AN : Hey there thanks to those that reviewed and followed the story. I put up a poll (At least I think I have) on my profile on the potential shipping for this story.

Chapter 2

"Uhhh I'm really sorry Ash, I knew how skilled you were and the talent you possess." The professor started to turn red in embarrassment. "I really didn't think you would pass the final test and receive your trainer card this soon. I didn't have time to make any arrangements to have any starter pokemon delivered for the start of your journey."

Ash stood their with a half smirk on his face. He knew this was a possibility. It was a good thing he didn't just spend the last two years studying to pass the exams but also planning out every last detail for his inevitable meeting with Mewtwo. He already had thought of how he would handle the possibility that no starters were available at the time he got his trainer card. I mean how often was it that a 12 year old passed all three exams? The regional professors only stocked up on starters in advance when a trainer turned 14 as it was the norm.

"Don't worry professor, I was actually hoping you could make a little exception given my situation. You see I really want to start my journey as soon as possible. I was wondering if maybe you still had the pikachu from when I did my second exam here?"

The professor at first was dumbfounded. 'This young lad couldn't really want that pikachu as his starter could he?' He had to admit that Ash was quick to bond with the yellow mouse but it wasn't exactly the best choice for a starter pokemon.

"Yes, yes I do. Why do you ask son?"

"I wanted to see if he would like to join me on my journey and become my starter pokemon. I overheard you when I was doing my exam here that it usually takes 2 weeks for the new shipments of Kanto starters to reach the lab. I unfortunately have to be somewhere in 9 days."

In actuality Ash had a month before he had to meet Mewtwo in route 1. The reason Ash wanted to get the pikachu now was because of two reasons. First of all he had a mean thundershock. He was not only able to witness the strength of the pokemon's electric power but also feel it first hand. The second reason was because of how hard he worked to bond with the little rodent.


"Be Careful Ash!"

It was too late. As soon as the professor finished his warning a little yellow mouse pokemon in front of Ash let out an electrifying thundershock.

"Pikaaa Chuuuuuuuuu!"

Ash stood there stunned before falling on his back with his mind going a mile a minute wondering what he did wrong.

"I'm so sorry Ash my boy. Pikachu is not part of the pokemon eligible for your second exam. For some reason it seems to act extremely hostile to humans. It barely even listens to me and always shocks whoever tries to put it in it's pokeball."

"Ohh I see." Ash said while slowly getting back up. "If it's ok with you I would like to try and befriend this pikachu as part of my second test."

The professor stood there with a confused look on his face. 'The pikachu just shocked the lad and he wants to continue trying to bond with him? The kid has heart. I just hope he doesn't become a human lightning rod.'

"Well Ash you definitely have enough time to try. You are currently the youngest trainer participating in the second exam. If you ever feel like the pikachu is too much just go ahead and find me and we can find you another pokemon to try."

Ash stood up and watched the pikachu carefully. He was going to befriend this yellow mouse if it was the last thing he did. For the rest of the day Ash followed the rodent around trying to find something that would help befriend the mon. When it was almost quitting time he found out something interesting that could help him out.

The next day the professor stood watching over the kids that were participating in their second examination. He was surprised to see that Ash was not there. 'Poor lad must have been too upset about not making any progress with the pikachu and probably took a day off.' The professor was about to go and call Ash's house to convince him to come to the lab and try out another pokemon when he saw the young lad walk in with a bag from the pokemart and surprisingly, a smile on his face. It was unusual to see the boy with a smile since the day he gave up on seeing his father again. Little did he know he was only partially right.

Ash had initially been one to smile often. That had changed when he broke down and realized his father was never coming back. He stopped smiling because he was sad about not seeing his dad again. That changed again when he met mewtwo. After his meeting with him, the reason he didn't smile often was not because of his feelings about losing his father. The reason for his serious look changed from that of sadness to that of resolve. Ash, after that fateful meeting with the psychic legendary decided to devote himself to studying and passing his entrance exams before the deadline set by mewtwo. He no longer had time to stop and appreciate the beautiful views around the town of pallet. He could no longer waste time helping out the native rattatas in finding food or anything of that sorts. Ash barely even had time to leave his room except to go to professor Oak's lab or the town library to get more books.

Ash marched into the ranch and went straight to where pikachu was resting. The young pokemon was laying down belly first under the shade of a tall tree. Ash approached the pikachu slowly and when he was 4 feet away he started retrieving the items he had brought from the bag. The pikachu hearing this immediately got up and started to create sparks coming from his red cheeks.

"Pika! Pika! Pikachu!"

"Hold on there buddy i'm not going to hurt you. I just wanted to see if you were hungry. I went to the pokemart this morning and got some special electric pokemon chow. I'm sure you will love it."

The pikachu stood there eyeing the young boy. Ash could see that the pikachu could smell the food he brought. He even saw a bit of drool coming from the pikachu's mouth.

"It's yours pikachu, if you want it I mean."

Even after Ash's encouragement the pikachu stayed still only looking at the food with the occasional glare towards Ash

"Oh I know! What if I put a little of this to give it taste?"

The yellow rodent stood there watching the trainer closely. He looked ready to pounce if the would be trainer decided to do anything funny. As the item Ash brought got into view, Pikachu's eyes went wide.

"I couldn't help but notice something yesterday. You seem to really love this stuff. What do you say to letting me try and be your friend? If you do, I promise to put some of this on your food and maybe even let you keep the rest after I leave. What do you say?"

The pikachu stood there hesitantly for a few seconds. But it quickly sprint forward and waited by the food Ash had brought.

"Good boy! I know we will get along just fine."

From then on the pikachu let Ash get closer and pet him and even let him practice battle with him. Pikachu slowly started warming up to the young trainer and by the end of the day Ash had managed to bond with the pikachu in a way it never had before. For the first time the pikachu had a human friend. And all it took was some dedication and a big bottle of ketchup.

Flashback End

Seeing the conviction on the new trainers eyes the professor went out back and retrieved pikachu and his pokeball. He then went ahead and retrieved a new fresh red pokedex along with 5 unused pokeballs.

"Alright Ash i have brought pikachu here. Why don't you spend some time with the little pokemon letting him know he will be going with you while I download your trainer data onto the pokedex."

"Sure professor, also could you do me a favor and update the pokedex to include pokemon from all regions?"

Professor Oak was at first surprised to hear this request. He quickly accepted the odd request. 'Like father like son. If red went to travel all over the world it makes sense Ash would like to do that as well.'

"Here you go Ash your pokedex has been fully updated and here you have 5 pokeballs. You now have everything you need to start your journey and challenge gyms. I hope to see the progress you make. Think you will make it to the indigo league?"

Ash then shook his head. "Most definitely not. I will not be competing in the league or even challenging gyms this league season. I'm just going to travel and focus on becoming a great trainer."

"Oh I see. Well then no problem, I'm sure you will make it next year."

With that Ash just nodded and started heading out of the lab. He didn't want to tell the professor that he was unsure when he would compete in the league. He himself didn't know how long we would be away. With lots on his mind and a pikachu on his shoulder Ash headed home.

"Wow Ash is that your starter?"

Ash quickly introduced pikachu to his mother. There was no fear of pikachu shocking his mother as they had already had an agreement. Pikachu was not to shock Ash's mom and he would get a full bottle of ketchup in return.

"So son are you sure you don't want to stay at home? You are a little young and if you aren't thinking of competing in the pokemon league why not just train here in Pallet."

Ash smiled at his mother apologetically. "I'm sorry mom. Just something I have to do. I want to go and travel and meet new friends. I promise that I will be carefull. I might be staying of the grid for a while. I have a feeling people will bug me a lot for being the youngest to get his trainer card so I will probably not be able to contact you as much. I'll write to you whenever I can."

"Write? You know you can use the phones at the pokemon centers for free right? Or better yet you know we are well off why don't you finally use some of that in your savings and buy a poketch?"

"Maybe, and I don't want to be a long time in the pokemon centers or anyplace public in general. Just in, heal pokemon and out."

Ash felt bad about lying to his mother. But he couldn't tell her what his real plans were. He was hoping that he would be able to write to his mother and have Mewtwo drop the letters off in this world at a post office. I mean it was the least he could do for being so vague in where they were going.

"Alright sweety. Be careful and cover yourself well. Treat your pokemon with care. Don't do anything reckless. Brush your teeth. Remember to change your under"

"Mom!" Ash smiled. "Your rambling. But I get it. Don't worry I'll be fine. I love you"

And with that Delia gave his son one last long hug before he went out on his journey.

The sky was clear and calm. The bright glow of the moon lit up the town of Viridian were Ash was currently walking through.

Ash smiled at his partner that was riding on his shoulder."Tomorrow we have to head back to route 1 pikachu. There will be someone waiting to meet us there that will help us get stronger."

From the time he left for his journey and up until now Ash and pikachu had been spending time trainer and just getting to know each other better. Ash told pikachu all about his life and how he grew up. He also learned stuff about pikachu. Some being his favorite places to get scratched and what the pokemons limits were when it came to battling. Pikachu had been battling almost non stop every morning trying to get stronger. Ash had pikachu battle every pidgey in the area they could find along with the fish caught on an old rod Ash had found by a pond. Pikachu had grown stronger and learned a lot of new moves. Currently Pikachu knew Tail whip, thundershock, growl, play nice, quick attack, electro ball and was getting fairly close to learning thunder wave.

"Let's head to the pokemon center and call it a night. What do you say?"

"Pika chu." Pikachu nodded his head.

The sun could just barely be seen coming up in the horizon. It was the early hours of the day and only a meager amount of people were up at this time. Ash was one of them as he was currently checking out of the pokemon center to go back in the direction of his home town. Reaching the outskirts of the town was fairly quick and as Ash was about 10 steps into route 1 he saw a faint purple light surrounding him and pikachu. Before Ash could even hypothesize about what was happening he appeared in that clearing he had been in 2 years prior.

You are here. Now we may begin. I see you have brought a pikachu with you. Seeing as it is the only pokemon with you I will assume he is the one you chose to accompany you on your journey.

Mewtwo who was staring at Ash turned to look at the yellow pikachu. His eyes then turned blue and pikachu was enveloped in a purple light resembling the one they saw before being brought here.

"Pika! Pikachu!"

"Uhh Mewtwo could you tell me what Pikachu is saying or what you just did?"

I merely explained what we are doing and what your mission will be on this journey. I asked if he agreed to accompany you and assist you in anyway he can. He has agreed. So now that everything is settled I will put you to sleep and when you wake up you will be in an unknown world to you and in an unknown body. If you wish to communicate with me you must come back to place you will wake up. Only there will I be able to hear your call.

"Umm ok. Just one thing. Do you know how long this will take? My mother will be worried about me if I cannot contact her for a long time and might go to the authorities if she thinks I have gone missing and.."

Quiet! Mewtwo then put his hand up to his head imitating having a headache. Have you not seen what I have done? My abilities? Do you think I do not have everything thought out and calculated? Your mother will receive the letters you wish to send to her. The only thing is that in your new body you will not be able to write. Which is the reason, when you call upon to me, I will hear your message and send it to your mother in a postcard of the destination you claim to residing in at that moment.

Mewtwo had by then gone to a meditating pose and had looked calm during his explanation.

"Oh ok… Wait! How did you know about that?"

Mewtwo then repeated the motion of placing his hand on his head and just sighed.

You will be leaving now. When you wake up you will have to incorporate yourself in this new world and train hard to become strong.

Ash was about to ask another question when he suddenly felt his eyelids start to close. Before he could utter a word Ash had fallen to the ground sound asleep next to an already snoring pikachu.

Well here goes nothing. I hope he manages to reach his potential fast. Even with the lords of time and space on our side. We cannot manage to waste any more time. The balance of the world is at stake.

AN : Thanks for reading. Please review. This is my first fic and would greatly appreciate some feedback.