maggie's neck. "I wanted to see you." Though Maggie couldn't see it, she knew her girlfriend had the cutest wrinkle between her brows. Maggie had learned that a pouting Alex Danvers was almost impossible to resist.

Maggie kissed the side of Alex's head. "I wanted to see you too, but I also don't want you to crash your bike because you're tired."

"Kara gave me a lift, it was quicker." Maggie rolled her eyes. She could only imagine the sight the two of them had made.

"What would the people of National City say if they found out that you used Supergirl as your own personal Uber?" Maggie asked with a laugh. Maggie felt Alex shrug.

"They'll get over it."

Maggie relaxed the arm she had around Alex's waist, and pulled back, but only so that she could lean in and kiss Alex softly. "Why don't you go grab a shower, and I'll order the food. You must be starving."

Alex frowned. "Are you saying I smell bad, Sawyer?"

Maggie raised her eyebrows innocently. "I would never say that….Even if it was true. But no, you just look like you need to relax, and by the time you get done, the food should be here."

Alex briefly looked like she may have wanted to argue, but the siren call of a hot shower clearly won out. "Fine." Alex leaned in to give Maggie one more lingering kiss before she bent down to grab her overnight bag. "Can you order from the Thai place? I've been craving spicy hot basil noodles all week, and there are no good Thai restaurants in my neighborhood."

"Of course," Maggie answered, already turning to sift through the menus that she had left on the counter. Alex smiled her thanks, and headed down the hallway towards Maggie's bedroom. The detective quickly placed the order, and offered the guy on the phone a hefty incentive to make sure their order was bumped up the wait list.

Hearing the shower turn on, she decided to set her small kitchen table to distract herself. The thought of joining Alex in the shower was extremely tempting, especially since it had been almost a week since they had managed to grab an evening together, but she knew if she did that, they would surely miss the delivery guy. Alex needed to eat, and rest, so Maggie was going to have to alter her plans for the evening.

The bribe clearly worked, because Maggie had just finished plating the takeout when she felt Alex's arms slide around her waist. She propped her chin on Maggie's shoulder and looked at the food appreciatively. "That was quick, and it looks amazing. Thank you."

Maggie turned her head and captured Alex's lips in a kiss. It really had been too long since she had seen her. "What can I say, I'm on a first name basis with all the delivery boys in a 10 block radius. You just need to use the right incentive."

"Mmmm," Alex murmured. "Should I be concerned?"

Maggie scoffed and looked offended. "I don't think you have anything to worry about." Maggie paused. "Though the pizza place on Grant did just get a cute new delivery girl…"

Alex pinched Maggie playfully on the side. "Jerk."

"I've been called worse," Maggie joked, though it was all too true. Maggie broke Alex's grip on her waist, and pulled her toward the table. Pushing gently on her shoulders, she directed her into one of the two chairs. "Sit. Eat." Maggie walked over to the refrigerator. "Do you want beer, or beer?"

Alex paused, as if giving the decision some thought. "I think I'll go with the beer."

"Good choice," Maggie praised. Reaching into the door Maggie retrieved two bottles and popped the caps. Setting one down in front of Alex, who had already dug into her food, Maggie took her own seat.

"You have a tough one today?" Maggie asked, as she started to eat her own meal. As much as she worried about Alex skipping meals, she was just as guilty of it herself. She was pretty sure she hadn't had anything since she grabbed a stale donut from the precinct around 2 that afternoon.

Alex hmmmed in affirmation. Maggie didn't push, and just waited. Not because Alex had a mouth full of food, which she did, but because she knew that Alex couldn't always share her work with her. It was something that had bothered some of Maggie's past girlfriends. She had never really understood until she found herself in their position. It was hard when your partner had a dangerous job, but you didn't know what types of dangers they were dealing with. Maggie had tried to get used to discovering new cuts and bruises on the agent's body, but it never really got easier.

"Yeah. We got a tip on a possible den of Skarforlts and we went to check it out." Alex rubbed absentmindedly at her ribs, and Maggie was sure she would discover a new mark on the redhead's body when they undressed later. "Those guys may look wiry, but they pack one hell of a punch."

Maggie fought back the urge to scold Alex for not calling in NCPD to help out. Establishing the boundary between their work and their personal lives had been the one constant source of friction between them. Maggie felt that she should be called in to assist on almost every case, and she didn't always understand why she wasn't. She knew logically that Alex's work and hers, while similar in some aspects, really didn't share that much official overlap. And it wasn't really even Alex's call, it was J'onn's. Still, it bothered Maggie when Alex would get injured on an operation and she felt like she could have been some assistance.

"Well if you play your cards right, there may be a rub down in your future," Maggie offered with a smile. She had planned on more than that, but it was obvious that Alex, while slightly rejuvenated by her shower, was too tired for what the detective had originally hoped for the evening.

"I think I'll take you up on that, Sawyer." Having sated the worst of her hunger, Alex leaned back in her chair and took a long pull from her bottle. "What about you? Anything interesting happen?"

Maggie shrugged. "Not really. National City has been quiet, almost suspiciously so, lately." Maggie knew that this was a good opening, but she found herself hesitating. Alex was clearly worn out. She should wait until her girlfriend was feeling better. It wouldn't be fair of her to spring this on her when she was depleted, and may feel compelled to say yes. Maggie knew that she was just stalling.

Maggie cleared her throat. "So ah...DEO agents get vacation?" Maggie finally asked, her thumbnail picking nervously at the label of her beer bottle. She hadn't felt this nervous since she had asked Molly Nelson to senior prom. Maggie frowned, and considering how spectacularly poorly that had gone, probably not the best thing to think about right now.

Alex set her beer bottle down, and gave Maggie all of her attention. "I've heard rumors to that effect. Why, did you have something in mind?" Alex asked with a soft smile.

She and Maggie had discussed going away for a weekend before, but with their hectic and consuming work schedules, it had just never worked out. Maggie was sure that Alex thought that she was hinting at them finally taking that trip. In a way she was, but not in quite the way that she and Alex had originally imagined.

"My mom called me today," Maggie answered, instead of directly answering the question.

"Okay…." Alex responded, clearly not following.

"She wants me to come for a visit next month." Maggie worried her lip slightly. "She ah..she said….she wants to meet you," Maggie finally spit out. "She asked me to bring you home. With me."

"Oh." Alex answered, her eyebrows arching in surprise. Alex brought the bottle to her lips and drained the almost half-full beer.

Maggie took that as a bad sign. She shook her head, and waved off the suggestion. "You know what? Forget it. I'll tell her that you're busy. It's probably too short notice for you to get the time off anyway." Maggie sent Alex a reassuring smile. "She'll understand. It's probably too soon anyway," Maggie rambled.

Alex grasped Maggie's hand with a shake of her head. "No! It's not that I...I just wasn't expecting….that," Alex confided. She mustered a nervous smile. "Do you...Is that something you want to do? Have me meet your parents?"

Maggie could hear the thread of insecurity in Alex's voice, and she cursed herself for being an idiot. "Of course I do." Maggie shook her head. "I just didn't want you to feel like you had to if, you know, you didn't want to," Maggie explained.

"No. I do. I just...I've never met anyone's parents before."

Maggie sent her a crooked grin. "Well, we have that in common at least." Maggie squeezed Alex's hand reassuringly. "You don't have a thing to be nervous about, my mom is gonna love you." Just like I do. She left the words unspoken; she figured she had overwhelmed her girlfriend enough for one evening. "So you want to?"

"Yeah," Alex answered with a nod. "I mean, how could I turn down the opportunity to see where you grew up?"

Maggie laughed. "Well, it is slightly less exciting than watching paint dry, so don't get your hopes up too high. Are you going to be able to get the time off?"

Alex smiled. "Considering that I haven't had a day off in almost four years, I think I'll be able to convince J'onn that I'm due for a break."

"So I'll call my mom to confirm the dates? It's been awhile since I've been back, which she reminds me of constantly, so she was thinking a week?" Maggie phrased both statements as questions, wanting to leave Alex the chance to back out if she wanted.

Alex still looked slightly unsure, but she nodded her head. "Yes. Absolutely. It will be fun." Maggie wasn't sure if Alex was trying to convince her, or herself.

Maggie laughed. "You have clearly never been to Blue Springs, or you would not use that word, but it will be nice to see my parents again."

Dinner finished, and dishes loaded into the dishwasher, the pair would normally settle onto the couch to watch a few episodes of whatever show they were currently following on Netflix. Maggie made an executive decision however, and instead directed Alex straight towards the bedroom.

"Take your clothes off and lay on your stomach," Maggie instructed.

Alex looked at her with raised eyebrows, but nevertheless pulled her shirt off as instructed. "Is the romance gone already? Usually we have a bit more foreplay than that."

"Funny," Maggie retorted. She was usually happy to be right, but not this time. Few things could distract Maggie Sawyer from a topless Alex Danvers, but with a sympathetic grimace, she reached out to gently ghost her fingers over the purpling skin on Alex's ribs. Alex drew in a breath at the contact, and Maggie drew her hand away instantly. "Sorry. That must be tender."

Alex gave her a hooded look. "It is, but that wasn't exactly the issue."

Though she knew it was probably a bad idea, Maggie let Alex draw her in for a languid kiss. It had been almost a week, and she was only human. She knew she had missed Alex, she just hadn't realized quite how much, until this moment. Deepening the kiss, she unthinkingly grasped Alex's side. Alex drew in a sharp breath.

Maggie released her instantly, recognizing the sound for what it was. "Shit. I'm sorry." Maggie looked at her in concern. "Is that just a bruise, or did you crack something?"

"Kara assures me it's just a bruise." Maggie resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Because of course Alex would just have her sister check, instead of going to an actual medical professional. Maggie knew better than to scold her though, since she was almost as bad, if not worse, when it came to herself.

"Well, regardless, you are clearly in pain."

Alex shook her head stubbornly. "I'm fine," she insisted. "It's been a week." Maggie knew she would deny it if confronted, but Alex Danvers, tough as nails DEO agent, had just whined.

Maggie leaned forward and gave her a kiss, being careful not to let it deepen. "Trust me, I know," Maggie assured her. "But you need to take it easy." Alex pouted, but Maggie held firm. "Now lay down on the bed. I did promise you a massage, and I think we can still manage that."

Alex grumbled, but also wasn't stupid enough to pass up the opportunity to have Maggie's hands on her body, even if it wasn't in quite the way she wanted.

While Alex settled onto the bed, Maggie retrieved the small bottle of massage oil she kept by her bed for just this purpose. Unfortunately, therapeutic massages were an all too frequent occurrence; for both of them.

Maggie straddled the back of Alex's thighs, and settled onto her knees, careful to keep most of her weight off of her prone girlfriend. She rubbed her hands together to warm the oil, before placing them gently on Alex's lower back. Running her hands slowly up Alex's back, mindful to keep the pressure to a minimum, she heard Alex let out a contented groan.

"That feel okay?" Maggie asked, though she was pretty confident in the answer.

"Mmmhmmm," Alex mumbled with a small nod, her face partially buried in the mattress. Maggie smiled at her fondly, and continued to stroke Alex's back with gentle pressure. This wasn't about working out knots, or easing tightness. She just wanted to try to ease some of the weariness from Alex's body, and hopefully get her to relax.

She had missed the feel of Alex's skin under her hands. Maggie continued the massage for another few minutes, until she recognized Alex's deep, slow breaths for what they were. She leaned to one side, to confirm. Alex was sound asleep.

She climbed off the bed, careful not to disturb her slumbering girlfriend. She went into the bathroom to wash her hands, brush her teeth, and strip off her own clothes, before returning to the bedroom. With careful hands, she worked the sheets down to the bottom of the bed. Leaving Alex clad in her loose sleep shorts, she pulled the covers up over her, and slid into the bed next to her. Settling onto her side, she reached out and rested one hand in the middle of Alex's back. She was asleep within minutes.