Chapter 2

A/N: Hey guys Musashi here! (^_^)

Here's another chapter for Chosen One. Fav/follow if you like, and some review are very much appreciated.

I accept flames in review for I am An Arcanince with Flash Fire, flames won't hurt me. Nah I was just kidding there, please don't burn me with your vicious fire.

Anyways, onto the story!

"Pancakes" Talking

'Pancakes' Thought

I woke up and look at an unknown ceiling. When I looked at my side I saw my partner Pikachu sleeping beside me. I scanned my surroundings and conclude that I'm currently resting at a Pokemon Center.

'What was that voice that I heard before?' I thought as I remembered what happened that had bring me here.

I sat up and put a hand in my forehead to try and think who could that voice belong to, unfortunately all I recieved were some migraines and no information that could help me. I noticed that pikachu was moving, I look towards him and saw that he was finally awake.

"Hey boss, good to see you waking up." Pikachu said inside my head.

"Yeah, care to tell how did I end up here? I was sure that I fainted in the Viridian Forest." I asked.

"Well, when you fainted boss I quickly looked for any people in close proximity. Fortunately I saw Nurse Joy aiding an injured beedrill so I quickly signaled her to where your place is." Pikachu explained as he jumped to my left shoulder.

"I see, thank you for doing that buddy." I said as I scrathed his chin to which he responded with a coo as he loved to be scratched there.

"No problem it's the least that I could do boss. But I expect some reward from it, a bottle or two of ketchup would be nice." Pikachu said as he look at me expectantly.

"Well, I guess a bottle or two won't hurt." I said, when Pikachu heard it his mood brighten and he rubbed his cheeks with mine.

'Seriously, you and your obsession with ketchup.' I thought as I sweatdrop at his reaction when he heard what I said.

I stand up and get my bag which is on the side of my bed. After getting my bag I noticed that my other pokemon weren't there, panicking I started to look around frantically. That's when I heard a fain knock from the door.


I quickly head towards the door and opened it. When I opened it I saw Nurse Joy with her chansey, I also saw a tray with some medicines, food, and six pokeballs in it. Knowing that those Pokeballs could be the one I was looking for. I looked at Pikachu to get some information but he's mind was in daze due to him getting two bottles of ketchup.

"Ash it's good that you are now in tiptop shape, I saw you lying at the Viridian Forest unconscious so I quickly get you here. I also healed your pokemon while you were sleeping." Nurse Joy said with a gentle smile plastered on her face.

"Thanks for doing that Nurse Joy and also glad to see you again." I replied with a smile of my own.

"Yeah I was shocked when I saw you on the Viridian Forest. It wasn't even a year when you started travelling and here you are now getting his eight and final badge. I must say that is quite impressive." Nurse Joy said with a gleeful voice as she reminisced the time when we first met.

"Got to thank my Pokemons for that, they are all fighting for my sake." I said

"Well, some of your pokemons are quite unique comsidering some of them that I haven't saw before in the Kanto Region."

"I guess so, but all of those rare pokemon you're pertaining about mostly came from poachers that I destrpyed along my way." I said as I picked up my pokeballs from the tray and tried to drink my medicine until a hand stopped me.

"No can do mister, you should eat first before you drink your medicine." Nurse Joy said in a strict tone.

"Sorry." I said apologetically to which she respond with a gentle smile.

As I was eating the food nurse joy gave me, I remembered the reason why I'm going back to Viridian City in the first place. I finished my meal and looked towards Nurse Joy to ask her.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot, Nurse Joy is the gym leader here back? The last time I tried to battle this gym the janitor said that it was still closed due to its gym leader was gone."

"Fortunately for you there's a substitute gym leader that came yesterday and reopened the gym to put it back in buisness." Nurse Joy said

"But as of now there're too many trainers that are challenging so the possibility of you getting to challenge the gym leader today is close to impossible." Nurse Joy added.

"I'll just come back tomorrow and hope to have a battle." I said

'Hey boss, let's go to the gym and watch the new leader battle.' Pikachu said in my thoughts.

'Sure, and while we're at it I'll try to make a new plan on how I would battle.' I thought as I scratch Pikachu's chin.

"Nurse Joy thank you for taking care of me, but I should head out now I'll go and watch the new gym leader." I said as I get my things.

"Sure but remember to eat and drink your medicine that I gave to you. Also if you're challenging the gym leader here you should book a room here, you don't want to sleep in the wilderness tonight in this cold weather." Nurse Joy said

"Sure Nurse Joy. You're right that it's cold today which is strange considering Kanto is in the tropics." I said as I head out of the room.

"I know. Even if Kanto sometimes had cold weather, this one could be the coldest one yet." Nurse Joy said as she followed me.

While walking at the hallway I remembered what the voice had said to me. The voice warned me about something, Armageddon was it? Though what that voice said didn't told anything he only warned me cryptically. Wait, maybe that voice did said something more. Maybe, he did said something but I couldn't heard it because I fainted. If what I had said is true then where could I find that information? I'll try to ask Pikachu if he also heard what I heard, considering he was with me when I passed out.

'Hey buddy, do you remember when I passed out?' I asked Pikachu inside his thoughts.

'Yeah, how could I forget it? It happened recently so I'm sure I won't forget it.' Pikachu said.

'Can I ask if you heard a voice that time before, during, or after I passed out.' I asked as Pikachu sported a thinking look on him.

'No there's no voice or anything that I heard. If I did then I would go straight to that voice instead of running around the forest to look for help.' Pikachu said

'Oh I see, sorry for asking a wierd question then.' I said to which he replied with a slight cuddle from his cheeks to mine.

As soon as our conversation ends, we're already near at the entrance of the center. Nurse Joy stopped at the reception desk where she is stationed at and waved us a goodbye while smiling softly at us, we also answered back with a wave of our own.

We start to head towards the Viridian city Gym which is not that far from the pokemon center, fortunately. But as soon as I got near the gym I saw a crowd surrounding it.

'I guess challenging the gym today really is impossible. Hope that we could watch the battle.' I said to Pikachu as I sigh looking at the crowd outside the gym.

'Let's hope, but I don't think they would accept anyone to watch the battle though.' Pikachu said

'That I agree with you buddy.' I said agreeing to him as I scratch his chin.

'I mean, who in the right mind would want to expose their weakness to a potential challenger? That's pretty idiotic of them if they'll allow others to watch.' I added as I got near the crowd.

'Only one way to find out boss.' Pikachu said as he looked towards the entrance of the gym where an old man wearing a suit is guarding it.

I squeezed my way through the crowd and head towards the old man putting Pikachu on top of my head to not let him get swept away by the crowd that I was swimming through. I sighed in relief when I got away unscathed from the crowd, I also knew that Pikachu was safe when he jumped to my shoulder. When I was near I heard the old man saying 'calm down everyone' and also 'please fall in line'.

"Hey mister!" I shouted to get his attention. Fortunately it worked on the first try because he looked in my direction and stare at me.

"What is it young man?" Ask the old man

"Can I watch the current challenger and the gym leader's battle?"

"I'm sorry but unfortunately you can't. Shirona-oujou told me to not anyone in to watch her battling." The old man said calmly.

'Oujou?' I thought.

'You got a princess for a gym leader nice.' Pikachu said jokingly as he snickered a little.

"I see but could I battle her tomorow?" I asked

"You could battle her if you can get here early. Many trainers are going to challenge this gym so if you could come here faster than anyone then you could battle her." He said

'Good then, if I'll go here first thing in the morning then I could battle her.' I thought

"I see thanks and have a good day then." I said to him as I squeezed through the crowd once more though it was more easier considering some trainers have gone back to their respective hotels or tents.

'Yeah after that Indigo Plateau! And who knows, maybe we could challenge the Elite four and the champion here.' Pikachu said

'But first, let's go back to the pokemon center.' I said which caused Pikachu to jerked up and looked at me confused.

'Why? I thought you would say that we should head towards the forest and train some more.' Pikachu said with a confused face.

'Well... I kinda forgot to rent a room there.' I said sheepishly

Pikachu sweatdropped and facepalmed himself when he heard it. 'Of all the things you forgot to do. You better not make me sleep in the forest again.' Pikachu said with a half threatening voice.

'Don't worry, let's just hope that Nurse Joy reserved us a room.'

We head towards to the pokemon center hurriedly to make sure we still have a room to rest. After a few minutes we already saw the pokemon center as we make our way inside hastily.

"Hey Ash! You're rather quick, already heading back here." Nurse joy said with a slight shock in her tone while smiling gently towards me.

" book a room here Nurse Joy. Can I still reserve a room here?" I asked as I catch my breath from the running.

"You don't have to worry one bit. I already booked you a room here knowing that you forgot it earlier." Nurse Joy said reassuring me.

"Thanks Nurse Joy! Now that is done I'll head out and train with my pokemon." I said with a smile as I bid a goodbye towards Nurse Joy and her Chansey.

We head out towards a forest beside Viridian City to train my pokemon to ready themselves for their incoming battle against the substitute gym leader.

'Let's hope we could battle tomorrow. Pikachu do you think you're ready for it?' I said to pikachu in a challenging tone to pump him up.

'I'm ready for anything boss!' Pikachu said pumping his little fist while making a determined face.

'Good.' Was the last thing I said as I head out towards the forest with a renewed determination in me as I smile a little to myself.

A/N: and that's it for now! I really intend to make a longer chapter but I made a huge mistake to do this one in a first person POV, that's why this chapter took longer than it expected because of me thinkng if I should delete this and create a new chapter 2 in a 3rd person POV this time. As you see this is the result. Fav and follow if you'd like and also reviews are very much appreciated good or bad, though hoping that the bad reviews contain something like a criticism that could help me further improve my writing and make this story much more enjoyable to read.

That's all hope to see you all in the next chapter, Musashi out! (^_^)