Tim set himself the task of figuring out what he wanted to accomplish by contacting Anne's family, and in what ways he could benefit Philip with the information.

There were the practical things like medical history and genetic predispositions that could really be important in Philip's life as he grew older. That was a worthwhile reason to do whatever he needed to obtain the information. Of course, Tim was perfectly capable of hacking records to learn all that, so it wasn't as compelling of a reason as some of the more emotionally based ones.

Philip deserved to know why he and his mother had been without familial support throughout his life. And although it probably wasn't a nice story, Tim felt he needed to know as well.

The stops and starts in Philip's sentences while speaking about his childhood had told Tim more than the young man could possibly have known when Tim combined the information with things Lukas had said, or topics he'd avoided saying anything about. Tim's heart ached for what he knew and greatly suspected the young man had been through, from neglect and hunger as a child to a variety of unsavory and illegal things an older Philip had had to do to survive.

The knowledge he could get from Ann's family would likely just fill in a few final pieces of the puzzle.

And Tim was ready for them.


My name is Timothy McGee. I went to college with you for 2 semesters. I recently learned that a brief tryst with your younger sister Annie resulted in a child who has grown into a respectable young man. Since he never knew any of his mother's family, I have chosen to contact you myself. I would like to be able to help Annie's son by knowing the family medical history at the very least, and since I can no longer speak with Ann herself, I'd appreciate it if you would call or write to me.


Timothy McGee

Tim was surprised to receive a phone call within a few days.

"Um, hey, Tim. It's Jeff Shea."

Tim excused himself and went to one of the unused conference rooms for privacy.

"Hi. I wasn't sure you'd call."

"What did you mean when you wrote you can't ask Annie herself?"

The voice through the phone was shaky. Tim took a breath. Of course Jeff wouldn't have known that Ann had died.

"She... I'm sorry to tell you that she died last year."

"Oh my god..."

"Jeff... Did you know? Did you know I was the father?"

"Jesus. No. She wouldn't say. And then she was gone. And Dad thought I knew where she was, and they beat the shit outta me, and I left. I joined the Army the next day."

"She ran away?"

"Yeah. I swear to God I don't know where she went. I looked for her, but the town just isn't that big. I was certain she caught a bus to go as far as she could. God... I can't believe Annie's dead. Wait, but you know her son? Where is he? Is he okay?"

"He's, um, yes. He's fine. He's in college in New York City."

"I-I'm glad. I wonder... Could I meet him? I really... I just never thought she'd... But if he's all that's left of her, um."

"I'll ask him. I can give him your contact information, anyway."

"Yeah, um, please do."

"And I want to get as much medical and genetic history from you as possible."

"Yeah, um, I can tell you what I remember but I was young when I stopped speaking to my parents."

"I'll be contacting them, too."

"Um, I don't know if that's the best idea."

"I figured. But I want the information and I'm going to get it."

Tim didn't specify that the medical history wasn't all the information he wanted.

It turned out Philip's grandfather had died almost a decade before. His grandmother had sold the family farm and lived in a tiny apartment over the beauty salon in the small town where Anne and Jeff had grown up.

When Tim found her, he had legal documents ready and arranged to take a day off and go visit her in person.

Angelica Shea was a husk of a woman who coughed her way through cigarette after cigarette as Tim questioned her. She answered questions in a flat, disinterested tone, staring at the daytime gameshows on her small television as Tim perched uncomfortably on a shabby loveseat.

"Gordon smacked Annie around after she told us about getting knocked up," Angelica said, referring to her late husband. "And I wasn't surprised she took off. Expected her to come back like she had before, though."

"She'd run away before?"

"Always looking for something better, looking for the good stuff. I don't know why she didn't come back that last time."

Angelica finally looked directly at Tim. "Did she find some good stuff?"

Tim shifted and nodded. From what Philip said, Anne had been happy at least some of the time: she'd found some joy in her son.

"Uh-huh. Well, whatever." Angelica turned back to the television. "I'll sign your papers. You can have whatever information you want about me and Gordon and all."

Tim offered a pen and the older woman signed a messy scrawl. At least he'd have some legal recourse if he needed it regarding the information he intended to dig up for Philip.

"Her son is a good person. He's a survivor, and he's happy now, in New York," Tim offered.

Angelica shrugged, and Tim left, unhappy about the lack of interest the woman had shown in her grandson but relieved in a way that Philip wouldn't have to be subjected to her apathy directly.

It turned out that Lukas was the one who got upset about Angelica's disinterest. He railed at Tim over the phone, telling Tim that Philip deserved so much more than what he'd been given in the way of family.

"You know I agree. And he's found more family than most people get. He has Gabe and Helen. His uncle wants to be a part of his life. I'm not going anywhere, and my found family will be there for him probably more than he wants. But really, I think you're all the family he feels he needs. He loves you, Lukas."

Lukas was quiet for a long time after that. "I love him, too. Thinking about asking him to marry me, Tim."

Tim's eyes filled with tears at that. "Well you have my blessing on that, whenever you decide to do it. I don't want Philip to think I'm trying to buy my way into his life, you know that, but I'll happily pay for any wedding you guys want."

"So you think he'd say yes?"

"Yes, Lukas, I think he'll say yes."

A/N I know this is an abrupt ending. I didn't know where else to go with it and I want to start finishing some works and not leave things hanging. Please be kind in any comments or reviews. It's been a hell of a year while I've been stuck creatively.