A/N: I'm so sorry that this took so long to get out- some stuff went down in life, but I'm back baby! I hope you like this chapter- and don't worry, the next few chapter will have John and Sherlock together!

Sherlock sat on the floor of his living room, back against the couch with his computer on the table in front of him. He checked the clock (10:27 AM) and allowed himself a moment to tilt his head back and rub his eyes. He'd been reading Callie Rogers's blog all day, and had a moderate amount to show for it. Most was information about her personality, which he noted down in case it became relevant. He had been interested to see how much she revealed about her life- her schedule, her address, people she was close to. He'd been pleasantly surprised, for the most part. She didn't give a location more specific than 'England,' she never mentioned specific classes or what times she was busy, and the only specific person she ever mentioned was Katie, and by first name only. That said, it would have been nice if she had named her boyfriends. The posts in which she referenced them were the most helpful, but she only referred to them with nicknames- usually a feature. Coffee-Shop Guy, Tattoo Guy, etc. The most recent one had been 'Motorcycle Guy'- well, the second to last one, really. As Sherlock had suspected, she'd been seeing someone new in the past month- and this one wasn't given a silly nickname. She talked about him in a completely different way. She was vague but made definite references to a future together- she was completely in love.

He read through her last posts, but all four entries from December were totally useless. All she had posted in the week leading up to her murder was a list of lipstick recommendations and a review of an eye shadow palette, and Sherlock was even more eager to solve this case so he could justifiably delete this ridiculous information from his brain.

He sighed and turned back to the posts with actual clues. He had selected three (and an excerpt from a fourth) to print and add to the file: the first was about the breakup with the Motorcycle Guy and the others referenced the new boyfriend.

"Breakup Makeup," Posted Tuesday October 20th, 8:02 PM

Well, I've mentioned it on Twitter already, but 'Motorcycle Guy' is out of the picture. Such a shame- I really liked that bike.

It wasn't the most disastrous split I've ever had (longtime readers will remember 'Beach Guy' from a few summers ago- that was messy!). Still, I don't think I need to explain that it always hurts to lose someone. So I guess I'm just feeling that silly sort of morose where you know you're alright but you can't shake the feeling that something's off. If you ever get like this, I always recommend talking it out with good company, and since Katie's been crazy busy lately, I thought I'd check in with you guys! Especially since I get comments all the times from girls going through breakups and asking for my best cures for heartbreak.

You guys all know that I'm no stranger to ditching and being ditched by men. And while I mostly keep them nameless to you, they're all real people and I have important memories with all of them. I may have laughed off dumping 'Beard Guy' last year as 'an excuse to avoid buying him a Christmas gift,' but in reality, I did it because I knew he liked someone else, someone who could make him happier than I could. My point here is that no matter how it ends, it's tough.

Of course, there's no right way to deal with it and each experience is unique, but there's no reason to to neglect the classics: ice cream, pajamas, movies. However, I do think there's some merit to 'look good, feel good' mentality in these cases, especially if you're forced to leave your comfort nest and emerge into the real world. So, for those of you who do like to wear makeup in these situations, here's some suggestions:

Concealer: Maybe you're a crier, maybe not, but if news gets around people will look, so make sure your eyes look FRESH ;)

Eyeliner: I don't recommend intricate eyeliner for the emotionally fragile- the frustration can set you over the edge. But if you're careful, you could channel your pain into a cool emo-chic look lol

Lipstick: Something bold! Guy or no guy, you are fun, confident, and happy. Remember that.

I realize this is all a little silly, but in terms of actual, terrible heart-break, the hard truth is that there's not much makeup or an early-twenties-aged blogger can do for you. My one suggestion is smell: even if you can't smell him on your clothes, skin, sheets, whatever, make sure to cover yourself in some sort of soap or lotion with a distinct scent. It's not just about getting rid of him- it's so that you can smell yourself and remember that you're your own person, you can exist independently. Sounds weird, but it helps.

Lots of love and luck,

Callie xoxo

Sherlock didn't truthfully have any theories about 'Motorcycle Guy,' and Callie didn't seem afraid of him at all, but he made a note to look into whether any people connected to the case ever owned a motorbike. Her language was consistent with the rest of her posts- casual, bright, warm. It wasn't a desperate signal for help- it was posted exactly when her normal schedule dictated. It was always Tuesdays and Thursdays at eight. He had expected her to post something urgent close to her death- to let everyone know something was off, to ask for advice. But there was nothing other than her normal weekly entries; even the more emotionally significant ones followed this pattern. He picked up the one where she introduced the new guy.

"Life Update 27," Posted Thursday November 12th, 7:59 PM

Listen, guys, I never meant for this to be a tell-all or even lifestyle blog. That being said, posting here and interacting with you guys has really changed my life and I sometimes find it therapeutic to get some of my feelings out on this platform where I have at least some degree of anonymity. I never want to overshare and to be perfectly honest I'm not so sure talking about this is a good idea. But I can't help it- I'm too excited!

I've been seeing someone lately who's so different from the guys I've gone out with in the past. It doesn't make sense- maybe it's not even right- but (and I don't have a non-cliché way to say this) I've never felt this way before. Yes, ladies, the unconquerable Callie has fallen in love. How trite. How tragic- well, not for me, hopefully. But believe you me, it's complicated. You'll forgive me the vagueness of this post, but we're keeping things quiet for now- I don't want anyone's feelings to get hurt, and and to be honest, I'm not entirely sure which people from my life know about this blog…

But I won't tease you with hints or brag about my dramatic and passionate affairs. I just want to share with you how happy I am and to hopefully remind you that there really is someone for everyone. It may not be who you expect, but if I've learned one thing from all of this, it's that life can have some really funny ways of bringing people together.

Talk to you soon,

Callie xoxo

And then, more than a week passed until he was even mentioned again.

Excerpt from "Answering Some Qs!," Posted Tuesday November 24th, 8:05 PM

Glossygal asked: "How are things going in your new relationship? You sounded so happy, it made my day!"

Thanks for asking, glossygal! Things are still amazing and yes, I'm happier than ever before!

While we're on the topic, KellyH asked, "I know you don't like to get detailed, but could you elaborate on the 'it's complicated' situation you mentioned in your last Life Update? Not trying to pry, just want to make sure you're ok. I've fallen for the wrong guy more than once and I don't want to see you getting hurt! Love your blog, girl!"

I understand totally, Kelly! I know I kind of left you hanging on that detail, and your question is very sweet! I should have clarified that my relationship itself is wonderful and totally healthy- the only problem is that we both have certain friends who wouldn't exactly be thrilled about it. I think that's as specific as I can be… sorry! But please don't worry; if anything, life is just a bit more interesting now, and I will keep you updated. But for now, next question…

But even that little section seemed to conflict with the first entry. Right now, Sherlock was working with the idea that the mystery guy was someone already involved- so Zach, Marcus, or maybe John. From the November 12th post, it had seemed like Marcus. It would explain the comment that people's feelings might get hurt if they knew and the one about strange ways of getting together. But now it seemed more like Zach- and John could be the one who'd be angry if he found out they were together.

But maybe he just wanted it to be Zach to finally tie the two murders together. Maybe Lestrade was right. Maybe he was twisting the evidence to suit his beliefs.

Finally, he picked up the last page he had printed; the most damning of them all.

"Some Updates (School, Relationship, etc.)," Posted Thursday, November 26th, 8:00 PM

Okay- I have a couple things to cover today, so I'm going to start with an apology for putting up a second non-beauty post this week. I know some of you prefer I stick to the makeup, but I think this is important to share with you so you understand what's going on.

First, as we move into December, it's time I issue the annual statement about final exams. I will continue my regular schedule for the first two weeks of the month, and I hopefully will be able to give you at least a little something on Tuesday the 15th, but I won't be able to post on Thursday the 17th because I'll be too busy.

On a related and more serious note: after I finish finals, I'll be taking a semester off, and though I'm planning to return to my studies next year, it will most likely be at a different university.

As I said on Tuesday, I don't want to get too detailed about my love life, but since you guys are smart enough to figure out that it's playing a big role in this decision, I think it's best to be honest. To put your mind at ease, I'm not running off to get married and be a housewife! We just thought we could both use a little time away from everyone else to figure out the future. I know we haven't 'been together' as a couple for that long, but when it's love it's love, right? Okay, I know it sounds stupid, but trust me, I'm not in any kind of trouble. It's not a traditional route, I know, but it seems sometimes you have to break from tradition to find happiness.

I think that's it for now. I promise that it I'll stick to beauty-related content for the next month at least! Have a great weekend everyone!


Callie xoxo

Obviously, he had to find whatever man she was planning on running away with, whether it was John Watson, Marcus, or an entirely new player in this little game. How to go about it?

He could look into who read her blog, but it didn't sound like she went out of her way to share it with her friends. He would probably have to try asking her friends again, but maybe the best friend, Katie would know. Really, he should get in contact now, but everyone would be at the funeral tomorrow, and there was something else that he desperately wanted to do.

He'd had so little time to research the Zachary Wells case…

He sent a quick text to Lestrade ("Finished blog. Doing more research but will send a report by tonight- SH.") and then sat in front of his computer and started looking up Wells.

His father had left before he was born, but he had an older brother, and an older half-brother as well. His mother had raised them, but was currently in a retirement home. She had Alzheimer's, but it hadn't progressed too much as of yet. The half-brother was a high school teacher who'd been recognized as outstanding a few times- raising test scores, commitment to the community, etc. The biological brother, on the other hand, was serving time in prison for several counts of larceny and one assault with a deadly weapon. So where did Zachary fall on the spectrum?

Blood won out, it seemed. A background check found two arrests for possession with intent to distribute, and when he hacked in to a sealed juvenile file, he found one more.

Not that Sherlock had any right to judge, he supposed.

Still, it would be useful to know whether he was an actual dealer; intent to distribute just meant he'd been carrying a certain amount when he was caught. The drugs themselves varied. When he was seventeen, it was meth. Next time, cocaine and a few pills. The third time, a little bit of everything.

In addition to being fairly attractive, he must have been charming. He wouldn't be let off with a fine more than once unless he convinced them he was another middle-class uni student who would clean himself up in a few years, take a job at his family's business, and start a perfect little family.

Drugs could actually be helpful. Sherlock himself only bought directly from a manufacturer he trusted, but it shouldn't be so hard to get in contact with any local dealers or addicts.

Wells was generally a C student, because he had the mind of a B student but did the work of a D student. Online pictures, unsurprisingly, showed him at frequent parties with a changing cast of characters.

It took him an hour and a half, but he hunted down the phone number of the half-brother and the girl who appeared most frequently in the photos. He wrote them down, but there was a chance they'd be eating dinner, and interviews like these required some degree of etiquette.

Instead, he typed out what he'd learned from Callie's blog along with some theories and a course of action. He mentioned that Zach could be the man she was leaving school for and included some of the background he'd found. He emailed what he had and considered eating himself, but he wasn't hungry. He treated himself to a few lines of coke instead.

He was lying on the sofa, riding the high, when his phone rang. Lestrade.


"Sherlock, hi, I got your report. Good work. I think it's really going to help the investigation."

"Is that what you called for?"

There was an audible sigh before he continued, "No, I just thought you might like to know that we're releasing John Watson a night early so that he can attend the funeral tomorrow, as agreed. I'm requiring he be accompanied by an officer at all times- unless you want to do it."

"Why would you think I'd want to do it?"

"Well, you were the one who wanted him let go. You said you had questions for him."

"Right. Where is he now?"

"Here at the station, waiting for an escort to be assigned."

"I'll do it. On my way."

John Watson looked a little scruffier after a few days without showering or changing clothes, but he seemed alright. He perked up when he saw Sherlock, at least.

"Don't let him out of your sight, Sherlock," Loman advised. "Anything he does is your responsibility."

"Understood. Come on, John."

It wasn't until they were out of the station that John spoke to him. "Thank you."

"What for?"

"Asking them to release me. Offering to be my guard."

"Lestrade would have sent someone else if I hadn't volunteered."

"Yeah, but I prefer you."

Sherlock snorted. "Trying to establish a defense, are you? 'Innocent by reason of insanity?'"

John laughed but said, "You know, you're not nearly as unpleasant as you think you are."

"The number of people who would disagree with you could populate a small country."

"Either way," he answered as a cab pulled up. "I'm glad I'll be with you."

And with that, they sped off towards John's flat.