Entry #4: Leon Kennedy X Claire Redfield

Kind of Pair: Romantic

Word Count: 1,751

A request by Kimmo Pronger, and a special birthday gift to howlin blood. Happy Birthday, my friend, and I hope you enjoyed this long-overdue drabble of mine.

It was getting tiring whenever Chris Redfield badgers him to go on and do it to his little sister. Leon gets it, Chris wanted to expand the Redfield bloodline, but had the older Redfield ever thought of doing it to his best friend, Jill Valentine? They were partners, first of all, and they had an unshakable bond and trust that one day he would match with his own partnership with the certain redhead that Chris was so keen on getting married to him.

But seriously, it was tiring to hear Chris beg for him to expand the Redfield bloodline.

It wasn't like Leon didn't want to do it with Claire, no. They'd already made the bed bounce on a handful of occasions, but with their current circumstances, adding an additional person in their family would be riskier for their potential enemies to take advantage of. He wanted Claire to be ready one day, and today wasn't that day.

Facing the older Redfield, he patted his hair and gave him a small smile.

"One day, Chris. One day."

Driving around town, hoping to head into the police station-their sanctuary, Leon wondered if it was even safe in the first place. This girl only had a knife attached to her shoulder as a defensive item-she couldn't fend off the monsters that infested the city. He glanced at the speedometer, normally he wouldn't go past 80, but it seemed the fellow survivor didn't seem to mind the speed. Claire had proved that she wasn't easily shaken from fear-instead of screaming in fear when he pointed the gun at her, she pleaded him to not shoot with a rather calm tone, her eyes where filled with determination, of courage, as her gaze was as sharp as the knife on her hand.

Bravery wouldn't stop her from being eaten by these hellish creatures.

Leon averted his gaze to his right. He saw the glove compartment, maybe the owner of this police car left a gun inside?

"Hey, could you open the glove box?" He glanced back at the road, focused on driving them to safety, which he hope was safe.

"Sure." Leon could feel her gaze at him before he heard her open the glove compartment.

"There's a gun inside."

He diverted his focus to glance at her. Thank god there was a gun inside. Claire could finally have something to defend herself.

Too bad he didn't have any spare ammo.

"Better take it with you."

There was no response when he saw her grab the gun and aim it-already she was a natural at this. She cocked the weapon, and tilted her head to the side. A sliver of hope had expanded inside him. As long as they stick together, they would escape this hell hole together.

But reality was often disappointing. There was a flesh eater that tried to bit off their shoulders.

Story of his life. He was always unlucky on having a long-term relationship with a woman. Leon wasn't active on chasing skirts, but whenever he tried to flirt, he was always turned down.

Speaking of, Kevin actually had better luck than him, despite failing to join S.T.A.R.S. twice-Kevin Ryman was happily married to Alyssa Ashcroft. He heard from Ark Thompson that the two were practically always tearing each other's throats, but luck always had them paired together when the group decided to split up. Ark honestly thought Alyssa would straight up shoot Kevin in the groin, but apparently his best friend himself witnessed their camaraderie, how the two had the level of trust that even Ark himself didn't have towards the fellow survivors sans Chad, and when the two of them were safe and sound, Ark would find them being rather intimate when no one was looking.

Maybe he was hunting for the wrong woman after all. Maybe Leon had to give up his undying feelings for the certain lady in red.

No matter how hard he tried to get Ada in his arms, she always slip away, always find a way to toy with his feelings in order to get what she wants-her mission, her objective, and then she would give him a sliver of hope, that one day she would finally stop playing cat and mouse with him, that one day she would let him get a way to her body, to her heart.

Ada gave him that chance in one night, but afterwards, it was back on this game of chance.

A talk to Chris, Ark, Chad and Kevin made him realize he was the foolish one all along.

He was pursuing the wrong woman.

So Leon stopped pursuing her. He got an unusual behavior from Ada-she was shell-shocked, the tables had turned. This could had been his chance to tip the scales, to pull the strings together and catch her, but he didn't.

All because of a redhead.

After talking to them, Leon had a chance to catch up with Claire Redfield. The small talks slowly developed into a daily chat, whether it be a simple good morning text or a good night text. Then suddenly, spending time with Claire Redfield was as easy as calling her if she wanted to hang out with him.

There was no chasing, no begging to stay, there was no game. It was two people who consented, two people who accepted, two people who made an effort to develop a bond and forge it to be stronger. It may be small, but it was significant to Leon. It made him realize why was he chasing the wrong woman all this time. Claire was more than happy to spend time with him, and she didn't beat around the bush when he asks her out.

He told Chris about this, and he received a punch on the face, not because he was dating his Claire Bear, but because it took him this long to realize his foolishness.

He deserved that punch.

Occam's Razor really works wonders for the two of them. After they confessed their feelings for one another and taking a well-deserved sleep, Leon felt Claire shuffle from the bed before rising up, streaks of fiery auburn hair cascaded down from her head. She glanced at him with a coy smile.

"Since you mentioned testing how we'll fit to your bed, why don't we just leave my bed to the curb?"

He rose from the bed with a puzzled look. He placed his hand on her shoulder, squeezing it. "Claire, are you sure about that? Considering we were having a tough time figuring out how to-"

A single digit placed on his lips was enough to shut him up.

"It's fine."

Her angelic smile was enough to douse the worry inside his chest.

Her eyes became half-lidded. Claire moved to sit in front of him. "Now, why don't you make me yours?"

Leon couldn't contain his joy, his hands reached up and cupped both of her cheeks. "Is now the right time for you to be mine?"

Claire nodded with a cheeky smile. He leaned close and captured her lips, a chaste kiss to prove how much he longed for this, and she didn't mind the cheesiness, she moved closer to close the distance between them.

The ideal wedding ceremony would be filled with family, relatives, and friends. There would be joy, tears, and laughter. Generally, it would be one of the best highlights of people's lives. It would be, except Chris Redfield had to steal the thunder by announcing how happy and honored he was to see the Redfield bloodline is finally expanding, only to receive a solid hit on the back of his head by Jill Valentine... or, to be precise, Jillian Valentine-Redfield. Chad Kaplan could only shake his head, an amused smile on his lips while Ark Thompson couldn't help but laugh so hard, people were staring at their direction.

Claire Redfield could only giggle at their shenanigans. The priest-who was Chad's uncle-merely stared at them with a deadpan expression. Chris was now sobbing on the ground, he was expressing his joy through tears. Jill had to cover her face from embarrassment, her partner was acting so childish right in front of his sister's wedding.

Ace approached them as she tried to suppress her own laughter. "What's up with Chris and his obsession with expanding the Redfield bloodline? I mean, Jill's already pregnant with his son already!"

Claire furrowed her brows as she shook her head, strands of her auburn mane swung along. "My brother can be an idiot sometimes." She exhaled through her nose. "If it weren't you helping us on how to finally give him a push to confess to Jill, they wouldn't end up together at all."

"Chris mentioned he can only be a best friend for Jill. He didn't think she would feel strongly for him, especially with how they see each other as the best of friends." Leon cracked a grin.

Ace glanced at him with a scowl, her arms crossed. "Look who's talking."

His grin faded. "Hey."

The two had a stare down, eyes locked towards one another. Even if he was going to get married to Claire Redfield, his relationship with Ace Thompson would never change. Leon couldn't even refer to her with her real name, Jennifer Thompson-Kaplan, considering this woman was more known for her pseud. Their little squabble wouldn't be over if Chad Kaplan didn't pull his wife away from him, while Claire reached up and squeezed his shoulder gently. He glanced at her beloved to see her with a smile that understood that no matter how childish his banter with Ace, Claire would be there to comfort him.

Leon cleared his throat. "Sorry if our wedding is not normal."

Claire giggled softly, her eyes sparkling with immense joy. "Did we even have a normal life? Honestly, this is better than what you're envisioning. You know why?"

He rose an eyebrow, a smirk curling on the corner of his lips. "Why's that?"

She gave him a smile, a smile made in heaven, as she placed her hands on his shoulders, closing the distance between them. "I'm yours, and you're mine, Leon."

A/N: As I'd said in my intro, this story wasn't touched upon for two years. I may update this again in the future, who knows? I gotta do the crack pair Hunk x Jill, and it won't be romantic.

Oh, and if you don't like me taking a shot on another Leon pair, please, vent it somewhere else. Or maybe request me to write for Leon x Ada as revenge?