AN: I'm putting basketball and love on hold as well as 30 Days. It will be a different take on the show title 'The Fosters'. With Lena and Stef being brought up in the Foster system and that's why they foster kids, because they can relate. Please enjoy and also always I don't own any of these characters just borrowing them.

In the dark of the morning, a women dressed in dark colours looked down at the bundle in her arms. The women kissed the sleeping babe. Placed her in the wicker basket, with a note:

Her name is Stefanie Hutton. I won't be able to give her the life that she needs. Please treat her like one of your own.

She felt with a finale look at the sleeping baby. Walking back to her car, the women sat and cried for the baby that she gave away. In her heart she knew that an 18 year old couldn't have kid and go to school. She also knew that this child would have a terrible life, her mother is a kid and has been couch hoping for about a month. While her father is a low life who she had sex once at a party.

Turning the car on, she doesn't even look back. Driving away from a child that she knew would have a better life than what she could offer it.

The morning sun lit the baby's face. The grass was wet with morning dew and the baby in the wicker basket was crying. Wanting to be warm and needing to feed. The only one to hear was the groundskeeper that came early to open up the doors of the church for the choir. She bent down beside the basket and found a little blonde baby with tears in her big hazel eyes.

Bringing her inside and downstairs where they keep extra baby products for those that need to change their baby during mass. After the hazel eye baby was happy and playing in the pen she called the police to see if there was anyone missing a newborn baby, under the name of Stefanie Hutton.

The police sent over social services to take care of the baby. There was a couple looking for a baby girl. After the baby was taken from the church, she said a prayer blessing the baby in a life filled with happiness and safety. That was the last time that the women every saw that hazel eyed baby.

The women was trying to calm the crying toddler. Rocking her, with her nose in her hair and whispering sweet nothings into her ears. She started to feel the baby's chest fall indicating that she was asleep. Putting her back in the homemade crib. The women puts a kiss to her baby's forehead.

There was a knock on the door that brought her back to her situation. A rub of her forehead she opened and the blast from the music filtered in the room. "Hey darling who are you tonight." Closing the door behind the man as he started to take off his clothes.

"The same as always. Work is too much and the wife is riding me. So an hour and half is good right? I have to get back to my wife I told her it was another late night at the office." He took off his pants while she took the robe off.

They started off as normal, with some light foreplay and then they moved towards the bed. This night was different before they move towards the bed, a loud bang. "Did you invite a third? I thought that we were working our way towards that." Before he could open the door men in uniforms came in yelling and pushing them up against the wall.

"Do not move. Roger check the room for anything illegal. Sir we are going to allow get dress we trust that you won't run."

The man walked over to where his pants were lying, putting them on. "Please I'll tell you anything just don't tell my wife."

Before an answer could come the man named Roger opened the closet door, to find the sleeping babe. The women tried to struggle out of the grasped from the officer. "Please no. Leave her along!" The women started to thrash and throw her elbows. With all the noise the sleeping child woke up.

A high pitched screamed could be heard with the cries of "mama".

"Do not touch her!" The women screamed.

"Ma'am stop moving right now! Roger take the baby outside and call child services to see what can be done with the kid." Turning back to the women pressed against the wall. "Ruth Davis you are under arrest for the endangerment of a child, prostitution, and the drug distribution. We are going to allow you to put some type of clothing on."

"Can I at least see my baby, please?" The women put on the t-shirt and the pants that were sitting on the chair beside the bed table. Walking out of the room with a police officer on each side, the baby sitting in the arms of the man named Roger.

Picking her up brings the 2 year old straight to her chest, her ear over her heart. "Lena Davis. You, my love are my heart and my joy. I will always remember you, and I hope that one day someone will love you as much as I love you." Placing a kiss on the wild curly hair. The women watched the one person that she loved more than anything go.

Stef felt the early morning sun on her skin. She liked waking up with the sun it meant that Joanna and Matthew won't be up. Stef carefully gets out of bed, pushing the brown haired girl a little so that she has enough room to move off the bed.

There are sleeping bags, a bed, and a blowup mattress spread out on the floor. With two people share each sleeping space. This house is used as a drop off, or an in between houses. It is where many get dropped off for the night before they are moved. Stef has been here for 2 weeks now and can't wait to get out and have room to move without hitting someone.

"Natalie, I need to go pee." Stef sat beside the older poking her face and blowing the black her of her face. The hand swatted at the air, Stef dragged her finger down Natalie's cheek. "Please wake up. I need you open the door." The girl woke up pushing the black hair out of eyes.

"Alright let's go." The girl stood up and picked the blonde girl up. Helping her out of the room. Waking past the boy's room, Stef and Natalie made it to the bathroom without making too much noise.

"What do you want for breakfast? We have cereal and fruit." Bring down the almost empty box of cereal and the one piece of fruit that isn't moldy.

"The apple" Stef always being up early with Natalie. It meant that she would get some type of decent food and keeping out of Joanna and Matthew's face. They keep all the good food hidden in the pantry and keep the fridge locked.

After eating Stef and Natalie go back into the girl's room to get dressed and ready for the day. With their clothes on the two girls pick up their backpacks from hall closet. There was a knock on the door that seemed to wake up half the house.

Sitting in the living room on the couch, they saw Matthew come out of his and Joanna's room with a t-shirt that showed the under part of his belly and pants that hardly moved up passed his butt. Opening the door Stef's face split into a smile. There was a male with thick floppy brown hair, curling at the bottom of his neck.

"Hello Will. What is it that I can help you with?" Confirming what Stef already knows she is jumping up and down. Moving closer to the door Stef stops right in the hallway between the

"I'm here to make a trade." He chuckled. "I'm taking Stef and will be picking up Lena up and a couple of weeks." Looking into the house he poked his head around if he could see any sign of her. "She is 4 years old and everything else you need to know is in the folder."

Stef walked into sight with a bounce in her footstep. She stopped when she saw a little girl in the arms of William. She ran back into her room to grabbing the blue bag in her drawer. Cleaning it out with the help of Natalie, she said goodbye to the elder girl.

Stef took a look back at the younger girl. This is not the last time that the blonde will see the curly brown hair girl.