"Steven we fell asleep!" Cynthia yelled as she shook the man next to her in the hotel bed. The two had just gotten married and had traveled to the Alola region for their honeymoon. Due to time differences, they were arriving during the day but it had felt like nighttime to them. They had tried to sleep on the plane but both were a little too giddy about being married to sleep then.

Steven stirred and groaned. "What?" he mumbled slowly opening his eyes. He turned on his side to look at the clock. It was 11:30. "Crap, we definitely missed our reservation."

"And the festival," Cynthia sighed running a hand through her hair. She had been really looking forward to experiencing the islands.

Steven sat up and wrapped his arms around her before he kissed her neck. "Relax babe. We'll just do it another day. There is always a festival going on here. We deserved the sleep."

Cynthia's frown immediately turned into a smile. "We are never going to adjust to the timezone now," she hummed into his embrace.

Steven chuckled and kissed her across her jaw. "Well, then we'll just make the most out of the night then." He stopped when both their stomachs growled. "Maybe starting with getting some food."

Cynthia laughed and nodded before attempting to get up but was stopped by Steven grabbing her hand and gently pulling her back into a kiss. She smiled and kissed him back deeply.

Cynthia changed into a black flowing sundress and put her hair up into a bun with her hair pieces sticking from it. Steven put on shorts and a patterned button up shirt. Once they were ready they found a twenty-four-hour malasada restaurant. They enjoyed the food before Steven dragged her out and said he had a surprise for her.

Steven brought Cynthia to a cliff that he told her they were climbing down. Cynthia sighed as she picked up her dress as she climbed over another rock. "I feel like the surprise is just a cover up for you to see rocks" she muttered as she tried to catch her balance.

Steven chuckled and reached for her hand to help steady her. "Oh shoot you figured me out," he teased before helping her down to the private beach.

Her eyes widened. It was beautiful. She turned to him. "Did you know about this?"

Steven smirked and shrugged. "Maybe," he said before taking the blanket out of his backpack and spreading it out. "After you, my love."

Cynthia smiled and blushed. Steven always knew how to surprise her. She sat down and stared at the waves in front of her and the beautiful palm trees. She couldn't believe this was real and no one was around to see it.

Steven sat down next to her and chuckled. "I might have looked it up when you were in the bathroom," he said grinning at the blonde.

Cynthia smirked before grabbing his shirt and pulling him into a deep kiss.

Steven kissed her back bringing her close to him. "By the way you look beautiful tonight, Mrs Stone."

Cynthia smiled wide at the name. It was finally official. She was married to the dashing Hoenn heartthrob after a year of dating. It had been the best year of her life and she couldn't wait for many more like it. "I could say the same thing about you."

Steven gently pushed her back and got on top of her before crashing their lips together. He had married the most stunning intelligent woman he had ever met. He looked forward to spending the rest of his life with his best friend. "I love you, my beautiful wife," he said between kisses.

Cynthia hummed against his lips and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you too my beautiful husband." She brought their bodies close as the waves crashed behind them and the stars twinkled above them. That night really made up for them missing the first day of their honeymoon.

If you have a suggestion for a oneshot please let me know. I love writing these.