Overlord fanfiction

Disclaimer: I do not own Overlord.

I have written this as a parallel and continuation to the Overlord Light Novel written by Kugane Maruyama. The story goes parallel with the Overlord story line and will not merge with the main story line until the end of the events of volume 11. However, Ainz's exploits will affect the story, just nothing that will impact the happenings of the 11th volume.

Events of the story are triggered with Demiurge's travel to the Holy Kingdom to get skin for the parchments and an additional secret mission mentioned in Volume 9.

I hope that Volume 12 will come out right as the story comes to the merging point by which I can create an alternate storyline while getting inspiration from Kugane's writing. I apologize in advance for the time you will spend reading without getting SUPREME BEING action. I just want to explore this new world and its potential before everything becomes "Ainz steamrolling pathetic weaklings of the new world". This will be my first story ever so I would appreciate your help and support in developing and improving the story.

Since this is my first time writing on the subject and in this style, I expect this to be quite inadequate at the beginning but hopefully it will become a good fiction in the future. Thank you.



"The Holy Kingdom has been secluded in its corner for centuries because of the Beastmen tribes to its east. The warring tribes effectively blocking the only land connection of the Luth peninsula that the Holy Kingdom resides over, to the rest of the known world…"

Berethur wrote on the parchment hastily as he played with the nail poking under his desk in his small room. The cold coming eastwards from the sea had little difficulty entering his room and he couldn't wait to get in his bed, under thick blankets.

"A wall, ten-thousand-mile-long, was made 555 years ago, by the God Emperor, in a mere week before his departure from his newly founded Holy Kingdom. The secret scriptures state that he was a man of immense size and weight with blonde hair, pursed lips and an air of discontent that lingered infinitely around him…"

He looked at what he wrote, 'how can he be satisfied when his subjects are the fools of this kingdom' he thought, amused. A God –although he was sure it was just a powerful man, foolish at best- of infinite power would surely be discontent if the folk of the kingdom was the same of nowadays.

They were even banal enough to name one of the six gods, the god of earth, "God Emperor the Wall-Maker Thull" while his actual name was left for the upper echelons of the religious regime.

'The clowns here relearnt it from the Theocracy but refrained from using it and used that back kissing name since the name was too humane' after all, a name like Tonald Drump (the actual name in-game was xxxTonald_Drumpxxx) had no grace to it….

Although ruler caste of Slain Theocracy and Holy Kingdom knew the shared roots of their beliefs, the teachings and practices had gone far apart over the decades and one of the Six Gods have become completely different from the God Emperor-blah blah.

Berethur dropped his quill but kept playing with the nail and looked outside from his window.

The sea stretched as far as he could see towards every direction. If he were to raise in his seat he could see the waves beating the rocks before stopping a couple feet short of the walls of the church.

'If the head priest were to see my past time activity, I would surely be whipped' he chuckled to himself. Though most of Holy Kingdom's folk, the Thanians, were believers of the God Emperor the Wall-Maker Thull, his church only believed in the primordial powers of the world which had been forgotten by the rest of the world with the introduction of the tiered magic system.

Of course it was actually his circle, which believed in the old powers. After the descent of the six gods all religious establishments in the Holy Kingdom were begun to be called churches. The old name "circle" have become inadequate to define his group and thus they also renamed themselves to a church.

His people weren't actually from the Holy Kingdom, they came to the lands from a cluster of tiny islands to the north west of the main continent decades ago. The islanders were tall people with stoic faces, a simple people of want and pride.

In the harsh environments of the cold and barren islands, islanders began to favor male children, while the females were either abandoned or were raised up under great difficulty to be married off immediately.

As the male population greatly exceeded the number of females on the islands, the young men were left in wanting. That is when the raids of the coasts of the continent begun, for women, riches and glory.

So did his Longship came to these lands and his ancestors claimed the westernmost part of the coastline as theirs and were assimilated into the Kingdom over time.

Though he wasn't as tall as the original comers, Berethur twenty-one years of age, was six feet two and was of a well-built stature. Years of scholarly pursuit however, has put him quite behind of the athletic feats of his fellow people. He was dexterous with his hands and had a natural talent towards magic and logic.

Since his early childhood his strongest trait was his intellect and will, that was why he felt home learning about old beliefs and powers such as the wild magic from the priests from the islands at the outskirts of their town. In this damp, dark and unexciting church.

He preferred it to the ass kissing of the god worshippers that never managed the go beyond tier 3 magic. Which made them useless in his eyes.

If you can't progress and learn more on the things you love, then why would those scholars of magic think that their presence is any worthwhile to the academia of sorcery?

The old magic system however, was untouched territory, even his seniors in the church were mere apprentices on the matter as there was still much to learn and not enough knowledge survived through the centuries.

He rose up and went to bed he knew he needed rest for his stronger traits to stay sharp.

Chapter 1

Berethur woke up to high a pitched scream. It was not usual to hear screams in the church and he was baffled, and sleepy. He forced himself to shook off his sleepiness and rose to his feet.

He waited for a couple seconds, listening carefully to hear what was happening out there. He glanced at his window, it was still night.

He assumed something has happened but it was hard to decide what he should do about it. The screams had vanished and he didn't know whether one of the priests had taken care of whatever accident that has happened.

He was compelled to stay in bed, but he knew some rituals of the church weren't "healthy" for humans, especially the ones concerning wild magic…

After couple seconds of contemplation, he pushed his room door open and walked out into a short corridor. He felt that something was amiss immediately as he couldn't feel anyone else in the church.

Concerned, Berethur went back into his room to grab his staff. The staff was made of thick hard wood, acted as a walking stick and weapon to shoo away the wild life more than channeling magic. The powers he has learnt about did not require him to use such items.

However, having it ready for the close quarters of the church made sense. He went through the corridor, down the spiraling stone stairs of the tower he was located in.

His room was on the upper side of the church observatory tower which had the library at its lower levels. He went down the spiraling stairs without leaving it for the books that donned the walls of this part of the tower.

He finally reached to first floor and turned towards the exit, he gasped as he saw half of a human body lying motionless just steps away from the tower exit. Hugging the bare stone floor. The light from the ever-burning candles gave the seen an even more ominous atmosphere.

It was one of the priests who he hasn't bothered learning his name. Priest's lower part was missing without any apparent marks of mutilation or burns. His head was resting on one cheek while his bald scalp was facing towards Berethur.

Half of him was gone without a trace, like it has never existed in the first place. But the organs and blood that spilled towards the closed door showed indeed, this man had his waist and legs at one point in life.

'What the wild magical fuck has happened?' Berethur was not in a position to think calmly. 'I guess a summon has gone wild and attacked the poor priest' he thought.

'I don't know anything that can inflict such a wound but I better be extra careful about what to expect at the other side of the door.' Actually he was debating whether to open the exit or not. He was in his nightgown with a stick in hand.

Not the best equipment to fend of something that can deal such damage.

'What worries me is that I don't feel anyone or anything on the other side, others would have heard the scream and I am sure the church should be in chaos' he paused thinking. 'But I don't hear a single thing.'

Although he was shocked, he knew that if anything was alive around him he would sense it, feel it… Berethur walked towards the door, skipping over the dead man and innards but failing to avoid the blood.

He grabbed the door handle and slowly opened the wooden door.


Keep reading!