Chapter 1 – Glitch

A/N: Hey everyone, I've been wanting to write an Undertale fanfic for a while and I finally have the time to do it. Frisk is a female in this story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Undertale.



Frisk panted as she pressed her hand against the wall, hoping to see any sign of an exit soon. The air inside the tunnel was heavy and the dark made it her harder for eyes to see, but she didn't stop. She kept walking until finally she saw something. A light. There was a light up ahead!

Without a second thought, the child scrambled towards the light and stepped through. It was so bright at first that Frisk had to cover her eyes before taking in the sight.

The sun was just setting on the horizon and the sky was a bright shade of orange. The sunlight was warm on her skin and the fresh air wafted on her face. Frisk thought she would never get to experience these things ever again.

She glanced at her surroundings. Nothing changed at all. Everything looked exactly like it was when Frisk first came here. It had been only a few days, but it felt like forever ago.

But Frisk didn't feel happy about being back. She couldn't be as the weight of the dusty knife in her hand reminded her of what transpired earlier, of the fight she had with king of all monsters.

Whatever had been fueling Frisk through the entire battle had finally worn off and she realized what she done.

She had…..killed someone.

Frisk felt her mouth go dry and her hands shook. It wasn't her fault. He had attacked her first and she was just defending herself. Then again, at end of the battle he had been on his knees, completely powerless. There was no way he could've hurt her. She had no idea what came over her back then.

If she closed her eyes she could remember the resigned look in his eyes, the way he smiled as he turned to dust and-

The knife finally slipped from Frisk's trembling hand and her shoulders shook as tears began welling up in her eyes. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I'm so sorry.

The child found herself curling up on the ground and cried.


Consciousness slowly came to him.

His was vision was blurry and his head was filled with dense fog. The first thing he became aware of was the fact he was not back in his house. He was on the ledge of a cliff and everything felt strangely….light.

Blinking through his dimmed vision, he suddenly caught sight of something that made his eyes go wide.

The sun.

It's been centuries since the last time Asgore had seen the sun and he almost forgotten how captivating the sight of it was.

Asgore brought his hand to his forehead as he tried to recall what happened and how did he ended up here, but his mind was still foggy for some reason.

That's when he noticed something. Asgore brought his hand to his face to see that it was transparent, no longer solid. He could almost see right through it. The same could be said for the rest of his body.

Is….is this a dream? Asgore thought to himself. It must to be a dream. It's the only explanation for this that made sense.

Suddenly, Asgore heard a soft whimper. He turned around and was surprised to see he was not alone here. A small child was crying into the sleeves of her sweater, her small body was trembling violently.

Frowning in worry, Asgore began approaching her. As he drew closer, the king couldn't shake the feeling that he should know this kid. Something about her blue and purple striped sweater felt familiar somehow.

"Um…Hello?" Asgore said awkwardly. She gasped and looked up at him, her expression one of terror.

Asgore's eyes widen once he recognized her face. The seventh human. The fog that clouded his mind slowly dispersed and everything clicked in his head.

Before he could think of anything to say she had gone several shades paler and she let out a terrified scream.

Frisk tried to get away, but it was like her legs were refusing to be legs and she fell to the ground. She covered her head and started shaking again. "N-No, please!" she wailed.

Asgore felt his soul ache at the sight and the fact that he's the one who caused this fear made him feel worse, but he couldn't blame her for being scared of him.

Unsure of what to do, he slowly approached the girl so he wouldn't startle her further and knelt down. "Hey, calm down. Don't be afraid," he said, making sure to keep his voice as gentle as possible, but the child curled up even harder.

"S-Stay back," she stammered in fear.

"It's okay," Asgore slowly reached out and the child winced as if expecting unimaginable pain to come. He tried placing his hand on her shoulder, but to his dismay, it kept slipping right through so he settled with keeping it hovering over her shoulder, but not quite touching it.

Asgore waited patiently until the child finally stopped shaking and peeked up at him in confusion, her eyes wet. "See? I'm not going to hurt you," He stated, giving her a reassuring smile. The child looked conflicted at him.

Another idea came to the goat monster. "What is your name, child?" he asked softly. She mumbled something he didn't quite hear. "Sorry, could you repeat that?"

"F-Frisk," she answered hesitantly, whipping her eyes.

"Frisk? That's a lovely name," Asgore muttered. "My name is Asgore, but…you probably know that by now," he chuckled awkwardly.

Frisk looked up at him seriously. "How come you're here after I…." she couldn't bring herself to say it.

Asgore sighed gravely. "I believe it might have something to do with you absorbing my soul. A human absorbing a monster's soul has never happened before. We…I never knew what could come from such an act. I'm sorry,"

"So…..are we stuck like this now?" she asked after a while, tilting her head.

"I guess," he said and stood up, staring at the exit to the Underground dejectedly. His friends and family were still down there and he already came to the conclusion that he might never get to see them again. He hoped that they'll be alright, that someone would take charge and keep everyone safe.

Sighing, Asgore looked up to the sky only to realize that it was getting dark. He quickly moved towards the ledge again and looked down below.

Frisk stood up and walked over to him. "What are you doing?" she asked curiously.

Asgore's eyes searched the forest for a moment until he spotted a small town not far from where they were. "Ah-ha," he glanced down at Frisk. "Alright, let's go,"

Frisk blinked in confusion. "Go where?"

"To the town, of course. It's getting late and we need to get you back to the other humans," he explained. If he was going to stay with this child, then the least he could do is make sure she got back home safely. Maybe then he'd make up for what he had put her through.

"Oh, r-right," Frisk said hesitantly and began making her way down the mountain. Asgore glanced at the cave one last time before following the human.


Frisk's chest grew heavier with every step she took. Her mind kept drifting back to the monsters she met on her journey through the Underground, all the great friends she made.

The ones that she might never see again.

Was this really it? After everything that happened, was she just going to leave them behind in that prison? Frisk had wanted to help the monsters, but all she did was take their king from them.

Frisk bit her lip and took out her phone, staring blankly at the screen. Her finger hovered over the button, but she couldn't bring herself to call. What could she say? That it was her fault that their king is gone? That she was free now while they were still trapped down there?

"Frisk, are you alright?"

Frisk's head whipped up to see the monster king staring down at her in concern.

"I'm fine," she said and forced a smile.

Asgore just smiled back and looked up ahead. "Don't worry, we should be at the town soon." He stated, assuming she was just afraid of the dark.

Frisk watched him float ahead of her a little and then glanced down at her phone.

Maybe…..Maybe there was something I could've done differently. Maybe I could've helped them somehow.

The more she thought about it, the guiltier she felt. Frisk sighed and murmured. "I wish I could do it all over again,"

And just like that, the world came to a halt.

"Huh?" Frisk blinked, looking around in confusion. Time just….stopped. It was like the whole world was holding its breath waiting for this moment to unfold.

What's going on!? Frisk panicked and glanced at Asgore only to see, much to her shock that he was frozen too.


Frisk jumped back at the loud noise and turned around to see the huge glowing letters before her.


The button stood there glowing innocently almost as if it's beckoning her to come closer. Frisk frowned and approached it, curiously.

Could this be what she thinks it is?

Frisk knew about the weird power she had and the Save Points, but she didn't think it included something as drastic as this!

Could she really just…..go back?

The child stared at the button, unsure of what to do now. She weighted her options. She could press the button and see what it does or dismiss it and continue on with her life on the surface.

But what if this was her chance to fix everything? What if she could go back and set things right this time?

Frisk didn't want to waste this chance. She could end up regretting it later. Having her mind made up, Frisk reached forward and pressed the button.

Suddenly, the button started glitching and static-like sound filled the air. It seemed to be coming from everywhere and nowhere all at once. Frisk back away and clutched her head as her vision blurred.

For a while, all she could hear was static.


Frisk woke up with a gasp. Blinking, she gazed around to see she was lying on a bed of golden flowers. Her body was sore and she winced in pain.

Frisk subconsciously rubbed her cheek and gasped. The old bandage she had when she first came here, it was back!

Frisk felt relief fill her. It worked! She was sent back to the very beginning of her journey. Now she could do it all over again and avoid hurting anybody.

Grinning a little in excitement, Frisk carefully stood up and began making her way through the tunnel. She couldn't help feeling uneasy though knowing what was waiting for her behind the archway.

Steeling herself, Frisk entered the room to find-


Frisk blinked at the empty patch of grass in front of her, wondering where a certain flower had gone. She thought for sure he would be here again. Did she arrive a little early?

Deciding not to dwell on it, Frisk shrugged and was about to move forward, but then gasped when a thick vine shot from the ground and twisted around her ankles. She wobbled and her chin grazed the ground hard.

Panicking, Frisk began to struggle, trying to get the vines off, but more appeared and wrapped around her hands, rooting her to the spot.

"You idiot!"

Frisk flinched at the harsh tone and looked up to see the angry face of Flowey glaring down at her.

"I was so close, I could've finally had them and then you ruined everything!" he snarled and Frisk cried out as the vines wrapped themselves tighter and tighter around her ankles and arms.

"Let me go!" she muttered.

"After what you just did? Forget it!" Flowey snapped. "You wasted everything I planned for and guess what idiot…" Flowey's face began to melt and his eyes became black voids.

"You're gonna die for that," he said maliciously, his voice taking on a deep demonic tone. Friendliness pellets materialized in the air and he aimed them at her.

Frisk struggled and thrashed as much as she could, but couldn't get away. She was trapped. There was no escape.

Fear and dread filling her heart, Frisk cried. "H-Help!"

Suddenly, the vines that were trapping her burst into flames and Flowey let out a pained yelp before he quickly ducked into the ground.

Frisk immediately started removing the rest vines and sighed in relief. "Thanks, I really appreciate-" Frisk turned to greet Toriel, but stopped when she didn't see her anywhere.

Where did the fire come from then?

Beyond confused, she looked around and called out. "Hello?"


Frisk froze and her breathing hitched at the familiar voice. Slowly, she turned around to see the ghost of the monster king staring back at her in puzzlement.

"What happened?" he asked.


A/N: Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think of this with a review!