The reality of middle of the night sexy cuddling. This is... a little more adult than most of my other stuff, but still not "smut". I just needed to do some fluffy stuff. Random number generator says: "20. your boner or boobies feel very nice, consider sexual time, but decide sleep is better"

Ochako's vision is blurred by sleep when she wakes. Her human equivalent of a hot water bottle is wrapped around her, Katsuki's chest to her back. His tense muscles are relaxed with sleep, but she can tell he's awake on some level, as his hands are what woke her.

Smooth calluses drag up under her shirt when her murmuring and shifting indicates her wakefulness. He palms a breast and she arches on instinct, pressing her chest into his hand. The arm under her head tenses as he moves to tuck his face between her neck and shoulder, a lazy kiss from his lips dropping onto her skin.

She reaches back to tug at soft blonde hair and he shifts them just enough to reach her mouth. Everything about him and his ministrations feels so good, comfortable and hazy. The kiss is soft and deep, his hand massaging gently and pressing heat into her. She pushes back against him to find Katsuki is hard and erect. The thrill that runs through her is dampened by the yawn she releases around their kiss.

He just chuckles and slips her back onto her side. Ochako goes easily, guided by those warm familiar hands. The arm behind her neck slips around to pull her shoulders back against his chest and the fingers around her nipple slip down her abdomen slowly, pressing her completely against his frame. He nips at her bare shoulder before kissing it. Her hands wrap around his wrists on instinct, her grip failing with each passing moment she loses to the lull of sleep.

He's still hard against her backside when he murmurs to just go to sleep. The rumble of his voice translates directly into her back and his breath is hot against her ear. The hand on her stomach intertwines with hers and travels further down.

Whatever he does next is mostly lost to her in a haze of pleasurable feelings.