"Great, it's locked," Kira huffed as she jiggle the door to Dr. Mercers office. She let out a defeated groan, slumping back to the frigid wall. "What do we do now?"

"First rule of breaking in," Kimberly whispered, pulling a hair pin from her hair, "don't give up." She straitening the small metal piece, fixing it to the perfect angle.

When it came to dealing with people like Anton Mercer, everything was fair.

Carefully, Kimberly pushed the dainty metal into the keyhole and pressed her ear to the door. Her eyes closed as she concentrated on the faint pings and tumbles of the lock. A trick she learned from an ex-boyfriend. Ah, to be young again. She held her breath, minimizing all sound that would inhibit her hearing.

Kira quirked a brow. So that's how you do it. She stole quick glances around the hall, making sure they were alone while Kimberly worked the lock. The former ranger sure was resourceful. No wonder she had gotten so far. Maybe there was more she could share.

The lock clicked inside the door frame, granting them access into the office.

"We're in," Kimberly smiled.

"Okay, we have got to keep you around once this is over," Kira chuckled as she followed Kimberly inside Dr. Mercers office.

Tears filled their eyes as they were hit by a wall of what they could only describe as vomit in a used diaper. Immediately, the two ladies brought their hands to cover their nose, trying with all of their might to block that unbearably stench.

"What died in here?" Kira gagged, running to a window to release the odor and replenish the need for oxygen. Only then could they think straight.

They took a deep breath of clean air, clearing their deteriorating lungs.

The shivering cold overcame them as the two secured themselves inside. A lonely streetlight illuminated the room, allowing for just enough visibility without the need of turning on the light. An audible crunch was heard beneath their feet as papers were littered throughout the floor, lining what was possibly thin pile carpet. His office was crazier than he was.

The air hung thick as the feeling of being watched suddenly came upon them. Even if it looked like it, they knew they weren't alone.

A wispy buzz circulated around the room before centering besides Anton's desk. Decaying food sat in his trash bin, collecting a swarm of maggots that swam through the remnants.

"I think we found the source of the smell," Kimberly suppressed the need to gag. Who lives like this?

"This room gives me the creeps," Kira shivered as she took in her surroundings.

"It looks like he hasn't been in here in weeks," Kimberly noted by the brittle indoor plant in the corner of the room. Its leaves were dehydrated, practically mummified to the soil.

"This is strange." Kira pointed towards the bookcase towards the other side of the room, "Why don't you check that out and I'll check out his desk".

The former pink ranger walked to a thick bookcase, her eyes narrowed as she took in Anton's personal belongings. A small smile crossed her lips as she came across a picture of Trent and Anton in a frame. The white ranger couldn't have been more that 7 years old as he wrapped his arms around his father, an adoring smile on his face. Maybe they did have a good relationship. Kimberly couldn't really understand the loyalty of Trent to his father, only because she couldn't relate. Her relationship with her father was nonexistent. Not that she cared anymore.

Buried behind several books was a picture of Tommy, Anton, and another man at what looked like a dig site. She flipped it over, discovering the fragility of the picture in her hands. It had been through hell. Wrinkled and burned as the edges crumbled into ash.

Kimberly read the inscription on the back, marking the date as April, 2002. Was that the dig that Tommy was talking about?

Kira was elbow deep into the desk, throwing anything and everything that didn't pertain to her interest on the floor. It's not like anyone would notice, the office was filthy. If anything, she was doing a service cleaning out the drawers.

Something, however, did grab her attention.

"Um, Kimberly?" Kira called out to her from her place at the desk.

"Yeah," Kimberly returned, looking over to where the yellow ranger stood.

"By any chance, were you and Dr. Mercer friends before you came to Reefside?"

Kimberly returned a look of curiosity. What exactly was she asking? "No, what do you mean?"

"Well," Kira released a sharp breath. She held up stack of papers in her hands, offering them to Kimberly, "He seems to know an awful lot about you."

Kimberly crossed the room with a face mixed of curiosity as she took the items from Kira's hands. Pages and documents were stacked one after another, each dedicated to Kimberly and her achievements. All of her personal information was printed on the white sheets, hell, even newspaper articles she wrote for the school newspaper in Angel Grove.

"I think we better go," Kira beckoned towards the door, "The amber isn't here anyway."

While she tried to hide it, this new information had her questioning everything. She knew it. Anton Mercer was up to something, and whatever it was, it now included her.

"Just nod and answer every question with a question," Tommy whispered in Conner's ear.

I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. Well, Dr. Oliver is dead. I'm going to singlehandedly be responsible for ruining his reputation.

Conner threw pleading looks at Tommy who appeared just as panicked. This was his career on the line after all.

Randall continued to escort Conner to a group of wealthy business men and women that were gathering among a few dinosaur exhibits.

"I'm back with a special guest," Randall smiled widely, bringing an uncomfortable Conner to a group of around 40 people. "Dr. Oliver is head of the science department in Reefside High. He's an apprentice of Dr. Mercer. In fact, he's helped discover some the artifacts in this museum."

Conner was greeted with a round of applause as he waved awkwardly back to the crowd.

"I-I'm Con— uh, Dr. Oliver. I.. um, study these bones and bore kids for a living." He chuckled lightly at his weak attempt of a joke, falling flatly on the ears of Reefsides finest. They didn't even attempt to force a smile. Tough crowd. Conner cleared his throat, catching a quick glimpse of Tommy with his face buried in his hands.

"Tell me, Dr. Oliver, what's it like working with one of the greatest paleontologists of our time?" A man wearing a dark suit and a thick mustache asked.

Just nod and answer every question with a question.

Conner didn't even try to wipe the sweat beading up around his temples. There was a silence, followed by a single nod, "What do you think it was like working with Dr. Mercer?"

"I don't know," the gentleman laughed, "that's why I'm asking you."

The crowd was staring him down, trying to catch the poser in the room. It was him; tall, dark, and… 17.

Elsa was trying with all of her might to keep from bursting into a fit of laughter. Every second was more and more excruciating for the Black and Red Ranger and she was thriving— Hell, living for their discomfort. If she was the one that caused any pain, she was sure it would be a good day.

"Dr. Oliver," Randall called out, brow lifted wickedly, "Why won't you tell us a little bit about this dinosaur in particular."

She motioned to a tall figure, reassembled by its skeletal remains. It was ancient to say the least. Hundreds of frail bones were carefully fused together to create an anatomical representation of the dinosaurs discovered under Anton Mercers empire. Rare and priceless artifacts filled the exhibits, rivaling anything the Smithsonian could possess.

The Diplodocus. His knowledge on that went as far as the name that he read at the head of the artifact.

Conner gave a strained smile, "Why don't you tell us what you know, Ms. Randall."

"I'm not the expert here, remember? You are," She returned, a wide smile rising on her face.

Conner turned to Tommy with widened eyes, giving a nervous laughter to the crowd. He fidgeted at the hem of his black button down shirt, tugging on it until it began to fray. Whatever. He'd buy him a new one.

"Well," he began, "Um, th-this.. here… in this room… with us.. right now.. is the Di-i-Diplo-cocus— I mean, docus," he stuttered. Conner pulled at the collar of his neck, releasing the heat radiating from his chest. "It's the Diplodocus."

Now would be a good time for an attack. He'd give anything to have Zeltrax or Elsa barge in and just drop whatever monster they conjured up that week. Anything would be better than the living hell he was currently in.

He let out a huge breath having finally mastered its name, "He was, as you can see, very… tall. Good for hunting its prey, I'm sure."

Elsa released a snort. She couldn't resist the urge to mess with him.

"I thought the Diplodocus was an herbivore," Randall called out with a smile, earning questioning gazes from the crowd.

"That's what I meant," Conner clarified, his eyelids flapping widely, "He hunted trees."

Tommy, without a doubt, knew that his reputation was over. He would never be able to work in Reefside again. That was it. He was done for. He wasn't even sure he wanted to return to his body anymore. What could his next venture be? Bail bondsman? Used car salesman? Maybe if he grew a beard no one would recognize him.

"Anyway, let's move on, shall we?" Conner motioned to the next exhibit to his right. The crowd followed, though a bit hesitant.

Having just failed miserably at one exhibit, he was sure the next one would be no different. He was screwed, what did it matter now?

Randall strutted behind, her arms crossed with a smile with too much glee for such an instance. It didn't go unnoticed by Tommy, who up to that point had been standing quietly in the back.

What was she up to? He wondered.

Another large dinosaur stood at the center, its small arms looking more disproportional compared to its large head.

"Ah, okay," Conner rubbed his hands as he read the sign. Tyrannosaurus.

"Hey, I know that one!" He told the crowd, all of whom carried a face of confusion.

Shouldn't he know all of them?

Tommy tenderly massaged the bridge of his nose, dying a little every single time Conner let out a word.

"So this friend of mine is the Tyrannosaurus rex. The fiercest creature that roamed the Cretaceous Period, some 68 million years ago."

Randalls mischievous smile dropped, her lips parted. What the hell? The bozo wasn't supposed to know anything!

Tommy's head lifted from his hands in surprise. Wait, did Conner really just state a fact? Did he hear that correctly or had he finally died via second hand embarrassment?

"You see his razor sharp teeth?" Conner asked the attentive crowd. "Those bad boys were meant for tearing the flesh of his prey."

The crowd released a series of Oohhs and Aahhs, much to Randall's dismay.

"The Tyrannosaurus, like this one, could grow to be about 20 feet tall and…."

A smile formed on Tommy's lips as Conner kept telling Reefside's Honorary Society all there was to know about the Tyrannosaurus rex. He'd never felt prouder of any student than in that moment. It wasn't because he was possibly saving his reputation, but because for the first time, he felt like he didn't fail his student. That maybe, just maybe, he finally reached someone and was able to teach the unteachable. He couldn't help but join in on listening his student excel in one of his favorite subjects. Conner spoke with so much confidence that he sounded like a seasoned veteran. A professional in all sense of the word.

"Oh, Oh! This is the Triceratops," Conner happily exclaimed, pointing to another exhibit, "another amazing creature from the Cretaceous Period. You see, he doesn't look as intimidating as the Tyrannosaurus because he isn't as tall, but he could weigh over 5 thousand kilos. Luckily for you and me, he was an herbivore."

Tommy noted Randalls scowl from the corner of his eye. What was her deal? It was like she was out to get him or something.

Whatever her plan was, it backfired.

"Now if you guys will please turn your attention to the ceiling," Conner lifted his head, motioning to the replicas hanging from above. "That beauty is the Pterodactyl, ruler of the skies. Her wingspan was actually estimated to be over…."

Hearing Conner speak so eloquently warmed his heart. He and the former Red Ranger had always had a messy history. Partly because he felt that Conner never took matters very seriously when it came to fighting the forces of evil. He was a teenager and he acted as such a majority of the time, but recently, he had stepped up and had grown into a heroic leader, one that he was proud to serve under. Sure he still acted like a kid a majority of the time, but that's because he was. He couldn't expect him to be like how he and Jason were back in the day. Tommy never really had a social life, always too busy practicing for the next battle. That's just how they were, which was partially because of how Jason was as a leader.

The threat was always bigger, so the Mighty Morphin team had to constantly be on their toes. While Mesogog was just a serious threat as Rita and Zedd were, Conner's leadership skills brought a new light to the team. They had more down time to relax, but they still got the job done in the end. Of course, Tommy and Hayley had to keep the teens in check every once in a while, but only because they were the adults.

It wasn't like the teens chose to become rangers. They probably shouldn't have been snooping in his lab, but they didn't actively choose the power. The gems called to them. That was unlike his experience as the White Ranger, which he consciously choose to take.

Tommy's thoughts were broken by a round of applause, bringing him back to reality. Conner had completed telling the history of some of the pieces in the exhibit, fully satisfying the paying members.

Conner came over to Tommy, carrying a fistful of business cards given to him by some of the business men hearing his lecture.

"Take a look a these," Conner spread the paper, fanning them like a deck of cards.

"Wow, Conner," Tommy started, patting a heavy hand on his back, "I'm impressed."

Conner returned a huge grin, "I wasn't kidding when I said I loved Jurassic Park."

"Whatever the reason, thank you." Tommy meant every word. He was grateful for a student like Conner. No, he was more than that. He was grateful for a friend like him.

"Hey," Connor gave a shy grin, "I'd do anything for you, Dr. O. Especially after everything you did for me earlier today, you know, with—"

"—we don't have to go there," Tommy waved him off, remembering getting viciously slapped by Conner's girlfriends after practice. "Still, thank you for saving me out there."

He would call it even for now.

"I learned from the best," He told Tommy, a graceful smile coming up to his lips.

"Well," Tommy lifted his brows, "In that case, I expect nothing less than that little performance when we go back to school."

Conner let out a winning groan, causing Tommy to release a heartfelt chuckle.

"Has anyone ever told your dad how down right creepy this whole place is?" Ethan shivered, crossing down the hall of the back storage area.

Cardboard boxes were stacked on towering metal bookshelves, each labeled specifically as to not lose any of the precious artifacts housed in the museum. Inventory was detailed on sheets of paper at the head of the rows of bookshelves, making their job just a tiny bit easier.

"I don't think he cares," Trent shrugged, "Besides try telling my dad anything. You can't, I dare you."

Whatever. Dr. Mercer was the least of their problem at the moment.

"What's the stupid amber look like anyway?"

"It's small. It could probably fit in your pocket if you tried hard enough," Trent told him. "I know I saw it here somewhere."

"Whoa, what the hell is this?" Ethan picked up a raged doll, dating back thousands of years per the inscription. "Your dad sure has a lot of weird shit in here."

The green tattered doll was falling apart at its seams, sharp pins poking around all of its torso.

"I wouldn't touch that," Trent shivered, "It says it's an ancient voodoo doll used in an Akkadian ritual."

Ethan dropped the item like it was hot. He wasn't gentle to say the least. Another curse to add to his bucket list.

"Anyway, yeah, he um, collects things," Trent clarified, "Which is why it's a museum. Sort of his galleria of things he's collected in his life."

Oooh. Ethan nodded as he continued searching the inventory, occasionally stealing glimpses into the large boxes.

"How is your relationship with your dad by the way?" Ethan inquired.

Ethan was trying to make some small talk. He wasn't very close with Trent at all. In fact, he didn't really know much about him. Nothing except that his relationship with his dad was strained and he like to draw. They had been teammates for months, but Trent was always so secretive. He always kept everyone at arms length, which Ethan knew bothered Kira.

Trent turned away from him, releasing a sharp exhale, "I don't really want to talk about it if that's okay with you."

"Hey, man, I'm here if you ever want to talk. I'm sure it's not easy growing up in that huge house by yourself."

"I really don't want to talk about it," Trent returned flatly.

Ethan nodded, knowing when to shut up. He couldn't really relate. He had a magnificent relationship with his father. Lost in his own thoughts, Ethan returned to the inventory, skimming through boxes quickly as to finish the task. Unfortunately for him, he was too lost in his thoughts and he knocked over a large stack of boxes, causing the contents to shatter onto the floor.

Oops. Ethan gave a weak smile to Trent, causing him to need to look away. While he knew that wasn't actually Kira, it still looked like her. He couldn't shake the uncomfortable feeling building up inside.

"What's in here?" Was heard faintly from outside of the backroom.

The two rangers shared a burst of dread. Things were going too well.

"Dude, we can't get caught in here," Ethan began a momentary bout of panic, "They'll kill us."

"Who do you think my dad works for? The mob? No one is killing us."

Actually.. not the mob but worse.

A series of footsteps could be heard stomping down the fall, slowly nearing the back room.

"They're coming," Ethan spit out in a hushed tone.

"I thought you never got scared," Trent returned a raised brow.

The former blue ranger threw him an incredulous look, "That was before I lost the ability to control my power."

"Just shut up and no one will find us," The current blue ranger returned, eyes wide as the footsteps grew louder.

"No way, man. If they find us, they'll know we were up to something," Ethan returned. The only logical explanation, to him at least, was to come up with something that would cause the person on the other side of the door to become incredibly uncomfortable.

"Kiss me!" Ethan grunted, nearing his former figure.

"What the fuck?" Trent bellowed, "No!"

Not only because it would be Kira's body that he would be kissing, and he respected her too but, but just because.. no. That can't be the only thing they could do. There was hiding, running, faking their deaths.. anything!

"I think they're in here." The voices outside were getting louder as they neared the door.

Ethan couldn't even think straight at the moment, only running on the fear of getting caught. Without another thought, he pulled Trent to him, placing a long kiss on the blue ranger.

The handle on the door jiggled, causing Ethan to press his lips on Trent harder. Trent tried to push off, but Ethan was over powering, even in Kira's tiny body. The reality that Ethan was essentially kissing himself was not forgotten, but he had to shake the new reality they were living in.

"Wow. Kira Ford and Ethan James," Cassidy gasped, "Can I just say that you two were the last people I thought would end up together."

"Cassidy!" The two spat out as they broke apart.

"Devin, are you getting this?" Cassidy asked as her lovely servant brought up a handheld camera.

"Shouldn't you be lying in a hospital bed somewhere?" Trent asked, wiping the remnants of Ethan off of his lips.

"Calm down," Cassidy rolled her eyes, "He broke his arm, not his head. He's fine! Plus, he has another working arm, now are you getting this?"

"Every bit of it," Devin returned with a smile as he zoomed in on the caught teens.

"How did you even get in here?" Ethan asked.

It was near impossible for them to get in and that was with Kimberly help. How the hell did Cassidy get it?

"My dad's a member of Reefside's Honorary Society, duh!" Cassidy rolled her eyes. "Geez, Kira, I thought you were the smart one."

Ethan looked down… oh, right. Kira.

Cassidy fixed her hair, bringing the mic over to the rangers, "So, care to share where this steamy love affair started?"

"No comment," Ethan groaned, blocking the large camera with his hand as he and Trent tried to leave the room.

Cassidy paused, a smirk creeping up her lips as she admired her manicure, "Wow, first Dr. Oliver and Principal Randall and now the yellow and blue ranger."

Ethan and Trent stopped dead in their tracks. They spun on their heels, inching closer to the gossiping blonde.

"What did you say?"

"Oh, come on," she quirked a brow, "You didn't think I was stupid enough to hand over the tape to Kimberly without having made a copy for myself first, did you?"

A million and one thoughts raced through the rangers mind at that moment. She knew. That meant everyone would know. Which meant that their life would become a living hell and their family would all be in danger. The best solution was to skip town and take on a new identity. Yeah, that's it.

"Cassidy—" Trent started, but was quickly cut off.

"—Don't worry, I'm not going to tell anyone," she sighed. "You guys have put your lives on the line for us, I guess I kind of owe you to keep this a secret."

"Really?" Ethan lifted a brow. That seemed almost too easy…

And it was.

"But you guys should know that revealing your identities would have made my career," She added with a little pout. "Since I've kindly decided to stay mum, maybe you could, you know, pose for a picture so I could report this on the returning morning news?"

Ethan and Trent shared a defeated look to each other before painting a forced smile on their face.

"Never speak a word of this," Ethan told Trent as they posed for Devin's camera.

Author note: Hey guys! I'm finding this new love for this story and I can't stop writing. I hope you guys enjoy this one. What do you guys think about Cassidy and Devin finding out the identities of the rangers? Also, Tommy and Conner? I felt it was important to see that growth with Conner and Tommy. Kind of showing that their relationship is really a strong friendship. And what's up with Randall? Seems like Tommy is noticing that something is off. I had to cut it off here because it would have just been too long. Let me know what you guys think in a review or PM! It always makes my day. I hope to be back for an update soon. See you guys next time!