I started writing this story because I wanted to read something similar and couldn't find anything (so any recommendations would be great). It's my first time writing in a long time!

The story is set during season 2 of TVD and New Moon of Twilight though I will be mixing and matching storylines as it suits my needs for this fic. I hope everyone reading enjoys :)

Chapter 1

Bella sighed looking out the rainy window on the ride back to Forks. Edwards cold body was wrapped around her as Rosalie put her foot to the floor driving as fast as the rest of her undead family. Bella had done the right thing of that she was sure. Edward was now alive and well thanks to her. It was just… she'd hurt him by doing that. Never mind they'd both decided it was just for now, just for fun, just comfort. If nothing else they were friends. And Bella had taken off without a second look back. Only when she'd been on the plane with Alice had she thought again about him.

Bella knew without her there, in Forks, that he'd go back to the small town that he'd come from just over three short months ago. Still she found herself craning her neck looking for signs of his car through the heavy raindrops on the window.

"Are you alright love?" Edward asked while running a nose up her neck and breathing Bella's scent in. Something he'd taken to doing every hour or so.

"Yeah. Fine." She replied without looking at him.

"You still smell different. Sweeter almost." Edward mused. "Maybe you're coming down with something."

"I don't feel sick." She muttered barely paying attention. Yeah the scent thing was strange but she had other things on her mind. More important things. A pair of blue eyes burnt into her memory hardening as he pressed a kiss to her forehead before leaving with a wave. No hard feelings.

"We're here Bella." Rosalie's voice snapped Bella out of her wistful musings and her heart picked up at the sight of Charlie's cruiser still outside of their home. Damn he was going to be pissed, she realised.

"I'll be upstairs waiting love." Edward declared before giving her a brief icy kiss on the lips.

"Yeah. Sure." Bella replied with a quick, tense smile and got out of the car her heart pounding as she went to face the music her disappearance had created.

Sure enough Charlie was fuming. Though not as mad as Edward was going to be. He was surely listening to every word and now he knew of the other. Of Damon.

Bella knew her dad was mad thinking she'd taken off to go back to Damon's home town with him without saying anything. But he was furious when he learnt she'd disappeared with Edward, even without her spilling how she'd gone to Italy to face vampire royalty and almost certain death. He kept asking about Damon. Wouldn't shut up about him.

In the end Bella had to shout over her dad's tirade. "Damon's gone back dad! We all knew it wasn't going to last himself included! This has nothing to do with him so just leave him out of it okay!?"

Charlie had liked Damon despite his initial misgivings. He'd brought Bella out of her shell. He'd made her laugh, brought the spark back in her eyes that her father hadn't seen since before Bella had moved back with him. In Charlie's opinion Damon was nothing short of perfect for his daughter. Though he would never say that to anyone especially the man himself. He enjoyed verbally sparring with Damon, kept him on his toes that was for sure.

In the end it had been decided that Bella was grounded and she went up to her room in a strop. Knowing while she did that she'd have to face the repercussions; Edward now knew about Damon. Something she had been hoping she could approach with a little bit more sensitivity than Edward had received in hearing about it from Charlie's outburst.

It seemed to take Bella less time than normal to be at her room. The stairs somehow having shrunk, the corridor not as long as usual. She took a deep breath before steeling herself and going inside.

There he was laying on the bed as though he'd never left her all those months ago. As though he was always meant to be there.

Edward turned and faced her. Bella had to hold back a flinch at the look in his eyes. It was somewhere between murderous and deeply hurt.

"Edward…" She started with a stutter and a heavy heart. He stopped her with a raised hand though.

"It's okay. You moved on as I intended for you to do. I understand." His voice was devoid of all emotion. Exactly as she had felt until Damon had come along to kick her ass out of it.

"It's not like that. He's gone. It's over. You left me and he came here and…" Bella wasn't sure how to explain it all.

"How long…?" Edward asked still with that emotionless voice, his eyes burning into hers as though he could access her brain and it's hidden secrets through them.

"You'd been gone for almost five months. Dad was trying to send me to a shrink. Then he came. We had three months together give or take." Edward gave a curt nod at her answer.

"So did you love him. Do you love him?"

How did she explain what they had. What she had felt for him. What Damon could never feel for her.

"We weren't in love. It was like… like he was my best friend and worse enemy at the same time. We felt for each other and love could have been there but it wasn't. We were both to hurt from others for that." Bella explained her heart lurching as she did. Yes there could have been love there. She hadn't wanted it. It was the last thing she wanted but Damon didn't give two shits what people had wanted and he'd carved out a small place in her heart regardless.

"So where does that leave us?" Edward asked in a small voice she had never heard from him before.

"You were the one that left Edward. I still love you. I think you need to answer that question." Bella wrapped her arms around herself waiting for the answer. She loved Edward desperately and she wanted him with every fibre of her being but at the end of the day she now knew she could live without him. Truly live.

"I am willing to forget the past and start again if you are love." With his words Bella's heart swelled. She had him back just as she had wished for. And if a small part of her was thinking about brilliant blue eyes instead of amber she would never admit it. She would push it from her mind.

So there you have it, the first chapter, normally they will be a little longer. I am going to be posting every Friday. Any feedback would be welcome!